cosdep strategy plan 2019 - 2023 - cosdep kenya€¦ · for healthy living, promote school-based...

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COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

Training farmers to secure their future


2019 - 2023

COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

Training farmers to secure their future ii | P a g e


2019 -2023

Ensuring continued learning and practice of sustainable development…


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COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

Training farmers to secure their future i | P a g e

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. iv

CHAPTER ONE: COSDEP’s HOLISTIC GOAL ............................................................................................ 1

1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Overall purpose ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Mission & Vision .............................................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Our Values ........................................................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Resource base ................................................................................................................................. 2

CHAPTER TWO: SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................... 4

2.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Strengths .......................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Weaknesses ..................................................................................................................................... 4

2.3 Opportunities................................................................................................................................... 4

2.4 Threats .............................................................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER THREE: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................. 6

3.1 Main objective ................................................................................................................................. 6

3.2 Specific objectives ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.2.1 Objective 1................................................................................................................................. 7

3.2.2 Objective 2............................................................................................................................... 10

3.2.3 Objective 3............................................................................................................................... 12

3.2.4 Objective 4............................................................................................................................... 13

3.2.5 Objective 5............................................................................................................................... 15

3.2.6 Objective 6............................................................................................................................... 16


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4.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Appendices ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Appendix 1: Budgetary estimates for five years ............................................................................... 1

Appendix 2: COSDEP’S Income Prospects ......................................................................................... 3

Appendix 3: COSDEP’s Existing & Prospective Collaborators ......................................................... 5

List of Tables


Table 1: Action Plan 1 ................................................................................................................................ 9

Table 2: Action Plan 2 .............................................................................................................................. 11

Table 3: Action Plan 3 .............................................................................................................................. 13

Table 4: Action Plan 4 .............................................................................................................................. 15

Table 5: Action Plan 5 .............................................................................................................................. 16

Table 6: Action Plan 6 .............................................................................................................................. 17

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COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

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I would like to thank the Almighty God for enabling us to reach this far we have reached with our work of

promoting agro- ecological agriculture (organic farming) to vulnerable small scale farmers which has

positively impacted the lives of many community members in terms of healthy production (food & nutrition

security ), income generation ,livelihoods improvements and sustainable environment resource utilization .

I give my sincere appreciation to our donors and collaborators; Tudor trust UK, Presbyterian Hunger

Program (PHP) Church, One Green Universe, PELUM-Kenya, Ministry of Agriculture etc. who have

consistently supported our work through giving us donations and grants which has enable us undertake

different projects to the community members .Their support has indeed resulted to positive change of lives

of the vulnerable community members and they really appreciate it a lot.

I also pass my appreciation to all the other network organizations ,consortium bodies ,like minded

organizations including Angaza Stay Alliance Kenya ,GBIACK, Hand in Hand EA , KOAN whom we have

interacted and networked together as a team and through this we have interacted and networked together

as a team and through this we have got to move together .

Lastly, I want to appreciate COSDEP fraternity as a whole for their commitment towards service delivery and

performance .Their effort and hard work has helped COSDEP move forward .Thank you all.

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In this revision, we provide core insights into strategic planning and practice .This strategic

plan has been orchestrated to provide a step by step presentation of the planning process it

envisions essential aspects of critical, successful planning such as; execution and

implementation of values and maximizing results through annual plan updates.

To realize the desired transformation, this strategic plan has set clear and achievable plans on

how to utilize the company’s strengths, seize existing and emerging opportunities and address

various challenges.

As anticipated in the COSDEP’s vision, it is expected that the sector will yield an increase in

core volumes to over 6 percent and sustain it over a period of time .This will greatly be achieved

through a deep focus on the (2019-2023) strategic plan. Through the increase in agricultural

produce, improved market access and enhanced food security and nutrition , the strategy will

not only prevail but also usher in a rapid accelerated growth both financially and the company

as a whole.

This strategy envisions to gear COSDEP’s innovative capability even more

towards sustainability by enhancing and incorporating the role of the Youth

in agriculture .This is essential in that both the community and financial

resources are essential to achieving the ultimate economic success. This

year’s Strategy provides a platform in which consumer and customer

services are alleviated to sustain our long-lived Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR ) to the community and society as a whole.

All in all this strategic plan will be the foreground and basis for the formulation of the Company’s work plans

and performance contracts. We henceforth call upon all COSDEP personnel and all other stakeholders to pull in

their energies and work together for realization of the sector strategic objectives.


Resource Mobilization




Assistant Administrator COSDEP KENYA

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Figure 1:

COSDEP Demonstration Centre



Community Sustainable Development Empowerment Program (COSDEP) is a registered non-

governmental organization (NGO) that focuses on ensuring continued learning and practice of

Ecological Agriculture in rural communities for improved food and dietary conditions.

