crossword puzzle: macromolecules - · pdf filea diploid cell produces ___ daughter cells...

Post on 28-Mar-2018






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Crossword Puzzle: Macromolecules


3. Monomer of nucleic acids

4. The abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid

6. Many genetic ___ are due to defective proteins in our bodies

7. __-dimensional shape is very important for the function of

that protein

10. Generic term for any building block molecule of any class

13. There are __ kinds of amino acids in our cells

14. Cholesterol is in the ___ class of macromolecules

16. A macromolecule made of amino acid monomers

19. Macromolecules made of nucleotides (2 words)

20. A monomer of carbohydrates


1. Micronutrients (named A,B,C,D,E,K) essential for our body

2. Humans do not have the __ to digest plant cellulose

5. Class of macromolecules made of sugar monomers

8. Describes any molecules that are repelled by water


9. Generic term for any macromolecule of any class

11. Main function of triglycerides is ____storage

12. Type of bond that connects atoms together to form


15. Monomer of proteins

17. The order or ___ of the amino acids determine the shape of

the protein

18. Type of triglycerides found mainly in animal cells


aminoacid, carbohydrates, covalent, diseases, DNA, energy, enzyme, fats, glucose, hydrophobic, lipids,

monomer, nucleic acids, nucleotide, polymer, protein, sequence, three, twenty, vitamins

Crossword Puzzle: Cells


2. The type of Endoplasmic Reticulum which synthesizes


6. The cell structure which assemble amino acids into proteins

8. The plasma or cell ____ forms the outside border of animal


11. Organelles that carry out cellular respiration to generate

energy for the cell.

13. An organelle in white blood cells that helps break down

foreign bacteria.

14. Whip-like structure that allows a sperm cell to swim


1. A meshwork of fine fibers which gives shape and support in

eukaryotic cells

3. ___ Includes everything inside a cell between the plasma

membrane and the nucleus.

4. The complex which receives and modifies the proteins made

in the RER.

5. The ___ vacuole in plant cells stores water and wastes.

6. The type of Endoplasmic Reticulum that is associated with

the production of proteins

7. The cell ____ states that all living things are composed of

cells and that all cells come from other cells.

9. The genetic control center of an eukaryotic cell.

10. In plants and bacteria, there is a cell ___ which surrounds

the plasma membrane

12. An organelle that undergoes photosynthesis, found in plants

and protists.


central, chloroplast, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, flagellum, Golgi, lysosome, membrane,

membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, ribosome, rough, smooth, theory, wall

Crossword Puzzle: Mitosis


3. A diploid cell produces ___ daughter cells through mitotic


7. Another name for cells that are found throughout the body.

8. The number of daughter cells resulting from a mitotic


10. Mitotic cell division produces genetically ____ daughter


11. Phase of mitosis when two nuclear membranes are forming.

12. Preparatory step (which consists of G1, S, G2) before the

actual division of nucleus.

15. The structure that pulls/pushes chromosomes within a

dividing cell.

16. The area where duplicated chromosomes are joined.

17. DNA that is compacted, condensed, and visible in cells.


1. The phase when division of cytoplasm occurs.

2. The thread-like form of DNA found during interphase.

4. Phase of mitosis when sister chromatids separate away from

each other.

5. Cytokinesis in plant cells occurs by formation of a cell


6. Phase of mitosis when chromosomes are first visible under

the microscope.

7. The very specific phase (spell out name) when DNA

replication occurs.

9. After prophase, chromosomes will line up at the cell equator

or ___ plate.

13. Cytokinesis in animal cells occurs by formation of a

cleavage ____.

14. A _____ chromosome has two sister chromatids.


anaphase, centromere, chromatin, chromosome, cytokinesis, furrow, haploid, identical,

interphase, metaphase, plate, prophase, replicated, somatic, spindle, synthesis, telophase, two

Crossword Puzzle: Meiosis


7. Crossing over allows for the ___ of genetic information

between chromosomes.

