cpp test paper

Post on 02-Mar-2016






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Q-1 Who would you identify to be a contributor?

Points :5

Michael who worries about fulfilling the teachers expectations when doing assignments

John who finishes his assignments on time

Melvin who wants his assignment to be better than others

Shaun who decides that he will submit an excellent assignment and goes all out to do so

Q-2:What is the most likely consequence when one member of your family is a contributor?

Points :5

Everyone depends on the contributor in a crisis

Since the contributor is the problem-solver in the family, problems in the family reduce

The contributor is able to energize the family and get each member to give their best

The contributor invariably becomes the most important person in the family

Q3 :You are the last one in a queue, waiting to get your tickets. By the time you reach the counter, it is time to close for the day. What bothers you the most when that person (non-contributor) at the counter does not do your work beyond his exact duty hours?

Points :5

It bothers me that he is unable to see the inconvenience he is causing to others!

His indifference to my plight bothers me

It bothers me that he sees his work in such a narrow way!

It bothers me that he has no concern for other human beings!

Q4 : Which of the following beliefs is most likely to help you have a successful career in the long run?

Points : 5

Maintaining the correct contacts leads to a successful career

Proving ones capability through hard work leads to a successful career

Choosing to contribute more and more leads to a successful career

Getting the right job(s) leads to a successful career

Bottom of Form

Q5 :Anish is angry as during the project work, he ends up doing most of the typing as he has an excellent typing speed. How would a contributor see the same issue?

Points :5

It is good that he has a clear role in the project

He can help his team through his fast typing speed

He can afford not to get involved with research etc. for the project work

He can see it as an opportunity to add value to his team so that the project gets done on time

Q6 :How would you expect a contributor to act when he sees his friends parents are worried about the arrangements of their sons wedding?

Points :5

Take responsibility for doing some specific work and do it

Arrange for people who have the time to help in the arrangements

Ask his friend to call him whenever there is a need and he can do that kind of work

Tell his friends parents that he can come anytime to help out and they should not worry

Q7 :When a person keeps a secret shared by his friend (especially when there is temptation to reveal it), why would you refer to him as a contributor? Points :5

because that is what is expected out of a good friend

because he is worthy of his friends trust

because everyone is supposed to keep the promises that they make

because he values the friendship

Q8 : A leader is Points :5

Points :5

One who is willing to take responsibility on behalf of his team

One who has an unblemished track record of finishing projects on time

One who inspires his juniors through his managerial skills

One who takes ownership of the concerns of his people

Q9 :Dinesh is a Marketing Executive in a hardware company. Which is the most appropriate way a contributor would introduce himself to a customer?

Points :5

I am part of the marketing team which decides on strategies to reach out to customers

I am part of the team responsible for customer satisfaction

I am responsible for making a difference in the profits of the company through my marketing

I am in charge of marketing of computers

Q 10How could the office driver look at his work differently?

Points :5

I am responsible for driving the boss around

I should feel proud that other people depend on me

I am responsible for taking the staff from one place to the other

I ensure that the staff reach their destinations safely and on time

Q- 11 :Meena feels apologetic about not working. In a party she tends to say rather softly, Im a housewife, especially when other women talk about their jobs. How could she convey her important contribution?

Points :5

I choose to focus my energies on raising and taking care of my family members

I have a central role in holding my family together and ensuring a happy family

I am instrumental in the smooth running of the household

All of the above

Q12:The airhostess was treated badly by a passenger. Depending on how she views her role, choose the statement that most reflects a contributor identity.

Points :5

Everyone treats me like a servant

I only like the part of my job which allows me to travel and see new places. This is the price I have to pay for that perk

I need to work hard so as to avoid such situations in my job

These are professional challenges I have to face in this job. I must learn to deal with them

Q-13 An elderly couple was shifting their home. The supervisor of the movers and packers company could see himself as

Points :5

the person representing an efficient organization

the person who can lessen the elderly couples worries by getting the work done smoothly

the employee who is helpful and caring towards his customers

the person who does his work with due diligence

Q-14An employee should have mutual respect for both his seniors and juniors.

Points :5

This is possible in certain situations

This leads to juniors becoming egoistic

This attitude can be adopted by star employees only (especially those who are liked by all)

This is applicable to all relationships even beyond the workplace

Q-15 :Your younger sister idolizes a film star. Which of the responses would NOT widen her idea of success?

