crossways prospectus

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Prospectus for A sixth form college in London.


Prospectus 2012 Crossways 115Designed by Them®

AS/A2 Courses4647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071

BTEC Level 3 7273747576777879 8081

Accounting Art – Graphic DesignArt – TextilesArt – Fine ArtBiologyBusiness StudiesChemistryCitizenshipComputingDrama & TheatreEconomicsEnglish LiteratureFrenchFurther MathematicsGeographyGovernment & PoliticsHistoryITMathematicsMedia StudiesPhilosophyPhotographyPhysicsPsychologySociologySpanish

Art & DesignMediaICTBusinessHealth StudiesPharmaceutical ScienceMedical ScienceTravel & TourismLawMusic Technology

Level 2 848586




Level 19899100

Applied Science BTEC Diploma in Art & Design BTEC Extended Diploma in BusinessCACHE – Childcare & EducationBTEC Diploma in Health & Social CareEnglish GCSEEnglish as a second language IGSCEMathematics GCSEOCR National Certificate in MediaSubsidiary Diploma in Music Technology BTEC Diploma in Music TechnologyExtended BTEC Diploma in Travel & Tourism

ScienceBusinessHealth & Social Care

Prospectus 2012 Crossways 3

You have made a good decision in choosing to find out how Crossways can help you to build the foundations for a successful future. I would be delighted to welcome you as a new student.

We are a small, friendly, vibrant and successful learning community with a reputation for excellence in supporting students to overcome barriers and to succeed in their studies. We have high expectations for all our students and are very proud of their successful achievements. Our excellent results in both A level subjects and vocational courses improve year on year and are above the national averages. Our course offering includes 25 subjects at AS and a wide variety of vocational courses from level 1 to level 3 so you are bound to find something of interest. Whichever subjects or course you choose, our

experienced and committed staff will guide and support you throughout your learning journey, working with you to make sure you achieve your qualification.

Students thrive with us because we work as an extended family, taking the time to get to know each of them and making their success our first priority. I am confident that you will find a course that fits with your needs and interest, but if you are unsure, our staff are waiting to guide and support you to make the right choice for your future.

We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Vereen Ryan, Principal




Prospectus 2012 Crossways 7

AccountingArt & Design – Fine ArtArt & Design – GraphicsArt & Design – TextilesBiologyChineseDanceDutchEconomicsFilm StudiesFrench

Further MathematicsICTLawMedia StudiesPanjabiPhilosophyPhotographyPhysicsProduct DesignRussian

iMpRESSivE RESuLTSWe are very proud of our academic achievements. We recorded 100% A level pass rates in:


Student ProfileChifundo Mwathunga

Name: Chifundo Mwathunga Qualifications arrived at Crossways with: NoneReasons for coming to Crossways:I knew people at the college who encouraged me to apply. I didn’t really have any qualifications but Crossways found me a suitable course in Health and Social Care, Level 1. I stayed on at the College for four years because I found the teachers were supportive and caring. They have provided me with the skills to achieve in my studies. I have gained confidence in my own abilities I can hold my head up high and be a winner University applied to and course choice:BA(hons) in Social Work at University of Portsmouth

Chifundo was in the '09–10 prospectus. She has been at Crossways for 4 years. In this time she has developed into a hard working, mature and responsible young woman. She is supportive of her peers and a pleasure to teach.

“ Crossways helped me believe in myself and realise my dreams. I wouldn’t be on my way to university without the constant support of my teachers”

Student Profile8 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 9

Aim Higher10



The Jack Petchey Achievement Awards are given to young people who make wholehearted, unselfish and dedicated contributions to their club, school or community.

This year Crossways saw 9 of our students go on and win awards:

Tasha Katto was recognised for supporting class mates, maturity and good manners.

Sandra Idio had excellent attendance (99.4%) and was also recognised for supporting her classmates.

Olaide Oyegoke received an award for maintaining good attendance and work ethic during a personally difficult first term.

Thanh Bui always works hard and has met all his coursework deadlines.

Sophie Lamb was recognised by her fellow students as being hard working and conscientious. Although being shy she always contributed to class discussions with enthusiasm.

Roberto Bogyere is a very positive student. He has overcome difficulties with learning to become one of Crossways top performing ‘A’ level students.

Abisola Abass had excellent attendance of 100%. She has been an ambassador for the college and has always worked hard on her work placement and coursework

Lucy Taylor was recognised by her class mates as being dedicated, intelligent, helpful and supportive.

Mohamed Hagi-Farey is an active member of the Student Committee and is always supportive of other students.

Each student received £200 which they could spend on activities on equipment or activities at Crossways.

Students have joined their money together and have spent their money on:— Subject text books— A new piano— Setting up a football team and team kit— Limousine for the end of year boat party

Typical questions asked by parents12 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 13

How well do you perform academically?Our A2 results are consistently above the national average. We are extremely proud of our 100% pass rate in vocational qualifications. The value the school adds increases each year.

What support do you give students?Our aim is to make sure that all students achieve their full educational potential and we support and encourage them to strive for the very best. There is rigorous monitoring of academic performance through the tutorial process. Six times in the year students are assessed to determine their current grades, from this students are set challenging but achievable targets to ensure they succeed and gain their qualification. Our team of learning assistants are available to support students who need extra help with their coursework and we make laptops available for students to progress their work at home. For students aiming for Higher Education, there is a full menu of support to guide them through the UCAS process and ensure they make informed choices about their university course. The programme of university visits ensures that our students are able to experience first hand the learning environment available to them.

Do students go on to good universities?Most definitely. Last year 127 went to university. This year 167 have applied. For the last 6 years, students have been accepted at top universities: Oxbridge, Bath, LSE, St. Andrews, Warwick, Durham, Manchester, Central St Martins, UCL and London College of Communication.

What is behaviour at Crossways like?Students behave very well and enjoy their time at Crossways in a safe and friendly

learning community. Our philosophy is based on mutual respect which allows for excellent relationships between students and staff. We provide clear boundaries and focus on a positive outlook. In the 2011 Ofsted report, it was commented that student behaviour is good and this is particularly shown in their respect for the diversity of the student population.

What makes Crossways special?We care! We place teaching and learningat the forefront of everything we do. It’s this focus which enables us to drive up standards. We treat all students as unique individuals and celebrate all successes at every level. We want our students to make a positive contribution to the school community and to society when they leave us. This is why we offer a wide and diverse enrichment programme which takes into account the needs of our students.

Are students listened to?We value what our learners have to say. The Student Committee is proactive and successful in bringing student issues to the attentions of the senior leaders and managers at Crossways. Students are involved in the appointment of staff and are represented at full governing body meetings where they take their responsibilities very seriously.

How will I know my child’s progress?We monitor attendance and attainment regularly and let you know your child’s progress through regular reports and parents’ evenings. You will be informed of your son / daughter’s grades at the six data capture points. Tutors make personal contact with you so that you are always able to talk to someone who knows your child


Typical questions asked by parents

well. We now have a designated Attendance Officer who will keep you informed about your child’s attendance.

How can I help my child progress?• Support and ensure your child has good

levels of attendance and punctuality• Notify us at the earliest opportunity if your

child is unable to attend for any reason• Provide written evidence for any absence• Attend Parents’ Evenings and review the

regular reports received from us• Discuss minimum acceptable grades,

reviews and progress reports with your son or daughter

• Encourage your son or daughter to ask for help if they need it; either from yourself, their tutor or from the range of welfare services available at Crossways

• Try to give them space to study. Although Crossways has an excellent Learning Resource Centre and computers where self-study is encouraged, a quiet space at home may give them an added boost

Make sure you take an active interest –ask questions, listen and stay informed.If you have any concerns about yourchild’s education or welfare don’t hesitateto call us.


Student Profile14 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 15

Previous School: Liceo Scentifico Leonardo Da Vinci (Italy)Qualifications arrived at Crossways with: NoneReasons for coming to Crossways: Crossways was local and had a great range of facilities I felt I could benefit fromSubjects studying: A2 Computing, Spanish, Mathematics, Physics, Polish and Italian. AS Further MathematicsUniversity applied to and course choice: MSci Physics at Warwick University

Student ProfileJacek Dulski

We are a modern London institution. Our purpose built facilities include a new recording studio, a media suite with Apple Macs, a fully equipped multi gym, dance and drama studios, landscaped gardens, high security and cutting-edge ICT throughout.

BuiLding & RESOuRCES

MEdiA SuiTE& RECORding STudiO. HigH SpEC STudEnT i.T. fACiLiTiES.

