credit cards overview

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview



    Overview Of Card Industry Technology To Loyalty

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Commerce has become a

    technical issue. It is not only

    about making a financial

    transaction, it is about havinga relationship with the

    consumer while they are

    exchanging currency for goods

    and services.

    A Thought

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.



    Kim Resch

    Extensive Experience in Debit, Credit, and SmartCards, Mobile Commerce, Loyalty and Incentives.

    Practical Experience in new product launchesincluding Amex Blue and smart Visa.

    Specializes in project strategy, project management,implementations, and training in the emerging areas ofcommerce.

    Dave Carrithers

    20 years experience in semiconductor, chemicals,

    consumer products, incentives, stored-value & debitcards, etc.

    Marketing, IT, Sales, NBD, operations

    Focus on product, business & market development

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    A Little Laugh

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Objectives Of Today

    History of the card industry

    Review the different types of cards andpayment types available in the market

    Insight into how card products are

    processed & the players Review of the loyalty card industry

    How & where the money is made in theindustry

    Review of the credit card & airline loyaltyprograms

    Review of the smart card

    Trends in the world of cards & payments


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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    History Of Payment Cards

    1914 - Western Union provided metal cards giving free, deferred-

    payment privileges to preferred customers. These cards came to

    be called "metal money.

    1924 - General Petroleum Corporation issued the first metal

    money for gasoline and automotive services first to employeesand select customers and later to the general public.

    Late 1930's - American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T)

    introduced the "Bell System Credit Card." Soon, railroads and

    airlines introduced similar cards. Credit cards grew in popularity

    until the beginning of World War II when "Regulation W" restrictedthe use of such cards during the war and temporarily suppressed

    the growth of this new payment alternative.

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    History Of Payment Cards

    1946 - A New York banker developed a credit system called

    Charge-It. When customers charged local retail purchases, the

    merchant deposited the charges at Biggins Bank and the bank

    reimbursed the merchant for the sale. The bank later collected

    payment from the customer.

    1950 - Mr. McNamara created Diners Club charge card.

    1951 - Customers of New York's Franklin National Bank

    submitted an application for a loan and were screened for credit.

    Approved customers were given a card they could use to make

    retail purchases. The merchant copied the customer information

    from the card onto a sales slip, called the bank for approval of

    transactions over a certain amount. The bank would credit the

    merchant account for the loan minus a fee to cover the costs of

    providing the loan.

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    History Of Payment Cards

    1959 - Many banks were offering the option of revolving credit,

    which allowed customers to make regular payments on the

    balance owed rather than having to pay off the entire balance at

    one time.

    1965 - Bankcard associations began when Bank of America

    formed licensing agreements with other banks. This enabled them

    to issue BankAmericard and Interchange transactions among

    participating banks.

    1966 - Fourteen US banks formed Interlink, a new association

    with the ability to exchange information on credit card


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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    History Of Payment Cards

    1967 - Four California banks formed the Western States

    Bankcard Association and introduced the MasterCharge program

    to compete with the BankAmericard program.

    1967 - Jrgen Dethloff invents the smart card computer.

    1969 - As the bankcard industry grew, banks interested in issuing

    cards became members of either BankAmericard or

    MasterCharge. Their members shared card program costs,

    making the bankcard program available to even small financial


    1970 - As credit card processing became more complicated,outside service companies began to sell processing services to

    VISA and MasterCard association members. This reduced the

    cost of programs for Issuing Banks and Acquirers and increased

    the size of the bankcard industry.

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    History Of Payment Cards

    1970 / 1971 - MasterCharge and BankAmericard developed rules

    and standardized procedures for handling the bankcard paper

    flow in order to reduce fraud and misuse of cards. The two

    associations also created international processing systems to

    handle the exchange of money and information and established

    an arbitration procedure to settle disputes between members.

    1976 - A pre-paid phone card was introduced by the Italian

    national phone company SIP. The introduction of the phone card

    was brought about by an extreme shortage of coins in the country

    which led to a rash of payphone thefts. The Italian phone card

    used a magnetic stripe, similar to those found on credit cards, and

    required the use of a payphone specially equipped with a

    magnetic card reader.

