create your fabulous facebook business page!...facebook you might be ready to create your own...

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Create Your Fabulous Facebook Business Page!©2014 Karen Clark | 707-939-5709 |

Notice: is publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. is document contains copyright protected content owned by Karen Clark/My Business Presence. is content may not be used in trainings, workshops, or seminars without the expressed written consent of Karen Clark/My Business Presence. Furthermore, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system other than for the buyer’s personal use, without permission in writing from Karen Clark/My Business Presence. ank you for respecting these guidelines.

Why Use a Business Page on Facebook at All?

Social media is a natural match for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to reach more people in their businesses. The most successful businesses rely on word of mouth marketing, relationship building, and active participation.

Facebook Business Pages are distinctly different than your regular Facebook Profile that you get when you log in. Your Profile is your personal space on the Facebook ‘web’ and you get to pick and choose who you let into your circle, which items people can see, and how much you want to see of theirs. Even though you can have up to 5,000 ‘friends’ it really is a closed network, and is not designed to be used for business purposes. In fact, most people are offended when they receive marketing messages from their Facebook friends, because their primary reason for being there is to keep in touch with people they know, and follow what is happening in their lives.

Contrasted with a personal profile, a Facebook Business Page is completely public, you have no control over who joins in or not, or which items they see on your Business Page. Everything is visible to the entire Facebook ‘web’ on a Business Page. However, when you’re in business, public is a good thing! Public, and being visible to “everyone” on Facebook means exposure to new people you would not normally be exposed to, and aren’t we all trying to create NEW business for ourselves? Business Pages have this advantage and I believe every business owner should have one. Here are eight reasons why:

1. The search engines such as Google and Yahoo index business Pages because they are public. Profiles are not, because they are private. This means that your Business Page becomes like a mini-website, another doorway into your business that the entire world could have access to with a few clicks. Use some good keywords that people are searching for on your Info tab and you’ll be on your way to establishing an online presence in no

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2. Business Pages are highly customizable, whereas Profiles are not. With Apps, you can create custom tabpages, product pages, and a page about your business story, or about the benefits of doing business with you – just about anything is possible! You can even add shopping cart buttons! This cannot be done on the Profile.

3. People who “Like” Business Pages are opting in to hear about your business. They are taking an active step to participate in conversations with you as a businessperson, to hear the occasional marketing message, or to find out your latest specials or new products. This means that those who are on your Business Page are highly qualified leads – they want to hear from you! They’re looking forward to hearing from you. When someone befriends you on Facebook, they are not necessarily interested in your business.

4. Business Pages follow the rules Technically it is against Facebook’s Terms of Service to engage in commercial activity on a personal timeline or profile. Although you can certainly talk about what you are doing in your business, you would not want to do so very often, or to have too many links or calls to action in your posts. If others mark your posts as spam, you can lose your entire account.

5. Business Pages give you a chance to engage and interact with your customers and potential customers. As you share information with them, they comment or “like” your posts and you are able to respond and have two-way or even group communication about the topic. This leads to rich interaction, which builds trust and rapport with your visitors. On a Business Page you all share something in common to start with – the love of your product or business opportunity. There is a lot to talk about, and your Fans enjoy interacting with you.

6. Business Pages breed advocates for your business. When you share a video, a link or a photo, clicking the Share link is so easy to do! Your Fans will then share your information with their friends, exposing your business to even more people. On a Profile your friends will share to their friends as well, but you will only receive exposure for your personal profile that way, and if their friends are not your friends already, the only way for them to find out more about you is to request friendship. With a Business Page, your Fans’ friends can easily click your Business Page name, and click Like to get involved.

7. Business Pages are measurable. When you manage a Business Page, Facebook installs “Insights” which are statistics about your Business Page. Facebook will tell you how many times your posts received comments or “likes” as well as how many Fans

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came on or left, and where they came from. It will give you a chart over the last month that shows interesting facts about the success of your Business Page, and you can easily monitor and adjust your activities. There is no such thing on a Profile so there is no way to measure your success other than watching the number of friends go up and down, which is a very poor judge.

8. Business Pages are free! There is no better value today for your time or money as a business owner than creating a Facebook Business Page. Go to any Business Page, and on the bottom left is a link for “Create a Business Page for Your Business.” Click that link and follow the instructions. A basic Business Page can be created in under 10 minutes. You can find tutorials online to teach yourself how to customize it even further or if you are pressed for time, there are social media consultants like myself who will walk you through it or set it up for you.