Building & Resources16

Crossways Learning Resource Centre is a popular place for all students and staff based here. It is not just a place to work quietly; it is equipped with over 17,000 resources for lending, including textbooks, revision support notes, fiction, CDs and DVDs, magazines and newspapers. There are also a number of online resources which may be used outside the school as well as onsite. It’s not all hard work; the LRC also boasts a fine selection of books for wide-range leisure reading. The LRC plays a major role in supporting both the curriculum and the wider learning experience. From PCs, scanners and photocopiers to printers, it is all here at your service with friendly and approachable library staff, always willing to help.

There is a qualified and experienced Librarian with teaching experience and IT knowledge, plus fully trained Library Assistants, who can all give advice on study skills, literacy, IT and tips on essay-writing.

A haven to study in, a retreat to refresh and rejuvenate your mind; the LRC provides a comprehensive service to its users. It is a complete, one-stop support service for the classroom, homework, assignments, coursework, projects, research, assessment, revision and exams.

The LRC is open Monday to Friday 8.00am–5.00pm with the possibility of extended opening hours during examination periods. So, come on, pay us a visit!

i HAvE ALWAYS iMAginEd THAT pARAdiSE WiLL BE A kind Of LiBRARY.Jorge Luis Borges

LRCLearning Resource Centre18 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 19

Name: Michael Odunyemi Previous School: Abeokuta Grammar School (Nigeria)Qualifications arrived at Crossways with: 9 Nigerian O LevelsReasons for coming to Crossways: I came to Crossways Open Day and felt a great buzz from the students and staff. I live locally and felt that this was the best college for meSubjects studying: AS Physics, Mathematics, Biology and ChemistryUniversity applied to and course choice: Medicine at Kings College, Oxford

Student ProfileMichael Odunyemi

Student Profile20 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 21

The Enrichment Programme at Crossways offers students the opportunity to take part in various activities. Football, Drama, Trampolining and Dance are just a few examples of our diverse range of activities. There is something for everyone!

We also provide additional qualifications such as Community Sports Leaders Award Level 2 to complement your academic studies.

Use the activities to learn new skills, make friends, and gain valuable experience.


Enrichment Activities22


Simmons & Simmons Law Firm at Moorgate – 6 learners were chosen to work with lawyers from the law firm. These are students likely to obtain A-B grades in their courses and who are interested in Law.

They are being mentored by a lawyer and coached throughout the project. They are also helped to find university places and work experience.

Work Experience Students on Level 2 courses attend work experience related to their subject.

What did the employers say:Jackline Waziri (Clarendon Hotel, Blackheath): ‘She has been the most reliable and enthusiastic student we have had for a long time. Always on time, even though she starts at 7.00am. We are seriously considering asking her to work here whilst she finishes her course’.

Jennifer Curiel (Danubius Hotel, St John’s Wood): ‘She has done everything we asked her to do with enthusiasm and dedication. An excellent worker and a credit to herself and her college.’

Vera Akhigbe (International Hotel, Park Lane): ‘A really responsible and hard-working individual, unlike some other students we have had. She was so impressive that we are going to offer her part-time employment if she wants it.’

Aderoju Adegbite – commended by her placement manager at Shooters Hill Post 16 Campus as being the best work placement student she had worked with.

Examples of recent activities:• HE & Careers Fair – students finding

out information from universities, local and national businesses

• Health Fair – local agencies provided information about physical and mental health

• Preparation for interviews – University of East London provided workshops about interview techniques

• Diversity workshops provide by the Humanist Society

• How to write personal statements by Goldsmith’s College University

• Debating morals and ethics with Southwark Cathedral Education Centre

• “Black Boys Can” – motivational speaker, Dr Tony Talburt

• Follow a science undergraduate for a day at Kings College London University

• Fashion project workshops with FAD, fashion for the Future

• Mentoring support from Bournemouth University

• How to communicate effectively – workshops by Youth Outreach Education

• Visit to St Anne’s College, Oxford• Careers in Medicine - Medical profession

information day for students and family at Kings College University

• Geography field trips and residential• Law career day with Lawyer2B• How to be a leader – Assertiveness

training, Team work and Leadership styles – workshops with University of East London Giving students motivational opportunities


Prospectus 2012 Crossways 25

giving STudEnTS MOTivATiOnAL OppORTuniTiES.

Popularly known as ‘Toks’, I came to Crossways in 2009 from Chestnut Grove Secondary School for two reasons: Firstly, the location was a convenient distance from my former place of residence and secondly my sister Opeyemi also attended Crossways.

During my 2 years of study, I have been engaged in a variety of extra-curricular activities ranging from school debating to campaigning to be the Young Mayor of Lewisham etc. Consequently, I became a Youth Adviser in the Lewisham Young Citizens Panel; a member of the Crossways Student Committee and the eventual President (2010 till date); a member of the debating team and eventual head. I thank God – it’s been a great 2 years!

My interest in politics and debating has propelled me to pursue a degree in Law in Queen Mary University. Becoming a Barrister is the stepping stone to reaching greater heights. Crossways has been a great experience - especially the teaching/food - but the greater things are yet to come from me.

“ Crossways helps students reach their full potential. There are extra lessons to make sure you achieve your grades. I felt very supported in all my subjects.”

Student ProfileAdetokunbo Hussain

Student Profile26 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 27

Support & Guidance28

We offer students support in a variety of ways:• Personal tutor for every student• Progress review system based on regular

interviews with students, personal tutors and subject teachers

• Assessments carried out six times in the year. Parents/Carers are informed of these grades

• Learning mentors for students who require more specific support

• Regular support for essay writing, revision and meeting deadlines

• Independent advice and guidance services for young people

• A specialist English teacher for students whose first language is not English

University and careers guidanceProgression is key, we work with students to identify their true interests and how they may develop their future career pathways. We signpost students to appropriate agencies and tutorial the programme includes university and career guidance.

Student counsellingOur counselling and mentoring service is confidential and available to all students. We have close contact with a range of specialist agencies if further specialist support is required.

Learning enrichment centreWe positively welcome students with special needs including statemented students, those with physical disabilities and learning difficulties. The centre provides students with learning difficulties such as Dyslexia with access to specialist software and a specialist Dyslexia learning support assistant to support them with planning and drafting written assignments.

All students are encouraged to attend our drop in or time tabled sessions in the different subject areas ranging from GCSE English and Mathematics, to AS/A2 Science, Business Studies and Humanities. Students may also attend drop in sessions to complete their coursework in any subject area and are encouraged to work with one of our highly qualified team if they wish to improve their grades.

Access arrangementsStudents are provided with access arrangements in the exams according to JCQ rules and regulations.

EAL/ESOL provision We recognize the needs of ESOL students and new arrivals. We work extensively to support them. We offer ESOL classes and encourage our non-native English speakers to work towards their English language skills through sitting Cambridge ESOL examsand foundation literacy exams.

The learning mentor Our learning mentor assists those students experiencing barriers to learning. This includes students experiencing psychological, social, behavioural issues, financial, housing difficulties, bereavement, family issues; or any other barrier that may interfere with a student’s learning while at Crossways.

SuppORT & guidAnCE

Crossways has always had a student committee but the development of the ‘CSC’ is a new phenomenon. The CSC is an organised group of like-minded students who seek to make a positive difference in Crossways by representing the interests of the wider students and being the link between the students and senior managers.

What we’ve achieved so far…The CSC always looks forward to the promise of something new and the prospect of bringing student ideas into life. So far we have: 1. Designed our own unique uniforms

to make us identifiable to all2. Made our own Facebook page,

where we regularly communicate with the students

3. Organised a musical competition 4. Designed Principal’s Question Time

where the Principal and the senior management team are questioned by the students (in a BBC style)

5. Organised a successful end of year event

The next steps…1. To develop the CSC into an official

Student Union 2. To create a parliamentary style

election to elect future CSC delegates

You’ll find us on Facebook: Search ‘Crossways Student Committee’ and be free to join!

CSC – Like eagles we’re born to fly!


Prospectus 2012 Crossways 31

Student ProfileEdita Lidziute

Name: Edita Lidziute Previous School: Lewisham CollegeQualifications arrived at Crossways with: ESOL EnglishReasons for coming to Crossways:I wanted to study a subject that I felt would help me further my career and Crossways offered those coursesSubjects studying: A2 Physics and BTEC ScienceUniversity applied to and course choice: Law at Kingston University

Student Profile32 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 33

Prospectus 2012 Crossways 35

What are our aims?Crossways Sixth Form is a thriving educational community of learners and staff that creates a learning culture and environment that inspires creativity, innovation, and study skills, enabling learners to achieve more than outstanding results.

What can students expect from us?We have, at the heart of our vision, an outstanding teaching and learning experience that enables students to exceed their aspirations and prepare them well for the future as they successfully continue to progress on to Higher Education or sustainable employment.

