creating a climate for change - environmental sustainability initiatives at nols

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    CreatingaClimateforChangeenvironmentalSuStainabilityinitiativeSat nolS

  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    2 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols

    The Scope o the report

    Table of conTenTS

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    In 2006, on the eve o crating the next ve-year

    strategic plan or NOLS, we embarked on an ini-

    tiative to ormalize the schools commitment to

    environmental sustainability. The timing was or-

    tuitous. As we entered a phase o simultaneously

    looking back on where weve been and drawing

    our map or the uture, we had a golden opportu-

    nity to assess our strengths and highlight areas o

    opportunity to serve our mission.

    In the realm o environmental sustainability,

    NOLS track record is strong. We pioneered

    the practice o minimum-impact wilderness

    travel, our curriculum and our operations are

    steeped in the Leave No Trace ethic, and our

    students graduate with a deepened sense o commitment to wild places. NOLS

    is, undamentally, an organization with strong conservation and environmental

    values, with an employee base that is overwhelmingly tuned into, i not driven by,

    the importance o reducing our impact on the globe. In 2006 we realized that,

    while all these things are true, we lacked a comprehensive plan or environmental

    sustainability at the school, one that spells out how we will not only continue to

    value it, but how we will advance it in a way that ensures that our rontcountry

    practices are in line with our backcountry excellence.

    This report tells the story o our path to ormalize environmental sustainability

    at NOLS in the context o our educational mission. It highlights the dierent

    shapes that sustainability takes at unique NOLS locations around the world. It also

    explains where were headed in the uture with environmental stewardship as one

    o our eleven strategic goals. We have set ambitious but attainable objectiveslike

    we do in the backcountrycentered on reducing our global carbon ootprintand our overall impact. Our plan or achieving these objectives is constantly

    evolving as we learn and study the world around us. What remains constant is our

    commitment to striving or greater environmental sustainability and sharing what

    we learn with our students, sta, and communities.

    John Gans

    NOLS Executive Director

    Message from the Director

    (c) s g nols pg, g g c a rg C, gg c c g g p rc b

    The National Outdoor Leadership School284 Lincoln Street Lander, WY (800) 710-NOLS
  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols 3

    Leave No Trace: Bringing OurBackcountry Ethic to the Forefront

    Though we didnt know it at the time, NOLS was dening the concept o minimum-

    impact camping and setting the standard or sustainable travel in the backcountry

    when we rst started sending students into the Wind River Mountains in 1965. For

    45 years we have rened and perfected the concept, learning through experience and

    hundreds o thousands o nights slept on the ground around the world in a wide range

    of ecosystems. In the early 90s, we worked with federal land management agencies todene and formalize Leave No Trace (LNT), which has become the unparalleled ethic

    and practice or minimum-impact travel in wild places.

    But what about NOLS in the rontcountry? Just because we are outdoor edu-

    cators who teach LNT, doesnt mean that our in-town practices will ollow suit by

    deault. How do we operate when were designing programs, eeding students, trav-

    eling to meetings, paying bills, convening alumni, writing curriculum, or attending

    board meetings? And what are we doing to ensure that we walk our own backcoun-

    try talk when were in town: that we take what we teach our students in the wilder-

    ness and apply it to all aspects o our work?

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    g c c


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    tg g ckc c n cg c c


  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    4 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols

    In 2006, we decided that it was no longer enough to practice environmenta

    sustainability in an ad-hoc ashion. We knew we were making many good opera

    tional decisions: using uel-ecient vehicles or in-town trips, running solar-electric

    systems in Mexico, capturing rainwater in the Pacic Northwest, building strawbale

    housing in the Southwest, and more. But we lacked a comprehensive, schoolwide

    vision or how we intended to reduce our environmental ootprint and track our

    progress over time.