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    History Of Payment Cards

    1977 - BankAmericard became VISA.

    1979 - MasterCharge changed its name to MasterCard.

    1982 - Japan's Nippon Telephone and Telegraph introduced the

    first Japanese pre-paid phone card to make calling moreconvenient for the tens of thousands of daily subway riders in

    Osaka and Tokyo. Like its European counterparts, the Japanese

    pre-paid cards relied on a magnetic strip and specially equipped


    1993/1994 - Experimental card operating system at the University

    of Karlsruhe. It was mainly intended to implement and compare a

    family of public key crypto protocols worked on at the European

    Institute of System Security. Hence the name of the card was

    "ICEcard" (Ic card for Cryptographic Experiments).

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    History Of Payment Cards

    1990 New York's RBOC, Nynex released the first pre-paid calling

    card that used PIN authorization instead of the magnetic stripe.

    Nynex's card permitted the cardholder to dial an 800 number and

    enter his PIN to make long distance phone calls.

    1993 First bank debit card/ checking card issued.

    1994 - MAOSCO and Keycorp create programmable smart cards.

    1995 Selective Use Debit Card Issued Exclusively Yours Card.

    1995 First Stored-Value card issued Your Choice Card.

    1996 Visa Cash Stored-Value Launched.

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    Card Industry Landscape

    The Why!

    The Players!

    The Program Specifics!

    The How!

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    Definition of Terms

    Card Associations: Both VISA and MasterCard are not for-profit organizationswho both issue credit cards and set and maintain the rules for processing. Theyare both run by board members who are mostly high-level executives from theirmember banks.

    Issuing and Acquiring Banks:An issuing bank is the original bank that issuesthe card, such as a First USA Visa card. The acquiring bank is the bank set upby the merchant to accept transaction processing for cards accepted.

    Authorization Request and Response: An electronic request for authorizationsent to an Issuer by a merchant or Acquirer. The response can approve, declineor route the transaction.

    Authentication: A cryptographic process that validates the identity and integrityof data used in smart cards.

    Smart Card/Chip Card:A plastic card embedded with an integrated circuit, orchip, that communicates information to a interface device. Chip cards offerincreased functionality through the combination of significant computing powerand data storage. Chip cards are capable of holding multiple applications andsometimes are referred to as Multi-Ap Cards.

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    Definition of Terms

    Online Authorization: A method of requesting an authorization through a datacommunications network other than voice to an Issuer, an authorizing processor,or stand-in processing.

    Offline Authorization: A method of processing a transaction between the cardand terminal at the point of transaction without sending the transaction online tothe Issuer for authorization. Transactions are sent in batch format to theprocessing systems.

    Processor: A vendor acting as the agent to a bank that provides authorization,clearing, or settlement services for merchants and banks.

    Host Systems: A computer system used by an Issuer, Acquirer, Merchant, Clientor Vendor to perform in-house processing.

    Interchange: The fees merchants pay to the card associations or companies onthe transactions, usually a % of the sale price.

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    Card Industry Landscape





    Psychology of a card program

    Cardholder Corporate



    / POI

    Access Device(Card, Transponder,Terminals .)


    Program(Loyalty supplier,database, rules)

    Collateral(setup, statements,printed materials)

    Technology(Systems, processing, hardware, firmware, Issuing)

    BanksIssuing andAcquiring


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    Transaction Breakdown

    Cash Check Card eCurrencies*

    In Store 60% 10% 30% 0%

    Web 0% 0% 95% 5%


    0% 30% 70% 0%

    * Represents e-coins/e payment services, direct deposit

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Card Facts

    2000 - MasterCard's 20,000 member institutions had issued over437 million branded cards world wide, 15.4 percent more than theprevious year. The number of cards issued in the US reached235.1 million in 2000, 16 percent above the 1999 level.

