crestwood chronicle...september 2017 main office attendance 703-923-5400 703-923-5454 timothy kasik,...

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September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter

In this issue:

Message from the


AAP Corner

PTA News



Parenting Corner


September 2017

Dear Crestwood Community,

It is with great pleasure that I say, “Welcome back.” I hope you all had a restful and relaxing summer and are ready to help our children get back to work with their most important job…learning! I am very excited to welcome some new staff members to Crestwood this year, all of whom have had several years of teaching experience. I am fully confident that they will add great value to our already dynamic staff of educators. They are:

Hannah Collins - Assistant Principal Rubita Joshi - HS IA

Nathalie Benton - 1st grade

Karen Meiran - 4th grade

Lili Johnson - 5th grade

Kate Leimkuhler - Special Education

Meghan Lynch - ESOL

Please mark your calendars for COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL. These times have been set aside to spend time learning about the different grade levels and school wide expectations. This is also a great opportunity to meet other parents in your child’s grade. They will take place on the following dates from 9:15-10:00 in room 50:

September 13th Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade parents

September 20th 3rd and 4th grade parents

October 4th 5th and 6th grade parents

We are looking forward to a wonderful school year as we get to know your children. One way to help is to make sure you connect with your child’s teacher at his/her Parent-Teacher conference. Information regarding this important meeting will be coming out soon.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the first couple weeks of school. Have a great September.


Timothy Kasik

#firstdayofschool for these new

#secondgrade scholars!

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 2

Welcome to Crestwood, Ms. Collins!

Mrs. Collins is honored and thrilled to begin her role as the

Assistant Principal at Crestwood Elementary. She completed

her Bachelors and Masters degree at James Madison

University. Most recently, Mrs. Collins received her

Administration and Supervision endorsement from the

University of Virginia. She has ten years of experience

serving as a classroom teacher and math/reading

interventionist. Mrs. Collins previously taught at Mount Eagle

Elementary and Mason Crest Elementary.

Mrs. Collins enjoys camping, reading, and traveling. Her

favorite things about Crestwood so far are the collaborative

nature of the teachers as they work together as a

professional learning community and the kindness and

perseverance demonstrated by each and every Crestwood


September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 3

AAP Corner with

Ms. Shuma

Critical and Creative Thinking Strategy of the Month:

Mind mapping is a method of visual note taking that helps students

organize information in unique and personal ways. It is appropriate for

all students because it helps them retain, remember, and recall

information. It also helps students to see the whole picture at once and

make connections among related ideas without interruption. As

students begin to work with more information in the content areas, this

is a key skill which is especially important for visual learners and

students who enjoy making connections among ideas. Mindmapping is

a lot of fun – you and your child can write a word or draw a circle in the

middle of a page. Next, draw lines and new circles to ideas and words

or pictures that connect to the original word. For example, maybe your

child is interested in space. Together you could create a mind map of all

that you know about space and then add things that you want to


Do you love Science or Math? Do you like building things or taking

things apart? If so check out the Thomas Jefferson Admissions


Everything you need to know about applying to Thomas Jefferson High

School for Science and Technology is there. Plus there are web links

with cool games and puzzles (STEM Resources) for you to try out.

Visit Elementary School Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) | Fairfax County Public Schools

for more information!

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 4

PTA News


Springfield Civic Association Meeting - Sept. 19 at 7:30

PTA General Membership Meeting - Wed., Oct.4 at 7pm

You can join the PTA and get more information at

We're also on Facebook and Twitter!

Esther Berg - President

Jillian Hanright - VP

Kristin Garcia - Secretary

Jennifer Killmer - Treasurer

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 5

Be seen. Be safe. Be seen. Be safe. Be seen. Be safe. Be seen.

Be safe. Be seen. Be safe. Be seen. Be safe.

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise and the majority of our students get this

great form of exercise every day by walking to and from school.

To celebrate our student walkers, increase public awareness that we are a walking

school, and encourage students to make safe and responsible chooses walking to

school, we hope all parents will join Crestwood ES staff on Wednesday, October 4th for

International Walk to School Day. More information will be sent home to families on

Thursday, September 14th. Sign-up to volunteer at

Ser visto, Estarás a salvo. Ser visto. Estarás a salvo. Ser visto.

Estarás a salvo. Ser visto. Estarás a salvo.

Caminar es una de las mejores formas de ejercicio y la mayoría de nuestros

estudiantes obtiene esta gran forma de ejercicio todos los días caminando hacia y

desde la escuela.

A la celebración de nuestros estudiantes que caminan, aumentara la conciencia pública

que somos una escuela que camina, anima a los estudiantes hacer seguros y

responsables elige caminar a la escuela esperamos que todos los padres de

Crestwood y personal se unan el miércoles, 4 de octubre para la caminata del día

Internacional de la escuela. Se les mandara a las familias más información el día

jueves 14 de septiembre. Regístrese en la escuela como voluntario a

Walking is known to improve academic performance.

