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Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 1

Protecting  critical  data  is  key  to  ensuring  business  continuity.    Drobo  storage  systems  excel  as  backup-­‐to-­‐disk  target  as  they  provide  high  throughput  and  random  access  for  near  instantaneous  file  restores  that  aren’t  possible  with  traditional  tape  based  systems.    

While  maintaining  onsite  backups  is  the  foundation  of  any  disaster  recovery  plan  as  it  provides  for  nearly  instant  recovery,  it  cannot  protect  against  physical  or  natural  disasters.  Pairing  CrashPlan  Pro  with  a  Drobo  provides  not  only  the  best  onsite  backup,  but  also  protected  cloud  storage  that  is  incredibly  simple  to  configure  at  an  affordable  price  point.    

This  document  outlines  the  steps  required  to  configure  a  Drobo  with  CrashPlan  Pro  for  on-­‐site  and  off-­‐site  cloud  backup.    

CrashPlan  Pro  includes  additional  features  that  are  beyond  the  scope  of  this  document.    For  details  on  additional  features  and  capabilities  of  CrashPlan  Pro,  consult  their  website:  

Topics    Creating  Drobo  Volume(s)    Installing  the  CrashPlan  Pro      Backing  up  Systems  to  Drobo  Storage    Backing  up  Systems  to  CrashPlan  Cloud  

What  You  Will  Need  • The  latest  Drobo  Dashboard  and  firmware  release  • Drobo  direct  attached  (5D/Mini)  or  iSCSI  storage  (B800i/B1200i)  device  • Windows  Server  2003  R2  /  2008  /  2008  R2  or  OSX  (10.7.x  /  10.8.x)  • CrashPlan  Pro  Account  

Prerequisites  This   document   assumes   that   the   Drobo   has   been   deployed   and   configured   with   the   most   recent  firmware   and   the   Drobo   Dashboard   is   installed   on   the   server   that   will   be   run   the   CrashPlan   Pro  application.    If  these  prerequisites  have  not  been  met,  reference  the  URLs  below.    

Drobo  Documentation  -­‐    

Drobo  Dashboard  -­‐  

Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 2

Creating  Drobo  Volume(s)  

STEP  1    


Load  the  Drobo  Dashboard  and  select  the  Drobo  that  will  host  the  CrashPlan  backups.  

Select  the  Volumes  tab  and  then  click  Add  Volume  to  launch  the  volume  creation  wizard.  


STEP  2  



Select  the  Format  Type  for  the  volume  to  be  used  by  CrashPlan  and  click  Next.  

NOTE  –  This  example  is  using  a  Windows  host  and  NTFS.    For  OSX  hosts,  select  HFS+  







Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 3

STEP  3  


Select  a  volume  size  that  is  appropriate  for  the  proposed  data  set  and  click  Next.  

As  Drobo  storage  is  thinly  provisioned,  a  volume  greater  than  the  size  of  available  physical  storage  can  be  configured.    It  is  recommended  that  sufficient  storage  is  provisioned  to  accommodate  future  expansion.    

This  will  avoid  the  hassle  of  migrating  data  in  the  future.  

STEP  4  


Enter  a  name  for  the  volume  that  describes  what  it  will  be  used  for.  

In  this  example  a  volume  named  SA_CrashPlan  will  be  used.  

Click  Finish  to  complete  the  Wizard  and  then  click  Apply  to  provision  the  volume.  


Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 4

STEP  5  


The  Drobo  volume  is  now  ready  to  be  mapped  to  the  server.  

Click  on  the  empty  box  in  the  Mount  column  to  begin  assign  the  volume  to  the  host.  

Select  a  drive  letter  and  click  OK  to  complete  the  process.  





STEP  6  



Verify  that  the  volume  was  properly  mapped  and  is  accessible  within  the  operating  system.  





Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 5

Installing  the  CrashPlan  Pro  

STEP  1    

Click  on  the  URL  below  to  login  to  the  CrashPlan  Pro  web  interface.    For  current  users,  login  with  the  existing  credentials.    For  new  accounts,  follow  the  instructions  to  create  a  new  CrashPlan  Pro  account.  


STEP  2    


Once  authenticated,  download  the  CrashPlan  Pro  application  installer  for  the  applicable  operating  system.  