    The rst critical steps in the NOLS Sustainability Initiative involved establishing

    a baseline carbon ootprint or the school and crating a strategic plan. We needed a

    snapshot o our operations, giving us a basis or measuring improvement and provid

    ing direct eedback, and we needed to set goals toward reducing our impact, thus

    creating a road map or sustainability eorts moving orward.

    defining ouR fooTpRinT

    Right away we realized we needed help in calculating our overall environmenta

    impact. In 2007, NOLS contracted with Pure Strategies, an environmental consulting

    rm, to complete a sustainability audit or the school. Pure Strategies spent sev-

    eral months visiting key operating locations, including NOLS Headquarters, NOLS

    Rocky Mountain, NOLS Southwest, and NOLS Pacic Northwest, and interviewing

    sta to gather data at our other operating locations worldwide.

    The audit covered everything rom our use o oce electronics to carbon emis

    sions to outdoor gear purchasing. Pure Strategies evaluated NOLS current practice

    and made recommendations or improvements. They also calculated our carbon

    footprint for the 2006 scal year (FY06). This measurement is now our baseline

    footprint, allowing us to set carbon reduction goals based on our FY06 emissions.

    fs Yr 2006 cr ftrt


    emss Sr Mtr Ts co2

    nols vc t 947

    ecc 585

    n G 222

    p 79

    w G 18

    hg o 14

    Tt 1,865

    Wt gs 1%

    ht o 1%nolS V Trv 51%

    etrty 31%

    ntr gs 12%

    pr 4%

    w k

    g gz

    cg k nols

    g c


    t c c c

    , cg g



    Tim Greiner, Managing Director, PureStrategies, Inc.

    t c a g c ckc g


  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    6 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: conSeRVaTion and ReducTion

    Conservation and ReductionMeaSuRing ouR caRbon fooTpRinT

    The rst phase o achieving our conservation and reduction goal called or us to

    establish systems to measure and track our energy use. Pure Strategies completed a

    version o this or our 2006 scal year in their sustainability audit, but the data col-

    lection was challenging and, in many cases, impossible to complete. Ater suering

    through the process o retroactive energy data collection, NOLS sta were motivated

    to develop a process that systematized the ongoing capture o necessary inormation

    Ater much research and deliberation, NOLS again approached Pure Strategies

    or a solution in the orm o their web-based Carbon Tracker system. At the time

    Pure Strategies was in the process o developing the Carbon Tracker and had onlybuilt customized systems or a handul o other organizations. NOLS saw opportu-

    nity in becoming part o this nascent phase o automated carbon tracking.

    As with any new sotware, there were bugs to work out, as well as dozens o sta

    members to train in the use o the sotware. Nevertheless, Carbon Tracker was up

    and running for our 2009 scal year, and we completed our second carbon footprin

    measurement in August of 2009. While we know our numbers include some mea-

    surement error (and expect this to diminish as we continue to learn how to consis -

    tently and best use the Carbon Tracker), we feel condent that our FY09 and FY10

    measurements are sound refections o our energy use during these periods.

    w c g c

    cg, nols k:

    w c i k c

    c g? t

    s i

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    g lnt c

    g gz

    Eric Wanless, NOLS Instructor

    fs Yr 2009 cr ftrt

    emss Sr Mtr Ts co2

    nols vc t 631

    ecc 554

    n G 268

    p 87

    w G 29

    hg o 8

    Tt 1,577

    fs Yr 2010 cr ftrt

    emss Sr Mtr Ts co2

    nols vc t 632

    ecc 556n G 294

    p 94

    w G 25

    hg o 13

    Tt 1,614

    pr 6%

    Wt gs 2%

    ht o

  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: conSeRVaTion and ReducTion 7

    WhaTS included in ouR fooTpRinT?

    In reporting our carbon ootprint, NOLS ollows the Kyoto Protocol and the inter-

    nationally accepted greenhouse gas accounting standard developed by the World

    Resources Institute and World Business Counsel or Sustainable Development.

    These organizations categorize greenhouse gas reporting into three scopes. Scope 1

    is dened as directemissions rom sources controlled by the organizationon-site

    uel combustion, emissions rom NOLS owned and leased vehicles, etc. Scope 2 is

    dened as indirectemissions rom sources controlled by the organizationin our

    case, electricity use. Scope 3 is dened as all other sources o emissionsstudent,

    instructor and sta travel, as well as any upstream emissions caused by rented

    facilities (buildings not owned by NOLS), or by the production and shipment of

    any purchased products.

