creating a culture of learning 2013

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Creating A Culture Of Learning

Jim PetersonDirector of Secondary Instruction and TechnologyHolland Christian SchoolsIntegral Faith Instruction and Technology

Thursday, March 21, 13

Thursday, March 21, 13

Praxis Leads Theory

Thursday, March 21, 13

Partnership for 21st Century Skills -

Thursday, March 21, 132. Learning and Innovation Skills

1 Creativity and Innovation2 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving3 Communication and Collaboration

Analytical & Creative Thinking – Problem SolvingComplex Communication – Oral and Written

Leadership and TeamworkDigital and Quantitative Literacy

Global PerspectiveAdaptability, Initiative, and Risk Taking

Integrity/Ethical Citizenship/Faith ApplicationsPersonal Accountability

Thursday, March 21, 13

The skills are not new.

Thursday, March 21, 13

The conditions are.

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone knows what they don’t know.

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone shares.

“I had the power of the school culture on my side. Students... have shared their work with

pride since they were four years old.” Ron Berger

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone leads.

Thursday, March 21, 13He talks about decisions and that is not important what direction you go, but that you choose and do. He bases this on the idea that the project you choose now will end so it makes the choices less important than getting started and seeing what happens.

Everyone improves.

“He’s engaged in assessing his own work, scrapping it and

starting over when something fails, building or refining when he gets new ideas, and offering

feedback to his peers on a regular basis.” Will Richardson

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone uses feedback

Thursday, March 21, 13

•Google slowed down search results from 100 to 400 milliseconds.•The first three weeks, people searched 0.4% less. •The second three weeks, it was 0.75% less.•After speed was restored people searched 0.2% less.

Go to Enter room number 236236

Do you have any conditions you would add?

Thursday, March 21, 13

How do you create a culture of learning?

Step 2: Collaboratively design systems to implement new ideas that show you believe it.

Step 1: Pick one condition by listening to: data, research, observations, and people.

Thursday, March 21, 13

The design phase is where you get people on the bus.


Thursday, March 21, 13

StudentFacilitator: I encourage those around me to use the 4Cs.Role Model: I demonstrate the 4Cs for students teachers and administrators.Transformer: I use the 4Cs to transform my school.

TeacherFacilitator: I encourage those around me to use the 4Cs by asking questions.Role Model: I demonstrate the 4Cs for students teachers and administrators.Transformer: I use the 4Cs to transform my school.

Source: Ken Kay for edutopia

AdministratorFacilitator: I encourage those around me to use the 4Cs by asking questions.Role Model: I demonstrate the 4Cs for students teachers and administrators.Transformer: I use the 4Cs to transform my school.

Thursday, March 21, 13

Minor Bird

Thursday, March 21, 13

Celebrations acknowledge what people know and do not know. Celebrate what they do by asking them about it, celebrate what they don’t by asking them how they got there and putting them in groups where they can.

Department Confering

Thursday, March 21, 13

everyone shares

Tech Tips

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone is in charge. Everyone improves. Everyone leads.

Circle Of Seven

Thursday, March 21, 13

everyone improves. leave room for alternative assessment.


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For more FreeBIEs visit © 2 0 1 1 B U C K I N S T I T U T E F O R E D U C A T I O N

P R E S E N T A T I O N R U B R I C(for secondary and upper elementary grades)

Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Above Standard

Eye Contact & Physical Presence

f�does not look at audience; reads notes or slides

f holds things in hands nervously or keeps hands in pockets

f posture does not show confidence; (fidgets, slouches)

f clothes are not appropriate for the occasion

f makes some eye contact, or scans the room quickly, but reads notes or slides most of the time

fuses a few gestures but they do not look natural, or keeps hands too still to look natural

f posture shows some confidence, with only a little fidgeting or nervous movement

f some attempt to wear appropriate clothing for the occasion

f keeps eye contact with audience most of the time; only reads notes or slides sometimes

f uses hands naturally, making some gestures

f confident posturef clothes are appropriate for the occasion

In addition to At Standard criteria:! keeps eye contact all the time, slowly

scanning all of the audience; does not read notes or slides

! uses gestures smoothly, naturally to emphasize or illustrate points

! moves with purpose

Speaking f mumbles or goes too fast or slowf speaks too softly to be heardf frequently uses “filler” words (“uh, um,

so, and, like”)f pronounces several words incorrectlyf speaks in a style that is not appropriate

for the occasion

f speaks clearly some of the time; sometimes too fast or slow

f speaks loudly enough for some of the audience to hear, but may speak in a monotone

f occasionally uses filler wordsf pronounces a few words incorrectlyf speaks in a style that is appropriate for

the occasion, most of the time

f speaks clearly; not too fast or slowf speaks loudly enough for everyone to

hear; changes tone to maintain interestf rarely uses filler wordsf pronounces words correctlyf speaks in a style that is appropriate for

the occasion

In addition to At Standard criteria:! adds variety to speaking style (lower or

higher volume, change of pace, use of character voices)

! uses pauses for dramatic e!ect or to let ideas sink in

Organization f�does not meet requirements for what should be included in the presentation

f�selects too much or too little information or the wrong kind of information

f�gets ideas mixed upf�time is not used well; the whole

presentation, or several parts of it, are too short or too long

f�does not have an introduction and/or conclusion

f�meets most requirements for what should be included in the presentation

f�sometimes selects too much or too little information, or the wrong kind, about some topics

f�some ideas are connected, but not allf�some parts feel too short or too long; too

much or too little time is spent on one topic, slide, or idea

f�has an introduction and conclusion, but they are not clear or interesting

f�meets all requirements for what should be included in the presentation

f�selects the right amount and kind of information to present

f�states main idea & moves from one idea to the next clearly, in an order that makes sense

f�time is well spent; no part feels too short or too long

f�has a clear and interesting introduction and conclusion

In addition to At Standard criteria:! has a memorable introduction and

conclusion! connects introduction and conclusion

(returns to a story, theme, or metaphor)! e!ectively uses humor, stories, or


Audio/Visual Aids

f does not use aids (pictures, drawings, objects, posters, maps, recordings, slides, other electronic media, etc.)

f uses aids but they do not add much to, and may distract from, the presentation

f aids are hard to read or hear, or are messy (writing or graphics are not neat or sound is not clear)

f aids are not ready to use and are not smoothly brought into the presentation

f aids add to the presentationf aids are easy to see and/or hear, and are

neat f aids are ready to use and included

smoothly into the presentation

In addition to At Standard criteria:! aids are especially creative and/or

powerful! shows skill in creating aids and/or using

technology! smoothly handles problems with aids

and technological glitches, if they occur

Response to Audience Questions

f does not address the audience’s questions; says little or goes o! the topic

f may answer some of the audience’s questions, but not clearly and/or completely

f may try to answer a challenging question by faking it

f answers audience’s questions clearly and completely

f when asked a question he or she does not know the answer to, says “I don’t know” or explains how the answer could be found

In addition to At Standard criteria:! answers questions in a way that adds

details, examples, or new points to the presentation

! smoothly handles questions that are unclear, o! the topic, distracting, or challenging

Teach Presentation Skills

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone Shares

Thursday, March 21, 13

everyone leads - the students are the recommenders

Digging Into Nature

Thursday, March 21, 13

everyone improves - ePortfolio

Teach (and use) Google Forms

Thursday, March 21, 13

everyone uses data.

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone leads - teachers paint walls green, sups build coffee shops

Thursday, March 21, 13

Everyone Learns in a culture of learning.

Please bless me with feedback.


Thursday, March 21, 13

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