crookwell public school news & views · alfie haynes with their families. term 1 class...

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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For The Calendar... Spotted…

News & Views Crookwell Public School

Dustin Carr and Charlotte Tetley for beautiful handwriting.

Charles Willis for his amazing sustainable creations and for sharing these with other students.

Jet Tate for being helpful to students and staff.

Nathan Rowles for showing wonderful sportsmanship, and helping team mates during sport.

Alfie Haynes for insightful questions during history.

Ivy Bailey for keeping the playground clean.

Ryann Ross and Ned Cramp for their positive attitude to learning.

Jo-Lee for her beautiful morning greetings.

Bronte Thorpe for helping to hang artwork in the Dingo Room.

Ivy Bailey for assisting Mr Whittington with his filing, an office manager in the making.

Emma Robertson and Betsy Willis for erecting new infants soccer net.

Joe Stephenson for responsible behaviour when using technology.

Lane Cunningham-Rowell for his helpfulness around the classroom.

Aria Bailey for her positive attitude to reading.

Isla Webster for being a helpful and kind friend.

Remi Nieves for his lovely morning greetings.

Ivy Stanger and Jack Bilsborough for being excellent classroom helpers.

Poppy Snape for helping Kindergarten students during sport.

Brayden Perring for his consistent effort to improve his handwriting.

Find us on Facebook:

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects

to Elders past, present and future

43 Denison Street, Crookwell

Ph: 48321 213 Fax: 48321 353


Working Together, Growing Together

Next week

Mon. 17 Feb Yrs 2/3 Swimming Scheme commences

Tues. 18 Feb Meet & Greet 4 – 6pm Coming up

Thu. 27 Feb District Swimming Carnival ~ Goulburn

Thu. 27 Feb Clean Up Australia Day @ 2pm

Fri. 28 Feb Prefect Induction Ceremony @ 2.15pm

Fri. 28 Feb Yrs 2/3 Swimming Scheme concludes

Wed. 04 Mar School Photograph Day

Thu. 05 Mar Peer Support Training – Year 6

Thu. 05 Mar Year 5 Canberra Excursion

Fri. 06 Mar Peer Support Training – Year 6

Fri. 06 Mar Year 5 Canberra Excursion

Wed. 11 Mar Regional Swimming Carnival ~ Goulburn

Sat. 14 Mar Binda Picnic Races

Wed. 18 Mar Boys District Soccer Trials ~ Goulburn

Wed. 18 Mar Girls District Soccer Trials ~ Goulburn

Thu. 19 Mar Girls & Boys District Hockey Trials ~ Goulburn

Fri. 20 Mar Moving into Year 7 2021 forms due

Thu. 26 Mar District Rugby League Trials ~ Crookwell

Crookwell Public School – 155 years

of public education for the children of

the Upper Lachlan Shire in 2020!

14th February, 2020 Term 1 Week 3 Happy Valentine’s Day

In The Classroom (New feature) This year we will be including a new feature in the newsletter titled ‘In The Classroom’. Each class will have a designated week to showcase some of the great things they are doing in their classroom. This week is 1/2 Kangaroo’s turn.

This week students in 1/2 Kangaroo enjoyed reading the fantastic book ‘Pea & Nut’ by Matt Stanton. We were kept busy reading, writing about our favourite characters and explaining why they were our favourite. We also painted some amazing pandas and flamingos, who were the main characters of the story. We can’t wait to discover some new stories for next week’s activities!

Charles Willis and Hudson Hape enjoy reading the story


Indi Fahey, Tommy Dunn and Faith Riles are proud of their

beautiful flamingos and panda.

Chook Update Our school chicken naming fundraiser has raised enough money for our first bag of feed! We have the ten most popular names ready to be voted on. Keep an eye on the Crookwell Public School Facebook page for your chance to vote. Our four hens will return to school once their names have been decided. Voting will close on Friday 21st February, with the top four names becoming the official names of the Crookwell Public School chickens. Happy voting! The top 10 names to be voted on are: Cinnamon, Banana, Oreo, Mabel, Olaf, Bob, Chickpea, Unicorn, Esme and Mavis.