Take advantage of the opportunity we have within Facebook. It is not going away any time soon, and creating a Business Page presents a fun, free, and fabulous additional doorway into your business.

Create Your Fabulous Page!

When you know you have enough of of network (at least 200 friends) on your personal Facebook you might be ready to create your own Business Page (also known as a Fan Page) on Facebook. Business Pages can be powerful tools for meeting new people on the web, serving existing customers, and establishing your expertise. ey are more customizable, found in the search engines, and are also the place Facebook prefers that you conduct business.

Start: Visit and click the Create Page button.

On the next screen you will see the option to choose your Page category. It is recommended that you choose a category appropriate for your business, such as Brand or Product, and then an appropriate subcategory such as Product/Service.

I do not recommend you choose Local Business unless you are strictly using this Page for a physical storefront and not for Internet sales or sales throughout your region/country. e reason is that Local Business Pages have more limited sections to add descriptions, include your address (which may be your home), and are not as easily found in the Facebook Search by others outside your immediate area. If you are marketing a physical storefront, by all means choose that category as it will help people in your neighborhood "nd you.

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In the box that says Brand or Product Name, give your Page a title. We recommend you use this format: Business Name, First Name Last Name. This way, whether people are searching for by the business name or your personal name, your new Page will come up as an option. Example: My Business Presence, Karen Clark.

Read the Facebook Pages Terms and then click Get Started.

On the following Set Up panel, add a brief description (up to 155 characters), and your website link (if you have one) in the box provided. You will be able to edit this information any time if you decide to change it. If you do not have a website yet, consider listing one of your other social media pro"le URLs such as LinkedIn if you have one. is just gives visitors another way to get to know you.

If you are a direct sales rep, I would not recommend putting the company home page since you may lose a sale to the home office. Likewise if you do not yet have a website in any case, consider creating a form at and use the form link under Add Ons as your web address. Visitors can request information from you there.)

Choose a Facebook web address (URL of your Facebook Page) that is short and sweet and comes close to your Page title, but all in one word. This URL will be something you can add to your business cards. Note that you cannot change this later, so choose wisely or skip this step. This step will result in the URL such as

Facebook also allows you to shorten the word “Facebook” to simply “fb” in URLs, so when marketing your Facebook page you would be able to use the URL like this:

ere are questions asking whether this Page represents a real business. Check the “yes” button for each of those, since this Page represents your real business.

Click Save Info.

On the next panel you have the option to upload your pro"le photo, or to import it from a website. In general it is best to use a headshot photo of yourself for the pro"le image, as readers respond best to people instead of product, logos or scenery images, if you are self-employed.

Once you have your pro"le picture online, click Save and on the next panel click Add to Favorites. is will give you a “shortcut” on the le sidebar of Facebook, giving you easy access to your new Page.

Click Skip on the resulting panel offering the opportunity to place an ad. You can decide

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later to advertise any time.

Your basic Page is now created. You will be walked through a brief tutorial where Facebook shows you around. I recommend you skip “Like your Page” until you have it completely set up, otherwise your friends will see the page and like it before you are ready.

At this time, if you would like to work on your Page without your friends seeing it or interacting with it, go up to the Settings tab. On the "rst line that says Page Visibility, click Edit, and then check the box to Unpublish Page and Save Changes. is will make your Page invisible until you decide to go back and uncheck that box to publish it. Just remember to go back to Settings > Page Visibility > Edit > Uncheck the box later when you are ready to publicize your new Page.

Now click on Page on the top le to go back to looking at your new Page.

Your Page includes:

• Your small Pro!le picture of you on the le• A large Cover Photo above that is mostly non‐promotional in nature• e People section under your photo which will list the people who like the page. is also appears as the Likes tab at the bottom of the cover photo.

• An About section of text brie'y describing your business and web address on the le and also in the About tab under the cover photo.

• A Photos section under the About box which will display any photos posted to your Page. is also appears as the Photos tab under the cover photo.

• e “More” drop down tab under the cover photo which allows you to add additional functions through “apps” on your Page. You can also choose Manage Tabs if you would like to rearrange the tabs across this bar. is is especially useful aer you’ve added some Custom Apps (more info later!) so that you can highlight those instead of the standard tabs that are built in.

• e publishing box where you write your posts (it says “What have you been up to?”) You have these options and features in the publishing box:

• Status (text)• Photo/Video - click it and either upload directly or create an Album based

on the topic which you can add to later. Since Photos show up on the le side Photos section it is a good idea to upload a few photos to start with, or create an Album. Showcase a product, share picture of you doing business, or anything else you would like to share. As you share photos on your Page throughout the weeks and months, they will show up there as well.