8. Meiotic division produces genetically ____ daughter cells

12. In metaphase I, the chromsomes of different types will ___


15. Genetic recombination during prophase I is also called ____

(2 words)


1. Meiotic division in male animals produce gametes called


2. In prophase I, pairs of homologous chromosomes form

bivalents or ___

3. A haploid cell with 5 different types of chromosomes will

have a total of __ chromosomes

4. Type of cell division that produces gametes

5. A diploid cell with 5 different types of chromosomes will

have a total of __ DNA molecules at G2

6. Sexual reproduction (via meiosis) results in genetic ___ in

the offspring

9. How many cells are produced from one complete meiotic

cell cycle?

10. A meiotic cell cycle has __ meiosis divisions but only one

DNA replication phase

11. One diploid cell undergoes meiotic division to produce four

___ cells.

13. Meiosis in animals only occurs in the ___ organs

14. In ___ I of meiosis the homologous chromosomes separate

away from each other.


anaphase, assort, crossing over, different, five, four, haploid,

meiotic, recombination, sex, sperm, ten, tetrads, two, variation

Crossword Puzzle: Cytogenetics


2. Two sets of chromosomes

3. Multiple sets of chromosomes

5. Has a third copy of one of its chromosomes

8. Exact translocation between two chromosomes

11. One segment of chromosome breaks, flips around and

reinserted back

12. The movement of large segments between two different



1. Has only one of a specific chromosome

2. Loss of a segment from chromosome

4. Repeated area of a chromosome

5. Four sets of chromosomes

6. One set of chromosomes

7. Three sets of chromosomes

9. Opposite of aneuploidy; has exact multiple of haploid set of


10. A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

13. A chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the

haploid set


aneuploidy, autosome, deletion, diploid, duplication, euploidy, haploid,

inversion, monosomy, polyploidy, reciprocal, tetraploid, translocation, triploid, trisomy

Crossword Puzzle: Reproductive Technology


6. Condition that renders one unable to conceive a child, even

after a year of consistent intercourse without contraception

8. Type of mother who provides the oocyte for a pregnancy.

9. Type of fertilization in which a sperm and oocyte are joined in

a lab dish and then implanted in a uterus.

10. Type of mother who carries another couple's child in her


11. Type of pregnancy in which the embryo settles in the

fallopian tube.

15. Infertility test that injects dye into fallopian tubes to test for


16. The condition in which excess uterine tissue builds up outside

the uterus

18. Technology of injecting sperm into a woman's uterus for the

purpose of fertilization is ___ insemination


1. Condition of sperm that results in male infertility

2. (2 words) Antibodies possessed by the female that kill sperm

and make her infertile.

3. Abbreviation for a broad term for all procedures created to

assist in overcoming infertility problems.

4. Procedure in which an fertilized ovum is introduced into a

woman's fallopian tube is called ____ Intrafallopian Transfer

5. Type of Sperm injection more effective than IVF in which a

sperm unable to penetrate an oocyte is microinjected into the


7. Process similar to IVF, but fertilization actually occurs in the

uterus is called ____ Intrafallopian Transfer

12. Abbreviation of the type of diagnosis that detects

abnormalities prior to artificial conception.

13. Benign tumors on the uterus that make it unable to house an


14. Male infertility can be caused by a low ___ count.

17. Type of tumor in the brain that renders one infertile. Terms: AntispermSecretions, ART, Artificial, Ectopic, Endometriosis, fibroids, Gamete, Genetic, Hysterosalpingogram,

Immobile, infertility, Intracytoplasmic, invitro, PIGD, Pituitary, Sperm, Surrogate, Zygote

Crossword Puzzle: Basic Genetic Terms


3. Having two different alleles for one gene

6. Squares used to predict phenotypes and genotypes of


9. Variations of one gene

10. Another word for heterozygous, which Mendel used

13. Allele that will be expressed in the organism

16. Genes located on the X chromosome are usually called ____


1. Physical appearance or expression of a trait

2. Plants used by Mendel

4. The feature or physical characteristic that a gene encodes for

5. Cell instructions for a protein

6. Chance or likelihood or ____

7. Allele that can be masked phenotypically by a dominant


8. Father of genetics

11. Having identical alleles for one gene

12. Another word for heterozygous of a recessive trait

14. Genetic allele combination

15. A way to determine the genotype of an individual with the

dominant phenotype is to conduct a ___


alleles, carrier, dominant, gene, genotype, heterozygous, homozygous, hybrid,

Mendel, pea, phenotype, probability, Punnett, recessive, sex-linked, testcross, trait

BIOL 109 Crossword Puzzle: Diseases


2. Mid-life brain disorder leads to involuntary movement,

mood swings, forgetfulness.