    The Kyoto Protocol calls on organizations to report Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

    Many organizations go beyond this standard and also report Scope 3 emissions, or

    some portion o them. The extent to which Scope 3 emissions are measured is highly

    variable and dependent on the organization to make the nal decision.

    NOLS has drawn a Scope 3 boundary, balancing the need to paint a compre-

    hensive picture o the schools environmental impact while keeping the task ocused

    on what we can control and what is manageable with the schools existing resources.

    Measurability is also a consideration, as we cannot manage what we cannot measure.

    Our boundary changes occasionally as we learn more about what we can count,

    control, and change.

    Calculating our carbon ootprint with these parameters will stretch our resources

    without overtaxing them. These areas o Scope 3 emissions will give NOLS a strong

    oundation rom which to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the

    inormation needed to tackle more challenging measurements and reductions in the


    cmts t nolS cr ftrt

    S 1 S 2 S 3

    building eneRgY( )

    elecTRiciTYSTudenT TRaVel duRingnolS couRSeS

    VehicleS( )

    STaff TRaVel

    WhiTe gaS fuel uSe faculTY TRaVel

    ouTSouRced ReRaTionS


    STudenT TRaVel To nolS


    Included in our footprint and targeted for reductionRenTed faciliTY eMiSSionS

    Not currently included in our footprint but targeted

    for future analysis eMiSSionS fRoMpuRchaSed MaTeRialS

    nols c c ckc c x(from top to bottom) gg , ckg , gg - c, g )





  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    8 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: conSeRVaTion and ReducTion

    Reducing ouR fooTpRinT

    We based our carbon reduction goals on a number o recom-

    mendations and standards set by other institutions o higher

    education. Most o these were based on the internationally rec-

    ognized 2% Solution, which recommends reducing absolute

    carbon emissions 2 percent annually until the year 2050, for

    an overall carbon reduction o greater than 80 percent. This

    recommendation came about as a result o general consensus

    in the scientic community that this level o reduction will

    keep the parts per million (ppm) of atmospheric carbon below

    catastrophic levels.

    In addition to the 2% Solution, we also decided some

    interim goals were in order. Eighty percent by 2050 sounds

    great, but also pretty ar o and intangible. Also, reducing our

    carbon at more aggressive levels sooner rather than later will pre-

    vent more emissions rom ever entering the atmosphere to begin

    with. So, in keeping with the spirit of our 2013 strategic plan

    goals, we set stretch goals or our interim targetsbig enough

    to energize us, but not so high that theyre out o reach.

    We settled on two interim goalsa 10 percent reduction

    from our 2006 carbon levels by 2010, and a 30 percent reduc-

    tion by 2020. These goals are absolute, meaning they refect

    the total actual carbon emitted by school operations within

    our carbon ootprint boundary. While we opted to set our

    carbon reduction goals in absolute terms, we also decided that

    reporting them in both absolute and normalized interpreta-

    tions was important. Normalized carbon reporting will show

    us how much carbon we use per student day. In other words

    it will illustrate our carbon eciency. This will be especially

    helpul i the school grows in leaps and bounds or a period

    making it a challenge to reduce our absolute carbon emissions

    during the same period o time. We will be able to look at the

    normalized inormation and see not only i we hit our absolute

    goal, but also i we reduced the amount o carbon we emit or

    each student day we have in the eld.

    In 2009, we were happy to note we exceeded our 2010

    goal a year early! While we expect numbers to fuctuate some-

    what as we grow more consistent in our data collection, we ee

    this is an accurate representation o our sustainability eorts

    and energy use in scal year 2009.

    nolS ast cr emsss

    2006 2009 2010 2010 g(-10%)

    2020 g(-30%)

    G 1679 1306

    hg o 14 8 13

    w G 18 29 25

    p 79 87 94

    n g 222 268 294

    ecc 585 554 556

    nols- vc t 947 631 632








  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: conSeRVaTion and ReducTion pRojecT highlighTS 9

    Conservation and Reduction ProjectHighlights


    Reducing energy use is central to NOLS carbon reduction goals and to part o

    the core vision o our Sustainability Initiativeto reduce consumption. This is no

    simple task given the heavy transportation demands o running wilderness courses

    in remote locations. Fortunately, wilderness classrooms are about as sustainable asit gets! Were also building on 45 years of a Leave No Trace ethic, giving NOLS a

    strong oundation or sustainability success.