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• Offer/Event/Milestone - Offers appear once your page is established and are if you’d like to offer a coupon or discount. You should include a web address and instructions for redeeming it, and these are classi"ed as ads so they will cost you! Events are for when you want to post a Facebook event via your Page, and Milestones are for if you’d like to list something like “opened for business” or “"rst 1000 fans.”

• Small clock - use this for scheduling posts in the future. • Target icon - if you prefer to have a particular post be visible only people

based on age, gender, location etc, use that. • Location pin is for if you’d like to identify where you are posting from• Camera icon immediately browses to your computer to post a picture.• As your page grows you might also see the Boost Post option. is is where

you can pay $5+ to increase a post’s visibility or target it to people who do not yet like your Page.

• A sequence of your posts in chronological order on the main page right/center.• Additional sections for Activity/Recent Posts by Others, Friends Who Like this

Page, Pages that this Page likes, and more will appear on the le sidebar and the More tab as you start using your Page.

• Small sidebar on right that lists Unread Noti"cations and Messages. As you begin to use your Page you will also see in the sidebar a section called is Week which lists new Page Likes and your weekly Post Reach (number of people who saw your posts).

• Under the Unread sidebar you will see faint years listed. is is your Page’s “timeline” where you can visit any year or month to see that time frame’s posts.

• Admin bar across the top of the Page. is includes:• Page - like the “home” button - a way to get back to viewing your Page• Activity - includes your Page Messages inbox, Noti"cations to the

Page, and any Scheduled Posts.• Insights - is does not appear until your Page is established. is

section will show you statistics on your visitors and Page activity. For example you can see which posts performed best, and use that to model new posts you might like to write.

• Settings - We will cover this more later but you will see several tabs for various settings within this section. It is important to also note that the Activity Log is embedded in this section. e Activity Log shows every post your Page has posted, and allows you to sort them by type. You can also see Posts by Others, and comments you have made on posts. is is a great place to visit when you need to "nd something that was discussed. Next to each post you also have the ability to edit its visibility if you would like to later delete or hide the post. Your list of

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Scheduled Posts will also be in this section.• Build Audience Dropdown - is is where you go to invite people to like your

Page - more about that later. You can also create or manage ads from here.• Help Dropdown - the place to check if you get stuck or need clari"cation.

Facebook’s help forum is accessible here as well.• Cover Image Buttons. On the lower right of the cover picture you will see

buttons that appear on all Pages:• Like Button - Once you like your own Page you will see this as a drop

down with the option to Get Noti"cations checked (so you get noti"ed of any activity) and the option to Add to Interest Lists. You can also Unlike your Page from here, though I do not recommend it!

• Follow/Following Button - is just indicates that you want to follow (receive) posts from this Page.

• Message - To private message the page. is allows visitors to contact you via Facebook, in messages that arrive in your inbox.

• e Ellipsis Button (three dots) - Options to Like As Your Page (only if you have other Pages you want to have like this one), Remove from My Page’s Favorites (if you have liked it as a Page), View Insights, Create Ad, Share (post to your friends that you have a Page) or Create a Page (to make another one). Usually you will not use this button on your own Page except the Share option once in a while!

Customize Your Page

Business Page Cover: Click on Page to get back to your Page.e Cover is a large image across the top of your Page. It should measure 850 x 315 pixels. is is quite large! If you try and upload something that is smaller or larger Facebook will stretch it out so be sure to create or crop something to that exact size, or use a larger photo. You might choose to use a company provided photo, a personal photo that you have taken, one that you "nd on a roylaty-free photo site, or use one of the following tools to create something else:

Royalty-free Image Sources:




Cover Image Editors:


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To insert your cover photo, simply hover over the lower right corner and a drop down that says Add (or Change) Cover will appear. Click one of the options to insert your image and you will be able to drag it into the correct position so it looks great!

Further Customization with App Boxes

ere are many free “Facebook Apps” that you can add to customize your page with items such as a video channel, mini‐website pages and more. With those you will receive an Apps box section on the le sidebar of your Page under the About section. Once created, you can also customize the button for each App you add.

If you click the More tab under the cover image, you can add apps, or you can add them from outside websites which will integrate with your Page (this is usually what I do!) or "nd them within Facebook via the search. As you add any additional custom Facebook apps they will appear in this More drop down menu. As mentioned above, you can click on Manage Tabs any time to move the apps/tabs so that you highlight your favorites across the white bar.