Points :5

Look at how he responded when his films have not worked at the box-office!

Find out how his acting has improved over the years!

Find out how he deals with everyone on the sets from the director to the spot boy!

Check out how many flop films he has acted in!

Q-16 :4 tennis players are quoted after losing a game. Which of them, according to you, needs to broaden his understanding of success the most?

Points :5

I have to win the next match as that will add a feather in my cap

I have recognized that I need to put more hours of practice in the sport

Even though I lost, overall I have gained confidence through the match

I have been successful in learning the moves that dont work with such an opponent

Q-17 :Sneha and Farhan graduated in Journalism and joined the same news agency. Sneha is known in her team as a trustworthy and honest reporter. Farhan has lately been offered his own talk show program.

Points :5

None of them are successful

Sneha is successful

Both of them are successful

Farhan is successful

Q18 Tarun has 15 years of experience. If he has a wider vision of success, which of these job offers would he choose?

Points :5

The job which pays him substantially more than the current job

The job in a reputed company with diverse job openings

A job which gives him an opportunity to deal with new challenges and stretches him to grow and learn

A job which gives him an opportunity to lead a larger team of people

Q-19 :Success comes to those who deserve it.' How would you interpret the statement?

Points :5

The power to succeed lies within me

Only when people are ready for success, they can be successful

I have to work hard to deserve success

Luck determines success

Q-20 :Which of these football coaches is most likely to have sustained success?

Points :5

An inspiring coach who energizes the players before every match

The coach who has a track record of winning matches and wants to win every match, whatever be the cost

The coach who is devoted to helping the players become better as a team over time; inspiring confidence and faith in themselves

The coach who mentors the excellent players in the team, giving them opportunities to play more

Q-21 :When you widen your vision of success, how can you look at any typical failure in your life e.g. not getting the job you want badly; not getting the admission in your preferred course etc.?

Points :5

This time I was unlucky; better luck next time.

If I face the challenge with courage and bounce back, then that itself means Im successful.

It taught me what I have to learn/ do in order to succeed later.

How do I not see this as a failure, but as an opportunity to succeed?

Q22 Students are taking an exam. Which of them is destroying their chances of success in the long run?

Points :5

The student who believes that performing in an exam is meaningless

The student who has not studied whatever she was expected to

The student who is anxious and fearful of her performance in the exam

The student who doesnt mind asking for an answer she doesnt know

Q23Successful results achieved at the cost of inner strength and character cannot be called success at all.'The statement...

Points :5

...does not make sense

...is false

...is true

...is confusing

Q24 :Successful people are the ones who are remembered positively by others for a long time to come. Why is that so?

Points :5

When a person is nice to others, invariably he will be popular and therefore successful

When a person is helpful to others in need; their gratefulness makes him successful

When a person thinks about how others also are affected by his actions, he is successful as it helps him become a better person; and hence, others respect him

When a person brings out the best in others, he is successful because it brings out the best in him too; and he becomes a role model for others

Q25 During the job placement week, Rajul has been offered two jobs. Which metric would a contributor use to compare the jobs?

Points :5

Which job is more convenient?

Which job pays more?

Which job has more opportunities to learn?

Which job has the potential to widen my power to contribute?

Q26 Which of the following beliefs is most likely to help you have a successful career in the long run?

Points :5

Maintaining the correct contacts leads to a successful career

Proving ones capability through hard work leads to a successful career

Choosing to contribute more and more leads to a successful career

Getting the right job(s) leads to a successful career

Q27 Sumeeta focuses on the criterion what will I get from this job to choose her first job. How can I help her to think like a contributor?

Points :5

Focus on challenging opportunities to help you prove yourself

Focus on what you will give, not just on what you will get

Focus on learning / training, opportunities to increase your capabilities etc.

Focus on the pay, promotion system, perks, etc.

Q28Piya has been elected as a student representative for the year. If she thinks like a contributor, what would she look for?

Points :5

The respect that she may earn from the other students

The experience that she can add to her resume

The amount of recognition from the teachers that she will get through her role

The inner capability and confidence that she would build through the experience

Q29:Minaz and Sheena are friends. Minaz works in a position in a high reputed company and Sheena works in a school. Who is a contributor?

Points :5

Minaz is a contributor as he has achieved a high position

Sheena is a contributor as she is doing the noble work of teaching school students

There is not enough information to say for sure

It is how they approach their work that will determine whether they are a contributor or not

Q30:Arnav is a famous film-maker, trained from one of the best schools of film-making. He has been offered an educational project which demands creating a new campaign for school students. On what basis should he accept the project?