Why is it important?Crossways prides its self on a curriculum that is driven by teachers who are passionate about teaching and learning and creating the students and workers of tomorrow. We are aware of the realities of the job market, which will see people completing a variety of career pathways and provide the support and skills for our learner to maximise their future opportunities in learning, life and work.

TEACHing & LEARning

Student ProfileTuan Quang-Huynh

Name: Tuan Quang-HuynhPrevious School: Crofton SchoolQualifications arrived at Crossways with:5 A–C GCSE’sReasons for coming to Crossways: I felt Crossways offered the best range of subjects I needed to go and study at universitySubjects studying: A2 Computing and Economy & AS Accounting University applied to and course choice:Hertfordshire University

Student Profile36 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 37








Ck Y













What can I do if I achieve 5 or more A* – C grades at GCSE?Look for Level 3 courses:• AS/A2 courses• BTEC National Extended Diplomas,• BTEC National Certificates,

and BTEC National Awards

Some subjects ask for a B grade GCSE in their subject – look carefully when choosing.

All students applying for BTEC National Extended Diploma courses might be initially registered for a BTEC Subsidiary in the first year. On the successful completion of this they will be transferred to the BTEC National Certificate (12 units) or BTEC National Diploma (18 units) in the second year.

What can I do if I mainly achieve D grades at GCSE? Look for Level 2 courses:• BTEC First Diploma courses• GCSE English• GCSE Mathematics

What can I do if I achieved mainly E – G grades at GCSE?Look for Level 1 courses:Foundation Learning Tier courses in Business Health and Social Care with functional skills.

What Level38


Accounting Art – Graphic DesignArt – TextilesArt – Fine ArtBiologyBusiness StudiesChemistryCitizenshipComputingDrama & TheatreEconomicsEnglish LiteratureFrenchGeographyGovernment & PoliticsHistoryMathematicsMediaITPhilosophyPhotographyPhysicsPsychologySociologySpanish

BTEC or OCR Level 3Art & DesignMediaICTBusiness StudiesHealth StudiesPharmaceutical ScienceApplied Science Medical ScienceTravel & TourismLawMusic technology

Level 2 Applied ScienceHealth & Social careArt DesignMusic TechnologyMediaBusiness StudiesCACHETravel & TourismEnglish GCSEMathematics GCSE English as a second language IGCSE

LEVEL 1Applied ScienceBusiness StudiesHealth & Social Care


Information accurate at the time ofprinting. Course offer subject to change.

Level 3 AS courses

Prospectus 2012 Crossways 41

Crossways offers a wide range of courses for students interested in both academic and vocational pathways. These include traditional A-levels, GCSEs, vocational oCr/bTEC Level 1 – 3 courses for 16 –19 year olds.

Name: Christopher Redman Previous School: Harris Academy – Crystal PalaceQualifications arrived at Crossways with: GCSE’s 2 A grades, 5 B grades, 5 C grades & 1 D gradeReasons for coming to Crossways: When I came to visit Crossways it appeared to be a friendly and productive atmosphere where people worked together as a familySubjects studying: A2 Media, History and PhilosophyUniversity applied to and course choice: History at University of Hertfordshire

Student ProfileChristopher Redman

Student Profile42 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 43

“ Crossways is small and everybody knows each other. You go through the college saying hi to everyone. It’s a really friendly place.”

Courses44 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 45

46 AS/A2 Accounting47 AS/A2 Art – Graphic Design48 AS/A2 Art – Endorsed Textiles49 AS/A2 Art & Design – Fine Art50 AS/A2 Biology 51 AS/A2 Business Studies52 AS/A2 Chemistry53 AS/A2 Citizenship54 AS/A2 Computing55 AS/A2 Drama & Theatre Studies56 AS/A2 Economics57 AS/A2 English Literature58 AS/A2 French59 AS/A2 Further Mathematics60 AS/A2 Geography61 AS/A2 Government & Politics62 AS/A2 History63 AS/A2 IT64 AS/A2 Mathematics65 AS/A2 Media Studies66 AS/A2 Philosophy67 AS/A2 Photography68 AS/A2 Physics69 AS/A2 Psychology

70 AS/A2 Sociology71 AS/A2 Spanish72 OCR Level 3 National

Extended Diploma Art & Design 73 OCR Level 3 National

Extended Diploma in Media74 OCR National Certificate

in ICT75 BTEC Extended

Diploma in Business76 BTEC Extended Diploma

in Health Studies77 BTEC Extended Diploma

in Pharmaceutical Science78 BTEC National Diploma

in Applied Science78 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

in Medical Science79 BTEC Extended Diploma

in Travel & Tourism80 BTEC Law81 Subsidiary Diploma

in Music Technology


Courses46 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 47

Accounting is the study of the financial aspects of business. Students studying accounting will consider how accounting helps in measuring, monitoring and the planning of successful business operations.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Introduction to Financial Accounting• Financial & Management Accounting

Year 2 – A2 level• Further aspects of Financial Accounting• Further aspects of Management


How will I be assessedOn the course?Year One AS Level: Units 1 & 2will be assessed by examinationYear Two A2 Level: Units 3 & 4will be assessed by examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

Business Studies, Accounting or other business related subjects or Higher Nationals in Business

• Direct entry into employment within business in a variety of roles such as Marketing, Accounting, Customer Services, Human Resources and Administration

Entry Requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including Mathematics)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course Duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Graphics allows you to develop a sound grounding and explore the subject in depth; including design, illustration and image software manipulation.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Coursework portfolio• Controlled assignment

Year 2 – A2 level• Personal investigation• Controlled assignment

How will I be assessed on the course?The units will be assessed by a combination of internal coursework assessments and externally set exams

Where do I go from here?Progression to university degrees in Graphic Design, Interior Design, Architecture or related subjects.• Direct entry into employment in a variety

of roles

Entry requirements:AS level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including A* – B grade in an art based subject)

A2 level: AS level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS level – 1 yearAS & A2 levels – 2 years



Courses48 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 49

Textiles allows you to develop a sound grounding and explore the subject in depth; including surface patterns, decorations, printed and dyed materials, constructed materials and fashion.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Coursework portfolio• Controlled assignment

Year 2 – A2 level• Personal investigation• Controlled assignment

How will I be assessed on the course?The units will be assessed by coursework and internally and externally set examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Textiles, Fashion or related subjects• Direct entry into employment within

the fashion industry in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades at A* – C (to include grade B in textiles or any art based subject)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 yearAS & A2 Levels – 2 years

The course has been designed to encourage an adventurous and enquiring approach to Art & Design. Successful students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of past and contemporary Art & Design practice and be able to produce artwork that embraces a range of ideas.

What will I be doing?• Painting• Drawing• Printmaking• Sculpture

How will I be assessed on the course?The units will be assessed by coursework and externally set assignment

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Fine Art, Fashion, Interior Design, Theatre Design, Graphic Design, Photography or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment within the Arts in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C(including a relevant art qualification at higher GCSE – preferably grade B)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



Courses50 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 51

Biology is the study of all living organisms – both animals and plants. It is a subject that can provide you with great enjoyment and respect for all things living. The course develops topics you may have already studied and introduces you to some of the exciting areas of Biology in the contemporary world.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Cells, Exchange & Transport• Molecules, Biodiversity,

Food & Health• Practical Skills in Biology 1

Year 2 – A2 level• Communication, Homeostasis & Energy• Controls, Genomes & Environment• Practical Skills in Biology 2

How will I be assessed on the course?Coursework and external examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

Healthcare, Drug Development, Health & Safety, Environmental Protection, Teaching and other related areas

• Direct entry into employment within industry in a variety of careers

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grade A* – C(including Mathematics at grade B, English Language at grade C and a grade B/B in Double Science higher tier or B in Biology higher tier)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Business Studies is about how business works in the national and international environment. To make a business work, the team behind its success must have Management, Accounting, Marketing, Communication and Information Technology skills. On the AS/A2 level in Business, you will study the workings of all the major areas in business.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Starting a Business• Managing a Business

Year 2 – A2 level• Strategies for Success• The Business Environment & Change

How will I be assessed on the course?Year One AS Level: Units 1 & 2 will be assessed by a 1hour examination.Year Two A2 Level: Units 3 & 4 will be assessed by a 1hr 30 mins examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

Business Studies, Accounting, Marketing or other business related subjects or Higher Nationals in Business

• Direct entry into employment within business in a variety of roles such as Marketing, Accounting, Customer Services, Human Resources and Administration

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A*– C (including Mathematics and grade B English Language)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



Courses52 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 53

Chemistry is the study of the elements and their compounds. It is a science subject, so practical work is an important part of the course. It is essential for the medical field, pharmaceutical and environmental science.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Atoms, Bonds & Groups• Chains, Energy & Resources• Practical Skills in Chemistry 1

Year 2 – A2 level• Rings, Polymers & Analysis• Equilibiria, Energetics & Elements• Practical Skills in Chemistry 2

How will I be assessedOn the course?Coursework and external examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

healthcare professions such as Medicine, Graduate Nursing, Clinical Trials, Pharmaceuticals, Anaesthesia and other related areas

• Direct entry into employment within industry in a variety of careers

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including Mathematics at grade B, English Language and a B/B in Double Science or B in Chemistry higher tier)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

For students who are interested incurrent affairs and individual rights –covering issues like power, justice and human rights abuse.