Community development program in other fields have also been keen in our transformation

mission of the livelihoods of the vulnerable communities which has contributed to our

engagement in varied cross cutting issues within our program. The organization’s main offices

are located at Gachie Trading Centre in Kihara Township, in Kiambu County.

COSDEP was founded in 2001 as a farmer’s training program in Kiambu and became a non-

governmental Organization (NGO) in 2004. Ever since COSDEP has reached out and has worked

with farmers in different counties namely Kiambu, Murang’a, Busia and Narok where at least

35,000 small scale holder farmers have been trained and two thirds involved in exchange visits

as a way of promoting knowledge and information exchange among themselves. Currently we

base our work in two counties, i.e. Murang’a and Kiambu Counties where we are working with

poor small-scale farmers in ensuring food security, income security, livelihoods improvement

and sustainable environment conservation.

COSDEP-Kenya is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives derived from

all our operational areas. We have qualified and experienced employees who are running our

program at the grass-root level. At the same time, COSDEP has been hosting both local and

international volunteers as well as interns from Colleges and Universities.

In this strategic period, a lot of changes have been made from the previous one. More challenges

that hinder the success of the current activities in the community have emerged. COSDEP has

expanded its program to incorporate these needs to ensure that the impact of our work is felt.

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In this strategic plan, we have looked at the achievements COSDEP has made so far while at the

same time given special attention to the challenges encountered. To maximize our gain towards

community program, we have established new program that will specifically address the

emerging needs of the community e.g. HIV and AIDs, water and sanitation, employment,

Entrepreneurship and environment conservation, which will facilitate the community’s groups

to access soft and affordable loans to enable them initiate income generating activities for self-

reliance among others.

Our fundraising efforts guided by the resource mobilization strategy have also greatly improved.

This is as a result of dedicating part of our funds for this activity. This has seen us secure

consultancy services in Western Kenya and other parts where now COSDEP has a presence.

Local income generation has also improved by 10% through more collaboration networking with

like-minded organizations.

Due to these new developments, our budget has gone up slightly, community members have

started appreciating our services the more and a high level of success for COSDEP’s work is

expected to be recorded at the end of the next five strategic years.

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1.0 Introduction

This is the pillar upon which COSDEP stands and dictates the direction as well as the tool about

and against which all the substantial decisions shall be made. As a guiding star, it bears the

identity and reference of what the organization is all about, a constant reminder of the on-going

and future source of the organization’s energy and spirit which goes along with keeping focus

while going on with its operations.

1.1 Overall purpose

To ensure continued learning, practice and spread of Ecological farming in rural communities

for healthy living, promote school-based gardening activities, entrepreneurship, and other cross

cutting interventions.

1.2 Mission and Vision


We are committed to promote a sustainable development initiatives among the poor small-

scale farmers in central region of Kenya through participatory practices.


COSDEP envisions a just self-reliant community of men and women who are socio-economic

and environmentally conscious and sustainable.

1.3 Our Values

We strongly believe in the following values as our guide when carrying out community-based


• Integrity

• Learning

• Team work

• Growth and sustainability

• Non-discrimination and gender responsive

• Value for human life

COSDEP’s fraternity wants their lives to be meaningful and, above all, contribute to healthier

communities focusing on self-reliance in all our areas of operation. We envisage having

sustainable healthier farming practices that will result in increased food production.

Our main focus is to decrease dependency in terms of external inputs and hand-outs. While

promoting ecological agriculture, we apply participatory methodologies which create learning

and sharing environment between the benefactor and the beneficiaries. This leads to continuity

of practices we promote. We want to see beneficiaries reaching the stage where learning and

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knowledge spreads amongst themselves, independent of COSDEP, as a long-term sustainability


We believe that farmers should earn what they deserve and not be exploited by markets and

brokers as is currently the case. Linked to this, in collaboration with other like-minded

organizations, we want to advocate for transparency in the way ecological farming and

marketing is carried out by also influencing policy matters at the government level.

At COSDEP, we value team-work amongst ourselves and encourage continuous learning so that

we are more effective and achieve significant results. Creativity and commitment are also key to

all of us.

In this strategic plan, we shall focus on community empowerment by educating women, youths

and men on entrepreneurial skills that they can use to become self-independent persons in the

community in terms of food/nutrition security, income security and environment consciousness

at all times. We shall also promote girl-child education by partnering in mobilizing resources to

enable them acquire basic needs to facilitate their education.

The prevalence of HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, high level of poverty, has tremendously increased

among the community which has forced us to strategize on applicable and viable activities that

would assist the affected individuals instead of watching as they suffer. Some of these activities

include farming healthy and nutritious foods and facilitating the victims to initiative income

generating activities for self-reliance. These we believe are key cross-cutting issues that must be

addressed to achieve our overall purpose as an organization.

We want to work in solidarity with other like-minded organizations, companies and individuals

in the promotion of our ideals, knowing that this is the only way meaningful change will happen

to our communities.