You have the ability to have 2 of your choice in addition to the About tab which will always remain the "rst box. Here are some Facebook Apps that are recommended for your Page.

Website Redirect:

A website redirect is accomplished by installing the Static iFrame Tab by Woobox. When installed, you will have a Facebook App that, when clicked, will direct your visitors to your (or any) website. You can install as many of these redirect boxes as you like. is means you can have one called Shop, another called Services, and another called Contact Me if you like.

8.1.1. Start by visiting this page within Facebook:

8.1.2. Click the green Install Page Tab button, then choose your Facebook Page, and click Add Page Tab.

8.1.3. Aer the new App has loaded you will see the Settings panel. Next to where it says Page Source, click on Redirect.

8.1.4. In the box below, type your full web address where you would like this tab to redirect to.

8.1.5. Leave the other settings alone but next to Tab Name you may rename the

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App to whatever you like, such as Shop. Only 14 characters will be displayed, so keep it short and sweet.

8.1.6. Woobox has a standard Tab Image that will become the button on the le of your Page and in most cases you will want to customize this. Use any of the resources listed above for customizing images, but create something that is exactly 111 x 74 pixels. Perhaps use a photo of as the background and insert the text Shop, as an idea. Some people like to use PowerPoint to create the image, save as an image and resize, for another idea. If you do create a tab image, click the Change Tab Image link and follow the instructions to upload it. Click Save.

8.1.7. If you want to create another tab, and have it redirect to a different page on your website, revisit this Settings area and click on one of the icons next to Install Another Tab. en repeat this process.

8.1.8. To access your settings for each Tab, click on the Tab box from the front of your Business Page and instead of letting the App redirect to your website, click Cancel and then Settings. Your visitors will only be redirected - they cannot access your Settings.

Other Social Media Site Apps

Woobox has some additional Facebook Apps that allow you to create embedded feeds from your Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram. To install those, visit and sign up for the free account. Once installed, you can edit their App name, or the App image easily. Click on the small down arrow near the App Tabs, and then each box will have a small pencil on the top right of the App image. Click there to "nd the Settings and you can upload your Tab image and change the name from there.

ere are many other apps and services you can add. Feel free to explore the web for Facebook Page Apps, or when you visit a Page that has something you like going on, see if there’s a logo for the app service they use.

Change the Position of App Section

If you ever want to move the App box around on the le side, you can do that by swapping positions with another Section. Click the small pencil to the right of the Apps title bar in that section. en click Manage Sections. From there you can move around the Sections so your Apps appear as close to the top as possible.

Edit Your Page InfoOne of the biggest advantages to having a Business Page is that the words you put to describe

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your business are potentially searchable by others looking for your products or opportunity. Filling out your descriptions completely will help new people "nd you, as well as give your existing network information about you and your business.

Click on the Settings at the top of your Page and then click on Page Info.

Some of the sections are not necessary and can be le blank. Next to each of the following sections, add text, separated by line breaks if needed, describing your business further. You may choose to use existing marketing copy from your website or company, or you can get creative. e main idea is to use descriptions that include words people might search for. Do not worry about having too much information - remember we want the search engines to pick up words, so the more the better in most cases! Most sections have unlimited character counts.

Edit these sections by clicking the Edit link on the right:Note that your sections may be different depending on the Page category

• Short Description (You should have already done this when setting up the Page.) You have up to 155 characters to use. Do not include your web address since it appears below this section. is is what appears right at the top of your Page under your Pro"le image.

• Company Overview• Long Description• General Information• Mission (might be your personal “why” story, or the company history)• Awards if you have earned any company awards• Products (you can list each collection and even each individual product)• Phone (if you do not want your personal phone listed, use a Google Voice number and

have it forwarded)• Email (again if you do not want your personal email listed, use a Gmail email and have it

forwarded)• Website (you may have already done this when setting up the Page)• Do NOT do anything with the “Official Page” option as that links your Page to another.

Edit Your Page SettingsIn the same area where you accessed the Page Info, click on the General tab on top. For most people, you will NOT adjust any of the default Settings for your Page unless a problem arises. I recommend you leave these alone, especially the country or age restrictions as those also restrict Google from seeing your Page.


