crisis in the balkans review

Post on 24-May-2015






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Crisis in the Balkans Review

The Balkans (# 1 & 2)• The Balkans (the

countries of: Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania & Greece) were known as Europe’s “powder keg”.• They were known as

this because there were very high nationalist tensions between the countries in that region.

Serbia’s National Goals (#3 – 5)• The people that lived in

Serbia were Slavic.• Serbia’s goal was to unite

all the Slavic people into one country.

• Russia supported Serbia since a lot of Russia’s population was Slavic.

• Austria – Hungary was not happy because they were worried the Slavic people in their empire would want to leave and join Serbia.

Bosnia & Herzegovinia (#6 & 7)• In 1908 Austria-

Hungary took control over Bosnia & Herzegovinia a Slavic region in the Balkans.• Serbia was really

angry and this almost led to a war, but both sides backed down.

Tensions Rise (#8)• By 1914 tensions in

the Balkans had increased.• Serbia had gained

more territory and power in the region.• Austria-Hungary was

worried Serbia would try to take over Bosnia & Herzegovina.

“Prepare for war!”

“We’re ready! Are


Franz Ferdinand (#9 & 10)• Franz Ferdinand was

the Austrian Archduke, meaning he would be the next leader of the Austrian – Hungarian empire.• On June 28, 1914

while visiting Bosnia he was assassinated!

The Black Hand (# 11)• The Black Hand was a

Slavic nationalist group that was responsible for the assassination.• The person who

assassinated Franz Ferdinand was from Serbia, so Austria blamed Serbia for his death.

The Ultimatum (#12 – 14)• In response to the

assassination Austria issued an ultimatum to Serbia.• The ultimatum had

many terms that were unfair to Serbia, and they tried to negotiate.• This led to war!

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