1.4 Resource base

• Competent and professional staff: - Our organization has employed experienced staffs

who have a passion to work and live with the community in most of the vulnerable rural

areas. They interact very well and are always on call even during odd hours when need arise

for their services.

• Operational office structures and facilities: - COSDEP has at its disposal permanent

expansive buildings that are utilized as offices. We have got offices, computers, laptops and

furniture in place to facilitate our work.

• Motorbikes: - During the last strategic plan, our extension program officers used to trek

long distances to reach the farmers and at times use the unreliable public transport where

they used to spend a lot of time. Today we now have two motorbikes and several mountain

bikes that are used for this purpose. Their work has been simplified and now they have

plenty of time to provide the most needed services in time. We intend to acquire more

within this strategic period.

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• Land: - Our organization has acquired land under their control where we have established

a demonstration farm meant for learning and other experimental purposes. Currently we

are practicing vegetable, fruit, mushroom, Rabbit, Dairy and agroforestry farming which are

benefiting our communities.

• Community: - COSDEP works with different community groups from different areas in her

quest to achieve her overall purpose. In the past we did not concentrate so much with some

of the vulnerable groups among the community. The trend has now changed and it is more

inclusive, namely OVCs, youth groups and small-scale entrepreneurs.

• Secondary and Primary schools: - As our strategic sustainable plan for our agricultural

activities, COSDEP concentrates on nurturing future farmers. Our previous strategic plan

has taught us of the importance to mentor young children in embracing farming as an

alternative activity when they complete their education. We continue to educate and

influence them to have positive attitude in these activities since collar jobs have become

very competitive and scarce.

• Like Minded Organizations: - COSDEP realizes the importance of partnering with other

organizations for bigger impact and we will continue collaborating with them to avoid

duplication of services.

• Government: - Over the years, COSDEP has increased its cooperation with the government

agencies and especially with the Ministry of agriculture who have now fully embraced

Ecological agriculture. Most of the times they are seeking for our services to train their

extension officers. With the devolution now in place, our involvement will be strengthened

more as most services have been localized and are now within reach at the grass root level

under the County governments.

• Development partners: - COSDEP continues to utilize its resources in fundraising from

both local and international donors. Our resource mobilization strategy will continue to

guide us and keep us in toe towards constantly responding to the changing funding

environment and enable us attain our goals. Some local donors have shown interest to

partner with us in implementing the HIV and AIDs, alcohol and drug addiction program

managed by two government commissions.

• Volunteers and Interns: - We have developed and put in place internal organizational

structures to enable learners as well as researchers from local and international higher

learning institutions gain relevant experience and knowledge. Through the use of our

facilities as well as guidance from our staff; they are able to induct their skills including new

trends into practice leading to the betterment of the community.

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2.0 Introduction

COSDEP continues to appreciate the positive attributes so far achieved with the community

under the guidance of its members and collaborators, who have enabled it to be where it is


As a growing organization, we give priority to review processes of all the program we are running

within a given period of time. This review is carried out both internally and externally through

the assistance of external facilitators. The process is meant to enable the organization to

improve on the challenges encountered and also putting into practice up-coming new ideas to

improve service delivery to the communities.

In review of our previous SWOT analysis, a lot has changed; more programs have been in

cooperated in our work. As a result of the constantly changing environment, the trend of doing

things has also changed. This has also affected the communities who have also shifted their

priorities in their livelihoods.

2.1 Strengths

• Organization’s clear focus and commitment to sustainable development.

• Strong collaboration with like-minded organizations for effective service delivery.

• Good interaction and link-ups with the smallholder farmers who are willing to improve their

farming skills.

• Efficient administrative capacity.

• Adequate human resource.

• Good relationship with related government’s departments.

• Good relationship with both local and international development partners.

• Accessibility and free flow of information.

• A resource mobilization strategy in place to guide the organization.

2.2 Weaknesses

• Inadequate funds to meet the needs of the community-based projects.

• Lack of documentation and research of sustainable practices.

• Lack of organization’s own transport means.

• Lack of marketing strategy

2.3 Opportunities

• Devolution of government services to the County level for better civil society operations and


• Integration of cross cutting issues for expansion of funding opportunities; i.e. climate

change, deforestation, alternative renewable energy, water and sanitation, Orphans and

Vulnerable Children and alcohol and drug addiction interventions.

• Willingness for other like-minded organization to undertake partnership projects.

• High costs of conventional inputs and rise in demand of ecologically grown farm produce.

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2.4 Threats

• Government’s reluctance to formulate and support favorable policies in the agricultural


• Government’s technocrats’ poor approach on sustainable development projects.

• Some organization’s duplication of services and their unwillingness to collaborate with


• Other organization’s tendencies to offer handouts and incentives to the communities for


• Unpredictable weather conditions.