How will I learn?You will work on tasks as an individualbut you as part of a team. You will write essays, give presentations and undertake research

What will I be doing?Year One- ASUnit One (CIST1):Identity, Rights and Responsibilities• What it means to be British• Examining prejudice, discrimination

and disadvantage• Individual’s rights and responsibilities

in modern Britain• How rights protected by legal frameworks

and courtsUnit Two (CIST2): Democracy, Active Citizenship and Participation• Active citizenship• Processes and strategies used to support

the local community• Community interests – make a difference

Year Two-A2Unit Three (CIST3): Power & Justice• How crime, justice and punishment relate

to citizens• Who speaks on behalf of citizens and

how the British legal system is organisedUnit Four (CIST4):Global Issues and Making a Difference• Global citizenship - universal rights and

human rights abuses / conflict and its resolutions

• Pre-released topic (provided by the exam board) to identify the background issues involved and how

How will I be assessed for this course?Two written exams which are assessedthrough a range of source-based and mini-essay questions. UNIT 1 is worth 40% ofyour overall AS Level grade. UNIT 2 isworth 60% of your overall AS Level grade.UNIT 3 & 4 are each worth 25% of youroverall A Level grade

What skills will I need to be successfulin this subject?Citizenship education is educationfor citizenship, behaving and acting as a citizen, therefore it is not just knowledge of citizenship and civil society; it also implies developing knowledge, understanding and skills



Courses54 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 55

This course will focus on solving problems using computer systems. It will look at the design, build and evaluation of computer systems. Students will learn about a wide range of hardware and software applications, including programming languages.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Problem Solving, Programming, Data

Representation and Practical Exercise• Computer Components, The Stored

Program Concept and The Internet

Year 2 – A2 level• Problem Solving, Programming, Operating

Systems, Databases & Networking• The Practical Project

How will I be assessed on the course?The units will be assessed by a combination of on-screen examination, written examinations and a centre-assessed project

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Computing, IT, Business Information Technology or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including grade B or above in Mathematics)

A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

This course will develop your skills from GCSE Drama, providing you with the necessary skills to apply for Drama courses at university or Stage School. Drama & Theatre Studies is a stimulating and exciting course which offers a lot of opportunities to look at plays in a practical way. It gives students the chance to act in or design a live performance. There will be trips to the theatre and practical workshops. It will give you a solid grounding in both the history of theatre and in what is going on in theatres now.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Exploration of Drama & Theatre• Theatre Text in Performance

Year 2 – A2 level• Exploration of Dramatic Performance• Theatre Text in Context

How will I be assessed on the course?The units are assessed by examination as well as external and internal performance

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Drama, Theatre Studies, Performing Arts or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment within the Arts sector in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C(including B grade in Drama and English)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



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Economics is concerned with the study of the production, distribution and consumption of wealth in human society. Students studying Economics will look at the fundamental forces which affect our lives, such as poverty, employment, international trade and prices.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Markets in Action• The National & International Economy

Year 2 – A2 level• Economics of Work & Leisure

or Transport Economics• The Global Economy

How will I be assessed on the course?Year One AS Level: Units 1 & 2 will be assessed by examinationsYear Two A2 Level: Units 3 & 4 will be assessed by examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to university degrees

in Economics, Business Studies or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment within business in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (include English Language and a B grade in Mathematics)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

This is the chance to develop your love of reading that you gained from secondary school. You will be able to explore a wide range of familiar new texts. You will study Plays, Poetry, novels and other prose texts, both modern and pre 20th Century. The course incorporates investigation into how language brings enjoyment and meaning to texts as well as considering the significance of social, historical and cultural contexts. We will consider how different readers have brought different meanings to texts and encourage you to formulate your own independent interpretations.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Texts in Context• Creative Study

Year 2 – A2 level• Reading for Meaning• Extended Essay and Shakespeare Study

How will I be assessed on the course?Units 1 & 3 will be assessed by examination. Units 2 & 4 will be assessed by coursework

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

English Literature, English or other related subjects where thinking skills, sensitivity to language and the ability to express yourself are important

• Direct entry into employment in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including a grade B in English Literature and Language)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



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French AS focuses on all four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. You must also have some knowledge and understanding of the culture and way of life of the country. You need to be interested in developing this understanding and in exploring in much more depth the topic areas that you will have covered at GCSE.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Youth, Culture and Concerns• Lifestyle, Health and Fitness• The World Around Us; Travel, Tourism,

Environmental Issues and the French Speaking World

• Education and Employment

Year 2 – A2 level• Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and Religions• National and International Events;

Past, Present and Future• Literature and the Arts

How will I be assessed on the course?Assessment will be by a combination of written and oral examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in French, Languages or other related subjects

• Direct entry into employment in exciting places abroad or with international organisations

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including French)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Further Mathematics is available to students who have acheived a Mathematics A-Level. We also offer AS Further Mathematics as an extra course in Year 13 for A-level students who have achieved well in AS Mathematics.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS levelCore units:• Algebra & graphs; complex numbers;

roots & coefficients of a quadratic equation; series; calculus; numerical methods; trigonometry; matrices & transformations and two other units

You will study two further units to be decided later

How will I be assessedOn the course?There is a 90 minute examination for each module

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or other subjects with high mathematical content

• Direct entry into employment within business in a variety of careers

Entry requirements:AS Mathematics, grade B or above.

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Note: this is an AS level qualification, but it is offered only as an additional course for A2 students who wish to extend their knowledge of Mathematics



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Geography is the study of the earth’s surface. It is concerned with where and why things are located as they are. It is concerned with the patterns of phenomena and the processed that create them. This includes looking at people’s responses to different phenomena such as landscapes, climate, soils, vegetations, mountains and rivers. It involves looking at how people construct and manage the built environment around them.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Global Challenges• Geographical Investigations

Year 2 – A2 level• Contested Planet• Geographical Research

How will I be assessed on the course?One AS Level: Units 1 & 2 will be assessed by examinations.Year Two A2 Level: Units 3 & 4 will be assessed by examinations

There is no coursework for A Level Geography, however fieldwork is an integral part of Unit 2 and 4 and part of these examinations will be based on the fieldwork you carry out

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to university degrees

in Geography, Town Planning, Retail Management, Environmental Studies or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment within business in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* — C (include English Language)A2 Level: AS Level at grade E or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

The course examines the way that the uK is governed, how Governments are elected, how the political parties differ from one another and what they believe. It focuses on the organisational structure of Politics in the uK as well as looking at the ideas behind it, current affairs and the way the system is constantly changing.

What will I be doing?Core units:• People & Politics• Governing the UK• Key Themes in Political Analysis• Extended Themes in Political Analysis

How will I be assessed on the course?Each unit is assessed by a written examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Politics or related subjects• Direct entry into employment

in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Six GCSEs at grades A* – C(including English grade B and Mathematics at grade C)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



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All of us are making history and history made our world what it is today. History informs the present and prepares for the future. It is a subject that if you wish to complete a Law degree universities look upon favourably as you will develop the necessary skills to go into the Law profession. In this course you will have the opportunity to study significant events, individuals and issues in different countries and in different historical periods from a range of historical perspectives.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS levelunit 1: European History Germany (1919 – 45)unit 2: Document Paper Nazi Germany (1933 – 45)unit 3: British History Elizabeth 1 (1558 – 1603)

Year 2 – A2 levelunit 4: American History Civil Rights in the USA (1865 – 1980)unit 5: In-depth Study of Stalin and the Development of the Cold War (1941-55)unit 6: Independent Investigation: Your choice

How will I be assessed on the course?The specific A2 modules are:Historical Interpretations and Investigations:The Cold War/Coursework• 2 x 2000 word essays. One based on

historians interpretations of The Cold War and one based on a personal investigation of a problem/issue presented as coursework

Historical Themes: Civil Rights in the USA 1865-1992 • 2 x essays / 2 hour exam

How will I be assessedon the course?Year One AS Level: Units 1, 2 & 3 will be assessed by examinations.Year Two A2 Level: Units 4 & 5 will be assessed by examinations. Unit 6 will be assessed by coursework

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to university degrees in

History, Archaeology or related subjects• Direct entry into employment within business

in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* — C (including B grade in History and English)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

This course is designed for students who wish to go on to higher education or to the world of work where understanding how ICT can be used in society and organisations, and the implications of its use, will be a valuable asset.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Practical Problem Solving in the Digital

World – external examination• Living in the Digital World – external


Year 2 – A2 level• The Use of ICT in the Digital World –

external examination• Practical Issues Involved in the Use of ICT

in the Digital World – coursework

How will I be assessed on the course?The units will be assessed by written examinations and a centre-assessed project

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in IT,

Business Information Technology or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including Mathematics and English)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



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Mathematics is a powerful means of communication with applications to a wide variety of disciplines. Mathematics describes relationships between numbers and other measurable quantities.

