creativity - a loaf of bread

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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Sir, Where does the Yummy Bread Come from?

Sure Kid, A loaf of bread is very much

significant for us. Let me tell you the

History of Bread first!

 An unleavened bread, dates to the Upper

Palaeolithic in Europe, around 30,000 years


A Loaf of Bread

Kumar PritamMicah ThompsonEliza Kumamotoanirudh tulasiram

Chinese legend 220 - 280 AD the bread

(mantou) was invented so people would not need to be sacrificed

(Bread is part of cultural lore)

Hmmm..And that is Pompei Bread, right?

Yes and Here is the ruins of a bakery in Pompeii, the oven

and the mills to grind the flour. Actual loves of bread were found carbonized intact. 

Were there any Bread shop during

that time?

Yes. Look at the Bread shop, tacuina

sanitatis from Northern Italy From in beginning

of 15th century,

In the Medieval Era, The Upper Classes ate a type of bread called Manchet which was a bread loaf

made of wheat flour. The Lower Classes ate rye

and barley bread. 

What are the other significance

of Bread in the History?

The ancient Greeks had over 50 kinds of bread. 

Public bakeries and ovens were built by the

government for everyone's use and were

popular places to visit the neighbors.

Hungarians saying: "bread is older than


Bread is even mentioned in religious contexts:

In the bible - approximately 250

references to bread.

Very Interesting!

Wow! Who prepares the

Bread that we eat?

The best bread is always baked

by a Baker.

But these days, bread is prepared in big factories. Which is then kept frozen

for days and finally it reaches to us.

It brings communities together and connect local producers (NY)

Everyone around the world uses bread in

one or the other form. It’s one thing that is

common in us.

Amazing! What are the other

significance of Bread in these


We often waste bread, while a Kid in many places struggle to get just one load of

bread .

Wow! Thank You!

Remember Kid, it’s not onlythe bread but any

food has great importance and History

in our life.

Always respect the FOOD.

Thank You!Kumar Pritam

Micah ThompsonEliza Kumamoto

Anirudh tulasiram

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