cs704 d distributedschedulingetc

Post on 06-May-2015






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CS 704D Advanced OSDebasis Das

CS 704D Advanced OS 2



CS 704D Advanced OS 3

Scheduling ApproachesTask assignment approach

Schedule the tasks in a user submitted process to suitable nodes for improving performance

Load balancing approachTasks are distributed to nodes to balance

workload of the nodesLoad sharing approach

Ensures no node is idle when a process may wait for a processor

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Desirable Features of Good Scheduling Algorithm

No A priori knowledge about the processesDynamic in natureQuick decision making capabilityBalanced system performance and scheduling

overheadStabilityScalabilityFault toleranceFairness of service

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Task Assignment ApproachThe Basic Idea

Assumptions (so that tasks can be assigned optimally)The process is already split into tasks, that are broken

at natural boundaries and data transfers can be minimized between tasks

Computation required by a task and speed of each processor are known

Cost of execution of the task at each node is knownIPC costs between pairs of processes are knownOther constraints, such as resource requirements,

resources at each node, precedence among tasks etc are known

Reassignment of tasks is , generally, not possible

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Task Assignment ApproachThe optimization to be done

Minimize IPC costs

Quick turn around for the process

High degree of parallelism

Efficient utilization of system resources, in


CS 704D Advanced OS 7

Load Balancing ApproachStatic vs. dynamic

Deterministic vs. probabilistic

Centralized vs. Distributed

Cooperative vs. Non-cooperative

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Load Balancing TaxonomyLoad balancing



Static Dynamic

Centralized Distributed



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Static vs. DynamicStatic: Uses average behavior of system,

ignores current stateSimple, no need to process system state

informationBut does not adjust to current situation

Dynamic: Reacts to system changes dynamicallyResponds to system state, avoids unnecessary

poor performanceProvides better performance , but complex as

system state information needs to be collected and processed

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Deterministic Vs. ProbabilisticDeterministic processes allocate tasks based

on known properties of nodes and the processes to be scheduled

A probabilistic algorithm uses information regarding static attributes of the system such as number of nodes, processing capability at each node, network topology and formulate simple placement rules

Deterministic algorithms are difficult to optimize and costs more to implement

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Centralized vs. Distributed A centralized server node assigns tasks

based on state information collected at that node. All other processor nodes send information to that node and keep it updated.

Quite efficientBut, single point of failure is the central nodeSolution is to replicate k+1 servers if k faults

are to be serviced. Issue of consistency arisesIf a delay of a few seconds are acceptable re-

instantiation can be used

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Distributed SchemeK physically distributed entitiesEach is considered a local controller, runs

concurrently and asynchronously with other entities

Entities make decisions based on system wide objective function

In a fully distributed system all N nodes are the scheduling entities scheduling local as well as acceptance of remote processes

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Cooperative vs. Non-cooperative In non-cooperative mode entities make

decisions independent of other nodesIn cooperative mode the entities cooperate to

arrive at a decisionCooperative algorithms are thus complex

and has higher overheadsCooperative algorithms have better stability


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Design issuesLoad estimation policy

Process transfer policy

State information exchange policy

Location policy

Priority assignment policy

Migration limiting policy

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Load estimation PolicyParameters that are time dependent and

node dependent are

Number of processes on the node at the time of


Resource demands of these processes

Instruction mixes of these processes

Architecture and speed of the node’s processor

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Load Estimation MethodsA simple measure could be number of processes

executing at the nodeThat may not be accurate as the load really depends on

the remaining service time of these processes, some methods areMemoryless method: assumes remaining time is same for

all, irrespective of time used by these processes, load estimate is thus just the number of processes method

Pastrepeats: remaining service time is equal to the time used by it so far

Distribution method: if the distribution of services times is known then the remaining service time is expected remaining service time conditioned by time already used

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Process Transfer PolicyThreshold decides if a process will be

transferredStatic policy: predefined threshold, no

exchange of state information is required to decide the threshold

Dynamic policy: the threshold is the product of average workload of all nodes and a predefined constant Ci. Ci is proportional to the processing capability of ni relative to the processing capability of other nodes. State information needs to be exchanged to keep determining the load

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Process Transfer-ThresholdSingle threshold policy: rigid single threshold

can lead to instability as if the local load is just below threshold and a process is accepted, the accepted process increases the load beyond the threshold

