cruise through periodic 2

Post on 19-May-2015






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CRUISE THROUGHBut not like the Lusitania!

Mini objective #1

SWBAT to discuss the human rights violations during the WWI

Flow Map

Ottoman Empire

Ruled by Turkey Mostly Muslim Prior to the war Extreme nationalists Create a Turkish only state

Can you list any ethnic minorities in the US?

How are they treated?


Christian Live in the Ottoman Minority Denied basic rights Pledged support to the Allies Enemies of the Turks

What do you think is going to happen to the Armenians?

Genocide-killing off a whole group Forced the Armenians from their homes Killing Armenians Forcing them to march into the desert Starvation & disease Survivors left homeless

In 1 year… 1915-1916

Turkey Tortured & killed At least 600,000 Armenians

Mini objective #2

SWBAT describe President Wilsons 14 points

Wilson’s 14

Points for peace

OKAY so the war is over

Does everyone just pick up their guns and go home?


We have to negotiate terms of peace

President Wilson

Drew up his idea Called 14 points


What did he have in mind? Stop secret treatise Change borders-create new nations Self determination-letting people decide

what kind of government they want League of nations-maintain world peace

Mini Objective #3

SWBAT see how much of President Wilson’s ideas were actually in the treaty

Double Bubble

Treaty of Versailles

Wilson’s 14 points

1919 Versailles, France

Delegates Allies Neutral nations Central powers-Not allowed

Why are the Central Powers not allowed to be there?

What are the implications?

Terms of the treaty League of nations Germany gives up territory to France Germany gives up over seas colonies Germany reduces the size of military Germany is forbidden to buy or make weapons Germany is forbidden to have submarines Germany is forbidden to have an air force Germany is forced to accept all responsibility

for the war Germany must pay $33 billion to Allies

How do you think Germany Feels?

So now Major effect of post war treaties #1 New political borders

#2 effect of TOV

Treaty of




World War II

Mini objective #4

SWBAT understand post war disillusionment and how it was reflected in art


How do you think the Europeans feel after the war?

Like in the Industrial Revolution

Artists are like a mirror for society They reflect how the people feel

Lets take a look!

Economy National bankruptcy Prices of goods go WAY up High unemployment

Politics & government

Political parties are competing Quick changes Monarchy->democracy=lack of

democratic tradition No strong leaders Instable governments

How would you feel?

The people feel cynical-distrusting & disillusioned

No faith in the old systems Afraid of the future

In your mirror, draw a face that looks disillusioned and cynical

“the lost Generation”

Ernest Heming way F. Scott Fitzgerald Gertrude Stein Their writing often showed a sense of

loss and meaninglessness

The opposite of fantasy-harsh realistic endings

In your mirror draw the face of someone who is cynical or disillusioned

Around your mirror glue the faces of the

lost generation.

Include post wwi

Yeah BOY!

What was the name of the guy who took over Russia?

His political party? His government system?

Mini objective #5

SWBAT understand the consequences of the Russian Revolution

Lenin takes over What does he do to the Czar Nicholas

and his wife? Lenin won the Revolution by…

War between Bolsheviks(RED) communists

& anti-Bolsheviks (white) non-communists

15 million die in the war Also famine


Cruel Gulags Harsh prison camps Criminals Political prisoners Anti-communists Lenin is old and dies


What you really NEED to know… Write this down! TOTALITARIAN What does that sound like? Exactly write this down TOTALITARIAN = total control

Total Control= Economic Control

Setting wages Telling people where they could live Telling workers what job they can do Write this down Organized collective

farms-too fast of a change=not enough food=????

Total Control=Political control Tanks and weapons to stop protests Tapping phones Reading mail Jailing and killing political opponents Write this down PUNISH ANYONE FOR ANY REASON!

Total control=Cultural Control Newspapers Radio stations Movies studios Destroying anything religious Taking over schools (textbooks,

curriculum) Censoring artists propaganda

Stalin’s Reign of Terror

Russians lost their rights/freedom Forced starvation of the Ukrainians Total control=famine=8-13 million to die

Mini objective #6

SWBAT to compare and contrast totalitarian regimes of Germany, Italy, Soviet Union

Question #1

How was German Fascism similar to Communism in the Soviet Union?


Similar means of Controlling the state

Question 2

What was the main difference between Fascism in Germany and Fascism in Italy?


Germany focused on racial superiority.

Hitler and Stalin

Sign a non aggression pact Both invade Poland Split the Poland up between the two

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