created by: nbct amazingclassroom · keep playing until someone reaches the finish line. they win!...

Post on 11-May-2018






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Created by:

Mrs. K. Gilchrist - NBCT



Move ahead

2 spaces

Move back

1 space

Move back

1 space

Place Game Cards

Facedown Here

Setup Instructions 1. Print out the cover, glue it on the outside of a manila envelope and laminate the entire enve-

lope for better durability. You will need 2 tokens and 1 die for this game. Different colored Starburst candies are great to use for tokens. When they play fairly with good behavior, they can then eat their token when the game is over. Plus, they go well with the game’s theme.

2. This page is for you to print backs for the cards if you choose. Not mandatory for the game, but

extra cute.

3. Cut out the game cards, laminate them, and place them in a zipper sealed bag.

4. Place the directions, common core standards sheet, game cards in the bag, and answer key all in the envelope. I like to include the common core standards for the game in the envelope. Ad-ministrators love seeing these when they come in for walkthroughs because it is like having your objectives posted, plus a reminder to the students of what they are learning.

Graphics by: Maree Truelove


Place your tokens on the start square.

Take the cards out of the baggy and place face down on the rectangle.

You and your partner roll the die. The person with the LOWEST number goes first.

The first player draws a card. Read the words at the top “PAST, PRESENT, OR FUTURE.” Then read the statement on the card aloud. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Choose A, B, C, or D. Your partner will check the answer key to see if you are correct.

If you are correct, roll the die and move that many spaces forward. Follow the directions on the space if there are any.

Now, it’s your partners turn. They do the same thing, and you check their answer.

Keep playing until someone reaches the finish line. They win! Really, you all win because you are learning and having fun at the same time!

Graphics by: Maree Truelove

Common Core State Standards

Second Grade Standards L.2.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English

grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Form and use the past tense of frequent ly occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told).

Third Grade Standards L.3.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

Graphics by: Maree Truelove

PAST TENSE Johnny ______ to the store yesterday. a. is going b. gone c. went d. wented

PRESENT TENSE Be Quiet! Becky ____________! a. is sleeping b. slept c. sleeped d. sleeping

FUTURE TENSE I _________to play soccer next year. a. going gone c. am going d. goned

PAST TENSE Sally _________ her kids to soccer practice. a. will drive b. drove c. drived d. driving

PRESENT TENSE Jeffrey ______ 2 miles to the store. a. is walking b. walked c. will walk d. walking

FUTURE TENSE I _________to Florida next month. a. going gone c. am going d. goned

PAST TENSE I _______ for my math test for three hours. a. study b. studies c. is studying d. studied

PRESENT TENSE Renee ________ her car today. a. washing b. wash c. is washing d. washed

FUTURE TENSE I _________ tomorrow. a. will exercise b. exercise c. exercised d. exercises

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

PAST TENSE I _______ when I had my picture taken. a. smiles b. smiling c. smiled d. is smiling

PRESENT TENSE Jodi _______ a new car today! a. will buy b. is buying c. buyed d. bought

FUTURE TENSE I _______ the house tomorrow. a. cleaned b. cleaning c. will clean d. cleans

PAST TENSE Ryan _______ in class a lot last week. a. talked b. talks c. is talking d. will talk

PRESENT TENSE I ________ my grandma today. a. is visiting b. visited c. am visiting d. visits

FUTURE TENSE She _______ me to the movies later. a. took b. taked c. taking d. will take

PAST TENSE I _______ my doctor’s appointment. a. cancel b. canceled c. cancels d. is canceled

PRESENT TENSE Mike _______ cookies for the school bake sale. a. baked b. baking c. is baking d. bake

FUTURE TENSE I ______ you that in about a week. a. will give b. gaves c. gave d. giving

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

PAST TENSE I _______ a pet bird. a. have b. haven’t c. am having d. had

PRESENT TENSE Kelly _______ to Bryan. a. is nice b. was nice c. niced d. nices

FUTURE TENSE I ______ you again this weekend. a. saw b. will see c. sees d. sawed

PAST TENSE Bryan _______ to Kelly. a. means b. meant c. was mean d. is mean

PRESENT TENSE Jodi _______ the street. a. will cross b. crossed c. is crossing d. cross

FUTURE TENSE He _______his best suit to the wedding. a. will wear b. weared c. wored d. wore

PAST TENSE She ______ her pet dog. a. losted b. lost c. will lose d. is losing

PRESENT TENSE Chase _______ the mail right now. a. gets b. got c. is getting d. getted

FUTURE TENSE He _______ the house on Wednesday. a. dusted b. will dust c. be dusting d. dust

19 20 21

22 23 24

25 26 27

Past Present & Future

Present & Future

Past Past Present

& Future

Past Present & Future

Past Present & Future

Past Present & Future

Past Present & Future

Past Present & Future

Past Present & Future

Answer Key

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C

7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. C

13. C 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A

19. C 20. A 21. B 22.D 23.C 24.A

25.B 26.C 27.B

Graphics by: Maree Truelove

Graphics by: Maree Truelove

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Mrs. K. Gilchrist -

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