Children arrive brighter and more alert for the day. Walking

reduces stress and increases creativity, both of which will help

a child’s performance at school.

Walking gives children good life experience. It’s an

opportunity for them to be independent, think responsibly, and

make decisions for themselves. Some children feel less anxiety about being at school

when they know how to get home; it’s much harder to learn that route from the

perspective of a car.

Walking gets children outdoors – and kids certainly aren’t spending enough time

outside these days especially in the winter when there are less hours of daylight.

Walking provides daily exercise for children. Obesity rates have skyrocketed in

North America, so incorporating physical activity into a child’s daily routine is a good

place to start fighting it.

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 6

Breakfast 8:40 Dismissed to class 8:55

Warning bell 9:05 Instruction begins 9:10

Kiss and Ride Parents may choose to pick up or drop off their children at the designated Kiss and Ride located on the parking lot side of the school. Only children whose parents are driving through the Kiss and Ride lanes and staying in their cars will be dismissed through the parking lot door. Vehicles should enter the parking lot in an appropriate and orderly manner. Cars may enter the parking lot and proceed to the right making sure that the line moves smoothly and that children are dropped off or picked up safely. Adult supervision will be present to assist children at the side of the building. Please do not beckon children to leave the curb until the staff member present has indicated children may approach the vehicle. All parents who pick up their children in a vehicle must drive through the Kiss and Ride lane. Parents/guardians are not allowed to stop on Hanover Avenue to pick up their children. Staff members will be present to assist students crossing the driveway where cars enter the parking lot. To help ensure a smooth Kiss and Ride process:

1. Enter the parking lot by traveling south on Hanover. Turn right into the parking lot.

2. Follow the direction of our staff and move forward until directed to stop. 3. Your child will come the vehicle and should enter from the curb side. 4. Pull forward after your child is safely buckled. 5. Follow the flow of traffic out of the driveway and turn right onto Hanover.

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 7

Parenting Corner

Being on Time Is Important

Parents who justify being late for appointments by saying “We’re just so busy!” are

sending their kids the wrong message, says a parenting expert.

Take school, for example. Dropping a child off late at school lets her know that:

School isn’t that important.

Rules can be broken.

Her commitment to her teachers and classmates isn’t that vital.

Being a group member doesn’t entail responsibilities to the group.

She’s not that important to the group’s success.

Kids who are on time for school are more inclined to take school commitments seriously. They respect others’ time and needs. As a result, they do better in school.

Being on time is a habit kids can learn. And the best way to teach your child is to model the habit yourself.

Plan ahead so you can be punctual. Follow through on your

commitments. And don’t make excuses when you are late.

Ser puntual es importante

Los padres que se justifican cuando llegan tarde a sus citas diciendo:

"¡Es que estamos muy ocupados!" les transmiten a sus hijos el mensaje incorrecto,

sostiene un experto en educación infantil.

Por ejemplo, la escuela. Llevar a un niño tarde a la escuela le transmite que:

La escuela no es tan importante.

Las reglas pueden romperse.

Su compromiso con sus maestros y compañeros no es vital.

Ser miembro de un grupo no acarrea responsabilidades hacia ese grupo.

Él no es tan importante para el éxito del grupo.

Los niños que llegan a tiempo a la escuela tienden más a tomar en serio los compromisos de la escuela. Respetan el tiempo y las necesidades de los demás. Como resultado, les va mejor en la escuela.

Llegar a tiempo es un hábito que los niños pueden aprender. Y la mejor manera de enseñarle a su hijo es mediante el ejemplo.

Planifique con anticipación para poder ser puntual. Cumpla con sus obligaciones, y no invente excusas cuando llegue tarde.

Brought to you by Family and School

Partnerships Fairfax County Public Schools

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 8

54 of our students spent part of their

summer learning and exploring! Check

out these cool pics!

September 2017

Main office




Timothy Kasik, Principal

Hannah Collins, Assistant Principal


Crestwood Elementary School Newsletter, page 8

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Labor Day – No School

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Grades K, 1 & 2 Parent Coffee

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Springfield Civic Assoc. Meeting 7:30pm

Grades 3 & 4 Parent Coffee

Student Holiday – No School

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

October 1 2 3 4

International Walk to School Day!

5 6 7

Grades 5 & 6 Parent Coffee

Student Lunch $3.00 Student Breakfast $1.75

Adult lunch $4.25 Adult Breakfast $ 2.20

Students who qualify for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch eat breakfast and

lunch for free

October 5: Free Breakfast in Classroom for all students begins! November 29: Salad bar coming to Crestwood

Newsletter submissions are due to Kim Witeck by the 22nd of each month.

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