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Post on 01-Aug-2020






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20 Fitness Motivation Quotes to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

Going to the gym often remains on the “to-do list” for some of us.Of course everyone wants to have a healthy lifestyle and be in shape, but how can we keep up in this fast-paced world? A full time job, a family that needs our attention, the duties that we can’t say “no” to…

Sadly, we start cutting-off things that we should actually do for ourselves and this always leads to negative outcomes. But how can we perform at our best if our bodies start to fail us?

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, stay fit, or just clear your mind after a busy day at work, fitness should become an important part of your life.And don’t be disappointed for not getting the results you want super fast. When it comes to getting in shape, consistency is the key. You must stick to your workout routine even if you really don’t feel like it.

Here are 20 fitness motivation quotes to help push yourself out of your comfort zone.


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.— Jim Ryun

To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.– Gene Tunney

Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.– Khloe Kardashian

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.– Jim Rohn

Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.– Jack LaLanne

I hate every minute of training. But i said, don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.– Mohammad Ali

The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Do today what others won’t so tomorrow you can do what others can’t.– Jerry Rice

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.— Sean Patrick Flanery

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.— John F. Kennedy


If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.– Fred Devito

Train hard, turn up, run your best and the rest will take care of itself.– Usain Bolt

Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits.– Jerry Dunn

Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going.– Jillian Michaels

If you ever lack the motivation to train then think what happens to your mind & body when you don’t.– Shifu Yan Lei

Exercise is done against one’s wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse.– George A. Sheehan

Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.– Jackie Joyner-Kersee

We must train hard. It’s not about denying a weakness may exist but about denying its right to persist.– Vince McConnell

You can have results or excuses, but not both.– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Remember this: Your body is your slave. It works for you.– Jack LaLanne

via Goalcast


Ingredients2 tablespoons olive oil1 pound chicken thighs boneless and skinless, sliced into strips1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes drained of oil, chopped1 pound asparagus ends trimmed, cut in half, if large1/4 cup basil pesto1 cup cherry tomatoes yellow and red, halved

Note: As is, this dish has higher fat. Make these modifications to get the fat down to ratios that will better fit most people’s macros: • Use a nonstick skillet.• Reduce the olive oil from 2 Tablespoons to 2 teaspoons.• Use chicken breast instead of chicken thighs.Calories and Macros (per 1/2 of meal as prepared with the above-modified ingredients)Calories: 434Protein: 54.5 gCarbs: 18.5 gFat: 20 gFiber: 8 g

InstructionsHeat a large skillet on medium heat, add 2 tablespoons olive oil, add sliced chicken thighs, season chicken generously with salt, add half of chopped sun-dried tomatoes - and cook everything on medium heat for 5-10 minutes, flipping a couple of times, until the chicken is completely cooked through. Remove the chicken and sun-dried from the skillet, leaving oil in.

Add asparagus (ends trimmed), seasoned generously with salt, remaining half of sun-dried tomatoes, and cook on medium heat for 5-10 minutes until the asparagus cooked through. Remove asparagus to serving plate.

Add chicken back to the skillet, add pesto, stir to coat on low-medium heat until chicken is reheated, 1 or 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Add halved cherry tomatoes, mix with the pesto and the chicken. Add chicken and tomatoes to the serving plate with asparagus.

via Julia's Album



CRYSTAL APTHORP ATHLETE PROFILE When did you join CFM? Had you been involved in other gyms or fitness

programs before? I joined CFM back in 2014. I have been involved in several other gym

facilities but there was no comparison to CrossFit. Nothing has ever pushed me like CrossFit does or given me the proven results.

What made you decide to join CFM? I needed a kick in the butt! My friends knew this and made me do a walk-in

to show me what it was all about. I died for a week after the “baseline” WOD.

I needed something that would hold me accountable, something that would push me beyond my comfort zone.

What are your fitness or skill goals? Have you accomplished any of them? My goal has always been to lose weight. However, since doing CrossFit my

goals are still the same but with a twist. I want to be healthy and strong. I am stronger now then I have ever been. I never thought in my entire life I

would be able to run, do a burpee or do any sort of competition and I have done all them and so much more. I have run more than one race, I do

burpees on a weekly basis and I have done different competitions that I never thought I could.

Do you remember your first workout? Yes, and I was terrified. My first “real” CFM WOD was do 100 burpees! A

100 BURPEES! Which of the 10 components of fitness have you found to be the most

challenging? In which ones have you seen the most improvement? They have all been challenging for me, although I’ve seen improvement in

each one of them. But, really, endurance would be the most challenging. Describe the atmosphere at CFM.

