country report

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Nation Report:Canada

Robert Wesley Bridger JrHistory 141, 71154

History Of Canada:First Settlers

• Evidence of a Norse (Viking) settlement was located in L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. The inhabitants of the settlement were most likely driven out by the native tribes and harsh climate.

• The next to enter the area were the Portuguese, although they primarily used the land for fishing outposts, and later abandoned them for focus in South America.

• The third group of Europeans to come, and first to colonize the area, were the French. They met with a few failures at first, but later settled in Quebec City in 1608.

History Of Canada:British Rule Until Independence

• After the French and Indian Wars, Britain ruled Canada for over one hundred years. (1763-1867)

• Canada grew a distrust of the United States after The War of 1812. This brought them closer together as a nation and enhanced their desire to push westward, keeping the United States out of the North.

• On July 1st, 1867, the Dominion of Canada was created. This would mark it’s Independence, yet it would remain in connection with Great Britain. Canada now had the power to self govern.

History Of Canada:Independence To Present

• First Prime Minister of Canada: John A. Macdonald.

• Fought alongside Great Britain during both World War I and World War II.

• Relations with United States improved considerably in the 1980’s, and continue to do so today.

• First Female Prime Minister: 1993 Kim Campbell

Geography Of Canada:Vast Area Of Land

• Canada has the 4th largest land mass, and 2nd largest total area in the world.

• Makes up 41% of the North American continent.

• Borders only one other country, the United States, and runs from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west.

Geography Of Canada:Climate

• Southern Canada is considered in the temperate region, while the north contains arctic and subarctic conditions.

• Due to extreme weather and land conditions over much of northern Canada, known as the Canadian Shield, it is home to low or even no population at all.

Geography Of Canada:Natural Resources

• Woodlands cover over 50% of its landmass. Therefore creating a rather large logging industry.

• The Canadian Shield to the north, Rocky Mountains to the west, and Appalachian Mountains to the east are all rich with mineral deposits.

• Fishing and hydroelectricity are both major industries of Canada coming from their large water sources both fresh and saltwater alike.

People Of Canada:Native Population

• Just as the rest of the Americas, Canada had an indigenous population prior to European settlement. The most common seen today are the Inuit.

• Natives in Canada make up approximately 4.4% of its total population.

• Items of these people’s culture have become part of the larger and current Canadian culture today. These items include lacrosse, maple syrup, tobacco, snowshoes, canoes, and the toboggan to name just a few.

People Of Canada:Where do they live?

• Over 70% of the total population live within 93 miles of the United States border, most of them living between the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.

• Nearly 80% of the country's population lives in urban areas. These areas are currently gaining population density.

• The population density of Canada is 3.5 people per 9.1 square mile. This being one of the lowest in the world.

People Of Canada:Ethnic and Racial Backgrounds

• Canada, just as the United States, is becoming more diverse with time.

• 18% of the Canadian population are foreign born citizens. This being ranked at 2nd in the world.

• 1950’s saw high immigration from Britain, Ireland, Italy, and much of northern Europe.

• 1970’s immigration shifted to India, China, Vietnam, Jamaica and Haiti.


• Canada History:–

• Canada Geography:–

• Canada People:––

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