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    Product & Technology Reviews

    PTR #18 October2007 Page 1


    Product&Technology Review

    PTR #18

    October 2007


    Product & Technology Reviews (PTR) are developed forNorthwest electric utilities. EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse engi-neersreviewpublishedliteratureforobjective,independenttestresults.Noprimarytestingwasconductedbythereviewerforthepreparationofthisdocument.PTRfactsheetsdescribethetechnology,discussavailabledata,andsuggestadditionaltest-ingneededtoverifyenergysavingclaims.

    An electronic power conditioning deviceintended to increase power actor, protectequipment rom surges, improve power quality,and save energy.

    ProductCircuit Rider CR-Max, a amily o over 46surge and lightning protection devices that

    can be specied or a customers unique systemcapacity and power quality situation. Single-phase and three-phase CR-Max models aremade or commercial, residential, and indus-trial applications.

    ManuacturerCircuit Rider Marketing, LLCP.O. Box 6611Lubbock, TX 79493Phone: (877) 613-1682

    Fax: (806) 748-8119E-mail: support@cr-max.comWebsite:

    DistributorBrian Acu, DealerPyramid Energy Resources12347 Lake City Way NE #417Seattle, WA 98125Phone: (206) 683-5490E-mail: Website:

    Product HistoryThe CR-Max was developed in Lubbock, TX, byRodney Folsom. It has been marketed in theUnited States since July 2001.

    Photograph courtesy of Circuit Rider Marketing, LLC,Lubbock, TX

    Product Function and ApplicationThe product and technology is proprietary.There is no inormation available rom themanuacturer on how it works.

    In a demonstration o a small unit on an un-loaded single-phase motor, a three percent re-duction in real power was observed along with
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    a substantial improvement in poweractor. Some low-amplitude high-requencynoise appeared in the current wave with theCR-Max engaged and a slight increase o about3% in total harmonic distortion. This peror-mance is consistent with surge suppression cir-cuitry and power-actor-correction capacitors,though other components may also be present.

    Energy Savings ClaimsThe ollowing inormation was providedprimarily by the manuacturer and is notevaluated in this section. The manuacturerswebsite claims a Guaranteed 10% kWh re-duction on your electric bill. However, themanuacturers actual warranty document (see guarantees a minimum 10% savings asmeasured in kilowatt-hours, or kVA... It statesthat a ull reund will be given i a customerdemonstrates between three and six monthsollowing installation that the savings have notbeen accomplished. In addition, the manuac-turer claims that in the appropriate applicationa CR-Max will reduce demand charges by morethan 10% and reduce power actor penalties.See the section Additional Reviewer Com-mentsor evaluation o these claims.

    Non-Energy BeneftsThe ollowing inormation was provided pri-

    marily by the manuacturer and is not evalu-ated in this section. The CR-Max unit hasbeen rated by UL (Underwriters Laboratory) asa TVSS 1449 Second Edition Surge Protector.The manuacturer claims that in the appropri-ate application, in addition to saving energy, aCR-Max will improve phase voltage balance,and reduce electric aults and equipment dam-age by mitigating spikes and surges. The man-uacturer asserts that they have incorporatedthe surge and lightning protection along withother electrical and electronic components to

    interact with the consumers electrical systemto deliver cleaner power, correct the poweractor, and reduce harmonics.

    Reducing harmonics may be important i youhave had harmonic intererence with electron-ic devices. Improving phase voltage balancecan be important i you are running three-

    phase motors on the same circuit. I voltagesupplied to a motor is signicantly out o bal-ance, it can decrease the operating eciencyand service lie o the motor.

    Independent Testing ResultsWe have not been able to nd any independentlab testing o the CR-Max product line.

    CostThere are many dierent models o the CR-Max. The model is chosen based upon the sizeand type o loads served. A major installationin an industrial plant may consist o a combi-nation o dierent models connected in di-erent locations. The cost will vary dependingupon how many o which models are installed.Below are examples rom the manuacturer othe cost o the smallest and largest units.




    PriceInstallation Total























    Alternative Productsand StrategiesThe CR-Max is advertised as providing a vari-ety o power conditioning unctions. All pow-er conditioning issues can be addressed withvarious separate, well established technologies.There are surge suppressors that protect circuitsrom over-voltage spikes, and there are voltageregulators that reduce or increase voltage oreven adjust it in real time to a specied level.