• Political and security instabilities.

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Due to the changing trends of the communities, new challenges and the inclusion of new

programs, the organization has set out to include specific services that would seek out to provide

response to those needs. More to our previous objectives, we have revised and formulated

other specific objectives that would go in line with the main organization’s objective.

3.1 Main objective

COSDEP’s main objective is to work with the vulnerable rural communities by building their

livelihood capacities through implementing initiatives that helps in alleviating poverty, improve

income security, livelihoods improvement and sustainable environment resource utilization and


3.2 Specific objectives

i. To equip the smallholder farming community including young farmers with the ability to be

self-reliant and food/ nutrition secured in an ecologically sound way, and where possible to

produce surplus and add value for effective marketing.

ii. To ensure that continuity of ecological farming practice and information spread through

farmer to farmer learning and interaction is happening extensively in all communities where

COSDEP works.

iii. To complement and actively participate in appropriate networks for information exchange

and advocacy at all level.

iv. To mentor young up-coming school leavers and professionals on the need to be

independent and uphold good morals.

v. To train the community in small scale entrepreneurship for wealth creation/self-reliance.

vi. To establish COSDEP as a relevant, well organized, motivated and adequately resourced

organization doing high quality work.

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The following commentary will specifically illustrate the forward and backward movement of the

organization in every set specific objective for the next five years. Under each objective, there is

an action plan table developed indicating the schedule of the activities as well as the actors.

3.2.1 Objective 1

To equip the smallholder farming community including young farmers with the ability to

be self-reliant and food/ nutrition secured in an ecologically sound way, and where

possible to produce surplus and add value for effective marketing.

• Training that is interest based

COSDEP has continued to offer its trainings on a full course basis as per our training manual but

this keeps evolving with time. Farmers can now be trained on specific topics within the modules

depending on their interests and demands. This enhances their implementation and

commitment as they pay more attention to areas of their choice. This being a key element in our

program and which has been demand-driven, we shall continue doing the same, integrating the

trainings with the emerging issues.

• Impact Assessment

Over the years, COSDEP has worked and achieved a lot with its target communities but it

emerges that it still lacks a strong evidence-based monitoring tool to assess our work’s impact

and inform future learning and focus. In the next five-year strategic period, we intend to focus

on the outcome of this exercise, capitalizing on the gaps raised. We shall also address the cross-

cutting issues which have been the hindrance of farmers’ improvement.

This activity will inform how we are transforming the lives of our beneficiaries. The application

of the impact assessment form that has been developed will assist us conduct a baseline survey

before trainings and the progress made at different intervals thereafter. This will be backed by

photos and questionnaires during every follow up visit. We will sample a percentage of farmers

in each group for the impact assessment. We will work with each group for a period of one year

which will give a clear general picture of a group’s performance and prospects of its

sustainability. Records will be compiled and documented, filed for reference during follow ups,

reporting, evaluation, fundraising and other events.

• Working with the vulnerable communities

As a charitable organization, our main aim is to support the less fortunate in the community

with the means to be self-reliant and still find a more sense of scale even with other community


COSDEP intends to dedicate its funding towards supporting the vulnerable communities by

offering free trainings and other support materials. Through our partnership with the church,

local administration and even the relevant government ministries, we will be in a position to

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identify and mobilize the needy in the community. To ensure a sense of balance and

commitment, we will put in place an effective monitoring system that applies across the board

which will enhance their sense of commitment and ensure full participation, implementation

and hence sustainability.

We will also focus on working with a lesser number of community members for bigger impact.

• Community Resource Persons

In order to create a sense of ownership and promote project sustainability even without

COSDEP, we will seek to empower Trainers of Trainees to act as community resource persons

who continue practicing the knowledge that they have already acquired, share and exchange

ideas, knowledge and skills with other members in their communities and beyond. This ensures

that the benefits acquired are not lost but are a part of their development culture and a basis

for innovation and improvement in future.

• Targeting tea farmers and introducing Nutrition gardening

This will be more towards an effort to reach more farmers and more so because tea farmers

have for a considerable period of time practiced mono-cropping and relying heavily on tea. We

will encourage them to grow indigenous and nutritional crops for their sustenance.

We will work with the existing structures within the tea factories to create awareness and train

them on the importance of farmers embracing sustainable farming methods and better tea

growing skills.

• Focus Based cross cutting issues.

During our operations, we have noticed that more challenging emerging issues keep on

interrupting the community’s progress. The prevalence of HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, food

insecurity, drug addiction and abuse has affected the communities and, in the process, many

have lost their lives. In this strategic period, COSDEP will focus more on these challenges which

will complement our training on ecological agriculture focus area.

• Capacity building Efforts

COSDEP has always valued the need to keep learning and endeavored to identify areas that

require improvement and new ones to adopt and initiate depending on the changing trends

relevant to our main objective. With this in mind, we intend to continue improving competencies

and capacities for staff and board members necessary for continuation of the entire

organization’s growth and high-quality work by constantly using both in-house and external

facilitation to address identified areas within this strategic period.