3. Mental retardation due to extra copy of chromosome 21.

4. Abnormal or lack of blood clotting protein.

10. ___ feminization, causes XY individuals to develop into

phenotypic females.

13. Excessive loss of salt in sweat, lung infections, digestion

problems. (2 words)

14. Born with more than the normal number of fingers or toes.

16. Abnormal production and/or use of hormone insulin.


1. Accumulation of phenylalanine results in mental retardation

5. Brain lesions, personality changes, degeneration of intellect.

6. Accumulation of fatty substances in nerve cells leads to

early death. (2 words)

7. Erythroblastosis ___ due to Rh incompatibility to mother;

jaundice, anemia, enlarged liver, enlarged spleen.

8. Degeneration of brain that controls movement; tremor in


9. Mental retardation, due to a CGG triplet repeat.

11. Abnormal hemoglobin, chronic anemia; heart, lung, kidney

damage. (2 words)

12. Syndrome that causes aging to accelerate in adolescence

15. Missing enzyme adenosine deaminase, fatal in first year;

First US case of gene therapy.


Alzheimer, ADA, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Down, FragileX, hemophilia, Huntington,

sickle cell, fetalis, Parkinsons, Tay Sachs, Testicular, Werner, phenylketouria, polydactyly

Crossword Puzzle: DNA


2. The 3-D shape of DNA

3. The base that complement base-pairs with thymine in DNA

7. Fragments in lagging strand during DNA replication

8. Main enzyme involved in DNA replication is DNA ___

9. Crick and ___ won Noble Prize for determination of DNA


11. Monomer of DNA (or RNA)

12. The DNA strand that is replicated faster

14. Sugar found in DNA

15. Ensures that mistakes during DNA replication are corrected

16. Mode of DNA replication

17. The base that complement base-pairs with guanine


1. Polymerase __ (2 words) makes DNA copies from a tiny

DNA amount

2. Type of bonding between bases of double-stranded DNA

4. The number of strands found in DNA molecules

5. The base found in DNA but not in RNA

6. Scientist who did X-ray diffraction of DNA crystal

10. Where DNA replication occurs in animal cells

13. How the 2 DNA strands are orientated to each other

Terms: adenine, antiparallel, chain reaction, cytosine, deoxyribose, Franklin, helix, hydrogen,

leading, nucleotide, nucleus, Okazaki, polymerase, repair, semiconservative, thymine, two, Watson

Crossword Puzzle: RNA


2. Actual parts of gene that encode for parts of protein

4. The base that complement base-pairs with uracil in RNA

6. Base found in RNA but not in DNA

8. The DNA strand used to make RNA

10. Intervening sequences

11. Number of DNA strands used to make RNA

13. Type of RNA that brings amino acids to ribosome

15. Process of protein synthesis

16. C and G form a ____ base pair


1. Base found in DNA but not in RNA

3. Where RNA transcription occurs in animal cells

5. DNA -> RNA -> protein is the central ___ ribose sugar

found in RNA

7. RNA that carries the genetic information from nucleus to


9. Main enzyme needed for transcription is RNA __

12. Process to remove introns

14. Conversion of DNA information into RNA

Terms: adenine, complementary, dogma, exons, introns, messenger, nucleus, one, polymerase, splicing,

template (black out the last space), thymine, transcription, translation, transfer, uracil

Crossword Puzzle: Protein Synthesis


5. Type of mutation that causes a shortened protein to be made

6. Type of mutation that causes a substitution in an amino acid

in the protein

7. Codons UAG or UAA or UGA are called ____ codons

8. Group of 3 RNA nucleotides which translates into one

amino acid

12. What each tRNA carries and brings to the ribosome (2


14. Would the addition of two nucleotides in a mRNA cause a

frameshift mutation?