What will I be doing?Core units:Year 1 – AS level• Algebra; coordinate geometry;

differentiation; integration• Algebra & Functions; sequences and

series; trigonometry; exponentials & logarithms; differentiation; integration

Year 2 – A2 level• Algebra & Functions; trigonometry;

exponentials & logarithms; differentiation; integration; numerical methods

• Algebra & Functions; coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane; sequences & series

How will I be assessed on the course?There is a 90 minute examination for each module

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. Also useful for university degrees in Business, Finance, Economics, Accountancy, Computer Science and Information Technology

• Direct entry into employment within business in a variety of careers

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including grade B or above in Mathematics)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

The media is very powerful and helps shape the way we think about the world. We spend so much time in the media: watching television, reading newspapers and magazines, and listening to the radio, buying the latest thing advertised. The media has a huge impact on our lives. The course we offer here helps you make sense of the complex media world. We will examine our role as an audience and how new media like computer games, blogs and facebook can seem more real than real life. You will have a chance to put your ideas into practice by producing your own short film or advertising campaign.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Representation and responses• Practical production

Year 2 – A2 level• Investigation and production• Text industry and audience

How will I be assessed on the course?Units 2 & 3 will be assessed by examination. Units 1 & 4 will be assessed by coursework

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in media or related subjects• Direct entry into employment within

media in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including a grade B in English language)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 yearAS & A2 Levels – 2 years



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Philosophy is an enquiry into the nature and extent of our knowledge and beliefs. Studying philosophy will contribute to your understanding of the world around us. It will look at spiritual, moral, ethical and social issues as well as the relationship between our minds and bodies, God, religion and ethics.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Introduction to Philosophy

Year 2 – A2 level• Key themes in Philosophy • Philosophical problems

How will I be assessed on the course?Each unit is assessed by an examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Philosophy or related subjects• Direct entry into employment in

a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Six GCSEs at grades A* – C (including GCSE English Grade B, and another humanities subject plus GCSE Mathematics at grade C)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Students will produce practical and contextual work in one or more areas including portrait and landscape photography, still-life, photo-journalism, experimental imagery, photographic installation, video, television and film.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Portfolio• Externally set assignment

Year 2 – A2 level• Personal investigation• Externally set assignment

How will I be assessed on the course?The units will be assessed by a combination of internal coursework assessments and externally set examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in related subjects• Direct entry into employment

in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (must include A* – C grade in an Art based subject)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



Courses68 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 69

Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space and time; energy and force. Many people study Physics because it is thought provoking and they enjoy the mental challenges that it throws up.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Mechanics• Electrons, Waves & Protons• Practical Skills in Physics

Year 2 – A2 level• Newtonian World• Fields, Particles & Frontiers

of Physics• Practical Skills in Physics

How will I be assessed on the course?Coursework and external examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in a wide range of fields including Architecture, Astronomy, Engineering, Physics and other related areas

• Direct entry into employment withinindustry in a variety of careers

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSE grades at A* – C (including English Language at grade C or above; Mathematics at Grade B or above; grades B-B or above in Double Science or grade B in Physics higher tier)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Psychology is the science of behaviour and experience. It looks at why people behave the way they do and examines the underlying reasons. It cuts across every avenue of life and is considered to be one of the most applicable A-levels of life.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Cognitive Psychology, Developmental

Psychology & Research Methods• Biological Physiological, Social Psychology

& Individual Differences

Year 2 – A2 level• Three or more topics from: Biological

Rhythm, Sleep & Dreaming; Relationships; Eating Behaviour; Intelligence & Learning; Perception; Aggression; Gender and Cognition & Development

• Psychopathology, Psychology in Action and Research Methods

How will I be assessed on the course?Each unit is assessed by an examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees in

Psychology or related subjects• Direct entry into employment in a variety

of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Six GCSEs at grades A* – C(including GCSE English grade B and a B grade in another Humanities subject plus GCSE Mathematics at grade C)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



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Sociology is a challenging subject that studies contemporary society. Sociologists explain why society is organised in the way it is and we act in the way we do. Sociology asks questions, develops arguments and explains what is going on in the world around us. It explains the pattern of disadvantage in society and shows how gender, social class, ethnicity and age all affect individuals’ chances of success in life.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Families & Households• Education

Year 2 – A2 level• Religion • Deviance Theory & Methods

How will I be assessed on the course?Each unit is assessed by an examination

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Sociology, Business, Law, Media, Philosophy, Social Policy or related subjects

• Direct entry into employment in a variety of roles

Entry requirements:AS Level: Six GCSEs at grades A* – C (including GCSE English grade B and a B grade in another Humanities subject plus GCSE Mathematics at grade C)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course Duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Spanish AS consists of four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. You will develop knowledge and understanding of the culture in Spain and Spanish speaking countries. You need to be interested in further developing your knowledge and exploration of the topic areas that you covered at GCSE.

What will I be doing?Year 1 – AS level• Youth, Culture and Concerns• Lifestyle, Health and Fitness• The World Around Us; Travel, Tourism,

Environmental Issues and the Spanish Speaking World

• Education and Employment

Year 2 – A2 level• Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and Religions• National and International Events; Past,

Present and Future• Literature and the Arts

How will I be assessed on the course?Assessment will be by a combination of written and oral examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Spanish, Languages or other related subjects

• Direct entry into employment in exciting places abroad or with international organisations

Entry requirements:AS Level: Five GCSEs at grades A* – B (including Spanish)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years



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For bright young creative people who are highly motivated, visually aware and interested in pursuing a dynamic career in the Art/Design field. Day to day, you will engage in practical workshops, key lectures, debates, gallery visits and independent research.

You will gain enriching new experiences and skills based learning in a number of specialist techniques and approaches. Catapulted into a new visual arena that allows you to explore and find yourself as an independent artist. Exploring creative industries with vocational placements, improve your understanding of visual language, ready to develop your personal style.

What will I be doing?You will follow a broad program of visual communication, both 2D and 3D Digital design, historical & contextual studies, photography, graphic design, textiles, printmaking and much more

Core Units:• Visual Recording in Art and Design • Materials, Techniques, and Processes

in Art and Design• Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design• Communication Through Art and Design• Contextual Influences in Art and Design

What does the course involve?Graphic Design is a specialist course that will help you to develop both a theoretical and practical understanding of the creative use of visual communication, using a range of processes and fantastic industry standard software packages. Each unit is based around a project brief which echoes one you will experience as a graphic designer and artist. You will work with real clients and freelance specialists to help you develop industry standard practices and skills. A huge range of creative activity falls under the umbrella term graphic design; this course ensures you build your creative abilities in many of the categories, and in doing so build your portfolio of work

Entry requirements5 GCSEs at grade A* - C (including English, Science and Mathematics) and a relevant qualification in an art subjectLearners at all levels will be expected to undertake an initial assessment to ascertainthey are on the correct level of course

Course duration 2 years

Where do I go from here?You can go to the Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, Foundation Degree or Higher National Diploma courses. Because this course allows you build up a portfolio of work, you could get experience at working for a design team, publishing, design work, advertising design, animation or photographic design work

This is a creative course that will help you get onto a Media course at university or give you the opportunity to work in the Media industry. This practical course gives you the opportunity to create a wide rangeof Media products from realistic briefs using industry standard equipment and software and the opportunity to do work experience at a Media firm. The course enables you to learn about all areas of Media and to create a portfolio of work that displays your professional standard practical skills. The course is the equivalent of three A-levels and can lead to university or Media employment.

What will I be doing?You will complete eighteen unitsfor this qualification

Core units:• Introduction to Media & Textual Analysis• Pre-Production & Planning• Production• Marketing Media & Audience Feedback

How will I be assessed on the course?The work for each unit is submitted as a portfolio and all the units are assessed

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degree courses

in media and related subjects• Direct entry into employment within

the media industry

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grades A*– C(including English Language at grade C & BTEC First Certificate or Diplomain a related area)

Course duration:2 Years



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This course has been created to provide students with a work-related level 3 qualification in ICT. All the units involve practical activities requiring a computer where you will use generic software tools to solve real-life problems.

