course syllabus - master your people skills

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Course Syllabus - Master Your People Skills




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MASTER YOUR PEOPLE SKILLS Course Date: SEPTEMBER 24 – NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Instructor: VANESSA VAN EDWARDS Twitter: @vvanedwards Website: Facebook: COURSE OVERVIEW: Learn how to inspire, influence, and engage people in this life-changing 30-day

program with Vanessa Van Edwards.

If you want to succeed in business, life, and love you need to master the science of

interpersonal intelligence. Master Your People Skills will show you how to effectively communicate with partners, clients, and colleagues so you can flourish

in all aspects of your life.

In Master Your People Skills, Vanessa will teach you the communication methods

and relationship-building strategies that will transform your interactions. You will

learn how to increase your likability, deal with difficult people, be a master

conversationalist, and quickly identify personality types.

Every day, for 30 days, you will get comprehensive lessons, activities, and challenges to assess and improve your people skills. All in under an hour a session! You’ll also develop techniques for overcoming awkward interactions, avoiding

toxic people, and building rewarding relationships. Not only will Vanessa show you

how to be proud of your in-person interactions, but you will also learn how to

communicate more effectively online — via email, text, and social media.

Below, see how Vanessa will help you increase your impact:



• By the end of week one, be able to command, respect and supercharge your first impression.

• By the end of week two you will know exactly how to win more deals and

attract more clients. • By the end of week three you will have learned the art of speed-reading


• By the end of week four you will have mastered your presence to be more

persuasive, likable and influential.




1 LIVE! People Intelligence

A live kick-off where you learn to Increase your People IQ with interpersonal intelligence.

2 Detox Your Life Learn how to spot toxic, manipulative relationships and replace them with nourishing connections.

3 Harness Charisma Master your presence to stimulate fascinating conversations and connect with intention.

4 Captivate Your Audience

Make a lasting first impression every time by learning how to captivate a room and command authentic attention.

5 Create Spark What’s the key to unleashing your inner rockstar? It’s about creating spark so that you are never boring again.

6 The Art of Conversation

How can you turn a boring conversation into a sparkling one? Learn exactly what to say after’s not what you expect!

7 Surprise Learn the best-kept secret of socially successful people.

8 How to Be Memorable

Increase your social superpower by leveraging your likeability. This will make you the most memorable person in any room.

9 Be the Highlight You know those people who light up a room? Learn how to be the highlight with the art of charm.

10 Personality Matrix Find out how others see you. Learn the inner workings of personality and motivation.

11 Optimizing Interaction

Learn what makes people tick so you can optimize every interaction based on personality strengths and limits.

12 How to Speed Read People

Whether you need to quickly read someone for business, dating or social interactions, this section will teach you how to instantly bond.

13 Conquer Your Fears

It’s your time to be socially fearless. Stop feeling like a fraud, harness your confidence and know you are worthy of connection.

14 Creating Value Are you ready to interact smarter, not harder? Creating value for people is easier than you think. Learn the 9 value languages to create deeper bonds.

15 Live Check in / Creating Value

Vanessa will be live to answer your questions and talk about moving forward. Then…Are you ready to interact smarter, not harder? Creating value for people is easier than you think.

16 People Hacks Learn how to successfully deal with people in any situation from solving conflicts to negotiations to public speaking. These are Vanessa’s best people hacks.

17 The Wow Formula Learn the formula for wowing anyone, anytime, anywhere. Let’s banish awkwardness forever.

18 The Psychology of Attraction

What is the basis of human attraction and how do you leverage it? Learn the attraction starters and killers.

19 Building Connection

How do you deepen a connection with a special someone? Learn how to overcome the 5 common obstacles to connection.

20 Finding Love Love is the best part of being human. Learn how to capture it and answer questions every couple should know.

21 Successful Communication

How can you successfully deal with people? Here is a simple, easy and applicable run-down of the best communication tips you can use right away.


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22 Brand Personality How can you reach your ideal customer? Understand the psychology of branding to reach your people.

23 How to Inspire Increase your impact by learning the art of infecting others with your ideas, inspiration and energy.

24 The Science of Leadership

Understand the power of tribes by finding your inner leader. Strong people skills is about harnessing your inner greatness.

25 Human Vampires You know the people who suck the life, energy and happiness right out of any interaction? Learn how to spot the 4 types of difficult people and how to get along with anyone.

26 Persuasion Become an agent of influence. Learn what to say to get your way with the psychology of persuasion.

27 Supercharge Your Sales

Win the client, win the deal, win the business. Whether you are selling a product, a service or even an idea--you have to know the fundamental aspects of how people buy in.

28 Digital People Skills

Do you interact with people by phone? Or on the internet through email, Facebook, chat or Twitter? People skills can boost your digital communication.

29 Awesome Club Up your personal power by leveraging the strength of your best supporters. Learn how to set-up your own personal board of directors.

30 Live Check in/ Your People Plan

It’s your time to lead an unforgettable life. Put your people skills into action by setting up your next steps for fulfilling connections.

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