This will facilitate the reflection on our work, assess the circumstances and learn from them in

order to inform and determine the next steps. Also, to generate and try out new ideas that will

help in earning the organization a significant place in the changing ecological conditions as well

as sustaining its performance and effectiveness towards the future.

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Table 1: Action Plan 1



Actors Time


Action Steps






Consultants and

the community

2019 i. Induction.

ii. Develop


iii. Prepare survey


iv. Field visit.

v. Compilation of


i. Transport

ii. Meals

iii. Accommodation

iv. Documentation




Extensionists 2019 i. Conduct meetings

ii. Set date and time.

i. Venue

ii. Transport

iii. Meals

Recruitment Extensionists 2019 i. Registration

ii. Set training schedule.

i. Venue

ii. Transport

iii. Meals

Training Extensionists 2019-


i. Formulate and


Training manual.

ii. Set Time-table

i. Venue

ii. Transport

iii. Meals

iv. Accommodation

Training of





ce persons



i. Identify the best

ii. Recruit them for

further training

iii. Follow up of the


i. Transport

ii. Meals

iii. Accommodation

iv. Training materials

Follow-ups Extensionists 2019-


I. Set field visit time-


Ii. Field visits.

i. Transport

ii. Meals

iii. Documentation

Marketing Extensionists

and farmers.



i. Market survey

ii. Marketing Linkages

with other networks.

iii. Establish local


i. Transport

ii. Communication

iii. Meals

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Figure 2: COSDEP Staff educating

farmers how to grow organic kales

3.2.2 Objective 2

To ensure that continuity of ecological farming practice and information spread through

farmer to farmer learning and interaction is happening extensively in all communities

where COSDEP works.

• Our approach

Previously, farmers have always been coming and learning at our demonstration farm and at

the same time conducting local exchange visits for sharing and learning and also capturing the

best practices amongst themselves. This has proved to be very effective and productive in

spreading the knowledge and skills in ecological farming. We shall continue with the same trend

in this strategic period.

• The demonstration centers

This has been another tool of reaching and assisting the farmers as they always had an

opportunity to see and believe that ecological agriculture actually works as mentioned above.

COSDEP has established small plots in the farm with different types of farming and methods

mainly for educational purposes. In this demonstration farm, we have put more emphasis on

growing crops that are said not to do well and cannot grow in areas where our smallholder

farmers live. These kinds of demonstration have helped farmers to learn their many mistakes

when they are putting such crops on trial. After visiting our farm, the farmers learn and are

eventually able to practice the same in their respective locations hence improving food

production. The demonstration farm has also acted as a platform for interaction between

COSDEP and other organizations working in different sectors.

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• Farmers localized demonstrations sites.

COSDEP will focus more on facilitating the farmers in establishing localized demonstration plots.

The farmers will continue to provide the plots and required labor while the organization

provides seeds and trainers. The resultant of this will enable reaching-out to more farmers in a

convenient proximity without necessarily relying on extension staff.

Table 2: Action Plan 2

Activity Areas Actors When Action Steps Resource


Exchange Visits Extensionists



2015 -


i. Visit Schedule

ii. Identify visit


iii. Registration

iii. Organize the

visits logistics

i. Venue

ii. Transport

iii. Communications

iv. Meals




Extensionists/farmers 2015-


i. Identify the local


ii. Demonstrate

the trained


i. Demonstration plot

ii. Planting


iii. Transport

Documentation Extensionists/farmers 2015-


i. Record keeping

i. Documentation


Fig: [b]

vegetables at the Demo farm

Fig: 4 [a]

Farmers learning how to grow

arrow roots

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3.2.3 Objective 3

To complement and actively participate in appropriate networks for information

exchange and advocacy at all levels.

• Collaborations

COSDEP is a member of different networks which are like-minded including Participatory

Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM), Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), Schools

and Colleges Permaculture program (SCOPE Kenya), HAND IN HAND, STAY ALLIANCE. These

networks provide capacity building to their members as well as small funds for agricultural

community-based program. Most important, they offer extensive training to our staff which

empowers them to efficiently work with the communities which adds value in achieving our


• Information access and sharing

An organization’s capacity to access and share information is very vital for its growth. Our

organization has the tools of accessing internet and other means of communication both locally

and internationally. We are also able to access publications on topical relevant emerging issues

from other organizations and other important documentations. COSDEP also produces a

newsletter on quarterly basis which we share with our beneficiaries and other partners.

• Advocacy

In the past, COSDEP has joined other lobby groups in their effort to advocate for change in

various issues affecting the community. The policy change of GMOs was part of one of our

success stories and we were proud as an organization to be associated with this achievement.