    MasterCard association generated $857 billion in gross dollarvolume (GDV), which includes both purchase activity and cashtransactions, representing a 21.5 percent increase on 1999. In thefourth quarter of 2000, GDV rose 19 percent to $231 billion. In theUS, full year GDV registered its highest growth rate in six yearshaving risen 20.2 percent to $423 billion.

    MasterCard has 21 million acceptance locations worldwide, a 12.7percent increase on 2000.

    1998 - Visa had issued 655 million cards, generating salesvolume of $ 1,4 trillion and was accessible at 488,585 ATMs.

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    Card Facts

    Affinity Cards

    MBNA Corp. The Wilmington, Delaware-based issuer issuescards for 4,000 groups, ranging from virtually every college anduniversity in the US to the International Bridge Club. Thecompany's 2000 annual report says its average account balance

    was USD $3,519, compared with the industry average of USD$2,311. The average transaction value for MBNA customers wasUSD $129, compared with the industry's USD $99.

    First USA has more than 2,000 partnership programs, includingrelationships with America Online Inc., Microsoft Corp., andYahoo! Inc.

    According to association estimates, about 40 to 50 percent ofcards issued worldwide are multibranded (either a co- branded,affinity, or loyalty card), a level that some say is the saturationpoint for the market.

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    Card Facts

    Affinity Cards

    MasterCard has more than 12,000 co-branded and affinityprograms worldwide. Visa has about 9,000 multibrandedprograms worldwide. About 20 percent of its US card base is co-branded or affinity.

    Auto and airlines cards each account for 23 percent of the co-brand card market, followed by retail cards at 19 percent,

    according to Visa and MasterCard figures.

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    How Money Is Made

    MasterCard & Visa are not-for-profit associations, which supportmember banks, which share a common network

    American Express & Discover Card are, for-profit companies andown their own networks

    All card associations and companies charge an interchange fee tothe merchants that offer their cards


    MasterCard & Visa 1.2% to 3%

    AMEX 2.5% to 5%

    Discover Card 1.2% to 4%

    MC & Visa issuing banks get a cut of the interchange (between.03% and 1% based on size of issuing volume)

    Acquiring Banks get a cut of the interchange fee, plus sometimesa processing fee (between .002% and 1%)

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    How Money Is Made

    Processors charge a fee to handle transaction bundling and datareporting, etc. Range between 1 cent to 25 cents per transaction

    Card issuers charge consumers a fee to have a card, rangingfrom $25 a year to $300 a year

    Purchase cards charge yearly fees on reporting and filteringsupport (range from $50,000 to $200,000 a year)

    Cost per card, by card manufactures range from 10 cents to $5dollars based on the type of card (i.e. smart card)

    Breakage & float

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    Types Of Cards

    Charge Cards American Express

    Retail Store/Private Label

    Credit Cards

    Visa/ MasterCard

    Secured Credit Cards Purchase/ Procurement Cards

    Debit/ Check Cards

    Stored-Value Cards Gift Cards

    Phone Cards

    Membership & Other Cards

    Smart Cards

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    Types Of Card - Charge

    Charge Cards American Express

    Retail Store & Gas Cards

    Interesting Points

    No line of credit must be paid off each month

    Heavy penalties for late payment

    In the past most retail stores offered one

    Profitable for the stores

    Single retailer version limited use

    Service & extended warranty sales opportunities

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Types Of Card Credit Cards

    Credit Cards

    Visa/ MasterCard

    Affinity Cards

    Airline Cards

    Interesting Points

    Limited in what can be done

    Payment pretty straight forward

    Requires credit check & approval

    Market seems to be at saturation point

    Operates on an open platform

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    Types Of Card - Secured

    Secured Credit Cards

    Target market is credit consumers

    Requires a deposit of between $500 and $2,000

    Monthly payment is required otherwise draw down ondeposit and high penalty

    Requires high maintenance and yearly fees Operates on an open platform with some level of


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    Credit/Debit OnlineTransaction Processing

    Legacy Hosts

    Visa or MC systems


    -Merchant accepts card

    -Validates card by

    signature check or PIN

    -Processes transaction

    -Consumers bank approves

    transaction, sends back to


    -Settlement will post to statement.







