critical skills learning professionals need now

Post on 24-May-2015






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Presentation I gave at the California Society of Association Executives Annual Elevate Conference in March 2011.


Critical Skills Learning Professionals Need Now

Bill CushardChief Learning Officer The Knowland Group


The Un-Ground Rules

• Turn on your cell phones• Feel free to multitask• Ask question in and out of class–Backchannel - #calsae11

• Attendance is voluntary• Participation is voluntary• You are responsible for your own learning

“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”

– General Eric Shinseki, former U.S. Army Chief of Staff.

Just One thing!

Free Knowledge:

Bring Your Own Container

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do

than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe

harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

I would have written sent a shorter letter tweet, but I did not

have the time.- Mark Twain, if he used Twitter.

Learning Professional Competencies

Critical Skills Learning Professionals Needs Now

Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen



• Form groups of 2–4 people• Take turns and tell your group

what you know about at least one of these topics.

• If you don’t know much, but want to know more, ask your group to explain it to you.

Critical Skills• Social Media• Collaboration• Fast HRM / Rapid

Learning Development• Performance Support• Business Acumen

Social Media – Fad or Here to Stay?

Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen

Social Media: Fad or Here to Stay?

Authority Self-Led Strangers Friends

Use Twitter to Deliver Training

• Role plays• Discussions• Share links to resources• Send assignments• Hold people accountable• Follow people who tweet about the topic• Bring in experts to the classroom

Linkedin Groups

Tools to Consider

HootCourse Example

Let’s Review

• With your neighbor, identify one problem, concern, or issue related to what you just learned? Then discuss ways you might overcome those problems, concerns, or issues.


Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen

70 – 20 - 10

Where Do People Learn?

A New Goal…

…to enable people to work together, so they can learn from each other in the moment of need.

Collaboration Tools – Short List

Real Rapid Instructional Design

Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen

Fast or Accurate?

Fast or Accurate?

Activity: Labor Intensive

• How many hours does it take to develop one hour of training?

45 > 1

What is Rapid Instructional Design?

Design is critical – content is not

Real Rapid Instructional Design

• Write workbooks – Manuals “tell” Workbooks “engage”

• Discussions and activity heavy• Real work• Pause to review• Have learners create their own…• Goal setting and action plans

Activity: Training Project List

• List all of the training projects that you have on your plate. Circle the ones you think could be implemented more quickly by using principles of Fast HRM and Rapid Instructional Design.

Let’s Review: Earn Your Seat Back

• Stand up: To earn your seat back, you need to tell everyone in your row how you plan to use what you have learned in this session so far. When you have done this, you may sit back down.

Performance Support

Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen

Who Needs Training?

• Job Aids and “How to” procedures (Just give me what I need to know)

• Jing, Screenr, or Camtasia

• Flip video Camera / Webcam

• List procedures on intranet, wiki, Google Site

Business Acumen

Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen

Activity: Are Your Goals Aligned?

Your Training Goals Client Goals

Instead of trying to educate your stakeholders on your language,

try learning their language

Questions You Need to Answer

• How does your audience makes money?• What does your audience care about?• What challenges do they face everyday?• What are their top 10 customer complaints?• What are their priorities?

Activity: Best Way to Get Started

The best way to get started is to start small. Identify a problem that needs solving…preferably a client problem. Implement one thing you learned from this workshop to solve that problem. Experiment!

List three problems that need solving:




Review/Action Plan

Social Media


Fast HRM / Rapid


Performance Support

Business Acumen


Bill CushardThe Knowland GroupTwitter:

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