counseling theory week 13 assignment

Post on 18-Apr-2017






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Counseling Theory

Professor Vericker

Week 13 Assignment

Reflective Essay Quiz

Aliyah Ramdin

I have truly enjoyed learning the material of this course. Professor Vericker has made it

easy for us to understand and complete our discussion forums and assignments. The videos

presented in this class were also very helpful. We were better able to understand each theory

more by viewing these videos. I have learnt a great deal of new information from this course.

Before this course, I was not aware of many of the theories presented in the chapters. Professor

Vericker’s technique of teaching has facilitated our learning. Doing the assignments has assisted

me in retaining the information on the various aspects of each theory. Although it was a bit

challenging writing an essay every week, I believe that it has greatly helped our ability to

comprehend and use the information from the chapters to evaluate realistic situations. Before this

course I was not aware of most of the theoretical approaches used. Learning about each approach

has impacted me in many ways. It has helped me decide which perspective has impressed me the

most and I can now see how these approaches are used to help individuals with their problems.

The Existential approach impressed me the most. The basis for the Existential therapy is

the desire for authenticity where an individual finds and pursues a meaning for life. In this

approach people seek to fully experience their existence developing meaning and purpose in the


events that touch their lives. This type of therapy emphasizes on the individual’s ability to have

freedom of choice when determining the purpose of their circumstances. The Existential therapy

gives emphasis on the individual and how they related to the world. This type of therapy states

that human beings are free to choose what to make of themselves; they are responsible in

choosing their own course of action; they are limited in their finite world, yet, they can live their

own meaning and interpretation; they live in an uncertain world which has limitations such as

laws, codes of society, illness and death, yet, by recognizing their individuality and potentialities

they can choose to live authentically.

This theory has impressed me the most because it focuses on our ability to make

decisions that will benefit our lives. It encourages us to face life honestly and use our

experiences to integrate a meaning and purpose to life. Existential therapy focuses on helping

clients live with freedom and to remove the limitations that are self-imposed.  By challenging

clients about rigid beliefs and thought patterns, therapists work to provide an environment where

individuals are safe to consider their belief systems and adopt new views.  This therapy focuses

on current life situations the client is dealing with rather than resolving past issues. I think it is

important to encourage individuals to be honest with themselves instead of covering up their

flaws. We can learn to become the best version of ourselves by acknowledging that we are not

perfect. We learn from our mistakes and experiences.

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