Crookwell Show Success Alec and Cooper cleaned up at the Crookwell Show last weekend! The boys, supported by Kaz, worked tirelessly throughout the first two weeks of school to get entries together for the competition. Their hard work paid off! The boys walked away with 1st AND 2nd places for their jam,

artworks and corn from the school garden. Congratulations!

These three just couldn’t contain their excitement! Well done Alec, Kaz and Cooper!

5/6 Kookaburra’s Creative Artwork Students in 5/6 Kookaburra have continued working hard researching and learning about the Australian Bushfires. From group research assignments to artworks that inspire writing, students have covered many areas. Skyelah Gray has taken her work to another level, not only did she create an inspiring bushfire landscape but she converted and presented her descriptive writing in Braille! Well done Skyelah on this amazing piece of work.

Skyelah proudly shows her artwork and her descriptive story

which she presented in Braille.

Term 1 Leadership Assembly Congratulations to the many students who were presented with their leadership badges at last week’s assembly. It was wonderful to see so many parents and guests share in this special occasion to congratulate our newly elected Class Captains, Sports Captains & Forum Representatives. You will all do an excellent job in your leadership position, congratulations!

Forum Representatives: Evelyn Dark, Joe Stephenson and

Sam Dooley with their families.

Forum Representatives: Lilli McDonald, Ada Dunn, Kade Fowler, Caleb Woods, Zoe Knight and Alexis Stivala with

their families.

Forum Representatives: Oliver Keith, Emma Campbell and

Alfie Haynes with their families.

Term 1 Class Captains: Lane Cunningham-Rowell, Georgie

Robertson, Alvin Pearson and Tommy Dunn.

Term 1 Class Captains: Jim Dawson, Louise Robertson, Cooper Galway, Harry Galway, Laura Churchill and Ned


Term 1 Class Captains: Addie Dawson, Glynn McIlwain,

Emma Robertson and Pat Stivala.

“A leader is one who knows

the way, goes the way and

shows the way”.

John C. Maxwell

Bluegum Captains and Vice Captains: Tahlia Gourlay, Tyler

Smith, Joshua Churchill and Betsy Willis.

Waratah Captains and Vice Captains: Aidan Stubbings, Sianabel Anderson, Emma Robertson and Vincent Bill.

Wattle Captains and Vice Captains: Charles Butler, Jay Knight, Charlotte Selmes and Sophie Watson (absent).

Please Make an Appointment The strong, positive relationship that exists between the staff of Crookwell Public School and our school’s families is appreciated and valued. The opportunity for parents and teachers to openly and honestly discuss aspects of a child’s education is welcomed and of vital importance.

However, as teachers are extremely busy of a morning preparing for the day ahead and often have commitments after school, I urge parents to phone the school on 48321213 to make an appointment to meet with a teacher. This will ensure teachers can fully focus on the issue/concern raised by the parent and allow teachers to address commitments and preparations uninterrupted.

Your cooperation with this request is greatly appreciated.

Stage 1 News Topics Next week, students in Stage 1 will begin sharing news with their class once a week. Students will speak on a variety of news topics to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of key learning areas covered at school. We ask that you encourage your child to regularly participate, as it assists their speaking and listening skills. Please see the table below for your child’s news day. Thank you for your support!

1/2 Kangaroo

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Connor Emma Charlie Taj Tommy

Indi Kai Huddy Alfie Isabelle

Riley Caden Chayse Faith Georgie

Poppy Garth Jordan Charles Reuben

1/2 Emu

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Aria Jack Owen Alvin Olivia S.

Tyler Nathaniel Piquet Jackson R. Laura

Lily Oliver Levi Samuel Jackson W.

Lane Jo-Lee Cooper Haris Olivia W.