In this strategic plan period, we continue engaging and interacting with other organization in the

spirit of advocacy.

• Devolution of services

During the previous strategic period, the County government structure was not in place as

compared to now when most government services have been devolved and are now accessible

even at the local level. So far, most people now understand the roles of the county government

and the services they offer at the community level.

As an organization, we envisage seeing improvements at the community’s livelihoods courtesy

of the county government. COSDEP will closely collaborate with other stakeholders to take

advantage of this transformation.

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Table 3: Action Plan 3

Activity Areas Actors When Action Steps Resource


Outsource for

information on





2019-2023 i. Identify the



ii. Communicate

your interest

iii. Pay visit

i. Transport

ii. Communication

iii. Meals and


Publication and



Extensionists/ Farmers

/ Consultants and


2019-2023 i. Identify the

relevant areas for


ii. Develop articles

iii. Outsource and

distribute relevant

publications from


i. Printing materials

ii. Communication

iii. Transport

Attend Collective

Fora activities

Staff / Farmers 2019 - 2023 i. Register with



ii. Attend relevant


iii. Record keeping

and information

sharing on the


i. Subscription fees

ii. Transport






College Students/


2019 - 2023 i. Advertise posts

ii. Application

iii. Interviews

iv. Recruitment

i.Allowance and


ii. Writing materials

iii. Communication

3.2.4 Objective 4

To mentor students, up-coming school leavers and professionals on the need to be

independent and uphold good morals

• Gardening for schools.

COSDEP has been running farming activities in primary and secondary schools as a way of

nurturing future young farmers as well as influencing them positively towards agriculture as a

career. It also enables these young people to experiment what they learn at home during the


The project also doubles as a display point for the concepts we stand for to the farming

community around the schools where the farmers participate during some learning events and

take home the lessons for improving their own practices in their homes.

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In this strategic period, besides working with a few teachers COSDEP intends to involve the

senior school administrators, parents, local administration and more teachers targeting more

schools for the success of the project.

• Vocational trainings, Skills development and investment.

During the previous strategic plan, we realized with great concern that many youths from needy

families usually drop-out of school. Others are unable to continue after completing these early

stages of their education. This hinders them from acquiring technical or professional skills that

would have enabled them become self-reliant. In this strategic period, we shall focus on

initiatives that can help these young people either secure employment or become self-reliant.

• Creating linkages with prospective employers.

COSDEP will facilitate the fresh graduates to secure employment in their respective fields by

linking them with organizations which would eventually employ them. We shall also be enlisting

them for internship during which period they will be assisted by our experienced staff to acquire

more knowledge and learn more skills in their careers.

COSDEP staff working at the

Demonstration center

The Director Educating pupils at Mariira

primary school in their demo farm

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Table 4: Action Plan 4

Activity Areas Actors When Action Steps Resource Implication

Identify Schools

and Institutions







i. Make contact

ii. School/institutions


iii. Develop a program

of activities

i. Transport

ii. Communications

iii. Meals

Establish School









i. Register the students

ii. Identify the site.

iii. Demonstrate the


i. Writing materials.

ii. Tools and planting


iii. Transport

iv. Meals

Training for

school leavers


/ local leaders

/ parents



i. Identify school drop-


ii. Registration

iii. Develop training


i. Transport

ii. Meals

iii. Venue

iv. Training materials

Link-up trained


leavers and

drop-outs to







i. Needy cases and



ii. Registration.

iii. Link them up.

i. Transport

ii. Communication

iii. Writing materials

iv. Meals allowance

3.2.5 Objective 5

To train the community in small scale entrepreneurship for wealth creation/self-reliance

• Encourage groups’ formation and registration.

Many groups in the community have been conducting small activities that are productive to

them. This is because they are not recognized. We shall facilitate registration process of such

groups; train them on group dynamics, leadership skills, organizational skills, and basic project

management so that they can be able to access available information, resources and services.

• Initiation of small-scale enterprises.

The stiff competition and scarcity of the job opportunities have made COSDEP to find alternative

ways of livelihood for the youths. We shall promote development of income generating activities

at the grass-root level to enable youths to be self-employed after they complete their education.

• Facilitate access to soft loans.

In the communities, table-banking is common but unfortunately, the approach is wrong and that

is why it has not helped them much. COSDEP will train and link them up with micro-finance

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organizations that would provide them affordable soft loans that would enable them start

income generating activities for self-reliance.

Table 5: Action Plan 5

Activity Areas Actors When Action Steps Resource




COSDEP 2019-2023 i. Mobilization

ii. Facilitate groups’


i. Transport

ii. Communication

Training of IGAs COSDEP/


2019-2023 i. Registration.

ii. Identify the

group’s need.

iii. Set training


iv. Training


i. Transport

ii. Communication

iii. Training


iv. Meals

v. Venue

vi. Facilitation costs.