    -Merchants bank initiates

    transaction -Routes to locations

    determined by card ids for approval

    and processing

    -Collects card ID/number, Merchant

    ID, Amount.

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    Types Of Card - Purchase

    Purchase/ Procurement Cards

    Allows for filtering/selective use via SIC codes (, fuel, etc.)

    Spending limits (daily, weekly, monthly, by category)

    Intense reporting & tracking

    Main target B2B & corporate travel Operate on an open platform, with some level of


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    Purchase/Procurement CardTransaction Processing

    SIC Filtering

    Visa or MC systems


    -Merchant accepts card

    -Validates card by

    signature check or PIN

    -Processes transaction

    -Merchant;s bank initiates


    -Processes against SIC filter

    -Routes to appropriate locations

    -Processes transaction

    -Approves or Declines


    -Posts to statements on








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    Types Of Card Debit/Check

    Debit/ Check Cards Started out as ATM only card

    Requires a pin

    Access to a bank/ checking account (continual deposits)

    No credit line (instead an overdraft line)

    Concern by retailers on fees Runs on bank transaction networks (Interlink and Maestro)

    Networks originally designed for banks to share information

    Operates on an open and/or closed platform with security

    Filtered (selective use) and open available

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    Debit OfflineTransaction Processing

    Legacy Hosts

    Visa or MC systems


    Batch Request

    Auth and Settlement




    -Merchant accepts card

    -Validates card with PIN

    -Processes transaction

    -Collects batch data and formats

    clearing transaction

    -Approves or Declines transaction

    -Routes to appropriate locations

    -Processes transaction

    -Posts to statements

    Auth and Settlement

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    Types Of Card Stored Value

    Stored-Value Cards Gift Cards

    Phone Cards

    Mall Cards

    Gas Cards

    Interesting Points Open and Filtered (selective use) from one store, to a chain,

    to a mall

    Funds are pre-loaded on the card most once spent aredisposable

    Most are anonymous

    Most operate on a closed platform

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    Stored ValueTransaction Processing

    -Cards are preloaded with


    -Merchant requests


    -Verifies Card

    Legacy Hosts/filters

    Visa or MC systems








    -Transaction processes like


    -Card is validated against

    stored value hosts or filtering

    -Processes transaction

    -Posts to statements

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    Types Of Card - Other

    Membership & Other Cards Most likely no payment involved

    Account &/or membership ID / number

    Discounts / punch cards

    Special access/ areas

    Purchase or activity tracking

    Magnetic strip &/or bar code

    More about belonging to a club/group

    Operates on a closed platform

    Loyalty & frequency tracking

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    Membership CardTransaction Processing

    -Card is accepted

    -Checked against internal


    -Can be routed to third-party

    database through processor.










    Dining Ala Carte

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    Types Of Card Smart

    Smart Cards Multi functional (debit, stored-value, credit)

    Simple cards to very complex (based on chip type)

    High security & fraud protection

    Requires special reader

    Contact & contactless technologies

    Operates on closed and open platforms

    Can have multiple currencies (i.e. cash, points, etc.)
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    Smart CardTransaction Processing

    -Card and Terminals authenticated with


    -Obtain PIN, if needed

    -Verifies static data on chip

    -Processes static programs offline

    -Sends transaction online

    -Routes to any internal legacies

    -Verifies risk parameters on card

    Legacy Hosts

    Visa or MC systems


    Online Request



    Online Request



    -Validates card and

    transaction data

    -Routes to hosts


    -Processes settlement

    -Posts to statements-Formats the crypto authentication

    request-Routes and initiate online


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    Smart Card Overview

    Electronic Ticketing &Automated Air Travel Processes

    Special Offers andLoyalty Programs

    AutomatedCar Rental Processes

    E-PurseEnhanced Customer


    Corporate Security

    Automated LodgingProcesses

    POS / Merchant's

    Logical & Physical Access

    Voucher Replacement

    Target Marketing and

    Expandable to other


    Mobile Commerce

    Smart Card: 101

    The MarketSmart Cards in Loyalty

    Lessons Learned

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    History of Smart Cards

    Smart Cards have been around since the early 70s. The patentwas registered in 1974.