    Our rst task is to reduce overall energy use. The cleanest burning uel is the

    one thats not used. As such, energy eciency is a priority when it comes to NOLS

    acilities and NOLS vehicles. We insulate, retrot, rework, build sustainably, and

    whenever possible warm ourselves in the sun.

    Lighting Ballasts : Rocky Mountain, Noble Hotel, Headquarters

    Compact uorescent bulb installation at NOLS Rocky Mountain and the Noble

    Hotel is complete. Motion sensors were installed in specic places to reduce unoc-

    cupied energy hogging. This reduced our consumption by 15 percent in 2007.

    Passive Solar Buildings: Pacifc Northwest

    The buildings on site were designed using passive solar principles. The win-

    dows are made with low-emission thermo-pane glass, and the buildings are

    insulated above commercial requirements to reduce the need or mechanical

    heating and cooling.

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    m g o c

    , c ,

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    jc c

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    i cc



    Latane Frank, NOLS Rocky MountainFacilities Manager

    c gg n h nols rck m (), g nols pcc n () g cc



  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    10 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: conSeRVaTion and ReducTion pRojecT highlighTS


    Transportation is a huge piece o running wilderness courses. Students and instruc-

    tors must travel to oten ar-fung locations just to begin their adventures. On top o

    that, sta commute to and rom work and travel to meetings and conerences. A lot o

    that travel is air travel, which is responsible or particularly potent carbon emissions.

    So how does NOLS go about reducing something that is so integral to its operations?

    Eciency is the watchword or our current transportation carbon management

    plan, but it wont get us to our ultimate carbon reduction goal of 80 percent by 2050

    We continue to watch or new technologies and uels, and budget or more ecient

    vehicles. In the meantime, were always looking or innovative solutions.

    Efcient Course Transportation: Yukon, Rocky Mountain

    Large diesel buses carry more students, reducing the number of trips made into

    the mountains.

    Public Transportation: Yukon, India

    Instructors are compensated for using public transportation to get to and from

    the NOLS Yukon base in Whitehorse.

    Students at NOLS India use local buses and trains instead of private vehicles

    to get to the base and to roadheads, saving up to 50 percent on fuel costs.

    In-town staff in India use a scooter instead of a car to save on fuel.

    Courses in India are re-rationed by local residents and their mules.

    ReneWable eneRgY

    Eciencies are an integral part o reducing our dependence on ossil uels, but they

    can only take us so ar. Once the light bulbs are changed and the ecient windows

    are installed, whats next? Many NOLS locations are already addressing this ques-

    tion by installing alternative and renewable energy systems to power their buildings

    The wind and sun are powering more than just our wilderness classrooms.

    Geothermal: Patagonia

    A geothermal heat exchange pump heats the administrative ofces, reducing

    propane consumption by approximately 75 percent.

    Solar Arrays: Rocky Mountain, Mexico, Teton Valley, Australia

    NOLS Teton Valley produces approximately 30 percent of the locations

    required energy with its solar array installed in 2010.

    Solar panels produce 40 percent of NOLS Rocky Mountains energy needs,

    and any unused energy goes back into the grid and into neighbors homes.

    NOLS Mexico is off the grid and its electrical needs are met primarily by solar

    panels. Any energy collected during the day is stored in batteries that powerthe base at night.

    NOLS Australia installed a 5 kilowatt solar array in 2010.

    C g nols cfrm t t ttm: Cg c nols yk c G g nols pg k c c- c sg gc ckc c c mg cc nols t v c c






  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: conSeRVaTion and ReducTion pRojecT highlighTS 11

    WaTeR conSeRVaTion

    Water conservation is a matter o perspective at NOLS. Extraordinary measures in

    the Southwest have obvious merit, but extreme eorts in Alaska dont make as much

    sense. Below are examples o how dierent bases manage this precious resource.

    Showerhouse: Southwest

    New shower facility saves 3,000 gallons of water annually via low-ow shower-

    heads, waterless urinals, and high-eciency clothes washers.