What will I be doing?For the Certificate you will need to complete 6 units of work of which the first 4 units are mandatory: Digital Business Communication, Collaborative Working, Problem Solving and Creating a Digital Showcase

This vocational certificate is equivalentin standing to a traditional A-level course and carries the same UCAS points towards university application

How will I be assessed on the course?There are no examinations to sit! For each unit you will produce an electronic portfolio of your work and each of these portfolios are assessed by your teacher in school and then moderated by the Examination Board. The Certificate carries 3 possible awards – a Distinction (equivalent to an A grade at A level), a Merit (equivalent to a C grade at A level) or a Pass (equivalent to an E grade at A level)

Where do I go from here?This course carries UCAS points and is an excellent course for students wishing to prepare themselves for Further and Higher Education. The practical knowledge, skills and understanding gained are relevant for employment

Entry requirements:AS Level: 5 GCSE grades at A* – C (including Mathematics and English)A2 Level: AS Level at grade D or above

Course duration:AS Level – 1 YearAS & A2 Levels – 2 Years

Business Studies is about how business works in the national and international environment. To make a business work the team behind its success must have Management, Accounting, Marketing, Communication and Information Technology skills. On the BTEC national Diploma in Business, you will study the workings of all the major areas in business.

What will I be doing?Core units:• The Business Environment • Business Resources • Introduction to Marketing • Business Communication

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed both internally and externally through a programme of assignments set and marked by your course tutors. Each unit, however it is assessed, is awarded a credit value

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to a BTEC National

Diploma or a variety of AS/A2 courses• Direct entry into employment within business

in a variety of roles such as marketing, accounting, customer services, human resources and administration

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grades A* – C, (preferably including English Language)BTEC First Diploma in Business Studies with Merit grade

Course duration:2 Years



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The course provides young people with a nationally recognised vocationally specific qualification for entry into employment in the Health &Social Care sectors or progression to higher education.

What will I be doing?Core units:• Developing Communication in Health

& Social Care• Equality, Diversity & Rights in Health

& Social Care• Health, Safety & Security in Health

& Social Care• Development through the Life Stages• Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology

for Health & Social Care• Personal & Professional Development

in Health & Social Care• Sociological Perspectives for Health

& Social Care• Physiological Perspectives for Health

& Social Care• Caring for Children & Young People• Supporting & Protecting Adults• Public Health• Physiology of Fluid Balance• Physiological Disorders

How will I be assessed on the course?All units are assessed by coursework which are internally marked

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degrees

in Early Years, Teaching, Social Work, Nursing, Health Studies or related courses

• Direct entry into employment within the industry as a Nursery Nurse, Nursery Manager, Care Manager or Sure Start Family Worker

Entry requirements:Six GCSEs at grades A* – C (including English, Mathematics & Science at grade C)


NVQ Level 2 or BTEC First Diploma in Early Years or Health & Social Care or CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education – with GCSE English & Mathematics at grade C

Course duration:2 Years

All students must do an enhanced CRB Police Check

This BTEC national Diploma is Level 3 qualifications designed to provide highly specialist work-related qualifications in the pharmacy sector it has been designed for those wishing to work in a pharmacy setting.

What will I be doing?This qualification consists of 19 mandatory units. Learners must achieve all 19 mandatory units. There are no optional units in this qualification

TEC Level 3 Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science (QCF units Credit Level• Chemical Principles for Pharmacy

Technicians• Biological Principles for Pharmacy• Microbiology for Pharmacy• Human Physiology for Pharmacy• Action and Uses of Medicines• Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Medicines• Cardio-Respiratory Medicines • Central Nervous System Medicines and

Anaesthesia• Infections, Immunological Products and

Vaccines • Endocrine and Genito-Urinary Medicines• Malignant Disease, Immunosuppressive

and Musculoskeletal Medicines• Eye, Ear, Nose and Dermatological

Medicines• Community Pharmacy Practice

• Professional Development in Pharmacy• Communicating in Pharmacy• Dispensing and Supply of Medicines • Pharmaceutics• Pharmacy Law, Ethics and Practice • Making Medicines for Pharmacy

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed through assignments. Each unit is graded with a Distinction, Merit or Pass

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degree courses

in related subjects• Direct entry into related jobs in industry

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grade A* – C (includinga Double Science Award (BB) and Englishand Mathematics at C grade or better)

Course duration:1 Year (BTEC National Diploma)



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The BTEC nationals in Applied Science have been developed to focus on the education and training of Science Technicians who are employed in a variety of types of technical work; including quality control, medical laboratory analysis, materials testing, research and education.

What will I be doing?Mandatory units for Year 1:• Fundamentals in Science• Working in the Science Industry• Scientific practical techniques

Optional units for Year 1:• Perceptions of Science• Using Mathematical Tools in Science• Informatics in Science for Science• Genes and Genetic engineering

Mandatory units for Year 2:• Scientific Investigation

Optional units for Year 2:• Using Science in the work place• Physiology of Human Body systems• Biochemistry & Biochemical Techniques• Microbiological Techniques• Disease & Infection

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed through assignments. Each unit is graded with a Distinction, Merit or Pass

Where do I go from here?• If you achieve a Merit or Distinction in the

BTEC National Subsidiary Diploma you may progress to BTEC National Diploma in your second year

• Progression to university degree courses in related subjects

• Direct entry into related jobs in industry

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grade C (including Science, or a Merit or above at BTEC First National Diploma plus GCSE Mathematics and English at grade C) Course duration:1 Year – BTEC National Subsidiary Diploma2 Years – BTEC National Diploma

Travel and Tourism is the study of the worlds’ biggest and fastest growing industry. The subject explores all facets of the Travel & Tourism industry, from holiday representatives, to hotel manager, to cabin crew members. There are also a number of business elements to these course from spreadsheets to the marketing of a business. You will also spend 2 weeks work experience in a 4* hotel gaining valuable evidence for your units. This 2 year course is equivalent to 3 A-Levels.

What will I be doing?Core units:• Investigating Travel & Tourism • The Business of Travel & Tourism • The UK as a Destination • Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed through a programme of assignments

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to a university degree

in Travel & Tourism, Events Management, Advertising or related subject

• Direct entry into employment within the Travel & Tourism industry

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including English Language)

Course duration:2 Years



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Are you interested in a career in Law? Would you like to develop your knowledge and understanding of the legal system? The Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Applied Law is a 30-credit and 180-guided-learning-hour (GLH) qualification that consists of three mandatory units that provide for a combined total of 30 credits.

What will I be doing?The 30-credit BTEC Level 3 Certificate offers a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment within the appropriate vocational sector. The BTEC Level 3 Certificate is a qualification which can extend a learner’s programme of study and give vocational emphasis. The BTEC Level 3 Certificate is broadly equivalent to one GCE AS Level

Applied Law:Core units• Dispute Solving in the Legal System• Understanding Law Making• Aspects of Legal Liability

How will I be assessed?Your work will be assessed by 3 pieces of coursework

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced courses

like Level 3 in Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science or level 3 BTEC Diploma in Business Studies

Entry requirements:5 GCSE subjects at Grade C or above (including GCSE English & Mathematics at grade C)

Course duration:1 Year

This course gives you an excellent start in the world of sound and music production. From the very start of this course you get practical experience with industry standard software and hardware, whilst getting an insight into the workings of the music business. The national Certificate is the equivalent to one AS, while the subsidiary diploma is equivalent to a full A level.

What will I be doing?• Learning how to set up recording

sessions for a variety of instruments• Developing your understanding of

microphones, mixers, monitors and different music software including Logic and Reason

• Working with your group as a team to compose, record, mix and master your own album

• Marketing your work through digital and print media

• Learning about the science behind sound creation and manipulation

• Developing technical and musical listening skills

How will I be assessed on the course?The work for each unit is submitted as a portfolio and all the units are internally assessed

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degree

courses in Music Technology, Media, Film Production, Theatre Studies and related subjects

• Direct entry into employment within the music industry

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including Mathematics & English Language) BTEC First Certificate or Diploma in a related area

Course duration:2 Years



Courses82 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 83


84 Applied Science85 BTEC Diploma in Art & Design 86 BTEC Extended Diploma

in Business87 CACHE – Childcare & Education88 BTEC Diploma in Health & Social Care89 English GCSE90 English as a second language IGSCE91 Mathematics GCSE92 OCR National Certificate in Media93 Subsidiary Diploma in Music Technology 94 BTEC Diploma in Music Technology95 Extended BTEC Diploma

in Travel & Tourism

Courses84 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 85

It provides opportunities to gain a nationally recognised, vocationally specific, qualification to enter employment as a Science Technician or Assistant Practitioner. Or to progress on to other vocational qualifications such as the BTEC nationals in Applied Science. It develops the knowledge, understanding and skills of learners to meet the needs of the Applied Science Sectors.