NOTE  –  Drobo  supports  CrashPlan  Pro  deployments  on  both  Windows  and  OSX  


STEP  3    



Follow  the  installation  instructions  to  complete  the  installation  process.  

NOTE  -­‐  This  installation  takes  a  few  minutes  and  will  not  require  a  reboot  once  completed.    


Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 6

STEP  4    




Once  the  installation  has  completed,  sign  in  with  the  CrashPlan  Pro  account  used  in  the  a  first  step  of  this  section.  









Once  the  account  has  successfully  authenticated,  the  installation  is  complete.  


STEP  5  

Repeat  the  steps  in  this  section  for  all  the  computers  that  will  be  linked  to  Crashplan  


Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 7

Backing  up  Systems  to  Drobo  Utilizing  a  Drobo  for  local  backups  provides  expandable  and  redundant  storage  offering  protection  from  up  to  two  simultaneous  drive  failures  with  no  interruptions  in  service.    While  the  Drobo  protects  against  disk  failures,  it  cannot  protect  against  malicious  applications  or  natural  disasters.    Best  practice  is  to  not  only  maintain  local  backups  for  ease  of  recovery  recovery,  but  also  configure  off-­‐site  backups  as  outlined  in  the  next  section  to  ensure  business  continuity.  

STEP  1  



Launch  the  CrashPlan  application.  

On  the  Backup  tab  select  Change  under  the  files  section  to  select  the  data  that  will  be  included  in  the  backup  job.  

In  the  Change  File  Selection  window,  select  the  volumes/folders  to  be  included  in  the  backup  job.  

NOTE  –  An  entire  volume,  directory  tree,  or  individual  file  can  be  selected  for  backup.        










Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 8

STEP  2  





On  the  Destination  tab,  select  the  Folders  icon  







On  the  Folders  menu,  click  the  Select  button  to  choose  a  backup  destination  





On  the  Select  a  Directory  window,  select  the  drive  that  cooresponds  with  the  newly  created  Drobo  volume    

Click  OK  to  save  the  directory  selection.  






Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 9

STEP  3  





Verify  that  the  Drobo  volume  has  been  added  to  Available  Folders  section.  

If  the  volume  is  not  listed,  verify  it  was  correctly  added  in  the  previous  steps.  




On  the  Backup  tab,  select  the  Start  Backup  associated  with  the  newly  added  Drobo  backup  drive.  





The  backup  will  begin  immediately.  

To  status  of  the  initial  backup  job  can  be  monitored  by  selecting  the  Backup  tab.  


Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 10

Backing  up  Systems  to  CrashPlan  Cloud  CrashPlan  Pro  Online  can  be  configured  to  send  all,  or  a  subset  of  critical  data  and  replicate  it  to  the  cloud.    Extending  local  backups  to  the  cloud  with  CrashPlan  Pro  provides  simple,  automated,  and  secure  (448-­‐bit  AES)  mechanism  to  store  a  copy  of  the  data  off-­‐site  for  disaster  recovery.  

NOTE  -­‐  The  amount  of  data  that  can  be  replicated  to  CrashPlan  Pro  Online  and  the  time  to  recovery  are  limited  by  the  size  of  the  Internet  connection.    Some  consideration  should  be  taken  to  estimate  backup  and  recovery  times  for  cloud  data.  

In  the  section  above,  a  backup  job  was  created  that  utilized  the  Drobo  for  local  storage.    The  same  backup  can  be  pushed  to  the  cloud  with  a  single  click.  

STEP  1  


To  begin  the  cloud  backup,  click  Start  Backup  associated  with  CrashPlan  Pro  Online  in  the  destinations  section  


STEP  2  



Once  the  backup  has  completed  visit  the  CrashPlan  website  to  view  statistics  and  storage  utilization  for  backups  replication  to  the  CrashPlan  Pro  cloud.    




Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup | Using Drobo Storage with CrashPlan Pro for On-Site & Cloud Backup 11


Drobo � 2460 North First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA � � 1.866.97.DROBO Copyright 2013 Drobo, Inc. Data Robotics, Drobo, DroboEllite, DroboPro, BeyondRAID, and Smart Volumes are trademarks of Drobo, Inc., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other trademarks used are owned by their respective owners.

All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. � May 2013


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