Week Topic

3 Draw a pattern using colours, shapes or numbers.

4 Bring in something that is important to you. Explain why it is special.

5 What is your favourite book? Bring it in and share it with the class.

6 What is your favourite song/band/singer and explain why they are your favourite.

7 Draw a self-portrait and share what makes you different from other people.

8 Create a picture using only 2D shapes.

9 Share with the class something you have improved on during the first term.

10 Tell the class about a hobby that interest you.

11 Talk about a place you hope to visit in the holidays.

Swimming Age Champions Congratulations to all the students that took part in the 2020 Crookwell Public School competitive swimming carnival. The results have been analysed and the championship points have been calculated. Well done to our age champions:

Senior Boys- Jay Knight Senior Girls- Sophie Watson 11 Boys- Sam Dooley 11 Girls- Emma Robertson Junior Boys- Kade Fowler Junior Girls- Louise Robertson

Age champion medals will be presented at assembly Friday 21st February, 2020. Parents and guests are welcome to join us for the presentation.

Good luck to all the students representing Crookwell Public School in the district carnival in Goulburn, Thursday 27th February. Permission notes will be sent home with students shortly.

Due to the much needed rain the water carnival had to be cut short last week. Thankfully we were able to complete the competitive events. This will see many students represent Crookwell Pubic School at the district swimming carnival in Goulburn. The tabloid component of the carnival will be pushed back to Term 4 due to swim scheme and other pool bookings in the lead up to the end of the season. All students that have paid their money for the pool or hold a pool pass will not need to pay again.

Prefect Induction On Friday 28th February our school leaders: Charlie Colley, Ellie Whittington, Jack Speer and Sophie Ward will be officially inducted into their role of Prefect for 2020. This very special assembly will take place at 2:15pm in the school hall. The official party will consist of our four Prefects, the Honorable Mrs Wendy Tuckerman, Principal Mr Michael Whittington and the parents of all Prefects, who have the honour of pinning the Prefect badge on their child. We look forward to sharing this special occasion with family and members of our school community.

Crookwell Public School Boys Cricket Team Trials for the Crookwell Public School boys cricket team will take place on Tuesday February 18th. Boys in Year 5 and Year 6, who would like to play in this team, are invited to trial at lunchtime on Tuesday: please meet at the school cricket net. Spare cricket gear is available for those students who do not have their own. Our first game is expected to take place within the next couple of weeks. The team will be coached by Mr Andrew Knight.

Crookwell Public School – 155 years

of public education for the children

of the Upper Lachlan Shire in 2020!

Spotted cont. Ada Dunn for her focus and positive contributions to

class discussions.

Anthony Barber and Jay Knight for sportsmanship.

Stirling Inder for enthusiasm in class sport.

Ada Dunn for helping Mrs Whittington.

Georgie Robertson and Tommy Dunn for setting a great example as class captains.

Caden Locke and Kai Fowler for their great effort during literacy.

Lane Cunningham-Rowell for fabulous word building skills.

Nathaniel Hockley for his wonderful cheerful disposition.

Glynn McIllwain for very responsible leadership.

Shae Dumesic for being a supportive friend.

Thomas Hayward-Whipp and Bastian Huang for great effort creating new words from letters in a given word.

Alyssa Huang for handing in lost property that was dearly missed by a Kindergarten boy.

No Hat …… Play In The Shade Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world with 140,000 new cases and 1,000 deaths recorded annually. The increasing occurrence of skin cancer in Australia is a matter of concern with skin cancers accounting for 80% of all new cancers diagnosed each year.

The A.C.T. and surrounding region has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in Australia. The major cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet radiation over many years, particularly during childhood and adolescence. Even if exposure does not cause obvious sunburn, damage still occurs and accumulates over the years.

To help protect students from over exposure to the sun during Term 1, the school’s policy of ‘No Hat…Play in the Shade,’ will be strictly enforced.

