crosspoint standard service level...

Post on 28-Aug-2018






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1. APPLICATIONa. This document is the CrossPoint Standard Service Level

Agreement (“SLA”) which describes our service conditions and service levels for our customers.

b. These SLA terms and conditions apply to all support services and form part of our Service Agreement with you.

c. These terms and conditions are not to be read in isolation and are in addition to, and must be read in conjunction with, our Managed Service Application Form or Managed Service Agreement, our Standard Terms and Conditions and the applicable Service Schedules.

d. Certain terms used in this SLA are defined in the Standard Terms and Conditions, and therefore you will need to refer to the CrossPoint Standard Terms and Conditions for full definition of the used term.


a. Fault Reporting

As soon as you become aware of any fault in the Service, it must be reported to CrossPoint by sending an email to or by accessing the request management system at if a login name and password has been provided to you by CrossPoint. We reserve the right to reject any support requests entered into the management system where there is insufficient or incomplete information required for the processing of the request.

Before reporting a fault to us, you must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the fault is not a fault in any equipment located on your side of the service delivery point. CrossPoint may charge you for any costs incurred by it to investigate any fault that is caused by your equipment or by a third party service provider.

Once we have received and acknowledged a support request, your authorised user will be provided with a Ticket Number and your Ticket will have a “Fault Priority” assigned.

CrossPoint will provide the following incident handling procedures during the applicable Service Coverage Hours, as specified in the table below.

Upon receipt of an incident request from you, CrossPoint will attempt to diagnose and resolve the incident or rectify the Service Site fault remotely if possible. If the incident cannot be satisfactorily solved remotely, a qualified technician representing CrossPoint will be dispatched to the Service Site to resolve the problem or replace any faulty CrossPoint Equipment if necessary.

The dispatching of technician will be subject to the elected Coverage Hours (Business Day). Out of hours coverage will attract additional per hour charges at the agreed per hour MAC charge rate, and will attract an additional 50% per hour surcharge up until midnight (local time). Onsite work carried out after midnight will attract an additional 100% per hour surcharge. Charges apply only to your requested MAC’s. No charges shall apply for work carried out in order to maintain the CrossPoint Equipment and Service, if such Service is carried out during Coverage Hours.

CrossPoint will execute diagnostic tests upon completion of the onsite activity to verify the Service is working as designed. Disruptive testing will not be carried out during business hours unless you agreed to it.

➢ CrossPoint will notify you of the resolution of the incident by email and the ticket will be closed.

➢ All Services are supported by Standard Coverage Hours as per the table below, unless you and CrossPoint have entered into a separate written agreement for Extended Business Hours support or 24x7 support, at an additional cost.

Service Coverage Hours Table

Fault Priority Classification Table


Site oR SeRvice claSSiFication

SeRvice element coveRage HouRS

24x7 ■ Reporting Incidents 24 x 7 x 365

■ Incident Management 24 x 7 x 365

■ MAC’s Extended Hours 8am to 8pm Business Days

■ General Enquires Business Day 9am – 5pm

extended Business Hours

■ Reporting Incidents 24 x 7 x 365

■ Incident Management Extended Hours 8am to 8pm Business Days

■ MAC’s Business Day 9am – 5pm

■ General Enquires Business Day 9am – 5pm

Standard ■ Reporting Incidents 24 x 7 x 365

■ Incident Management Business Day 9am – 5pm

■ MAC’s Business Day 9am – 5pm

■ General Enquires Business Day 9am – 5pm

Fault PRioRity Fault exPlanation claSSiFication cRiteRia

critical incident (Priority 1)

Customer has lost 100% of service for a given site. Loss of connectivity for example results in Fault Priority 1 tickets. Immediate actions are taken in order to restore service with SLA time frames.

unacceptable Service Performance at customer Sites

The service is missing critical functionality. No workaround exists. Service failure or performance degradation that has a critical impact on Customer’s primary business e.g., production sites.

major incident (Priority 2)

Customer has a degradation of service for a given site. Intermediate down time or slow response time for business applications due to erratic packet loss, latency or Jitter are typical examples for assigning Fault Priority 2 tickets.

Degraded Service Performance

The service is missing critical functionality. A workaround exists, component failure or performance degradation affecting some users, not time critical, or a single user unable to perform their main job function.

minor incident (Priority 3)

Customer suffers from a light degradation of service with no impact on the business. Typical light degradation of Service has no impact on business but a functional or performance degradation might be visible. A typical example of a Priority 3 ticket is internet traffic being slow, intermittent fault.

“User”. Enquiry or request for information, problem that does not affect service or is intermittent. Single user able to operate normally but with some inconvenience.


b. Responding to Support Requests

We will respond to your support request within a specified target time (the “SLA Targets”). Upon request, we may provide you with incident Priority Level and the estimated time to restore Service, if it can be estimated. Monitoring of SLA Targets commences from the time an incident request is logged, or from the time we acknowledge the request and assign a Priority Level. SLA Targets are described in the SLA Targets Table below.

SLA Targets Table

* Response time refers to CrossPoint’s acknowledgment of the incident, ticket logging and commencement of fault resolution or restoration procedures.

