critical view on indian culture

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Critical view on Indian culture

Critical view on Indian culture

Indian culture

Amartya Sen

"Half of all Indians have no toilet. In Delhi when build a new condominium there are lots of planning requirements but none relating to the servants having toilets. It's a combination of class, caste and gender discrimination”.

Jawaharlal Nehru in his book "Discovery of India", describes Islam

have been faith for military conquests, he


"Islam had become a more rigid faith suited

more to military conquests rather than the conquests of the


Muslims brought nothing new to his country. The Muslims who came to

India from outside brought no new

technique or political or economic structure.

Inspite of religious belief in the brotherhood of Islam, they were class bound and feudal in



Vivekananda commented on Islam:• There is one God (Allah), and Mohammed is His Prophet. Everything

beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed. Every man or woman who does not exactly believe in that and every book that teaches anything else must be burnt.

• The more selfish a man, the more immoral he is. And so also with the race. That race which is bound down to itself has been the most cruel and the most wicked in the whole world.

• In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings should be killed, it is a mercy to kill him!

• And the heaven, where there are beautiful houris and all sorts of sense enjoyments, is by killing these nonbelievers. Think of the bloodshed there has been in consequence of such beliefs!

Ibn Kammuna“Examination of the Three Faiths”

He reasoned that the Sharia was incompatible with the principles of justice, and that this undercut the notion of Muhammad being the perfect man: "there is no proof that Muhammad attained perfection and the ability to perfect others as claimed.”

Short-term and limited marriages:Shia Islam: The duration of this type of marriage is fixed and then automatically

dissolved upon completion of its term.

Nikah mut’ah :

The religious cover and legalization of prostitution. “The Muslims are bound

by their conditions.” If the partners agree that the woman will stay with her family or that her share of the

husband’s time will be during the day and not during the night, or on certain days or certain nights, there is nothing

wrong with that, so long as the marriage is announced and not hidden.

• what do you have? Education Or rather, saffronization of education.

• In the Vedas - the foundational texts of Hindu theology - does one find the word Hindu. Rather, "Hindu" is actually the name given to the people living beyond the banks of the Sadhu or the Indus River, in what was known as the Indus valley civilisation.

"By whatever name and form the devotee worships me with love, I appear to the devotee in that form."

• The God of Hinduism is a God who is knowable, approachable, infinite and yet fully prepared to incarnate in material form, a God to whom our food, water, earnings and lives are dedicated.

Religion element :






• As God is infinite and all of creation a manifestation of the same Creator, Hindus see the whole world as one family. In fact, the scriptures state clearly: VasudhaivKutumbakam, or "The world is one family." Hindu prayers are prayers for all; Hindus don't pray for Hindus or Indians. Rather, Hindus pray,

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah

Sarve santu niraamayaah

Sarve bhadraani pashyantu

Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet

• It means, "May all be happy, may all be healthy, may all behold that which is good and auspicious, may no one suffer."

• If he wants to help minorities, specifically Muslims, then he is playing vote bank politics.

• In February, Mr. Batra led a successful effort to pressure Penguin India to withdraw copies of a book by Wendy Doniger, a religion professor at the University of Chicago, which he felt insulted Hinduism.

• His books advise students not to celebrate birthdays with cakes and candles, a practice Mr.Batra considers non-Indian. More troublingly, they instruct students to draw maps of “AkhandBharat,” a greater India, presumably restored to its rightful boundaries, that include Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mr. Batra also believes that aircraft, automobiles and nuclear weapons existed in ancient India, and he wants children to learn these so-called facts.

• In the movie “The Monuments Men” George Clooney says, “You can wipe out an entire generation, you can burn their homes to the ground, and somehow they will still find their way back. But if you destroy their history, if you destroy their achievements, then it is as if they never existed.”


• The use of cultural factors in a positive way will improve coping with symptoms and illness, as well as recovery. It is also important to consider other cultural, traditional, and folk methods for understanding and management of mental illnesses.

Thank you…

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