16. Part of tRNA molecule that bonds with the mRNA codon


1. Conversion of RNA into protein

2. The cell structure where protein synthesis is taking place

3. Genetic information flows from DNA ! RNA ! ___

4. Dictionary (2 words) that translates codons into amino acids

of protein

7. Translation is another name for protein ___

9. The specific covalent bond that connects one amino acid to

another amino acid

10. Type of resulting mutation if an extra nucleotide was

inserted into a mRNA

11. Would the removal of three nucleotides in a mRNA cause a

frameshift mutation?

13. Type of mutation that is the addition of one extra amino acid

15. Abbreviation of transfer RNA

Terms: amino acid, anticodon, codon, frameshift, genetic code, insertion, missense, no,

nonsense, peptide, protein, ribosome, stop, synthesis, translation, tRNA, yes

Crossword Puzzle: Cancer Genetics


5. An altered gene that functions in the wrong place, at the

wrong time and promotes cell division.

8. Oncogenes such as PDGF, RET, erb, HER alter ____ or their


11. If you had a problem in your DNA ___ genes, many

spontaneous mutations would accumulate in your cells.

12. Change in the DNA

13. A gene which normally control the cell cycle.

14. Color and brain cancers are due to a ___ of genetic changes.

15. Burkitt's lymponma is caused by the ___ of a proto-oncogene

on chromosome 8 to chromosome 14.


1. Cancer cells become more dangerous when they ___ ,

migrate to other parts of the body.

2. Chemical agents that damage and cause DNA change.

3. Cancer can result when the normal cell cycle ____ are

disrupted and not regulated correctly.

4. Cancer cells lose their ability to recognize their neighbors

and lack contact ___.

6. Besides spontaneous mutations, the ___ can also induce

genetic changes that lead to cancer.

7. The National Cancer Institute advises us to eat more grains,

fruits, vegetables and less fat to ___ cancer risk.

9. Currently, we cannot rely on genetic ___ for BRCA

mutations to determine if breast cancer will develop

10. The loss of a tumor ___ gene (such as RB, p53) can lead to a

variety of different cancers

Terms: checkpoints, environment, growth factors, inhibition, lower, metastasize, mutagens,!

mutation, oncogene, protooncogene, repair, translocation, series, suppressor, testing

Crossword Puzzle: Genetic Engineering


1. A virus that infects bacteria

3. A virus that has RNA as its genetic material, and uses an

enzyme known as reverse transcriptase to make a DNA

copy, prior to its integration into the host's genome

5. Short single stranded DNA molecule of specific base

sequence, labeled either radioactively or immunologically,

that are used to detect and identify the complementary base

sequence in a gene or genome by hybridizing specifically to

that gene or sequence

7. An organism that is engineered to carry a foreign gene, or

transgene of choice, as part of its own genetic material.

10. DNA ___ is a technique for identifying human individuals

based on a restriction enzyme digest of tandemly repeated

DNA sequences that are scattered throughout the human

genome, but are unique to each individual

12. A vehicle that transfers genetic material into a host cell or


13. A set of DNA fragments prepared from the total mRNA

obtained from a selected cell, tissue or organism is called a

cDNA ____.

14. An enzyme that catalyzes phosphodiester linkages and

repairs nicks in DNA strands; glue DNA pieces together.

15. Any replicating DNA element that can exist in the cell

independently of the chromosomes


2. The use of electrical fields to separate charged biomolecules

such as DNA, RNA and proteins

3. DNA molecules created by the fusion of DNA from

different sources

4. The introduction of DNA into bacterial cells for genetic


6. ____ DNA is a collection of identical DNA fragments

produced when DNA is replicated by insertion into a

suitable bacterial or viral vector system.

8. A DNA strand copied from mRNA using reverse


9. Enzyme that recognizes and cuts at a very specific sequence

of DNA bases is a ___ enzyme

11. Engineering changing the genetic information

Note: The definitions for this puzzle have been taken

from the biotechnology glossary at

Terms: bacteriophage, cDNA, cloned, electrophoresis, fingerprinting, genetic, library, ligase,

plasmid, probe, recombinant, restriction, retrovirus, transformation, transgenic, vector

Crossword Puzzle: Gene Therapy


3. (fatty particles) # direct injection of naked DNA

4. Patients with severe combined immune deficiency are

deficient in the enzyme abbreviated ____

6. ____ genes whose protein product is toxic, or which

converts an inert product into a toxic metabolite.