* SLA Targets apply to urban sites. For non-urban sites or sites with no remote VPN access these SLA Targets do not apply and the Services are provided on a Best Effort-basis.

c. incident/mac Performance guarantee and Rebate Scheme

Service credits may be payable where CrossPoint fails to achieve the service objectives laid out in the above section under the Resolution Targets.

Compliance will be measured in terms of total percentage of the number of incidents logged for the month, which conformed to the desired service level.

Service credits will be calculated on a per site and per Service type basis (for the affected sites) and are payable in line with the table below as a percentage of the MAC fees invoiced for each site in the month of measurement.

Service Credits are capped at 15% of the monthly MACs fees, for the site where a non compliance of SLA may have occurred.

MAC SLA performance and performance guarantees are subject to the Service exceptions and system access conditions descried in this document and the Standard Terms and Conditions


a. major outages

In the event that a widespread outage occurs with the potential to impact multiple end customers, we will pro-actively communicate to all affected end customers. Customers with standard support contracts will be notified by e-mail; Gold and Platinum customers may be additionally notified by telephone call or text message. It is your responsibility to ensure that we have the correct and current list of your nominated contacts and their contact details at all times. Outage Notifications will be as follows:

Initial Outage Advice: target within 10 minutes of us being aware of the beginning of the outage and typically prior to diagnostic and further information being available. This notice will advise of the existence of the outage and is sent prior to further information being available.

Progress Advice: an initial progress advice notice will be sent within 1 hour after the beginning of the outage. Subsequent notices will be sent every 4 hours thereafter until the service is restored. Details will include estimated restoration time, if known, and the nature of the fault when available. For Gold and Platinum customers, progress advice notices may be issued every 90 minutes.

Restoration Advice: once the issue has been resolved, a restoration advice notice will be issued to advise customers that the issue has been resolved and where possible a brief description of the issue as part of the ticket closing process.

b. Planned Service outages

We will use our best efforts to provide 5 working days notification of any scheduled or planned service outage (“Planned Service Outages”). Where practicable, Planned Service Outages will occur outside of local Coverage Hours.

The process for notifying of Planned Service Outages is as follows:

We may plan a service outage in order to conduct necessary maintenance and upgrades to CrossPoint Equipment. Occasionally there may be outages originating from third party service providers. Notification and timing of such outages will be defined by the third party service providers.

We will notify you by email if you are affected. The email will include the details of the Planned Service Outage.

In circumstances where an urgent service outage is required by CrossPoint, we reserve the right to carry out any urgent works with minimum or no notification. In such cases CrossPoint will use its best efforts to provide notification prior to any service interruption and to minimise disruption to the Services.


Fault PRioRity Fault exPlanation claSSiFication cRiteRia

mac/info request (Priority 4)

Customer has a service query, for example, port forward to be added. Fault Priority 4 tickets are usually for adds, moves or modifications.

modification of Service at customer sites

A modification or minor functional enhancement, and request for information (for example detailed usage report)

Fault/RequeSt PRioRity level

ReSPonSe action

Remote ReSolution taRget

onSite ReSolution taRget

critical incident (Priority 1 )

30 mins (1/2 business hour)

1 Business Hour Same business day

major incident (Priority 2)

1 business hour 4 business hours Same business day

minor incident (Priority 3)

8 business hours 24 business hours

48 hours

mac/info request (Priority 4)

24 business hours

72 business hours


SoFtwaRe mac Sla % comPliance FoR tHe montH – calculateD on a PeR Site BaSiS.

ReSPonSe action

95.00% to 100.00% achievement No Rebate

90.00% to 94.99% achievement 7%

80.00% to 89.99% achievement 10%

0.00% to 79.99% achievement 15%



a. Service availability

“Service Availability” is the percentage of time each individual Service is available for your use during the course of a calendar month. The service availability target is in accordance with the following formula:

Service availability for the month =

(total Hours for the month – unavailable Hours)

(total Hours for the month – Planned Service outage Hours)


This is the total number of hours that the service is unavailable due to issues with the managed service except for programmed outages. These calculations are subject to the service exceptions and system access conditions described in this document.

The CrossPoint Management Platforms and request management system will be the basis for determining times for Service Availability. The target availability is as follows:

crossPoint may provide an option for your Service(s) redundancy based on the following service levels:

Standard: Provision of the subscribed Service in a non-redundant configuration. Single device or server provisioned.

gold: Provision of a primary device or server and a secondary standby device or server with same or similar configuration and capacity to the primary device server hosting your Service. The purpose the secondary device or server is to host replicated copies of the subscribed Services in the primary device or server. This service is referred to as High Availability (“HA”) configuration and maybe replicated or backed up from the primary to the secondary device or server at a regular interval.