    There are motor voltage regulators that adjustvoltage based on motor load. There are capaci-tors and capacitor switching systems to controlpower actor. There are harmonic lters toblock or absorb harmonics, and lters to blockelectromagnetic intererence. Some o thewell-established technologies use passive com-ponents like capacitors and inductors. Others
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    add automatic switching o passive compo-nents to adjust to changing power situations.At the high end are active controls that useelectronic control to mitigate or correct powerissues in real time, oten at sub-cycle speed.

    Typically each o these remedies is employedwhen the particular issue is identied as a

    problem. Rarely are all these issues present atonce in the same circuit.

    Case StudiesThe manuacturer or their representatives havetaken a number o power readings beore andater installations and reported savings in thetens o percent. We place the greatest stock intesting done by an independent third party,but we have not ound any well-designedindependent studies o the CR-MAX that showconvincingly that the CR-MAX can achieve theenergy savings claimed.

    A beore and ater installation study sup-plied to us by the manuacturer was conductedon an installation at Jones Plastics Companyin Louisville, KY, between June 28 and July26, 2004. Testing was done by Delta ElectricCo. Inc. under contract to Circuit Rider Corp.Perormance was monitored or two weeksbeore the installation, then the CR-Max wasactivated and another two weeks data were re-

    corded. The report does not discuss how muchthe results might be expected to vary betweenthese two time spans due to production levels,weather, or other variables; this inormationwould be critical or a valid case study. Theaverage electric power usage was 17.3% lowerater the installation. The average kVAR was26.4% lower.

    We were given data recorded by the distributorat an installation in a motor control center at aconcrete manuacturing company. These data

    were gathered when the CR-Max was turnedon and o or ten-minute periods over thecourse o an hour. That data contained realpower data and reactive power data. There wasa clear reduction in apparentpower o about 31kVAR each time the CR-Max was powered on,and an increase o 31 kVAR each time it waspowered o. There was no discernable change

    in real power associated with the unit beingpowered on or o. In other words, it improvedpower actor in the same way that addingcapacitors would, but it saved very little realpower. However, the installation would meetthe perormance provision o the manuacturerguarantee because the kVA was reduced wellover 10% when it was powered on.

    Suggestions or FurtherResearch and TestingA CR-Max product should be tested in anindependent laboratory to assess its energysaving potential. Loading should be typicalor the application, e.g. loaded electric motors,various types o lighting, and process heat-ing. The useul work output, e.g. motor shatpower, illuminance rom lighting, and heatoutput rom heating devices should be com-

    pared to input kW with the CR-Max in thecircuit and out o it. I there are versions o theCR-Max or which dierent claims are madeor savings, these versions should be separatelytested. The CR-Max is intended to save energyby correcting power quality problems, so theresearch plan should dene and provide or thesimulation o a level o bad power quality thatis typical in a real situation. This could in-clude manipulating voltage by the introductiono spikes o known magnitude and requencyo occurrence, 5% over/under voltage, and

    3% voltage unbalance. Other power qual-ity problems like low power actor come notrom the line but the loads themselves. Thesetoo should be dened in advance o the tests.Although reduction o power quality problemsmay be desirable, the primary ocus o con-trolled tests should be to evaluate energy sav-ings on the input or meter side o the product.

    Additional Reviewer Commentsand Analysis

    The CR-Max designates a product line o powerconditioners that are intended to improvemultiple power quality issues while saving en-ergy. The manuacturer says the CR-Max hasaccomplished energy savings o typically 10-20% or more, according to testing perormedby themselves, their distributors, and testingcontractors. Our ability to assess its peror-mance based on engineering principles has

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    been precluded due to the act that there aremany models o the unit and we have not beengiven access to the internal circuit descriptionsor scientic principles o operation. Also, therehas not been any independent lab testing operormance. The demonstration and eld testdata that we have been shown clearly indicatespower actor correction. It should be noted

    that a reduction in either real power or reactivepower will lower kVA. A 10% reduction in kVAcan be accomplished by a power actor correc-tion rom 0.85 to 0.95 with little or no energysavings.

    Neither physical inspection o the product norindependent testing is conducted as part o ourproduct and technology reviews. Appraisal oenergy saving potential relies upon a descrip-tion o the technology and inormation romthe experience o others, e.g. the manuacturer,

    independent laboratories, eld tests, etc. Othese sources, we generally place the highestcredibility on independent lab test results. Weplace the least credibility on customer testi-monials since these may be hand picked rommany customers and/or based on eld data,with little control over extraneous variableslike weather and acility operation.