    Commercialization started in the early 1980s with phone cards.

    In 1993, there were 300 million Smart Cards issued in the world.

    (80% were phone cards) In 1998, Amex Blue was introduced in US.

    In 2000, vendors shipped 1.6 billion chip cards worldwide, of which541 million were cards with microprocessor chips, up 36% from the

    year before.In 2005, vendors will ship an estimated 2.4 billion of the higher-endmicroprocessor cards, half of which will be subscriber identitymodule cards for mobile phones

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved. 40

    A smart card resembles a credit card in size andshape, but inside it is completely different

    A silicon chip beneath a contact plate

    The silicon chip is a small computer with 8-64bitmicroprocessor

    It has the same processing speeds as old computers,such as Tandy

    What is a Smart Card?

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    Smart Card at a Glance!


    Operating System (MULTOS, JAVA, Windows)


    EMV Loyalty Wallet Misc.Appl.

    Contact Plate

    1234 5678 9012 3456

    Joe Smith

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    Why Smart Cards?

    Security and fraud reduction


    Storage Capacity

    Dynamic downloading

    Side Note: Outside the U.S., Smart Card use hasaggressively taken place because of two major

    factors:1. Telecommunications is very poor & costly

    2. Majority of transactions are offline

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    Types of Smart Cards

    Memory Card: No processing capability Contact

    Contactless (Proximity): Using RadioFrequency

    Combi-Card Transponders or Key Fob

    Operating Systems

    Java CardMultos

    Microsoft Windows for Smart Cards

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    Fraud and Security

    Magnetic stripe technology remains in wide use in the U.S.However, the data on the stripe can easily be read, written,deleted or changed with off-the-shelf equipment.

    To protect the consumer, businesses in the U.S. have investedin extensive online mainframe-based computer networks forverification and processing.

    The microprocessor on the smart card is there for security. Thehost computer and card reader actually "talk" to the

    microprocessor. The microprocessor enforces access to thedata on the card.

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    Fraud and Security

    Smart cards are protected with a public/private keyinfrastructure:

    Digital Signatures

    Cryptography to perform: Data Integrity




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    Why are Smart Cards Safer?

    Built in interactive capabilities

    Personalized cryptography

    Tamper resistant, cannot be reproduced

    Creates card present environment

    Individual risk parameters

    Note: Security directly contributes to price.

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    EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa)

    Card specifications

    Terminal specificities

    Application specifications

    Cross-border concerns

    How are they doing so far?

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    Common Uses of Smart Cards

    The most common smart card applications are:

    Credit cards

    Electronic cash

    Computer security systems

    Wireless communication

    Loyalty systems, like frequent flyer points

    Banking Satellite TV

    Government identification

    C A li i

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    Common Applications

    Loyalty: Multiple programs, tickets, points, coupons,one-to-one.

    Network Access: secure email, secure sign-on, webaccess.

    Payment: Secure transactions, multiple accounts.

    Travel: reusable tickets, virtual ticketing, links topayment applications and software, Automatedcheck-in, reduced fraud.

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    Smart Cards In Other Countries

    Smart cards are much more popular in Europe thanin the U.S.

    In Europe the health insurance and bankingindustries use smart cards extensively. EveryGerman citizen has a smart card for healthinsurance.

    Even though smart cards have been around in theirmodern form for at least a decade, they are juststarting to take off in the U.S.

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    Where The Smart Card Market Is Headed!

    Card issuers want chip card to reduce fraud.

    Anticipates multi-aps will attract cardholders and transactions.

    Chip Manufacturer and Hardware Suppliers are showing losses

    Readers are not being adopted.even when free.

    Keyboards are progressing.

    Merchant migration is happening.

    Gimmicks are more successful than functions (i.e.. Blue, Clear)

    Internet transactions are seeming more secure.