Double threshold policy: The threshold is a band creating a high watermark and a low watermark to decide transfers (overloaded, high mark, normal load, low mar, under-loaded) Necessary that the newer processes coming

messages should not affect the local load significantly

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ThresholdHigh mark

Low mark

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State Information Exchange PolicyPeriodic Broadcast: lot of communication load,

does not scale wellBroadcast when state changes: further refinement

is to transmit state information only when state changes to under loaded or overloaded

On-demand exchange: request state when the load changes to under loaded/ overloaded from normal ( note: only nodes that are not normal need to convey information)

Exchange by polling: When needed a node can poll others

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Location PolicyThreshold: select nodes at random, check if

placing the process will overload itShortest: a pre-decided number of nodes are

polled, process transferred to one with the least load

Bidding: request bids for a process to be migrated, nodes bid for it. Best bidder, in terms of fastest time, cheapest processing, best price/performance

Pairing: low load and high load nodes are paired, there may be requests seeking pairing

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Priority Assignment PolicySelfish: Local processes get higher priority

Altruistic: remote processes get higher


Intermediate: Local processes get higher

priority if the number is more than or equal

to remote processes number. Otherwise

remote processes are prioritized

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Priority Assignment ComparisonsSelfish: worst response time for remote

processes, higher penalty I remote process arrives at highly loaded node, lower otherwise

Altruistic: best response time, local processes may face penalty

Intermediate: response time performance is close to that of altruistic policy yet the local processes do not suffer as much

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Migration Limiting PolicyUncontrolled: Local and remote processes

treated the same way. migration may happen

any number of times, can cause instability

Controlled: A migration count is used. Many

designers feel migration is expensive and

thus it is limited to 1. Some prefer limiting it

to a small value k, determined statically or


CS 704D Advanced OS 25

Load Sharing ApproachLoad sharing may be better than load balancing, load

fluctuates and the overhead of exchanging state

information is quite a bit. It might be better to make sure

no nodes idle when any node has more than one process

Priority assignment and migration limiting policies are

same as with load balancing approach

CS 704D Advanced OS 26

Load Sharing Design issuesLoad estimation PoliciesProcess transfer policiesLocation policies

Sender initiated location policiesReceiver ini8tiated location policies

State Information Exchange policiesBroadcast when state changesPoll when state changes

CS 704D Advanced OS 27

Load Estimation PoliciesSimplest load estimation required to find only

if a node is idle or overloaded by counting

number of processes at a node

Most modern systems have some processes

running all the time at any node. A better

estimator may be the CPU utilization

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Process Transfer PoliciesAll or nothing strategyFix threshold at 1A node will accept a process if it has no

processes, an will try to send away a process when count is more than one

If CPU utilization is used, a high-low policy will need to be used

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Location PoliciesLocation policies is one of the two following


Sender initiated

Receiver initiated

Depending on who initiates the search for a

node that can accept the process

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Location-Sender InitiatedWhen a node exceeds the threshold, it start

broadcasting its status to find a node or starts random probes to other nodes to find a free node

A probe limit is specified to stop the nodes from searching a large number of nodes and wasting time

Scalability is better with limited probingSome analyses indicate the probe limit does

not have much of an effect

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Location-Receiver InitiatedA node load falls below threshold, it’ll start

broadcast/probing to find a node that can provide a process

A node can transfer a process only if doing that would not cause the load to go below the threshold

With broadcast, the receiver can find one candidate from among the replies

In random probing the probing continues until a candidate is found or the probing limit is reached

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Observations on Location PoliciesEither location policies offer advantage over no location

of processesSender initiated policies are preferred when the system

is lightly or moderately loadedIn a lightly loaded system, receiver generates probe

messages would be manyReceiver initiated policies are preferable on high load

systems only if process transfer costs are comparable. As sender probes increase when the system is already highly loaded

If transfer costs in receiver initiated policies are significantly higher then, sender initiated policies provide better performance

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State Information Exchange PoliciesNo need to periodically exchange informationState information is needed only when a node

is under-loaded or overloadedInformation is exchange only when state

changesPolicies used

Broadcast when state changesPoll when state changes

CS 704D Advanced OS 34

State Info-broadcast when State ChangesWhen under-loaded or overloaded a node

broadcasts a request for status informationIn sender initiated policy, the broadcast

happens when the node is underloadedIn receiver initiated policy the broadcast

would be initiated when a node is changes state to underloaded

When threshold is 1, the policy is called broadcast when idle

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State Info-Poll when State ChangesWhen a node falls below the threshold, it

initiates a random polling cycleThe cycle ends when a node is found that can

transfer a process to the receiverOr when a probing limit is reachedWhen a fixed threshold of 1 is used, this is

known as the poll when idle policy

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