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In this same area click the Noti"cations tab on the right. is is where you can decide whether you want the red 'ag noti"cations, and/or emails for activity on your Page. Whereas on my personal pro"le I turn these off, when it is for my business Page I leave these all turned on, so I do not miss a message or post where someone needs me or wants to do business with me.

Most of the other tabs in this section can be le alone.

Start Posting and Build Your Audience Once your Page is basically set up it is recommended that you add a few initial posts so there is something on the Page “wall” when people visit. Perhaps a quick tip, a photo, or a link to some interesting information.

When your Page feed is ready to publish, be sure to go up to the Settings area and UNcheck the box Unpublish Page box next to Page Visibility, if you have not done that already.

Now you are ready to invite people to “like” your Page! ere are 4 ways to do this on Facebook. Click the Build Audience drop down at the very top right of your Admin bar to see these choices:

1. Invite Friends: When you click on this option, Facebook will present you a list of all your personal Facebook Friends, or the ability to search for them by name. Click the Invite button next to their name, and Facebook will send them a red 'ag noti"cation asking them to Like your Page.

2. Invite Contacts: When you click this option you will be able to either connect to an online email service you may use, or upload a contact "le using a CSV spreadsheet. When you use any of the options available, Facebook will present you with a list of contacts and you can simply check or uncheck which ones you would like to invite to Like your Page. If the person is already a Facebook user, the system will send them a red 'ag noti"cation saying that you have invited them to Like your new Page. If they are not already using Facebook, it will email them an invitation to join Facebook and then Like your Page.

3. Promote Page: Facebook has several paid advertising options and one of them is to increase your Page Likes. Since you can do a lot to build your audience without paying for ads, usually this is not recommended. However if you feel compelled to give your Page a boost by paying for an ad, click on that option and follow the instructions. You will be asked to set up a payment account and to set a budget for your ad campaign. You can target your ad to speci"c demographics and even to be shown to people with speci"c interests, such as “healthy living” or “natural products.” Try it out for a small amount (maybe $5) and see what your results are.

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Another option:

Share Page: As mentioned above, the ellipsis tab (three dots) on the bottom of your Page’s cover image has the option to Share your Page. is will post to your personal Facebook account. When you click on this, a pop up box will appear and you can add your own caption such as “I would love to invite you to “like” my new Business Page! Join me for daily tips!” It will then include a link to your Page when you post.

From the drop down menu at the top of this panel you can choose to share this with your own “Timeline” which is on your personal Facebook, and to your Facebook friends, or to a Friend’s Timeline, which displays it only to one person’s “wall”, or in a Group you participate in (be careful not to spam!) or on another Page you might be running. Usually you will use this to post to your own Timeline. Note that since you are sharing this to your personal account, the “audience selector” is set to whatever your default is in that account (usually Friends) but you can change it (like to Public) if you wish.

Network on Other Business PagesAnother way to build an audience is by participating in discussions on other Business Pages where the readers have similar interests to those you would like to meet. To gain exposure to people like that, you can interact on other Pages as your own Page.

To do this, under the little gear at the top right of your Facebook, click on Use Facebook As....your Page. Once you have done that you will see your real name has now become your business name at the top of your Facebook. You are essentially “logged in as” your Business Page.

Business Pages cannot have “friends” and cannot interact on personal Timelines. However they can “like” and comment on other Business Pages.

Use Facebook’s search box to "nd other businesses, media outlets, products and services that serve a similar demographic that you would like to reach. Note: Do not search for direct competitors such as businesses offering similar items. is about topics, vendors, media, stores they might like and frequent.

When you "nd Pages that would also appeal to your customers, Like them as your business Page. en, whenever you log in as your Business Page, your Home news feed becomes full of posts by those Pages, and you can like and comment on their posts as the name of your business. is means that all of that Page’s network is exposed to you. If they are curious, they may click over to your Page and like it or check out your website!

Be sure to go back to the little gear on the top right to go back to Using Facebook As... your

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name, when you are through.

Post on Your Facebook Business PageOn Facebook, it is important to post at least once per day whenever possible. is keeps your visibility up in Facebook’s news feed algorithm (the way Facebook decides what to show each person) as well as giving your readers something to look forward to every day.

It is recommended that the majority of what you post in social media NOT be promotional in nature. In fact, the less time you spend “selling,” the more trust and rapport your readers will feel. en when you do post something that is either asking for a sale, or a booking, or to join your team, they are much more likely to act on it by responding or sharing with their friends. e idea is to become a resource of information, inspiration and conversation. Teach them something. Share a link to an informative article. Share a beautiful picture or quotation. en about once a week or so, share something about the products or services, or a special offer, that includes a link so they can take action.I recommend my Social Media 9-1-1 Code for a good rule of thumb. is is a ratio of non-marketing to marketing posts that seems to work!

