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Creating a More Inclusive Environment at Northwestern:

An Introduction to Understanding Race and Whiteness

Alecia Wartowski, J.D., Interim Director of the Women’s Center

Michele Enos, M.Ed., Assistant Director Social Justice Education

Northwestern University 10th Annual Best Practices Forum

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Why are you in this session?

What do you hope to get out of this session?

What is your first racial memory? When do you remember learning about race? Share that story.

White Patterns of Behavior

• Little to no knowledge of our own race

• Inability to talk about our own race

• See ourselves solely as individuals

• See racism as individualized – not systemic

• Defensiveness

• Focus on “fixing” the problem

Themes & Findings - Before

• Race was always about people of color

• Whiteness was the norm and never thought about

• Guilt and relief were prevalent

• Racism was taught to be “over” and cured by MLK

Themes & Findings - After

“Understanding that there is a white supremacy culture

that exists today has definitely changed my

thoughts on what it means to be white.”

“I…feel a greater sense of responsibility since starting this group – a responsibility to continue to educate myself and work with other white people instead of letting that burden fall on POCs.” “I will continue my growth

and development around race and racism by reading and educating myself – I still have a lot to learn and a lot to be aware of, so the education can never stop.”

“…trying to sell myself the colorblind mindset was so problematic because it allowed me to let myself off the hook…and not reckon with the way in which I really did and do see race and color. I would ignore and push away my behaviors and thoughts rather than interrogating my reality – which included feelings of fear or discomfort around people of color…like the man who ran the gas station that I used to stop at…on my way home…when I was in high school. I’m not sure why that memory is particularly salient, but I remember trying to convince myself that it was not his race that made me feel uneasy…that I would be just as guarded were I standing with a white man –and I don’t think that’s true.”

Themes and Findings – Staff & Faculty

“I am doing a better job of listening and being an ally. I am more attuned to incidents of bias in the workplace and thoughtful about making decisions, taking action, etc.”

“Only in a group of other whites is it possible, without judgment, to honestly and good-humoredly begin to unpack one's socialization as a white person and understand why one has not resisted it. In this setting one can one hold ‘white guilt’ at bay long enough to truly examine whiteness.”

“The way to make changes within your own network and community is to engage in dialogue and reflection and do the work on yourself first. This is something I have known for a long time intellectually, but since race is not something that was talked about a lot when I was growing up, and it continues to be a difficult topic for people, I didn't know where to start. The group has encouraged me to dig deeper and be more vocal.”

“I was in a space where I could talk about my white identity without dominating conversations with people of color. This was a space where I could frankly talk about my whiteness without feeling stupid, selfish, or judged. The structure of the group helped focus the conversation on race - whereas I could have a chat with my friends and colleagues about race any time, the safe environment, paired with curated info and new perspectives on race, helped me think about my white identity without getting overwhelmed with guilt or too much to think about.”

Lessons Learned & Next Steps

• Intersectionality is important

• Scaling takes time and patience

• Marketing is key and complicated

• Connecting the learning in the group to action steps and real life experiences is integral

• Recognition of Whiteness is necessary to advance inclusion initiatives

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