Platinum: Where technically possible and available, the provision of a primary device or server and a secondary live device or server with same or similar configuration and capacity to the primary device or server hosting your Services. Platinum redundant Services are replicated from the primary to the backup system in real time. This service is referred to as Continuous Availability (“CA”) configuration.

b. Service availability Rebates Due to Service unavailability

Where CrossPoint does not meet the availability targets measured as a percentage of overall availability, we may provide you with a Service fee rebate for the affected Service. The Service fee rebate is calculated as a percentage of the affected monthly Charge for that particular Service at the affected Service site. Rebates will be considered upon receipt of a written request from you. This request must be received within 14 days of incident resolution. We will assess and calculate if any rebate is due and, if so, we will apply a credit of the value of the rebate to the next monthly invoice for the Service. A rebate can only be claimed once, and applies to the accumulated service unavailability in a single month.

Rebates will be measured as per the table below:

Rebates do not apply where:

You failed to provide access to your premises to repair a Service outage.

You failed to co-operate with our technical staff in undertaking basic diagnostic tasks required to rectify the fault.

The Service unavailability is the direct result of a Planned Service Outage.

The Service unavailability is the direct or indirect result of a Power Outage.

You have modified or changed any aspect of the original installation without our consent.

You failed to notify us of a fault with the Service.

You have outstanding undisputed invoices owing.

We do not have full management of your router or CPE.

A Force Majeure Event occurred.

Any other Service Exceptions apply, as described in the Standard Terms and Conditions.

5. moves, adds and changes including Disconnects (mac’s)

Upon request receipt via email, web page or telephone, CrossPoint will conduct all remote diagnosis or resolution. CrossPoint will attempt to resolve most requests remotely and will determine if an onsite visit is required. Onsite visit may be needed when the complexity of the request requires work done physically on site.

You must log all MAC requests to the indecent management system either by email or web login if available.

a. onsite support visit

CrossPoint will provide onsite support services during Coverage Hours. Onsite support visits are billed under hourly rates as agreed in your Managed Service Application Form or Managed Service Agreement

Examples of required Onsite support:

Physical relocation, reconnection or installation of Equipment or Services.

Activation of related third party or operator provided services. Connection of new lines or operator services onto system directly

Deletion and Cancellation. These works involve removing and storing equipment.

Major fault. Access required due to Service failure which requires physical inspection or work to be carried out on Crosspoint Equipment or network

Scheduled maintenance. From time to time, physical inspection, system upgrades and system image backups will be performed onsite.

Any cabling that may be required in order to complete a requested Onsite MAC is not included in the CrossPoint Services and is usually supplied by your cabling vendor. MACs will be charged at the prevailing hourly rates with a minimum of 30 minute intervals.

If onsite support is required a fixed onsite service charge or applicable travel time, will apply to cover travelling time.

b. Project mac charges

Any MAC requests that are considered as Projects due to the complexity or estimated time to complete, will be charged at the agreed hourly rate for the site in question. No specific project quotation will be required as all charges are done on time and material basis.

ReBate level BaSeD on PeRcentage oF SeRvice unavailaBility

ReBate % oF montHly RecuRRing cHaRge FoR tHe imPacteD SeRvice

0.00% to 0.30% No Rebate

0.31% to 1.00% 5%

1.01% to 10.00% 10%

10.01% to 20.00% 15%

20.01 to 100.00% 20%

SeRvice ReSilience oPtion (SRo) taRget availaBility

Platinum 99.20%

gold 98.00%

Standard 95.00%




You shall provide CrossPoint with remote data connection (Unrestricted IP level connectivity –internet or private network connectivity) to the CrossPoint operations centre in order to manage and monitor the Services. You agree that, during the Committed Term of your Service Agreement, CrossPoint will have direct and exclusive access to the system, including the right to change and guard these passwords as determined by CrossPoint.

You shall be responsible for remote access availability, payment and performance quality of Internet/WAN connections at each Service Site, as specified by CrossPoint, to support CrossPoint’s provisioning of Managed Services. Failing to provide such connections may affect pricing, SLA Targets and regular reports, or the ability to remotely support and monitor the platform. You shall implement CrossPoint’s security recommendations relating to any Supported Products system access.


CrossPoint shall provide you with monthly reports outlining performance against the Service Targets for the provided Services. A quarterly Service review with you may be arranged and managed by the CrossPoint account manager, to present and review the content of the monthly reports.

a. incident management Reports

Details of report formats are described in the Service and Support Plan.

Monthly reports will include:

SLA Target compliance

Monthly activity reports, showing all incident and details of how many incidents per site, and time to resolve each incident.

Upon request CrossPoint can create and provide custom reports. Any additional or ad hoc reports that are requested and require generating will be chargeable.


Where applicable, usage charges will be invoiced in addition to the monthly Service Charges such as data usage or telephone call charges . CrossPoint will use reports generated by CrossPoint Equipment or by Third Party service provider in order to determine the monthly usage and the relevant charges. In the event of a billing dispute, you acknowledge and agree that these usage records are accurate and final records of Service usage and the relevant charges that apply.



For any questions please contact your CrossPoint sales representative



CROSSPOINT HELPDESKphone web or email




Severity 1,2,3,4 Incidents Severity 1,2,3,4 Incidents

CrossPoint Engineering TeamCrossPoint

Engineering TeamCrossPoint Account or

Service Manager

CROSSPOINT HELPDESKphone web or email

Support Escalation model




























Support Request model

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