Please encourage your child to wear their school hat at school to help keep them sun safe.

N.B. Adjustable microfibre school hats are available from the uniform shop at a cost of $15.00.

School Photographs - Wednesday 4th March

On Wednesday 4th March The School Photographer will

visit the school to take class, individual and sibling photographs. Please ensure your child comes to school on that day looking clean, neat and tidy wearing full Crookwell Public School summer uniform. Remember jewellery is not permitted and girls can wear only red hair accessories. Please return your child’s photograph form to school on or before Wednesday 4th of March or before.

Crookwell Public School App Did you know that Crookwell Public School has a school app? This app is designed to keep our parents and wider school community informed of what is happening and coming up in our school. The app is very easy to install and use. You can use the app to view our contact details, the weekly News & Views, upcoming events and performances and canteen news. You can also complete absentee forms if your child is away and in the near future you will be able to make payments to the school through the app.

Please follow these steps to install and start using the app: 1. Download the ‘Skoolbag’ app from the Apple or

Google Play app store. 2. Follow the prompts to create your own account. 3. Type Crookwell Public School and press enter. Tap

the plus icon to add school. 4. Ensure you allow Skoolbag to send you push

notifications when prompted. 5. In the ‘Groups’ category please make sure you

subscribe to relevant year or sport groups for your child/ren so you receive all notifications.

Core Rules Student Discipline in NSW Government Schools

All students in NSW government schools are expected to:

Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time prepared to learn.

Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s uniform or dress code policy.

Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.

Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.

Treat one another with dignity and respect.

Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as

harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour

of any kind, will not be tolerated.

Make Each Morning Count Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is well known that children who eat breakfast everyday are more receptive to learning.

Clean Up Australia Day Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment. What was started thirty years ago by an ‘average Australian bloke’ who had a simple idea to make a difference in his own backyard has now become the nation’s largest community-based environmental event.

It is hard to believe that this initiative began as the inspiration of one man, Ian Kiernan. An avid sailor, Ian was shocked and disgusted by the pollution and rubbish he continually encountered in the oceans of the world. Taking matters into his own hands, Ian organised a community event with the support of a committee of friends, including co-founder Kim McKay AO.

This simple idea ignited an enthusiasm and desire among the local community to get involved and make a difference. And surely if a capital city could be mobilised into action then so could the whole nation. And so it was that Clean Up Australia Day was born in 1990.

17.7 million plus Australians have donated their time as part of Clean Up Australia activities over the last 30 years.

35 million hours of volunteer time has been donated to Clean Up activities to benefit our environment.

365,000 plus ute loads of rubbish has been removed as part of Clean Up activities.

Of course, Australia’s waste challenges can’t be solved in just one day, so over the last three decades, Clean Up Australia has evolved into an organisation that works with community, government and businesses to provide practical solutions to help us all live more sustainably every day of the year.

Today our focus is as much on preventing rubbish entering our environment as it is removing what has already accumulated.

Crookwell Public School will participate in Schools Clean up Australia Day on Thursday 27th February, 2020. Students from Kindergarten will clean up the school playground, Year 1 and Year 2 students will clean the area immediately surrounding the school while students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will target an area further afield but still well within the Crookwell town boundary. Teachers and Support Officers will accompany and supervise the students in their quest to make a positive difference to our local environment.

To participate, students will need to wear their school uniform and school hat. We encourage students to wear sunscreen and bring gloves and a disposable bag in which to place collected rubbish. These smaller bags of rubbish will be deposited in larger bags that have been supplied by Clean-Up Australia.

We will make a real difference to our local community as we remove rubbish from our environment while participating in the nation’s largest community based environmental event. Let’s get busy to Clean-Up!

Please complete, detach and return the slip below by Monday 24th February, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clean Up Australia Day

I give permission for my child /ren _____________________ ________________________________________________ to participate in the School’s Clean-Up Day on Thursday 27th February, 2020. I understand my child/ren will need to wear school uniform, school hat and gloves to participate in this clean up event.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________

Date: _____________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Meet and Greet’ Afternoon and FREE Family BBQ

On Tuesday 18th February there will be an opportunity for teachers and parents to meet one another and exchange information that may enhance the quality of a child’s educational experience at school.

