creative transformations

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Article on healing through hypnotherapy, dreams and ones subconcious by Lorraine Bennington


Lorraine Bennington, M.Ed. R.Psychologist/Hypnotherapist

C r e a t i v e

C h a n g e y o u r m i n d .C h a n g e y o u r l i f e .


People ask me, how can my thoughts and emotions affect my body?

Well, where exactly do you think your brain is located? Where are

those emotions circulating? In your body! It really is that simple.



First, we will briefly discuss dreams as a roadway

into the subconscious and then look at some real life

hypnotherapy case studies.

People question, Why would I want to remember my dreams? How can they be important? Frankly how can they not be? The dream

state is one of the the easiest ways for your subconscious to communicate with you. It holds a nightly conversation from your deep

mind to you, saying Please pay attention to me, I am trying so hard to get your attention, why won't you listen?

Dreams communicate with us regularly. If we don't pay attention to

them, they often then accelerate into recurring dreams. If we don't take the time to interpret these dreams and understand their

messages these can return as full blown nightmares.


nightmareAt this point, hopefully, the dreamer will take the necessary corrective measures and

actions the dream has suggested.

A nightmare is very much like a 2 year old throwing a

tantrum -- what it really wants is to get your undivided attention and your love.

Once you learn to interpret your dreams and nightmares and discover their underlying message, they tend not to reoccur -- because their intended message has been received. The subconscious can then give a metaphoric sigh of relief -- it is finally being understood!

I want to simplify the whole process for you since many people have told me they

find it very perplexing. They have visualized and practiced affirmations and created

treasure maps or dream boards. These techniques were first described by

Catherine Ponder in “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and later popularized in

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. These people have focused and imaged and cut

and glued and pasted and yet are still stuck. Their life / love life / finances / health

still hasn’t improved. Why?

The conclusion I have come to, after working in the fields of hypnotherapy and

coaching and counseling for the last 33 years, is that what you don't know can (and

does) hurt you.

Ignorance is not bliss. If you face and own and embrace and plunge

into and ride through to the other side of a thing, it can no longer hurt you. Once

you have wrestled with your shadow and have learned to live with and ultimately

love that aspect of yourself, it can no longer trigger fear in you.

In the wonderful series The Wizard of Earthsea

by Ursula Le Guin, the hero (antihero, really)

wizard, Ged, has unwittingly released a dark

force into the world. Initially he runs away from

it -- but of course, because of his fear, it

continues to increase in power and intensity.

Only when he has developed enough ego

strength can he then turn around and begin to

pursue it. As he does this, he becomes

increasingly stronger until he finally faces and

confronts it with its true name, which he has

discovered because it is also his own true

name. With that he is able to control it by

loving, accepting and finally merging with it,

becoming a balanced, whole and powerful


So how can hypnotherapy help uncover the powerful memories and beliefs in

your psyche which have set up a lifetime of uncomfortable patterns and experiences? One has

only to get into a deep relaxation, deep enough to access memory but still light enough so that

the hypnotherapist can communicate with you and ask the right questions, leading you into the

well of discovery.

As you are guided back to the root cause of the belief which is coloring your perceptions and

life experiences, you have the opportunity to bring that past memory into the now, which then

means that you can heal it in the now. When you move through the emotions and experience

catharsis (release) you allow your higher self to transform the old limiting perceptions into new

beliefs which are positive and life affirming.

Perhaps from a cognitive perspective this sounds too good to be true, but I have seen

thousands of self-reported miraculous transformations result from this work.

Unfortunately, it is fairly impossible to create clinical studies with control groups using depth

hypnotherapy, because each person's experience is as unique as the memories and stories that

emerge from their subconscious minds. Therefore we must acquire our information from self

reported healing.

case $u%esI have had the privilege of working with a number of wonderful men and women, and would like to share some of their experiences today. Through this, I hope to

demonstrate how hypnotherapy can open up people’s lives in ways they never before imagined possible. Of course the names and stories have been altered to protect the privacy of my clients. (all names are fictitious)

...had experienced an uncomfortable pulling in her breast for years, and

recently, pain in her arm. She had some recent romantic setbacks, and logically we may

have thought that this would be the situation lurking behind her symptoms.

However in hypnotic age regression, Susan was able to go back to and relive an important

friendship with her six year old love and best friend, a young boy with whom she had been

inseparable for three years..

When her family moved west she experienced great grief and loss which could not be

expressed. She had no say in her family’s decision to move, and her reluctance to leave

her friend was considered unimportant.

She realized over the course of the session that the name of her recent romantic disaster

was the same name as that little boy whom she had loved and been forced to leave so

long ago. They even resembled one another physically! This awareness, along with

emotional release, led to the complete elimination of all her physical discomfort -- and she

remains symptom free to this day.