Points :5

It means he will be able to afford, use and learn from high tech equipment

It means that he will be able to develop and harness new capabilities in himself

It means that he can contribute to children and make a positive difference

It translates into a fat paycheck

Q31 Ravina is the team lead. The senior management has asked her to identify one person who will take over her role during the time she is on a years leave. Who should she pick up?

Points :5

Mohit who is willing to stretch himself but not wait for others to tell him what work he should do

Sujoy who does his job well but is reluctant to do anything extra

Ranganath who does work that he is familiar with but gets stressed when unknown work is given to him

Nazema who is willing to try out new work but only if she sees obvious benefits from it

Q32A good job is one which will give me a lot of diverse opportunities to learn and grow

Points :5



This could a good metric to compare two jobs

All jobs give you opportunities to learn and grow; it is your approach that makes a difference

Q33What choices can an advertising professional make in order to ensure a contributive career?

Points :5

S/he should use every opportunity available to learn new techniques and skills

S/he should make contacts with famous people in the field

S/he should willingly volunteer for new responsibilities so as to contribute

S/he should use every opportunity available to develop and showcase his/ her creativity

Q34 When you go to the library to find a specific book, the librarian informs you that the book has been borrowed by another person. After 2 days, the librarian calls to inform you that the book has come back and she is holding it for you so you can borrow it. What does it tell you about the librarian?

Points :5

She paid attention to me on that day

She made sure that I got the book I wanted

She is good at her job

She is focused on the purpose for which I had gone to the library, and also concerned enough to inform me

Q35 Raman joins as a sales man in a jewellery shop. What work can he take up in addition to his regular work in order to contribute most to himself?

Points :5

Attempt to recognize the gems and the different designs available in the shop

Build confidence in communicating to the customers

Memorize the prices of the pieces of jewellery he needs to sell

Learn as much about jewels and ways to sell them confidently to customers (e.g. what to say, how to say, what to remember about customers, etc.)

Q36 The project was to interview 4 people to find their views on marriage. In the project team, identify the person who has widened his scope of contribution the most.

Points :5

Raheem: I interviewed a lady and she had such different views they did not match with the other interviewees

Uttam: I learnt to take short interviews so the report could be finished on time

Varun: I learnt that next time we need to prepare ourselves before taking an interview; so that our report is more precise

Amanjit: Through the interview I learnt to recognize that people were hesitant to speak about private topics such as marriage

Q37The cricketer refuses to recommend a product (in an advertisement). Which is a reason that seeks to meet the goals of society?

Points :5

Reason - the cricketer feels that the product advertising can lead to controversy

Reason the cricketer has been offered a more valuable contract by a rival company

Reason the cricketer doubts that effects of the product may be harmful in the long- term

Reason the cricketer himself does not use the product

Q38The four teams have been formed to sell annual subscriptions for a new magazine. In the first month, all the teams have got low number of subscriptions. Which of the following team leaders would be able to motivate their team the most?

Points :5

Shaurya: This is a new magazine so it may take more time to catch up. I am confident the sales will pick up.

Falguni You people are not really putting in your best effort. I want to see the targets met next month, under any circumstances.

Sudarshan: Why cant we sell more subscriptions? What are the barriers? What can be done to sell more?

Rehaans We sold a few at least. So thats good. I think we need to see what helped us to sell the subscriptions. Could we keep some stalls at the movie halls? Any more ideas?

Q39Which of these purposes of making a film has the widest scope of contribution?

Points :5

I want to make a film which will make money beyond return of investment so that everyone in my team can get funding for our next project

I want to use new, creative techniques to make a film on the man who sailed alone around the world. The film should be appreciated by other film makers and film critics

I want to document the story about farmers and their role in the wine-making industry. It may also give solutions on how to avoid wastage of grapes & improve productivity for both farmers and middle-men

I want to bring alive the story of a man who faces domestic violence. People who see it should become aware of the hidden issue

Q40:The way we define the purpose for which we are working, impacts the extent of contribution that we make.

Points :5

It is not so easy to define the purpose


Partly true

Not true

Q41Why do we need to contribute to our nation?

Points :5

So that we can fulfill our duty towards our nation

So that India becomes the best in the world!

