covenants keynote: “all scripture is god-breathed and profitable for teaching…” 2 tim.3:16...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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“All scripture is God-breathed and PROFITABLE for teaching…” 2 Tim.3:16

1Lesson 1


What will we profit?

• To know the word of God is to get to know God Himself.

• In particular, we learn His master plan.

2Lesson 1

CovenantsSimplified overview of God’s Master Plan for mankind:

Periods of …• Old Covenant, • New Covenant, and • No-Covenant divide the ages.

3Lesson 1



Lesson Overview:

− What is the meaning of a covenant?

− Derived from what words?− What are the elements of a

covenant?Lesson 1



• derived from etymology• derived from usage

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• Heb. beriyth (tyrb), • Gk. diathēkē (diaqhkh)

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Heb. Etymologies: BDB derives from bâra (unused root), related to Asiatic barû, meaning “bind” – as a binding word, or one’s bonded word

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CovenantsHeb. Etymologies (ctd.):

Strong/Bullinger derive from bârâh, “select”, “separate”, or “eat” – as in the cutting & eating of a sacrificial banquet

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CovenantsHeb. Etymologies (ctd.):

Strong suggests further association with bârâ’, “create” or “cut” – note similarity: beriy’âh “created thing” and beriyth

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Heb. Etymologies (ctd.): Strong also relates to bârar “examine”, “select”, or “winnow”

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Gk. Etymology:Strong derives from verb diatithēmi in the sense of “set apart” or “dispose” – therefore a diathēkē is a “disposition”, “arrangement”, “agreement”, or “settlement”

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Heb. Usage (human affairs):• Peace agreement between enemies

– Jacob & Laban (Gen.31:36-55).

Note the elements:• “make a covenant” (v.44) = kârath

beriyth = “cut a covenant”12Lesson 1

CovenantsHeb. Usage (human affairs, ctd.):

More elements:• “heap of witness” (v.48) acted as a

memorial – no written treaty or contract

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CovenantsHeb. Usage (human affairs, ctd.):

More elements:• “heap of witness” to remind the parties

that God is witness between them, if either passes the heap to harm the other

• “heap of witness” given solemn names (vv.47-49) to signify importance

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Heb. Usage (human affairs, ctd.):More elements:• oaths sworn (v.53)• sacrifice (v.54)• feast (v.54)

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Heb. Usage (human affairs, ctd.):Purpose:Mutual defense, alliance against common enemies – Abram & 3 Amorites (Gen.14:5-16, 22-24) – no elements revealed, unless oath of vv.22-24

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Gk. Usage (human affairs): Moulton & Milligan: “testament”, or “will” with absolute unanimity• i.e., an “arrangement” made by one party with plenary power, which another party may accept or reject, but not alter – a “will” being the most conspicuous example of such

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CovenantsGk. Usage (human affairs):

Bullinger: restricts NT usage to “testament” or “will”• “heirship” has replaced usual meaning “covenant”• suntithēmi is appropriate NT word for “make a covenant” or compact (Acts 23:12-21)

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Gk. Usage (human affairs):In LXX, diathēkē consistently translates beriyth (human & divine affairs)

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Nuances in divine covenants:• Based on promises of blessing;

initiated by God- Example: Gen.15:1-7

• Confirmed by sacrifice (Gen.15:9-21) & solemn oath (Gen.22:15-18) to fortify faith in the human party (Gen.15:8) 20Lesson 1


Nuances in divine covenants:• Threat of curse often entails – see

judgment on Amorites (Gen.15:14-16), implied curse of passing between the parts of the sacrifice (Gen.15:17)

• Conditions may be stated or implied (Gen.17:1-2, 8-9; 18:17-19)

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Nuances in divine covenants:• Name change (Gen.17:2-8) of

one of the parties – sometimes both parties (Gen.22:14)

• A sign or token given (Gen.17:9-14) – in this case also a condition!

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Nuances in divine covenants:• Revelation of God’s blessing is

often progressive, with men being put to the test – Abram’s covenant is spread over 12:1-3, 12:7, 15:1-21, 17:1-17, 18:12-14, 18: 17-19, 21:9-13, 22:2, 16-18

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Nuances in divine covenants:• Covenants bind individuals and

peoples in special relation to God, to participate in His plan

• Even when a covenant is conditional, it shows 2 things:

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CovenantsNuances in divine covenants:1) God always preserves a

remnant to fulfill His will2) God’s grace is displayed in

condescending to enlist men for His plan

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CovenantsNuances in divine covenants:• Everlasting (age-abiding) duration• God’s word is so true that any

promise He gives is as binding as a covenant – implied in the Heb. dâbar which means both “word” and “promise” – His word is His bond 26Lesson 1

CovenantsSumming Up:• God’s covenants may include –

– blessings (current or future)– curses– oaths– sacrifices– feasts 27Lesson 1


Summing Up (ctd.):– new names given– divine purposes furthered– progressive revelations from God– age-abiding duration

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Summing Up (ctd.):• conditions for individual

continuance• testing of the human party• solemnities to bolster the faith

of men

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Summing Up (ctd.):• This is no mere treaty or

contract with God!

30Lesson 1

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