creating new websites from repurposed content

Post on 13-May-2015






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Find out how you can easily create brand new websites from your old content.


Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

Susan Harrison

Harrison Kenyon Marketing

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

One way online marketers get traffic is by building additional websites that lead back to their main site. These smaller sites can be built in several ways. One is by purchasing additional domain names and hosting them online. Or alternatively, you can use free websites, these sites are often referred to as Web 2.0 sites. They include sites such as Tumblr, Squidoo lenses and Blogger sites.

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

While creating new sites is great the issue often is what content to post to them. This is where repurposing your content comes in extremely handy. You are not duplicating the content, instead you are changing up the content to a different format and using that on your new sites.

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

Let’s look at a few examples of using repurposed content:

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

One quick method is to simply take an article and record an audio version of it. Post this as content along with a quick description and a couple of images. Another good example is to take your article and paste each paragraph into a Power Point slide. Then you can save the slides as a slide show or you can quickly turn it into a video. So already you have at least 3 new formats from your original article.

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

If you have a long article or a short report that you don’t know what to do with. Chop it up into smaller sections and use each section as an individual blog post. Again add images to liven up the content. You could even record a video presentation of each new article and post that as well. This way your readers can read the text article or watch the video, the information is the same.

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

One of the main purposes of using a Web 2.0 site is to drive traffic back to your main site. For example on your Tumblr page you could post an excerpt of an article. Then link back to your site so that the reader can read the rest. On this page they have the opportunity to sign up to your newsletter or receive a free gift from you.

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

As well as directing visitors back to your site you are creating links back to your site as well. All of this helps to increase the popularity of your site and raise your rankings within the search engines. See what repurposing can do for you now?

Creating New Websites from Repurposed Content

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