So that all of us can be more happy and fulfilled

So that India earns the respect of other nations

Q42 :Muhammad Yunus (who established Grameen Bank) has said, If we are not achieving something, it is because we have not put our minds to it. What does putting our minds to it mean, in your view?

Points :5

It means we need to commit to a societal purpose

It means all of us need to work harder

It means we must build capability in people

It means we need to find solutions for others

Q43:The entrepreneur realized that the business that he was in was not going to remain profitable in the long run. How do you suggest he look at the situation as a contributor?

Points :5

It is the right time to be open with all concerned and give enough time to the employees to find alternative employment.

It is the right time to re-engineer the business (keeping stakeholder concerns in mind) and face the challenge.

It is the right time to sell his business to the highest bidder (before they read the finer print!).

It is the right time to discuss with his employees how to take the business forward with the challenges.

Q44:Genelia is extremely worried about her upcoming entrance exams for higher studies. She is unable to concentrate. As a friend, what would be your advice to her?

Points :5

Dont worry, everything will be all right!

Unfortunately this is the system, all students have to suffer through it!

It is best to just study (instead of worrying)!

It is a challenge you have to face it; there is no other way out!

Q45The engineer was posted to another country for 1 year to initiate a project. Which (contributor) point of view would be favorable in such a situation ?

Points :5

This country is so different from mine. Let me keep to myself for the time that I have to spend here.

This is an opportunity to meet the local people and through them understand the culture of the country.

My work will demand that I interact with people. Let me try and make a few friends and learn about the host country.

I will meet so many new people - it may turn out to be a most enriching and fulfilling experience! Lets see whats in store for me.

Q46 Shashank has joined Pharmacy. He does not enjoy the subject as he does not like the teacher. As a contributor, what could you suggest to him?

Points :5

If you study regularly you may become more interested in the subject.

Focus on the subject. Dont associate the subject with the teacher!

It is your choice to develop love for the subject. Maybe you can ask a friend (who loves the subject) to explain / discuss with you.

Stop complaining and blaming the teacher!

Q47 Rohans cousin has joined a Bank. He complains about his job, his salary, his colleagues etc. all the time. If you were in Rohans place, what would you tell your cousin?

Points :5

Why dont you look for a new job?

Why dont you work such that you can be happy?

Why dont you become a better worker?

Why dont you look at some positive points rather than focusing on all the negatives?

Q48During a camping trip, Falak observes garbage on the edges of the camping site. Assuming that Falak is a contributor, what action can she possibly take to make a sustainable difference?

Points :5

Involve the students and the teachers to work out some way to get the site cleaned.

Start to clean the area on her own.

Discuss with her friends about what could be some possible solutions to keep the area cleaned.

Take responsibility to ensure that the camp authorities take appropriate action.

Q49You are aware that you are expected to cast your vote in the elections. When you choose to do so, what is the consequence?

Points :5

You feel you have taken a positive step to involve yourself.

You feel a sense of satisfaction that you have made a difference by casting your vote.

You feel that the act was an act of responsibility.

You feel you have discharged your duty as a citizen.

Q50During the placement week in the college, the students get lucrative offers from a company which has the dubious reputation of being responsible for many deaths and diseases due to the chemical contamination from their factory. As a matter of choice, what positive step can you take?

Points :5

Start a protest in the college.

Put forth your demand to the placement cell to screen the companies and not associate themselves with such notorious companies.

Spread rumours about the killer company.

Make the students aware about the issue and let them make a choice.

Q51When a school in Zambia was closed down because there were no teachers, an eight year old girl refused to accept this and led 60 other children in walking to find another school.This true story can be interpreted in many ways. In your view, what does the act signify?

Points :5

It signifies that a lot can be done if you choose to take up any responsibility (like she took up the responsibility on behalf of the other children).

It signifies a mature response (one doesnt expect it from an eight year old).

It signifies that every person has the power to take action as she did (instead of sitting and worrying about not having a school).

It signifies an act of courage.

Q52Your friend is going through a tough phase in her personal life. She needs to complete her project on time and has been making excuses for not doing so due to all the problems she has. What could you tell her to make her feel that she is the creator of her own destiny?

Points :5

I understand your problems but you still have to complete the project on time.

This tough phase will pass. Pay more attention to your project.

You are responsible for what happens in your future and the earlier your take up the responsibility, the better it will be for you!

Challenge yourself to complete your project on time despite all the problems you will feel a sense of achievement & confidence, which will help you in the future too!

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