What will I be doing?• Chemistry and Our Earth• Energy and Our Universe• Biology and Our Environment

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed through assignments. Each unit is graded witha Distinction, Merit or Pass

Where do I go from here?• Progression to BTEC National Award

in Science

Entry requirements:Four GCSEs at grade D (preferablyincluding English Language,Mathematics and a Science subject)

Course duration:1 Year


This is a practical work related course. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands within an art and design based context.

What will I be doing?Mandatory units:• Contextual references in Art and Design• 2D Visual Communication• 3D Visual Communication• Using ideas to explore, develop and produce

Art and Design• Building an Art and Design portfolio• Working in the Art and Design industry

and a selection of optional units

How will I be assessed on the course?All units are assessed and graded and an overall grade for the qualification is awarded

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced courses

like A’ Levels, BTEC National Certificates or Diplomas in 3D Design, Design, Design Crafts, Fashion & Clothing, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Photography and Textiles

• Direct entry into employment within the industry

Entry requirements:BTEC Foundation Certificate in a related subject in art and design;Other related Level 1 or 2 qualificationsFour GCSEs at grade D (including art and design) and a good standard of literacy and numeracy;Examples of your Art & Design work in a portfolio

Course duration:1 Year


Courses86 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 87

Business Studies investigates howbusiness works in the national andinternational environment. To makea business work, the team behind its success must have Management,Accounting, Marketing, Communication and Information Technology skills. On the BTEC First Diploma in Business, you will study the workings of all the major areas in business. In addition,you will participate in the YoungEnterprise Programme.

What will I be doing?Core units:• Business purposes • Business organisations • Financial forecasting for Business • People in organisations

Students on this course must study the core units alongside optional units that provide a total of 60 credits

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed both internally and externally through a programme of assignments set and marked by your course tutors. Each unit, however it is assessed, is awarded a credit value

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to a BTEC National Diploma

or a variety of AS/A2 courses• Direct entry into employment within business

in a variety of roles such as marketing, accounting, customer services, human resources and administration

Entry requirements:Four GCSEs at grade D (preferablyto include English Language)

Course duration:1 Year


Are you interested in working with young children and babies? The certificate in Childcare and Education (CCE) course gives you a general understanding of care, learning and development needs of children and will develop your childcare practice. You will participate in a professional practice in a variety of settings in order to apply what you have learnt in a practical environment.

What will I be doing?Core units:• An introduction to working with children• The developing child• Safe, healthy & nurturing environments

for children• Children & play• Communication & professional skills within

Childcare & Education• The Childcare Practitioner in the workplace• Optional units

How will I be assessed on the course?Units are assessed by coursework, examination and practical placement

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced courses like

Level 3 Diploma in Care/ Health Studies, Level 3 Diploma or NVQ in Childcare & Education or related courses

• Direct entry into employment within the industry as a Crèche Assistant or Nursery Assistant

Entry requirements:Four or more GCSEs at Grade DAVCE Intermediate with a Pass

Course duration:1 Year

All students must do an enhanced CRB Police Check


Courses88 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 89

This is a practical work-related course. It introduces students to their chosen employment area and provides a good basis to go on to a more advanced work-related qualification. Students learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

What will I be doing?Core units:• Communication & Individual Rights

in Health & Social Care• Individual Needs within Health & Social

Care SectorOptional units:• Cultural Diversity in Health & Social Care• Anatomy & Physiology• Human Lifespan Development• The Impact of Diet on Health

How will I be assessed on the course?All units are assessed by courseworks which are internally and externally marked.

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced courses

like Level 3 Diploma in Care / Health Studies, Level 3 Diploma in Childcare & Education or related courses

• Direct entry into employment within the industry as a Crèche Assistant, Nursery Assistant or Care Assistant

Entry requirements:Four or more GCSEs at Grade DGNVQ FoundationBTEC Introductory Diploma

Course duration:1 Year

All students must do an enhanced CRB Police Check


This is a one year course designedfor students who have alreadycompleted a GCSE English coursebut are seeking a higher grade. It is especially targeted at studentswho have been awarded a grade D at GCSE. The course covers both English Literature and Language.

What will I be doing?• Shakespeare ‘Romeo and Juliet’• 20th Century Prose – Of Mice and Men

(John Steinbeck)• Poetry of Other Cultures• Non – Fiction Texts• Information and Opinion Writing

How will I be assessed on the course?Assessed by coursework and examination.

Where do I go from here?• Progression to level 3 courses

or employment.

Entry requirements:Grade D in GCSE English.

Course duration:1 year.


Courses90 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 91

Mathematics is a powerful means of communication with applications to a wide variety of disciplines. Mathematics describes relationships between numbers and other measurable quantities.

This course will enable you to improve your GCSE grade to C. If you already have a GCSE grade C, you may sit the higher level paper which will enable you to improve your grade further.

How will I be assessed on the course?There are two examinations – “calculator” paper and a “non-calculator” paper

Where do I go from here?• GCSE Mathematics is required for access

to many Higher Education courses• Direct entry into employment within business

in a variety of careers

Entry requirements:Grade D in GCSE Mathematics

Course duration:1 Year

Cambridge IGCSE in English as a Second Language is internationally recognised by schools, universities and employers as equivalent to GCSE in English. The course is designed for students for whom English is not a first language/ mother tongue but for whom it is an additional language or language of study. Successful English as a Second Language candidates have better educational or employment prospects and gain lifelong skills. The course is also offered over two years for students with limited English language skills.

What I will be doing?• Developing communicative ability in English• Learning to understand a range of social

registers and styles• Gaining a greater awareness of the nature

of language and language-learning skills• Information transfer• Note-making• Summary writing• Writing continuous prose in response

to a short stimulus• Listening to long and short text for specific

or detailed information

How will I be assessed on the course?Externally assessed

Where do I go from here?Progression to level 3 courses or employment

Entry requirements: Must be an English as an Additional Language student Level 2 ESOL, Literacy or Functional Skills in EnglishGrade D in GCSE English

Course duration: 1 or 2 years



Courses92 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 93

If you are creative, organised and want to work in media this practical course will give you the skills and opportunity to create a variety of media products including making your own horror film, adverts and magazines. Throughout the course you will learn about the media industry through realistic briefs and develop the professional practical skills and knowledge to continue on to Level 3 media or into media employment.

What will I be doing?You will complete six units overall.Core units:• Introduction to the Media• Pre-Production• Introduction to Production• Marketing and Presenting a Media Product

How will I be assessedon the course?The work for each unit is submittedas a portfolio and all the units are assessed

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced studies

like the BTEC National Certificate in Media or A’ Levels

• Direct entry into employment within the industry

Entry requirements:BTEC Foundation Certificate in arelated area. Other related Level 1 or2 qualifications. Four GCSEs at grade D, and a good standard of literacy and numeracy

Course duration:1 Year


This course gives you an excellent start in the world of sound and Music Production. From the very start of this course you get practical experience with industry standard software and hardware, whilst getting an insight into the workings of the music business. The national Certificate is the equivalent to one AS, while the subsidiary diploma is equivalent to a full A level.

What will I be doing?• Learning how to set up recording sessions

for a variety of instruments• Developing your understanding of

microphones, mixers, monitors and different music software including Logic and Reason

• Working with your group as a team to compose, record, mix and master your own album

• Marketing your work through digital and print media

• Learning about the science behind sound creation and manipulation

• Developing technical and musical listening skills

How will I be assessed on the course?The work for each unit is submitted as a portfolio and all the units are internally assessed

Where do I go from here?• Progression to university degree courses

in Music Technology, Media, Film Production, Theatre Studies and related subjects

• Direct entry into employment within the music industry

Entry requirements:Five GCSEs at grades A* – C (including Mathematics & English Language)BTEC First Certificate or Diploma in a related area

Course duration:2 Years


Courses94 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 95

Travel and Tourism is the study of the worlds’ biggest and fastest growing industry. The subject explores all facets of the Travel & Tourism industry, from holiday representatives, to hotel manager, to cabin crew members. In addition students also learn a number of Business disciplines that complement the Travel and Tourism elements of the course such as Marketing.

What will I be doing?Core units:• The UK Travel and Tourism Industry• Exploring Customer service

in Travel and Tourism• UK Travel and Tourism destinations

Students on this course must study the core units alongside optional units that provide a total of 60 credits

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed through a programme of assignments. Five of the units will be assessed internally. Each unit, however it is assessed, is awarded a credit value

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to a BTEC National Diploma

in Travel & Tourism or related subject• Direct entry into employment within the

Travel & Tourism industry

Entry requirements:Four GCSEs at grade D (and a good school record)

Course duration:1 Year


This course gives you an excellent introduction to the world of sound and music creation and production. This course is a full time practical qualification which gives you basic experience with industry standard software and hardware, whilst developing your understanding of the music industry, music theory and composition. The course leads to a qualification worth four GCSE’s, and you can progress from this course onto the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma, which in turn can lead to study at university level.