9 Non-Marketing Posts (helpful, useful, educational)1 Promotional Post (buy this, join that)1 Personal or Casual Post (share something personal, funny post, quotes)

If you know you will not be able to post each day, as mentioned earlier, there is a built-in feature that allows you to schedule your Business Page posts in advance. In the publishing box where you post something, look for the small clock icon. Choose a date and time in advance for your post to go out and it will appear in the “Activity Log” as a scheduled post. is can be handy when you will be out of town or otherwise occupied, though most days it is best to post “live” so you can respond to comments.

We recommend that you take my Social Media CPR approach when working on your Facebook marketing. is means that each day you will

Comment (C) on 3-5 other people’s postsPost something helpful (P) and Reply (R) to any comments or messages directed to you.

If you follow that formula every day you can accomplish a consistent Facebook presence in about 15-20 minutes per day.

Here are some creative post ideas you might want to try:

1. Describe a business related outing, meeting, event, or trip coming up.

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2. Share about someone you are meeting with and why. 3. Describe projects you are working on.4. Tell what you are reading or business related videos you are watching. 5. Share about someone you admire in your "eld, company, or industry. 6. Share about someone who in'uenced you in business or as a person.7. Have a Customer of the Day – tell the world how great they are. 8. Read blogs about topics of interest to you and your readers, and share interesting articles

regularly. 9. Share an inspiring quotation, and how it relates to your topic.10.Share a funny anecdote about something that happened in your business.11.Ask your readers what they are working on or doing that they are excited about. 12.Tell what inspires you and ask your readers what inspires them, too. 13.Share a quick how-to. Something you take for granted every day can be a lifesaver when

someone new learns how to do it. 14.Make up a Top 10 List about something and post it. 15.Write a “Why I Love…” post. Ex: Why you love your town, a person, a business, a

product.16.Share useful tools you use in your business, and where to get them.17.Share about why you started your business.18.Post a Question of the Day or Week.19.Answer a frequently asked question. Chances are if someone had the question, many

others do too but didn’t ask yet!20.Share a holiday greeting and a favorite tradition or recipe. 21.Invite your readers to ask you questions.

Measuring Your Success Once you have at least 30 “likes” on your business Page you will be able to access a tool for measuring your Page success. is is called Insights and can be accessed by clicking the Insights tab in your Admin bar or at

In the Insights area you will see a general overview of how your Page is doing such as Page Likes (how many new people like your Page), Post Reach (how many Facebook users were exposed to your posts,) and Engagement (how many likes and comments you received.) It isn’t necessary to follow or track these statistics meticulously, but, once in a while, it is good idea to check and see if the stats are going up! Your goal is to see increases over time.

If you scroll toward the bottom of the Insights area you will see stats about your 5 Most Recent Posts. e best use of this data is to see which types of posts received the best results - and do more like those! For example, if you "nd that photos with an inspirational quote have the highest reach, it tells you that your readers really like that kind of post. Click on See All Posts to see more of them.

Facebook Business Page Instructions | Page 14

©Karen Clark 707-939-5709 Licensed to My Business Presence training participants for personal use only. For more information or to get your questions answered, please visit

Under that section is a Pages to Watch feature. I resisted using this feature at "rst because you are essentially ‘spying’ on competitors but I have found it motivates me to be more active on my Page. Find up to 5 Pages you would like to list, and Facebook will show you brief statistics about that page such as how their engagement was this week. If you click the Page name, a pop up window appears showing you their most engaging posts. You can use this information to think of new posts for your own page. Not copying them of course, but being inspired try try something new. For example, if their most popular post was something like a Yes/No question, try posting a Yes/No question of your own.

If you like analytics, take some time to explore all the other areas across the top or in each individual section. Some people are experts at using the Insights information to determine what to post, when to post it, and which types of items to post. In general, if you are posting informative, inspiring and conversational items, people will be compelled to interact by liking or commenting. You can oen tell what is working just by seeing the response directly.

Enjoy working with your Fabulous Facebook Business Page! As always please contact me with any questions or when you need support!

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Facebook Business Page Instructions | Page 15

©Karen Clark 707-939-5709 Licensed to My Business Presence training participants for personal use only. For more information or to get your questions answered, please visit

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