    When inormation about internal circuitryand scientic principles is unavailable in thepresence o remarkable energy savings claims,we are cautious in our conclusions unlessindependent lab tests conrm energy savingsresults. The data we have seen rom eld instal-lations suggest that the primary componentsin this device are capacitors to correct poweractor. Improving power actor in a commercialor industrial setting can sometimes be use-ul. It can reduce energy costs by reducing thepower actor penalty, i you have one. Few, iany, utilities charge power actor penalties inresidential service, and not all commercial and

    industrial customers are charged a power actorpenalty. Each utility has its own way o charg-ing or power actor. It is sometimes subtle. Forinstance, a power actor penalty may be builtinto the demand charge and not otherwisementioned, as in when it is indexed on kVA,or sometimes called adjusted kWh. In othercases, there is a kVARh charge. I unsure, call

    your utility or theEnergyIdeas Clearinghouse tond out exactly what you are being charged orlow power actor.

    Improving power actor also reduces currentfow, sometimes allowing installation o small-er circuit breakers, wires, and transormers, oradding capacity to a circuit. However, other

    than a small reduction in line losses (usuallyless than 1% o total usage), correcting poweractor does not save energy. For urther inor-mation on power actor, what it means to acil-ity energy use, and other ways to correct it, seethe resources in the reerences.

    ConclusionWe have not seen any lab or eld test data thatunequivocally demonstrate energy savingswhere extraneous variables such as changesin production and weather are described andcontrolled. We recommend that i utilitiesare considering supporting this product theyshould await lab testing or well-controlled eldtesting o the CR-Max to conrm energy sav-ings beore concluding that it will occur.

    The manuacturers guarantee does not neces-sarily guarantee an energy savings because itstates that the product is guaranteed to saveat least 10% measured in kWh or kVA. kVAcan be dramatically reduced by improving the

    power actor (with capacitors, or example),without signicant energy reduction. I thegoal is to improve power actor, compare thecost o this device to installing power capaci-tors and a surge suppressor.

    Additional InormationNorthwest businesses and electric utilities cancontact theEnergyIdeas Clearinghouse or ad-ditional inormation on this or other energytechnologies or products. Contact:

    Phone: 1-800-872-3568E-mail: info@EnergyIdeas.orgWebsite:

    TheEnergyIdeas Clearinghouse is a technicalassistance service managed by the WSU Exten-sion Energy Program with support rom theNorthwest Energy Eciency Alliance.

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    Product & Technology Reviews

    PTR #18 October 2007 Page


    ReviewerJohnny Douglass, P.E.Senior Industrial EngineerWSU Extension Energy Program

    Note: Product & Technology Reviews are peerreviewed by objective industry proessionals

    prior to publishing.

    Reerences2004 Line 8 Power Quality Study: Jones Plasticsby Delta Electric Inc. (provided by distributor).

    Raw data rom the Smoky Point ConcreteCompany in Arlington, WA (provided bydistributor).

    Exploring Power Factor Myths by Johnny

    Douglass,Energy Services Bulletin, Western AreaPower Administration Energy Services, August2004.

    Reducing Power Factor Cost,EnergyIdeas Clear-inghouse Energy Eciency Factsheet, February2003, Washington State University ExtensionEnergy Program and the Northwest EnergyEciency Alliance.

    Power Quality Guidelines or Efcient DeviceApplication. January 2003. 500-03-073C.Prepared by the Electric Power ResearchAssociation or the Caliornia EnergyCommission.

    DisclaimerProduct and Technology Reviews are regularly

    updated by the EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse and

    posted at Please

    check or the most current version.

    This evaluation/review was based in part uponinormation provided to us by the manuacturer

    o the product or service. The evaluation/review

    does not in any respect constitute an endorse-

    ment o the product or services discussed herein.

    This evaluation/review also does not constitute a

    guaranty or warranty o any kind that the prod-

    ucts or services described herein will perorm as

    described or otherwise.

    Nothing contained in this evaluation/review

    may be reproduced, in whole or in part, or mar-

    keting purposes or or any other purpose, with-out the express written consent o the Northwest

    Energy Eciency Alliance.

    2007 Washington State University

    Extension Energy Program


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