The atmosphere at CFM is like no other place. I always feel welcomed and encouraged to be there and do my best. The people at CFM are like no

other group I have been involved in. I may not know everyone’s name but at each WOD we are encouraging each other and giving high fives. It’s

honestly like nothing I have ever been involved in. I have made the best of friends here and I couldn’t imagine going any other place.

WHY do I need to crawl like a bear?!

I’m not a bear and it makes me angry like a bear when I see it



Give us a few words of advice for someone in their first month of


Stick with it! It may seem scary and unattainable at first, but trust me… the best decision I made was to join CFM. Eventually you will feel like

you can take on the world after doing a WOD!

What would you tell someone who is hesitant to try CrossFit?

I would ask why be hesitant? If your goal is to improve overall health

and fitness, this is the place you need to be. You will have all the support in the world and you will see results both physically and


What is your best (and worst) WOD memory?

Best: I don’t have a one specific very best CFM memory…I consider

every time I get a PR or when I am struggling to finish a WOD and I have everyone around me encouraging me and knowing I can accomplish it, even though I may not feel that way…Those are the

very best times at CFM.

Worst: I struggle with this question as I feel every time I enter the gym to work out, anything I am

struggling with throughout the day disappears. On the other hand, I could say any running WOD is my

worst memory… it’s not my fav. What advice would you give yourself back when you were 50 classes in?

Get out of your head…You are strong and capable of doing each and every work out. Don’t

cherry pick. I used to only work out if I knew someone in the class or if there was no running…Now I

just show up regardless…I don’t even look

anymore. By doing so, I’ve accomplished so many movements I was terrified of before and met so

many more people that I truly adore.

How do you imagine your life would be different if

you hadn’t found CFM?

I would be miserable and I wouldn’t have all the friends I have today. I also, wouldn’t be

able to show my daughter how strong I am.

How has CrossFit helped you succeed outside the


My confidence. CFM gives me confidence and it’s so good for my mental health.


Tell us a little bit about your nutrition. How has your

nutrition aided in your success? It plays a huge role…If you are not on the right track with

eating, you won’t achieve your goals at the gym. They go

hand in hand. It shows in my work outs if I have not been

eating well; I struggle so much more.

What’s the best cue a coach ever gave you to fix a movement fault?

Learn to twerk more…Haha, stick your butt out! It’s

surprising these little tips that are given that make a huge

difference in your lifts.

What movements make you happy when you see them on the white board? Are there any that you wish you’d never

see again?

HAPPY: Bench press, deadlifts and push jerks… Basically

anything with a barbell.

NEVER AGAIN: Running…I think I mentioned that. But to be honest with you, I feel so amazing when I

finish the run. It really helps jiggle it off. Also, bear

crawls…WHY do I need to crawl like a bear?! I’m

not a bear and it makes me angry like a bear when I

see it posted. How have your goals changed and developed over

the past years? What goals have you struggled the

most to achieve? Which ones are you still working


My goals are really nabbing the nutrition program…I am a work in progress but this is

definitely my number 1 to achieve.

Any other comments?

I am SO proud to be a member of CFM. I love

everything that Kevin and Joanna implement in the gym and what they do for our community. Our

coaches are phenomenal and the members are even better.



SCARY TIMES AHEAD The Halloween Ruck is coming up fast and furious!

For those not ready to take the plunge into rucking, you’re still invited to dress up and send off our valiant

ruckers in Halloween gear as they spend the evening doing all kinds of crazy stuff!

12 Month Nutrition Plan Habits are created by doing small things over and over. And we have a PROVEN plan to get you there.

The Precision Nutrition program starts with a questionnaire. We dig deep into your life, your current habits and your goals. This will allow a fully-customized approach to YOUR plan. Here’s how it works:

Every day – you get a lesson to read and a small task to do. Every week – you measure and record your progress. Every 2 weeks – you get a new habit to try and practice. Some will have Level 1 or Level 2.

Every month – you upload a photo as part of your progress tracking.

We’ll start with concrete habits and evolve into more open-ended habits midway though. This gives you a chance to create a solid foundation and build off your successes. Lastly, you’re not left on your own. While the platform to this program is online, you will have a coach following you through your 12 month journey with unlimited email support. We are here to motivate you, help you through struggles, and answer any questions you have. BONUS!! With any option, you get to meet with your coach every month, in-person or through online video, to help keep you on track.



Interested in joining? Come for a FREE No-Sweat Intro. Leave your money at home. We don’t want to sell you anything; we just want to talk about your goals and see if we can help.

Book your FREE consultation at:

or email:


359 Baig Blvd. Moncton, NB

CFM: Helping Members amaze themselves

since 2008.

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