7. A hemophiliac patient getting injections of blood clotting

factor protein is getting treatment of his ___ but does not

affect his genetic makeup.

8. A family of DNA viruses, including the Epstein Barr virus.

Can be used as a gene therapy vector for brain tumors.

10. A virus that has RNA as its genetic material

11. An example of ___ gene therapy: the vector is placed

directly into the body

12. ___ gene therapy that is effective only during the lifetime of

a patient, introduced gene is not passed on to offspring.


1. Gene ____ the introduction of “normal” genes into existing

cells to prevent or cure a disease caused by “defective


2. ____ gene therapy in which the therapeutic DNA that is

introduced is inherited by subsequent generations

4. A virus responsible for upper respiratory tract infections.

Recombinant ___ is used as a gene therapy vector.

5. Gene ___ is a device used for firing microparticles into cells

or tissue

9. An example of ___ gene therapy: stem cells are removed

from human bone marrow prior to gene therapy, and then

reintroduced to the bloodstream

Terms: ADA, adenovirus, exvivo, germline, gun, herpes, invivo,

liposomes, phenotype, retrovirus, somatic, suicide, therapy

Crossword Puzzle: Genomics


2. The Department of ___ was one of first the governmental

agencies to push for the human genome project.

6. the branch of genomics that studies whether an individual

would be more vulnerable to specific chemicals or environmental


9. The method that the private sequencing companies used was

called the ___ approach.

10. private company founded by Craig Venter in 1998 called ___


11. The TIGR company developed supercomputers and ____ to

compare DNA sequences.

12. Abbreviation of the global project to sequence the entire

human genome

13. The smallest cell that can reproduce is the ___, which has 480


14. A DNA chip or DNA ____ can be the size of a postage stamp.

15. the branch of genomics that studies which drug treatments

would be most highly effective for a certain genotype


1. The comparison and analysis of DNA sequences is now a

branch of genomics called ____ or bio-____.

3. The DNA sequences of the various genomes are placed into the

national ___ at GenBank, which are accessible to the public.

4. The evolutionary comparison of genomes from different

species looks for similarity or ___ of a gene.

5. The main method of DNA sequencing is based on the

technique developed by ____.

7. the branch of genomics that studies where and when genes are

expressed (tissues and developmental stage)

8. the eukaryotic genome sequenced in 2000 as a "trial run

Terms: Celera, databases, Drosophila, Energy, functional, HGP, homology, informatics,

microarray, Mycoplasma, pharmaco, Sanger, shotgun, software, toxico

Puzzle: Population Genetics


1. In the genetics equation p + q = 1.0, the q value represents the

frequency of the ___ allele.

4. In the genetics equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0, the 2pq value

represents the ____.

6. All of the alleles in a population makes up the gene ____.

8. DNA fingerprinting that uses restriction enzymes to look for

sequence differences between individuals relies on restriction

fragment length ___.

10. Genetic ___ happens more often when there are very small

groups that become isolated from the larger population.

12. In the genetics equation p + q = 1.0 , the p value represents

the frequency of the dominant ___.

13. The field of genetics that studies a large interbreeding group,

not individuals.

14. Each person has an unique DNA sequence or DNA ____.

15. The migration of genetic alleles from one group to another is

called gene ___.

16. A change in the DNA, which is the ultimate cause of a new

genetic allele..


2. To compare DNA from different people, the DNA fragments

are separated by size with the technique of gel ____.

3. When specific environmental conditions favor certain traits,

natural ____ is considered the driving force of genetic changes.

5. Genetic equilibrium is predicted by the ____-Weinberg


7. In the genetics equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0, the p2 value

represents the homozygous ___ individuals.

9. The genetic changes in allele frequencies at the population

level is called ___.

11. Hardy and Weinberg used ___ to explain why dominant traits

do not increase and recessive traits do not decrease in populations

Terms: algebra, allele, dominant, drift, electrophoresis, fingerprint, flow, Hardy, heterozygotes, microevolution,

mutation, polymorphisms, pool, population, recessive, selection

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