What will I be doing?• Learning how to set up recording sessions

for a variety of instruments• Developing your understanding of

microphones, mixers, monitors and different music software including Logic and Reason

• Working with your group as a team to compose, record, mix, master and market your own album

• Learning about the basics of music theory; how to write and read music for a variety of styles

• Developing your skills as a composer through the use of music technology

• Learn how the music industry works, what different music qualifications can lead on to and plan your career progression to help you succeed

How will I be assessed on the course?The work for each unit is submitted as a portfolio and all units are internally assessed

Where do I go from here?• Progress onto our Level 3 Subsidiary

Diploma in Music Technology, or onto a related level 3 course such as the OCR Extended Diploma in Media

• Direct entry level employment within the music industry

Entry requirements:4 GCSE’s at grade D. You must also re-sit GCSE Mathematics/English whilst you study this course if you have not achieved grade C or above

Course duration:1 year – full time


Courses96 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 97


98 Health & Social Care99 Business Administration100 Science

Courses98 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 99

The Foundation Learning course gives you a progression to independent living, further study and employment. The course includes vocational and subject-based learning, personal and social development. It includes a range of units and qualifications designed to support you in making the transition between secondary school and the wider world of independent living and employment.

What will I be doing?Core units:• Health & Social Care Needs• Personal Care in Health & Social Care• Promoting Healthy Eating in Care

Functional Skills in English, Mathematics and ICT

How will I be assessed on the course?Your work will be assessed by portfolio/coursework

Functional skills are assessed by examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced courses

like Level 2 BTEC First Diploma in Health & Social Care

• Direct entry into employment within the industry

Entry requirements:Four GCSE subjects at Grade E.A commitment to completing the course and to continued study and personal development

Students will be required to study functional skills in English, Mathematics and Information Technology as part of the course

Course duration:1 Year

All students must do an enhanced CRB Police Check

The course is designed to widen participation and provide flexibility to enhance learner attainment at Level 1 of the national Qualification Framework.

What will I be doing?Core units:• Investigating rights and responsibilities

at work • Managing your health at work • Preparing for work placement • Learning from work placement

Optional units:• Working in Business and Administration • Communicating electronically • Making and receiving calls • Welcoming visitors • Handling mail • Creating business documents • Recording business transactions • Supporting business meetings • Business administration group project• Ideas for small business • Job opportunities in Business Administration

Functional Skills in English, Mathematics and ICT

How will I be assessed on the course?The course will be assessed both internally and externally through a programme of assignments set and marked by your course tutors. Each unit will be graded using a Distinction, Merit or Pass

Functional skills are assessed by examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression on to a Level 2 BTEC First

Qualification in the same area• Direct entry into employment within business

in a variety of roles such as marketing, accounting, customer services, human resources and administration

Entry requirements:Two GCSEs at grades A* – G Students with no formal qualifications will also be considered

Course duration:1 Year



Courses100 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 101

The Foundation Learning course provides learners with an opportunity to gain an appropriate vocational qualification prior to entering employment in the science sector as a science technician or assistant practitioner. It enables learners to consider their relationship with the scientific community and their interaction with the community. It also provides opportunities for learners to engage in learning which is relevant to them and will provide opportunities to develop a range of skills, techniques, and personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.

What will I be doing? Unit 1 Starting Work in the Science Sector• Personal care in Health & Social Care• Promoting Healthy Eating in Care• Skills and techniques for Chemistry

investigations • The study of living systems • The nature and applications of energy,

waves and radiation • Growing plants for commercial use• Causes of disease and maintaining health• Forensic detection• Functional skills in English, Mathematics

and ICT

How will I be assessedYour work will be assessed by portfolio/coursework

Functional skills are assessed by examinations

Where do I go from here?• Progression to more advanced courses like

Level 2 in Applied Science or the BTEC First Diploma in Health & Social Care

• Direct entry into employment within the industry

Entry requirements:Four GCSE subjects at Grade E.A commitment to completing the course and to continued study and personal development Students will be required to study functional skills in English, Mathematics and Information Technology as part of the course

Course duration:1 Year


Name: Ibrahim Sarkar Previous School: Deptford GreenQualifications arrived at Crossways with: 9 A–C GCSE’sReasons for coming to Crossways:I wanted to progress into higher education and Crossways was the perfect choice for me to study the subjects I was interested in.Subjects studying:A2 Philosophy & BTEC National Diploma in ScienceUniversity applied to and course choice:Architecture at Greenwich University

Student ProfileIbrahim Sarkar

Student Profile102 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 103

It’s simple. Complete the application format the back of this prospectus. If you needhelp, ask a teacher or call us. Then simplypost the application to us using the free post address. Or go to our website and apply on As soon as we receive your application wewill arrange an interview for you to discussyour course at Crossways. Once you havebeen interviewed and accepted you will beoffered a provisional place. Fees: there are no tuition fees or registrationfees for uk full-time students.

Open eVenings Thursday 13 October 2011: 18.00 to 20.00Tuesday 24 January 2012: 18.00 to 20.00

Open MOrnings Thursday 13 October 2011: 09.00 to 10.00Friday 14 October 2011: 09.00 to 10.00(To attend an open morning you must beaccompanied by an adult)

After your application has been received you will be invited to an interview.

Once you have had your interview you will receive a letter from us within three weeks. If this does not happen please contact Crossways.

Taster Days / Course Guidance These are sessions where you can sample the courses you have chosen. We invite you into Crossways to discuss your choices and find out more about the teaching and assessment demands of the programme you have chosen. These sessions are compulsory.


How to apply104 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 105


Section Header106 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 107

Come along to one of our open mornings or evenings at Crossways. This will give you a chance to ask questions about our courses.

Open MOrningsThursday 13 October 2011: 09.00 to 10.00Friday 14 October 2011: 09.00 to 10.00

Open eVeningsThursday 13 October 2011: 18.00 to 20.00Tuesday 24 January 2012: 18.00 to 20.00

sTep 1OcT ’11 Or JAn ’12

Complete the attached application form and return by post or email. Call 020 7358 2400 to request additional forms.

sTep 2sepT ’11 On- WArDs

Interview: we will invite you for an interview. Within three weeks we will confirm whether or not you have been offered a place.

sTep 3FrOM nOV ’11

February to June:We accept late applications and run interview sessions for late applicants.


What do I do next?106 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 107

Section Header108 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 109

Name: Roberto Bogyere Previous School: Walworth AcademyQualifications arrived at Crossways with: 12 A-C gradesReasons for coming to Crossways:I really enjoy Science and Crossways have great facilities to further my knowledge and passion for the subject.Subjects studying: A2 Chemistry, Biology and BTEC Certificate Science University applied to and course choice: Biomedical Science at Kingston University

Student ProfileRoberto Bogyere

Student Profile108 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 109

" Crossways has an excellent, vibrant learning environment. The teachers are brilliant. I felt at home there – I felt I belonged.”

Avignon R


Brockley Rd

LOCAL BUS ROUTES 484 171 172 343

There is now the new East London overground from Highbury & Islington to Crystal Palace which stops at Brockley Rail Station.

What do I do next?110

PeckhamNew Cross Gate Station

Brockley Rail Station

Endwell Rd

New Cross Deptford

THe cOLLege is WiTHin cLOse WALking DisTAnce OF BrOckLeY sTATiOn.

Student ProfileSeun Seriki

Name: Seun Seriki Qualifications arrived at Crossways with: 3 GCSE C grades6 GCSE grades G – DReasons for coming to Crossways: A friend recommended the college. I stayed to complete a level 3 course because I really enjoyed being at the college. The teachers are helpful, lessons are challenging but fun and other students are friendly.Subjects studying: Started at Crossways on a BTEC level 2 Business Studies course and achieved a Distinction. Progressed onto Level 3 – BTEC National Diploma in Business Studies.University applied to and course choice:BA in Business Management at University of Roehampton.

Student Profile112 Prospectus 2012 Crossways 113

“ I have developed good working relationships with my teachers and this has helped me in my learning. The teachers have excellent subject knowledge and have made lessons fun.”

Prospectus 2012 Crossways 115Application Form114

Good luck with your application. If you need any help or have any questions please call us.

Return your completed application form (no stamp required) to:

Admissions Officer Crossways Sixth Form Freepost nAt9187 London SE4 1BR

Email: tel: +44(0)20 7358 2400 Fax: +44(0)20 7358 2401


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