Informal meetings between staff and parents will be conducted from 4pm until 6pm in the school hall followed by a free family sausage sizzle.

We hope you are able to attend. Please complete the intention to attend form for catering purposes. We look forward to seeing you at this gathering. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Meet and Greet’ Afternoon

We are delighted to accept the invitation to the ‘Meet and Greet’ afternoon Tuesday 18th February, in the school hall from 4 – 6pm. We will have ____________ adults and ___________ children attending. We would each love a sausage sandwich. Name: _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From Year 6 to Year 7 Information for students Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government School in 2021 was attached to the News and Views last week. Completed forms need to be returned to the Administration Office of Crookwell Public School on or before Friday 20th March, 2020.

Aboriginal Education Achievement Awards: Inspire, Succeed, Excel On Monday Abigail and Skyelah Gray, along with their father John Gray, attended the Aboriginal Education Achievement Awards in Queanbeyan. The girls were nominated by Miss Bell in 2019 in recognition of their outstanding attendance.

The girls’ nomination was successful and on Monday at the ceremony they received a lovely framed certificate and a medal to add to their awards from 2018.

Well done girls on your amazing attendance record, this shows your commitment and love of school.

Abigail and Skyelah Gray proudly display their awards they

received on Monday.

Selecting a Scripture or Ethics Group Please read the information below as an outline of each scripture group to help you make your decision.

Catholic: Catholic scripture classes are religious and are

available for students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Classes are taught by representatives from the local Catholic churches (including St Marys). Lessons are religious and values based.

Ethics: Ethics classes are a non-religious option for students

in Years 5 & 6. Ethics classes involve lessons based on values and building positive relationships with others.

Non Participation in Ethics and Scripture classes:

Students who attend non-scripture classes will not be taught however they will be supervised by a staff member. Students will have the opportunity to access technology, books and writing materials during this time.

Please make an informed choice when selecting the most appropriate option for your child. If you would like more information please speak to the Principal, Mr Michael Whittington, by phoning the school office on 48 321 213.

Ethics or Scripture Classes or Neither? Each Thursday morning, trained members of our community visit the school to lead 30 minute scripture and ethics classes. Students, with parental consent, may participate in either ethics or scripture classes. Children of parents who do not wish for them to participate in either of these classes will be supervised by a member of Crookwell Public School’s staff.

To ensure students participate in classes according to their parents’ wishes please complete and return the attached table by Friday 7th February, 2020.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ethics or Scripture Classes or Neither?

Class Student Names Kindergarten, Years 1 & 2 Non-participation

Kindergarten, Years 1 & 2 Catholic

Years 5/6 Ethics

Year 3/4/5/6 Catholic

Year 3/4/5/6 Non participation

_________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) ________________________ (Date) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What is A Voluntary School Contribution?

The vast majority of public schools request a contribution from parents each year to supplement existing funding. These contributions allow schools to provide additional resources and learning programs for our students. What Will The Money Be Used For?

The money will be used to purchase resources to support teaching/learning programs for each student across the school.

How Much? The suggested contribution is $50 per child. Please note

that this roughly equates to $1 per child per week. I cannot stress enough the difference to our school finances that your contribution will make. The contribution fees are within the guidelines set by the Department of Education.

How To Pay

Please place your contribution, with the slip below, in an envelope and return it to the school office as soon as you are able. If you prefer, you may choose to pay a contribution in instalments. A receipt will be issued for all monies received.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our school.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crookwell Public School


Please find enclosed cash/cheque for $________________ (full contribution / instalment)

(Please make cheques payable to Crookwell Public School)

Family Name: ________________________

Name/s of child/ren:

1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4._______________________________

Signature: _______________________________________

Date: ___________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yours in Public Education,

Michael Whittington Principal

Kirstie O’Neill Assistant Principal

Greg Atfield Relieving Assistant Principal

P&C News Uniform Shop The uniform shop for 2020 will be open Mondays 8:45am to 10:00am and Fridays 2:30pm to 3:25pm.