    Dual Flush Toilets: Headquarters

    Specially designed toilets with two choices of ush (liquid waste or solid waste) save

    more than 2,000 gallons o water annually.

    Grey Water System: Mexico

    After being used in NOLS Mexicos outdoor showers, water is transferred to a

    holding tank and eventually used to water the plants around the grounds.


    NOLS courses create very little trash when theyre in the eld. The in-town support

    or those courses, however, can create quite a lot o waste. Rations bags, paper towels,

    oce trash, and discarded long underwear are just some o the common waste prod-

    ucts o a NOLS course. Minimizing our waste is an important part o the NOLS

    experience. Whether were on a mountaintop or at a NOLS base, resources are limited

    and reducing, reusing, and recycling are practices vital to the success o any expedition.

    Recycling: Pacifc Northwest

    Plastic bags from courses, glass, tin, aluminum, steel, mixed paper, cardboard,

    number 1 & 2 plastics, motor oil, antifreeze, and automotive batteries get recycled.

    Batteries, tires, refrigerators, and computers are properly disposed of.

    Used ofce paper is turned into note tablets.

    Composting: Headquarters, Rocky Mountain, Mexico

    NOLS Headquarters has an industrial composter that turns kitchen and yard

    waste into rich soil. It has reduced our contribution to landll waste by 66 per-

    cent and saved us an estimated $2,500 annually in garbage collection.

    NOLS Mexicos composting toilets collect human waste into composting bins that

    are then periodically raked to create optimum oxygenation. Once broken down, the

    harmless and odorless material is used as ertilizer around the grounds.


    NOLS prioritizes purchasing environmentally preerable products wherever possible.The school also supports companies with strong environmental practices when pur-

    chasing our outdoor gear.

    Protocols: Schoolwide

    Paper: Wherever possible NOLS purchases paper with a post consumer recycled

    ber content of 50 percent or greater.

    Food: NOLS prioritizes local and organic foods in order to reduce the environ-

    mental impact o producing and transporting our course rations.

    a nols ak,


    , c f :


    g g g

    g g ,

    c --

    c -

    Don Ford, NOLS Alaska Director

    lc gc nols a nols ak (), g g g



  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    12 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: educaTion


    SuSTainabiliTY and The STudenT expeRience

    When all is said and done, our students and graduates are NOLS greatest contribu-

    tion to the environment. They experience our planets power and beauty, and they

    understand its ragility. NOLS grads are skilled, positive leaders with an environ-mental awareness and a strong ethical oundation. Providing them with a solid base

    o inormation, experience, and service to share with their community is our priority

    Field and Branch Curriculum: Schoolwide

    In addition to living comfortably with fewer resources, NOLS students learn

    about environmental science in the eld and at our bases. We emphasize trans-

    erring minimum impact skills learned in the backcountry to the rontcountry


    av: s rck c c r rck C n bw: a cc c nols c c ckc c


    t iin f Ninl od L di sl i b lding nd

    f wildn kill nd ldi v l nd nvinn. s in 1965, NoLs

    bn lding dn in wildn wi nly nil nd ing

    liv ily nd fbly wi ini i n i nvinn. a l, NoLs

    gd killd, iiv ld wi ng nvinnl wn nd il

    fndin. tg dn, N oLs iing li fng. F infin,

    vii Association: Environmental Protection Agency: and

    U.S. EnergyInformation Administration:

    World Resources Institute: www.wri.orgWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development: www.wbcsd.orgPure Strategies NOLSSustainabilityAudit, power outputcalculations: e L ea d er I n WI L d er n es s ed u c a TI o n

    cdndwddbyn vgNoLsbkkingdnndyinfnnyvdyinbkny.


    Frontcountry=250L dyresidential use only

    Backcountry=5Ldyinstructor estimatebasedon cooking, cleaning, and drinking



    Frontcountry=52.66lbCO2dyfrom household heating and electrical use and automotive/gasoline emissionsBackcountry=0.63lbCO2dyfrom headlamp, camera, GPS, and white gasuse


    O D



    Frontcountry=4.5 lbdyresidentialuse only

    Backcountry=0.1 lbdyinstructorestimate based on< 1lb perperson perweek


    Cert no. SW-COC-001784


  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: educaTion 13

    STudenT SeRVice pRojecTS

    A big part o learning environmental ethics at NOLS is practicing what we preach.