...had severe allergy reactions in the spring -- she found herself sneezing

uncontrollably, and her eyes became red and itchy. She had also developed difficulty

breathing and was at her wits end, since she did not want to take allergy medications that

might make her sleepy and unable to drive her car.

During our session we identified the emotions behind the allergies, sadness and anger

connected to her father, a controlling man who would not tolerate disagreement in his

children. As a result she had never dared express her true feelings. When Barbara was

finally able to speak out in session and confront her father's unreasonable behavior, her

symptoms decreased significantly and she was able to face Vancouver's cherry blossom

season unafraid!



had been trying for years to get pregnant, but with no success. Both she and her husband

had endured numerous medical tests and were assured there was no medical reason for her

lack of conception. As she had exhausted all physical healing modalities, she decided to try


Over the course of a session, she discovered that she had such deep resentment towards her

father, an elderly man living in Europe, that she didn't want to give him a grand child

(something he badly wanted). Once she realized this, she also became aware that she was

hurting herself more than she was hurting her father. After she did hypnotic inner forgiveness

work in session, she became pregnant within the month. Also, she was able to visit him. Their

time together was peaceful, made all the more meaningful because he passed away shortly


Although some of my infertility clients have happily become pregnant shortly after doing

hypnotic clearing, that is not true in all cases. In addition to working on mental attitudes to

address challenging physical conditions, a person may also need allopathic medicine, and/or

acupuncture, homeopathy, and energy medicine techniques to approach the issue from many


Mary had fallen on a bed post a few days before her session and wasn't sure she would

even make it to the scheduled appointment. When she arrived, she was severely bruised, and

cautiously lowered herself into the couch. With enough pillows she was able to make herself

comfortable enough to relax and forget her body for a while.

We were able to identify, release and transform her traumatic emotions, What emerged was an

earlier childhood incident, when she had fallen off her bike and was severely bruised. The

recent accident had activated old memories from that injury, which compounded the pain of

the current situation.

Amazingly, by the end of the session, Mary was able to lift herself off the couch with almost no

pain, the first time she could do that since her accidental fall!


...a young man of twenty, had

problems focusing on his studies.

His regression went back to the 7th

grade and memories of schoolyard

bullying that he could not then

confront, because these tormenting

fellow students had been bigger

and stronger than he was. A great

deal of rage had been pent up in his

psyche for a long time.

Once he expressed and released

th is fury in session, he fe l t

completely relaxed in a way that

was entirely new, even foreign to

him. This unexpressed inner anger

had inadvertently distracted him

f r o m m a n y a r e a s o f

accomplishment, including his


As a result of having addressed his

inner turbulence, Joe is sleeping

well. He now finds it easier to focus

and as a result, is not only handing

in homework on time but also

scoring much higher on his exams. remembe(ng


I believe hypnotherapy is one of God’s gifts to the planet.

With the help of a skilled practitioner one can change the

course of one’s life, health and

relationships and develop a sense of purpose and clarity.

Hypnotherapy gives a person the tools to lower stress

and to know how to both deprogram and reprogram the

mind towards a more positive and successful life.

When working in the subconscious it becomes clear that

every event is connected to every event, that our time in

the womb and our birth experience, our babyhood and

childhood set the tone for our entire lives. By being able

to access key memories and the emotions lodged in

them, we can also change these memories, rewrite them,

alter unhealthy beliefs that developed as a result and

free up the locked emotions that have held us prisoner.

There are patterns in play in our brains and in our lives and once we can see and

understand these patterns, we can transform them. Scientists have found that the brain

forms new synapses and that it is malleable or “plastic”. Therefore it does have the

capacity to change.

We cannot leave the past behind us just by ignoring it. Our past tends to follow right

behind us, and unless we are conscious of it, we bring the baggage of that past into

everything we do, every relationship we have, including the most important relationship --

our relationship with ourselves.

It is wonderful that we now have the technology to transform the past

and clear out old beliefs that have interfered with our truest expression

of self. Having done that, when we visualize and affirm and create our

treasure maps, there is now space for this new self image to take hold

and become our new positive reality.

designed by Karen Elkins

Hypnotherapy can help you:

■ Reduce stress■ Lose weight■ Stop smoking■  Manage anxiety/depression■ Eradicate fears and phobias■ Release emotions underlying

disease patterns■ Deal with insomnia■ Improve sports performance■ Enhance creativity■ Eliminate writer’s block■ Increase focus and

concentration■ Become a confident public

speaker■ Optimize business performance■ Eliminate fear of success/fear of

failure■ Increase confidence

Lorraine Bennington, M.Ed. R.Psychologist/Hypnotherapist

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