Canteen Roster Term 1 Food for Thought

Week 4

Wednesday 19-2-20 Friday 21-2-20

Marion Harrop Shirley Pearman

Jess Campbell Sheridan Riles Alex Hewitt

Week 5

Wednesday 26-2-20 Friday 28-2-20

Marcia Dunn Liddy Skelly

Jackie Dawson Liz Hunt Amanda Pearson

Week 6

Wednesday 4-3-20 Friday 6-3-20

Rob and Nicola Foster Jan Woods

Alex Hewitt Jess Campbell Heather Stranger

Week 7

Wednesday 11-3-20 Friday 13-3-20

Kyly Ross Amanda Pearson

Alison Moloney Liddy Skelly Kylie Ward

Week 8

Wednesday 18-3-20 Friday 20-3-20

Katie Keith Heather Stranger

Jess Campbell Jan Woods Amanda Richardson

Week 9

Wednesday 25-3-20 Friday 27-3-20

Liz Hunt Alex Hewitt

Jan Woods Amanda Pearson

If you would like to have your name put on the roster please let the school office know or leave a message on our Facebook page. Thank you.

Food for Thought Canteen Welcome to 2020! Another year of nutritious healthy lunches for our students. The canteen was reopened this week and we are straight back in to the swing of things.

We are currently looking for parents to assist with the daily running of the canteen on Wednesdays and Fridays. The day begins at 9.30am and you are usually finished by 2.15pm. It is a fun and social day while preparing healthy and nutritious food for our students.

If you would like to assist, even one day a term, please fill in the slip below, contact us on the school canteen Facebook page or call the school on 4832 1213. We are looking forward to another successful year!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Food For Thought – Volunteers

I can assist in the school canteen on Wednesday or Friday (please circle which day suits) and would be happy to be included on the roster. Contact details: Comments: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rosemeadow Public School Visit The P&C is catering for Rosemeadow Public School coming to CPS on Saturday 22nd February for a professional development day. They have a staff of 60 people visiting and are making valuable contributions to the school and P&C for hosting and catering. They are also looking to support local businesses during their visit, with meals, accommodation and shopping on the agenda!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We are hoping families could contribute the following food items to help with catering:

Pumpkin soup (delivered in a slow cooker – please do not add any sour cream/cream) to serve ________________ people.

Slice or cake to serve _____________ people.

Quiche (variety ________________) to serve ______________ people.

Scones to serve _____________ people.

Please indicate if you are able to donate any of the above items by returning this slip to CPS office by Tuesday 18th Feb. Food items will need to be delivered to the CPS canteen by 9:30am on Saturday 22nd Feb.

We are also asking for volunteers to assist with the preparation and serving of morning tea and lunch on Saturday 22nd Feb. If you are able to assist please tick this box.

Name: _____________________________________ Contact number: ____________________________

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thank you in advance for your support.

Binda Picnic Races

The Binda Picnic Races are nearly here and the Crookwell Public School P&C along with the awesome staff work together to run a BBQ to raise funds to support our amazing school. The races will be held on Saturday 14th March. We are looking for parent volunteers to help.

We require a number of parent volunteers to help in the school canteen on the Saturday morning to prepare meat & salad rolls and a few sandwiches. You would be assisting from approx. 8am-11am.

We also need some parent volunteers to fill positions on a roster during the day either cooking on the BBQ or selling sausage/steak sandwiches and soft drinks. You will be allocated a 2 hour time slot between the hours of 11:30am-5.00pm. Exact times for both jobs would be confirmed in a roster closer to the event. Volunteers would receive a free entry ticket to the races.