    Students and instructors routinely pick up backcountry trash and carry it with

    them or weeks in order to pack it out, or reclaim re rings making an impact on the

    wilderness environment. In addition to these parts o the NOLS experience, many

    bases oer additional expanded opportunities to give back to the land.

    Gardening and Farming: Alaska, Pacifc Northwest, Patagonia

    NOLS Alaskas organic garden produces 1,000 pounds of produce per year to

    eed students.

    Pigs at NOLS Alaska are fed on kitchen waste and are raised for pork and used

    to help prepare the ground or the garden. Chickens at NOLS Alaska are raised for meat and, prior to that, used in a

    chicken tractor that helps to naturally ertilize the elds.

    Greenhouses at NOLS Patagonia provide students and staff with organic

    garden goods, and their orchard provides apples, cherries, plums, pears,

    and gooseberries.

    NOLS Patagonia raises cage-free chickens as well as beef and lamb.

    Land Stewardship: Southwest, Rocky Mountain, Teton Valley

    NOLS Southwest courses contribute to several service projects, including one

    ongoing project in the Rob Roy Mine on the Koa National Wildlie Reuge

    helping the Fish and Wildlife Service clean out debris. They also work withthe Carlsbad Bureau o Land Management on cave restoration projects.

    NOLS Rocky Mountain Outdoor Educator students team up with the Bureau

    of Land Management, working with the Lander Field Ofce to monitor

    Wilderness Study Areas in the Granite Mountains, helping to ensure the area

    is not being degraded.

    Adventure students at NOLS Teton Valley participate in a trail maintenance

    project, partnering with the U.S. Forest Service and Teton Valley Trails and

    Pathways in the Palisades Mountain Range in Idaho.

    s c c jc g c c cws rm t: scg g cg r rck; rg g nolsak; Cg nols s

    i g g gg


    c c a


    i , xc,

    g c c


    Dan Verbeten, NOLS Teton ValleyOperations Manager






  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    14 environmental stewardship and sustainability at nols: ouTReach


    coMMuniTY ouTReach and paRTneRShipS

    NOLS is lucky to be part o more than a dozen communities across the globe. We

    partner with extraordinary organizations and involve our riends in campaigns and

    projects. Sharing our sustainability successes and challenges and harnessing the power

    o the outdoor community is all part o our sustainability outreach plan at NOLS.

    NOLS Headquarters co-sponsored the nations largest homegrown listening

    orums or the Americas Great Outdoors Initiative. NOLS Alaska provides produce for a Community Supported Agriculture

    (CSA) group in Palmer.

    NOLS Headquarters and NOLS Rocky Mountain coordinated a community

    event to clean up the banks o the Popo Agie River at several local parks in

    Lander, Wyoming.

    nols c , cg ( ) g C s agc (Csa) ( g)



  • 8/7/2019 Creating a Climate for Change - Environmental Sustainability Initiatives at NOLS


    Looking to the Future

    Our next climate protection goal is a 30 percent reduction o carbon emissions

    below our 2006 levels by 2020. We believe that while we were able to meet our 2010

    goal by tackling opportunities in eciencies and alternative energies as they came

    our way, our 2020 goal, as well as our 2050 goal of 80 percent reduction, is signi -

    cant enough that it will require specic strategy. In 2011 a committee composed

    o school directors and sustainability champions will convene to begin mapping out

    this strategy. We expect acility energy use and transportation to be primary areas o

    ocus as they comprise the bulk o our carbon ootprint.An environmentally sustainable NOLS, however, goes ar beyond carbon reduc-

    tion goals and lists o exciting projects. Success in sustainability will mean a cultural

    shit to a place where reducing, reusing, conserving, and restoring are the norm in

    the backcountry and rontcountry. Environmental ethics are a part o the mission

    and values at NOLS. As we move orward with our environmental sustainability

    initiative, we aim to oster and expand this ethic beyond our organization to our

    students, partners, and communities.

    i kg , s i nols , c,


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