creating an integrated marketing campaign for impact and results

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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-What is an integrated marketing campaign? -What are the foundational elements that must be addressed? -How do you know you've succeeded?


Marketing to EngineersHow To Create an Integrated Marketing Plan


Maryanne Steidinger, Dir. Software Marketing, Schneider Electric

What I’ll Cover

What is an integrated marketing campaign?

What are the foundational elements?

How do you know you’ve succeeded?

All aspects of getting your message/product to market


Integrated Marketing


Driving Guidance: the “4 P’s” of Marketing

Elements of an Integrated Marketing Plan (from 4P’s)

• Establish the prices• Understand the product (positioning/value

statements)• Who are your customers?• Develop or prepare your channels• Promote it!

– Understand who your influencers are– Direct & indirect– Consistent look/feel/images throughout campaign

What are you selling & who are you selling it to?

Understand your buyer: habits, info gatheringGo there & create your materials to reach themSupport the buying cycle

Prepare Your Channels

• Pricing strategy• Packaging• How to sell• Education• Promotions

• Over-communicate

Who can influence your sale?

Be presentBe activeUse for thought leadership & promotional activities

How do you get your plan done?

• Make it measurable• Socialize it• Get it bought off• EXECUTE WHILE YOU CAN things

change• Iterate

What makes it “integrated”• Consistent look & feel across all venues• Consistent messaging & call to actions• Using all elements to build to goal

Email signaturesBanner adsWeb adsPrinted adsSales decksSocial

Social Media





What you need:•Content experts•Social knowledge•Commitment to the process

What you get:•Followers/Community•Dialogue•Thought leadership

Example: “Blog Central”

Subject Matter Experts

Separate Communities

Share ideas, concepts

Repost industry news with commentary

Have You Succeeded?

• Sales are one measure • But what about…external

– Thought leadership– ROI’s/RFP’s/inquiries– Invites by analysts/media/events– Social chatter– Becoming the norm

• Internal– Sales force/s are educated & selling– Your “ecosystem” (partners, etc.) are engaged– Pipeline/mindshare is building– It becomes natural vs an afterthought to offer

Thank you!

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