If you would be able to spare a couple of hours of your time on this weekend would you please complete the slip below and return it to the school office by next Friday 21st February, 2020.

This is a major fundraising event on our calendar and a great day out so come and join in the fun while raising money for our wonderful school. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Binda Picnic Races CPS P&C BBQ

I (name) ________________________________ would like

to volunteer to help with the Binda Picnic Races P&C BBQ. I

will be available for the following (please tick):

Make rolls and sandwiches in the CPS

canteen on Saturday 14th March from


Work at the BBQ stand at the Binda

Picnic Races on Saturday 14th March for

about 2 hours from (times between


My contact phone number is: ________________________

Signed:__________________ Date: _________________

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Community Announcements ………………… The inclusion of any announcement does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation

thereof by Crookwell Public School.

Playgroup in surrounding areas has begun:

Binda: Tuesdays 9.15am – 11.15am in Binda Public School Hall.

Crookwell: Fridays 9.15am – 11.15am at Crookwell Public School in the school residence.

Come along and have a chat and meet new parents and families. This service is provided free of charge.

Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre

Kids on Keyboards The NSW Government Creative kids rebate for 2020 is available. ‘Kids on Keyboards’ is a registered provider. For more information go to

If you are in Goulburn check out ‘Vibesfest’ where past Crookwell Public School students Oscar Rose, Aidan

O’Brien, Thomas Wilcox Symons, Griffyn Bachta, James Clements and Sophie Palmer will be performing

in their band, ‘Misplaced and Martyred’.

NSW Department of Education

35 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 33 Sydney NSW 2001

Legal Services Directorate reviewed and current as at 01/11/2012

General Permission to Publish and disclose information

Dear Parent/Caregiver,

We are making our permission to publish information as comprehensive as possible to ensure that the disclosure of your

child’s information is only published in the media channels you approve of. Thank you for taking the time to complete this

note for 2020, it will help us keep our records as accurate as possible. We require parents and caregivers to complete

this note at the beginning of every year. However, if your circumstances change please notify the school as soon as


We are seeking your permission to allow Crookwell Public School/NSW Department of Education to publish and/or

disclose information about your child for the purposes of sharing his/her experiences with other students, informing the

school and broader community about school and student activities and recording student participation in noteworthy

projects or community service.

This information may include your child’s name, age, class and information collected at school such as photographs,

sound and visual recordings of your child, your child’s work and expressions of opinion such as in interactive media.

The communications in which your child’s information may be published or disclosed include but are not limited to:

Public websites of the Department of Education including the school website, the Department of Education intranet

(staff only), blogs and wikis

Department of Education publications including the school newsletter, annual school magazine and school report,

promotional material published in print and electronically including on the Department’s websites

Official Department and school social media accounts on networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter

Local and metropolitan newspapers and magazines and other media outlets

Parents should be aware that when information is published on public websites and social media channels, it can be

discoverable online for a number of years, if not permanently. Search engines may also cache or retain copies of

published information. Published information can also be linked to by third parties.

Please complete the permission slip and return to the school by Friday 21st February, 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Whittington


Permission to Publish I have read the permission to publish information above and I give permission for: (Tick the appropriate box/es)

[ ] All or [ ] School Newsletter & Promotional Material or [ ] None

[ ] School Website & App [ ] School Facebook Page [ ] Local Newspapers & Magazines

[ ] Local Newspaper Facebook Pages & Websites [ ] Instagram [ ] You Tube

[ ] SISP (STEM Industry School Partnership program) Crookwell Public School/Department of Education to publish information about my child as described above, including in publicly accessible communications. I understand that this information is valid for 2020. If my child’s circumstances change I will contact the school and complete a new Permission to Publish note. Child’s name: ……………………………………………………………Class:…………………

Parent/carer/caregiver’s name (please print): ……………………………………………………………..

Parent/carer/caregiver signature: ………………………………………………………….

Date: …………………………………………………………………..

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