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    The Current State of the Market

    American Express

    o Launched Blue September of 1999. Now with over 2

    million cards.o Applications: Secure Access, Wallet, Reader,BlueLoot

    o Rolling out to multiple countries, Business, Student.

    o Decommissioned Wallet

    o Focusing on palm computing and mobile.

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    The Current State of the Market

    Visa USA

    o Visa USA Launched smart Visa September 2000

    o Over 3 million cards with Providian, First USA and Fleet.

    o Applications: Payment, Access, Loyalty, Reader.

    o Launched Target POS (Providian made first transaction).

    o Hypercom, Vital and National City teaming up for POS

    o Pushing Loyalty as driver for merchant

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    The Current State of the Market


    o Citibank planned September 2001 launch of 4mcards

    o Applications: e-cash, loyalty, e-ticketing

    o Strong alliances, yet Multos-based.

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    Loyalty and Smart Cards

    Multi-ap functions are prime for loyalty, yet difficult to please the

    whole market.

    Closed environments are good examples and ripe for loyalty.

    Will supply more security.

    Market will not advance without merchant.

    Have not proved usable functions are more superior than mag

    stripe. What the industry is looking for is a gift card on steroids.

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    Opportunities for Loyalty

    Relationship management on the card

    Multiple earning and redeeming

    Individualized information and preferences

    Points and programs held locally on card

    Info storage capacity

    Links to databases

    Obstacles In Adoption

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    Obstacles In Adoption


    Ease and convenience with Mag. Stripe

    Cost of card and conversion

    Retailer ROI

    Cardholder confidentiality


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    Lessons Learned

    Version and program control

    Application segregation

    Transaction processing changes

    Card/program expiration dates

    Replacement cards



    Information management / multiple databases

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    A Quick Review

    Frequent Flyer & Card Programs

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    Frequent Flyer & Card Programs

    Prior to 1980, FFPs Not Possible Airline Industry Regulation

    Lack of Infrastructure

    Dominated by Unsophisticated Offerings

    Merchandise & Coupon Based

    S&H Greenstamps Raleigh Cigarette Coupons

    1981 Regulatory & Market Changes Give Birth To FFP

    American invents frequent flyer miles

    Loyalty Becomes Impossible Without A Planned Program

    Hertz joins and subsequently drops, citing the high costs.

    Later rejoins after dramatically losing market share without aFFP. Today Hertz belongs to 20 FFPs

    After in-house Frequent-Stay Programs, hotels conclude thatthe greatest marketing benefits still come from the FFPs

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Frequent Flyer & Card Programs

    "We didn't want an FFP. But it came to my attention thatFFPs were siphoning business travel away from us. We did itdefensively, and I think if we had not done that we wouldhave been terribly disadvantaged."

    - Herb Kelleher, President, Southwest Airlines

    First 20 Years Of FFP 9.77 Trillion Miles Accumulated

    - Source: InsideFlyer Magazine 2001

    1985 - Banks Team Up With Airlines

    Co-branded Cards Wildly Successful

    Average spend up to 10x higher

    Active account rate up to 80 percent or higher

    Attrition and acquisition costs decline

    150,000 members in 1981 to 200,000,000 members in 2001

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Frequent Flyer & Card Programs

    By 1991: All major airlines and banks established exclusiverelationships and Hundreds of credit card issuers locked out

    1994: Virtual Airline is Born Generic Mile Programs

    Miles by a different name:

    Single Branded Miles vs. Co-branded Miles

    Generic vs. Branded Points Non-Restrictive Points Any Airline In The World

    How Generic Points Work:

    Sold to Over 125 of the largest US Banks

    Consumer Acceptance: fees $25 to $75

    Spend Ranges: $8,000 to $22,500 a year Officially Sponsored by MasterCard

    Amex plays Follow the Leader

    $200 Billion + Spent on Enrolled Cards

    No need to Co-brand with an airline partner

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    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Top Banks With Unrestricted Programs:

    Capital One GE Capital

    Travelers Bank

    Direct Merchants

    Bank One Wells Fargo

    Household Bank

    Town North

    Citibank Household Credit

    First USA Fleet

    Morgan Stanley Dean


    Chase Bank Charter One



    Comerica Merrill Lynch

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Loyalty Learnings

    71% of consumers if FFP said they wouldnt tradetheir frequent flyer benefits for lower airfares.