Linkages with





2019-2023 i. Identify and

register interested


ii. Link them with

the Micro-finance


i. Transport

ii. Communication

iii. Printing


iv. Facilitation costs.

3.2.6 Objective 6

To establish COSDEP as a relevant, well organized, motivated and adequately resourced

organization doing high quality work.

COSDEP recognizes the need to continue growing steadily and therefore endeavors to put more

effort in this objective. Gradual growth guarantees stability and some level of certainty and

strong understanding of the issues that we deal with in order to remain relevant and focused.

• Proposal writing and fundraising.

We shall focus more on resource mobilization with the motive of expanding the existing

programs to reach-out to more community members. In this strategic period, COSDEP has

engaged an officer who is spending time in writing proposals and fundraising. More to

fundraising for sustainable agriculture which is key focus area, we will also endeavor to include

the mentioned cross cutting issues.

• Consultancy.

In the previous strategic period, consultancy services have yielded a small percentage of our

income. However, at the start of this strategic period (2019-2023), we have entered into an

agreement with Hand in Hand Eastern Africa to train their staff members and farmers at a fee

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in our demonstration farm. This is a clear indication that consultancy services can generate

funds that can be helpful in improving our programs. Going forward COSDEP will continue

pursuing more consultancy work.

• Local income generating activities (I.G. As).

In our resource mobilization strategy, we had indicated that for COSDEP to realize an effect on

its fundraising methodology there is need to incorporate other activities that will boost its

annual income besides donor funding and the training fee that are currently the sources of


Through the organization’s demonstration farm, we have been able to substantially raise our

local income to about 6% of the total budget mainly from initiatives like; vegetable growing and

other subsistence crops, dairy farming, poultry keeping, and agro-forestry. Going forward in this

upcoming strategic period, we intend to raise our local income by opening a fixed account and

acquiring tents and plastic chairs for hire during community events.

We want to swiftly and steadily embark on a sustainability strategy for self-reliance through the

above initiatives.

Table 6: Action Plan 6

Activity Areas Actors When Action Steps Resource


Fundraising Staff 2019 – 2023 i. Proposal Writing

ii. Joint Projects

i. Communication

ii. Printing


Consultancy Staff /Partners 2019-2023

i. Tender


ii. Building


i. Communication

ii. Transport

iii. Printing


Local IGAs Staff/Partners 2019-2023 i. Generating ideas

ii. Implementation

iii. Development


i. Capital

ii. Communication



Staff/Partners 2019-2023 i. Identifying

training needs

ii. Consultancy

i. Printing materials

ii. Allowances for


iii. Venue

PMLE Staff/ Resource



2019 - 2023 i. Define meetings

and visits

ii. Reporting

i. Transport

ii. Communication

COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

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4.0 Introduction

This is the strengthening of the existing structures to enable the organization achieve better

results in its programs. This tool highlights the organization’s activities that enable it to plan and

reflect on its performance. It also informs the organization on the area/s of improvement for

more impact in the community. This is important because of the following reasons: -

i. To monitor efficiency on achieving our objectives.

ii. To ensure that there is up to date documentation for reference.

iii. To enable proper decision making and being clear about where we are going.

iv. To enable identify problems at an early stage and propose possible actions.

v. To help identify new ideas and opportunities and how to creatively respond to them.

vi. To help improve in allocation and use of time

vii. To be clear about relationships.

viii. To build a strong and maintainable organizational culture.

COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

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Main Activity Specific Activities Frequency Objective

MEETINGS 1. Learning meetings.

(a)Book Club Sessions.

(b) Interactive meetings.

(c) Staff Sharing and

Learning Meetings.

2. Staff Business.

3. Board Meetings.

4. Annual reflective & planning


Every end Month -1½ hours.

After every four (4) months.

Every end month.



End of the year.


Bringing and sharing new ideas as learnt

from the literature.

Learning and sharing together with the


Bringing new ideas from experiences.

General review of COSDEP’s progress.

Review and decision making on issues.

Reviews a year’s performance,

challenges, learning and opportunities.

COSDEP Strategy plan 2019 - 2023

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REPORTS 1. Monthly field reports.

2. Compiled monthly reports.

3. Annual reports.

4. Project reports.

5. Financial report.

6. Monthly Financial Monitor.

Every end month.


End of every Year.

At completion or as required.

End of financial year and end

of projects.

Every end of month.

To show individual progress in the field.

Reflect the general monthly field

performance for documentation and

reporting to the board.

For giving feedback on experiences and

achievements to the board, donors and


Covers an entire specific project.

Contains organizations and project’s

income, expenditure and accountability.

Keeping track of monthly income and


VISITS 1. Baseline survey

2. Field staff supervision visits.

3. Trainer to trainer (staff) visits.


Twice per year.

When need arises.

To collect data on initial situation on the

ground before any intervention

Examine individual and general field


To offer support to one another upon

request from a member and for

information flow.

