cse1gdt exam revision paul taylor 2010. the exam – what you can bring programmable or...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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CSE1GDT Exam Revision

Paul Taylor 2010

The Exam – What you CAN bring

• Programmable or non-programmable calculator (You won’t need it)

• Unmarked, non-electronic English dictionary• Ruler, compass, coloured pencils• Students permitted to bring a highlighter to

highlight exam paper during reading time. No writing is permitted during this time.

The Exam - Format

• 3 Hours• 70% of your mark• >= 180 marks = 100%• Section A = 30 marks Compulsory• Section B = 90 marks Compulsory• Section C = 60 marks (4x 15)• Section D = 60 marks (2x 30)• You must complete 180 marks, max score is 180,

so if you have time do a couple extra!

Game Elements

• The four main game elements:– Mechanics– Story– Aesthetics– Technology

Rewards and Punishment

• What are the four most common types of behaviour management?

• What is a good example of each?• Have you seen it used in a video game before?

Interest Curves

• What are the three types of interest?– How do they relate?

• What should an interest curve look like?

User Testing

• Why does it matter?

• Who should test your game?

• When should you perform user testing?


• How would you promote your game well?

• What would you do if your product was significantly less polished than the rivals?

What is the proposed Australian Internet Filter?

• Why is it bad?• Why is it good?

Story and Gameplay

• How do stories integrate with games?

• What happens to a story as it is moved between different media?

Creating Games

• What would you do if you were given a really bad game idea and told to make it?

Creative Thinking

• Is it essential to a game designer?• How can you get the most out of your


Being able to do this will help you in your exam too!

Form and Context

• Christopher Alexander• What do the two terms mean?• How do they relate to video game design?


• Who are you building a game for?• Why do they want it?• How do you sell it?

Transmedia Worlds

• What identifies the world?– Eg: Core values

• How do you reinforce the core values of the world?

• Superman is about to get re-invented by DC Comics

• What should you preserve? What should you update?



• What is good novelty?• What is bad novelty?

Complex Questions

• Expect to be tested.• If you choose these questions, you’ll need to

show you’ve done a lot of thinking / creating in your solution. (You won’t get 30 marks for 1 picture and 2 sentences!)

• In essence, explaining WHY you did something shows knowledge of the decision.

Remember Efficiency

• If you write paragraphs for all the questions, you’ll do a LOT of writing.

• The key is to communicate your ideas efficiently, you’ve practiced this over the semester.

The End

Barry is a Guinea Pig!!!Good Luck

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