    Source: Frequent Flier Magazine

    The proven addition of miles can drive repeat

    purchases and maximize customer lifetime value.Source: Hambrecht & Quist

    Consumers charge about $3,200 a year on a typicalcredit card add miles and they spend more than

    $18,000 a year.Source: Bank Rate Monitor

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Universal Mile + Network + Card

    300 Miles 800 Miles250 Miles100 Miles 375 Miles300 Miles

    $ 300 $ 300$250$ 100 $ 75$ 300

    Gas & OilGrocery Electronics Trip TeleComRetail(online & offline)

    + + ++ +

    The Network as a Catalyst for Increased Spend and Activation

    Miles Earned Through Partners: 2,125Miles from Card: 1,325 +

    Total Earning that Month: 3,450 +

    PLUS all othercard purchases

    outside thepartner network

    $Purchases on

    card at partnerretail locations



  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Universal Mile + Network + Card






















    * Revenue figure based on 2.9% of gross charge volume in interchange and miscellaneous fees, plus 60% revolving balances at 13.9% annual interest.Average Monthly Spend

    Incremental monthly revenue volume increases 400%+ & revenues increase $100 Million + a year.

    Sample Card Issu er with 200,000 cards





    $ 4.0 M

    $ 2.7 M

    $ 1.9 M

    $ 8.6M

    $ 48.0 M

    $ 32.8 M

    $22.3 M

    $ 103.1M




    Incremental monthlycharge volume goes

    from $72M to$314.2Man increase

    of 430%

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Card & Mile Issues To Keep In Mind

    Attainability Of The Program Member: LimitedEarnings Capability = Short-Term Loyalty & Interest

    Single Partner, Stand Alone Programs: Even TopCustomers Cant Make For A Successful Program

    It Requires A Network

    Just Because They Carry Your Card Doesnt Mean

    Youve Captured Their Heart: "The research shows

    clearly that the existence of a loyalty card scheme is

    not associated with a degree of loyalty in shoppinghabits." -Source: Customer Loyalty Today

  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Trends Relationship Convergence




  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    2001-2004 BusinessHive & Creative Commerce Group.All rights reserved.


    Thank You For Your Time

    Kim Resch, Founder and President

    Creative Commerce Group, dedicated to the support of theirclients needs and solutions. Each

    client offers unique and specialchallenges, whether in technology,

    in concept development, in speedto market or hardware to make ithappen. But through disciplinedproject management, we havehelped clients' launch newproducts successfully, time-and-time again.

    Decision making around technical issues is expensive.

    Think-tank atmospheres are vital, yet difficult and

    expensive to implement in corporate America. Efficient

    implementation is the key to success. It is not an

    environment for a learning ground. Let us help with:Resources for the Emerging Commerce Industry

    Smart Card and Magnetic Stripe Solutions

    Hardware Equipment and Implementation

    Stored Value Card Applications

    Loyalty Strategy SpecialistProject Management Formula Methodlogically

    636-861-9850 or

    Th k Y F Y Ti
  • 7/29/2019 Credit Cards Overview


    Thank You For Your Time

    David Carrithers, Chief Bee KeeperProviding consulting services for business individuals looking for honestand straightforward counseling, coaching & implementation of business

    solutions that improve profit performance and loyalty with employees,

    channels andcustomers.

    707-484-3620 or e-mail

    Generating Results Through:

    Targeted Individualized Coaching Program

    Improved Customer & Employee Loyalty

    Enhanced Product, Market & Business Development Results

    Profitable Brainstorming & Product Creation

    Faster & More Accurate Product & Business Launch Management

    Unbiased Incentive Program Assessment & Support

    Dynamic Organizational Development

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