FUNDRAISING 1. Proposal writing.

2. Consultancy.

3. Income Generating Activities.

Throughout the period. This is useful for generating and

enhancing financial resources required

for COSDEP’s operations. It is a check-list

for COSDEP’s project activities



Appendix 1: Budgetary estimates for five years in (KES)



1 Training and Facilitation materials for use in the field and


521, 200

2 Communication, Running and other office expenses 936, 198

3 Salaries, allowances and other fees 3, 047, 000

4 Consultancy 100,000

5 Traveling and Subsistence Costs 2, 904, 000

6 Planning, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation 266,000

7 Staff and Board Capacity Building 385,000

8 Equipment’s maintenance, Internet costs and



9 Subscription and Networking 150,000

10 Bank charges and interest 25,000

Total 8, 634, 398

Miscellaneous @ 5% 431, 719

Grand Total 9, 066, 117



1 Training and Facilitation materials for use in the field

and office


2 Communication, Running and other office expenses 1,036,000

3 Salaries, allowances and other fees 3, 287,000

4 Consultancy 150,000

5 Traveling and Subsistence Costs 3, 109,000

6 Planning, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation 300, 000

7 Staff and Board Capacity Building 420, 000


8 Equipment’s maintenance, Internet costs and


350, 000

9 Subscription and Networking 200, 000

10 Bank charges and interest 26, 000

Total 9,519,200

11 Miscellaneous 5% 475,960

Total 9,995,160



1 Training and Facilitation materials for use in the field

and office


2 Communication, Running and other office expenses 1,100,000

3 Salaries, allowances and other fees 3,300,000

4 Consultancy 170,000

5 Traveling and Subsistence Costs 3,200,000

6 Planning, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation 350,000

7 Staff and Board Capacity Building 450,000

8 Equipment’s maintenance, Internet costs and



9 Subscription and Networking 220,000

10 Bank charges and interest 27,000

Total 9,897 000

11 Miscellaneous 5% 494, 850

Grand Total 10, 391, 850




1 Training and Facilitation materials for use in the field

and office

750, 000

2 Communication, Running and other office expenses 1, 200,000

3 Salaries, allowances and other fees 3, 400,000

4 Consultancy 200, 000

5 Traveling and Subsistence Costs 3,300,000

6 Planning, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation 380,000

7 Staff and Board Capacity Building 480,000

8 Equipment’s maintenance, Internet costs and



9 Subscription and Networking 250,000

10 Bank charges and interest 28,000

Total 10,388,000

11 Miscellaneous 5% 519,400

Grand Total 10,907,400




1 Training and Facilitation materials for use in the field

and office


2 Communication, Running and other office expenses 1,400,000

3 Salaries, allowances and other fees 3,500,000

4 Consultancy 250,000

5 Traveling and Subsistence Costs 3,450,000

6 Planning, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation 400,000

7 Staff and Board Capacity Building 500,000

8 Equipment’s maintenance, Internet costs and



9 Subscription and Networking 270,000

10 Bank charges and interest 29,000

Total 11,019,000

11 Miscellaneous 5% 550,950

Total 11,569,950


Appendix 2: COSDEP’S Income Prospects





Farmers Training Fee 300 Farmers per year @ Kes 300


90, 000 450, 000

Exchange visits fee 30 Farmers per month @ Kes 300


108, 000 540, 000

Consultancy An average of Kes 100,000 per year 100, 000 500, 000

Sale of training manuals 20 Books per month @ Kes 300 each 72, 000 360, 000

Demonstration farm


Sale of produce Kes 20,000 per


240, 000 1, 200, 000

Total 610,000 3,050,000


Appendix 3: COSDEP’s Existing & Prospective Collaborators

1. Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Kenya Country Desk – Consortium

2. Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN)- Consortium

3. Farmers groups – Community Mobilization

4. Network for Eco Farming in Africa (NECOFA) - Information exchange

5. Youth Action for Rural Development (YARD) - Information exchange

6. Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) - Information exchange and Interns

7. Manor House Agriculture Centre (MHAC) - Information exchange

8. Baraka Agriculture College - Information exchange and Interns

9. Resources Oriented Development Initiative (RODI- Kenya)- Information exchange

10. Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Program (SACDEP)

11. The Organic Farmer (TOF)- Info sharing and distribution (Publications)

12. Ministry Of Agriculture (MoA) - Info sharing

13. Kenyatta Agriculture Training Center (KATC Murang’a)

14. Ministry of Health (MoH) - Info sharing

15. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) -Exchange visits

16. Slow Food International - Info sharing

17. Organic Agriculture Centre of Kenya (OACK) – Info sharing

18. Encert – Certification body

19. Grow Bio intensive Centre of Kenya (G-BIACK)

20. Stay Alliance Foundation - Consortium

21. Hand in Hand

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