ctn progress en thescience. pa ?ri.!. expenses ......irpinion i-ti.ia inc ult,rt--ommlsim*. ia-sou...

Post on 02-Apr-2020






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"toilj-,*;, * ica aaa roue

ll. OV A I" Ct ..Ml M sc

, Cl .ISIS

jj ,. WHO Til! Mi- ll

BALABT p-iit«CLi' i Cl 1 iX»WW.TUB ll

Ki t^i ::. '¦) IB TBI c' ncr. of TBATti; I! :¦: BIOB OOOBT.

Tin special rHNBinittee ofto )us. .-¦ tl.,- . gpenara of icc- .itv r

imumctl its lal- vs ve unlay norning in tlMii.M i'- j-, ic ito o!!',m-. Al! th. member* we

pu -ict, ural many p. nona Inter, aled in the faeiii-...,, il wen alao In attendance. Joel 1Krhniilf pave his opinion of tbe PoUce 1>-

pa aii'l ita management He *j__aidenthat it waa unneceaaaiy aad unwise : ihave foiFolk i' .:. :n !<-cii(

ifcould i. . i bj .-" h. othi r aut-ioi-it;t Th Hilt! l>v* und' r i!,t* rape

v .. ..' Pe ,i! iilllt of PuWiC \V( lit'i ,,,..i : i ip thou..-ht t... aa]. .. om *.

willi hi- office abotild be reduced. JudiHa .dam, td the Marina Court, and TbomiU(M-mc. Clark ol Un * Omit, ss ire alibxaii'


OV 111!Ho vt it sic.-cm bad arrived abeu lui

wu-1- ad n il.neat atif ht epalt- £u I anj bod aa sun, rn s, I preaenJBatmoed ta.ii tts¦ad be was allowed to do so kb be hiwuleietl lo ¦_ froaa w a be I plas d in Im,., ... i ld "i Lia il 11- to ha'

them reieovee* bj the Uiueau ni i a ¦¦ nee

beip.iei .it.ii j aaid the ooauuitt.eet4..ii.u ie baa a ol grievatu -. I.

l*iil.e. Co miasi rai r Erbanlt a

B.i.i tic ho hud lieon a teatdenl oj tba <ay i,

tLirt.s-iist yean and had !:wi aoaoe peaetieal ex juaeuee in tue workiaga "f the Polios 1). paai mimi iro

Deceiui. r 31, 1S75, anil! May IB. 1879.-Hiiuioi MuCaitay.Can s.. i .av,* the eommit ee ai

lui rc a si Ul aid il lu Undina on! how (ht- sap tc" It-St d-ptttm-Mit eali be .eilticvil I» ll. iii vi'wa li.ive amata n<v,i tery ratln ai.

-tarilly kima Wb-fS to UC.iu.h -.-ai at tba bealnalag.Tue aulijet l- llM* a hell ; it La* no iM-pinninc. M

irpinion i- ti.ia inc Ult,rt- -ommlsiM* . ia- sou bave m illr"v>lice Bunill the Worse 06 the 1). parUneni la, ll.leoeeg nc tu')' Ua*. awatea lae cheek -cod govt-mm-nt reeiTei. Toe weald M-a-ely expect a briaaoa la t

muMi bm-tice ii iPure were four rea raia oommandiae> mai two oi ttaam appointed heesess ( .-> rttmurnied wu

ttie oshea (wu. You sv .a.ii scarcely txpeottiariK'iii: firm Ul SUOC, ed tic par'lol. t

wm.ai licenuic l-url ns D*-cr*Ume tiny vteie iduty hountl to 'li-.ct ttnli (tin oilier

Elie analogy ts r* nert in rea* rd to th aeaers s, beesmmeera 9.806 andfarmied non saMeei t.. di-eipa;

more ii^iii iii.ii uiuiy discipline, soe* iee analog, ut itEgaBlaa Brtat ia not so imp. feel uki, you eensldrr liUi parlue-i.t "J iberBN **-t."''(>,(KXI Hiiiiuallj. The festfthc ena mtastuoon i-c bciter. ead IfiBere eera aens iOU il SVoU'ti l)fOi'.tI''y I" If -.. i:.l OB V HaM'll lill njpulntlu)*: two evmiawetoaera to disagree wll two otiiei

Ca on ni","Uni uf lue appoint mut of laspoottin of cietDon ; unit it iBsss appointments atc u BBSossery perl ithe ilep..i liuenl. tlie a -J "1 Ce:,!- are Wise. liolaaagat almost say tarn tame u mu u banes ef tim d.

pori ine,a i, ..ei. i- ne bui.JccI lo uartcr ami r-ale l

-T, iv elli -ip lit r-Jiitrtl to iii-pec.ora, lue] eould BS aiaaaated hy aaj isto afi-eiala aid tiem- appofutaBsaimed lei lt« i.ii.u.<ua stun lue poneloni. -taara -Bight bs some each jaaasm ih.* appoiuiim ut o. bbb_rrtsorsaad manuals andstlle -imtf SI -I-** liw *. 1 BBS .reiteil,* w.limul treal

e-..tl, dei ., rs rs ,-t

I tuinh ii.-Ktci-'- li. pad him ia properly belongs tothPonce Deo -ii lil -ii. ll seems strans beti power imaUi .iii', mi-h. a iioti" ,., -..iou where liquor]scie:,. c >e resu I ia one tiepaitmeal and ihe powe

tuan -f,--'i [.¦. i. r boaid. iii MacCl""."nc- Di .'.Wi . I i" li.Jr" ".ic -J) ,1 ci- I vcr i Lav ii placed tv lu e

li. ,r . i -. un itii-ti

why it, i»i' rum ci .a l'u -l,,CUt ti vs J)- Ii.,1' Iii lilli.¦ -a.

in nc.-ti. Ue wiso in every u;. ,, t" el.

lest sui ...,ui lu.'icy could -o laved in clvautng tuBUI"Ho.. 1 guiekly knterrnpted Senator Btrabai

wbo hiid n ..u cioscy lib.ci.in-, lo ilr. i.tiiiitil.'b ia

___(-.>._l> a Droper armin:-neut ol Uv foroe. l"i,vler tl,

pr-eiiit ,as. , !.., ft , you eau'l fem i, iti ls pro]arly. 1 i I i ta -....'.c. a utu. mi .... i 'a permit. Tb

rn .. ; pm .: v Z" i-inone-i .!.' .I a >ttt y can ts -av, a

prc ui ii ai nu

Ul.,"til iii f.,i "I ,11,ai

tabor, i .. .,..-., ni, an

iu -i it did, oiun.. looratu


ISC ¦. cIli- ) set at the p of. Ir la ruin tba

V. -I I C ann.I> nobody to ki i.

*-| . .ua! ii ia u.'li.uli ia luii.iD.lei

- iib.Is viii-on uioit l).i-> -I on a kiiowl-i... hui i- Ii . ii i, n ] prepared .. doonm. n

¦Bee v.i.un -bow. nut of 30t)drirersIn Uk-_>par.nicat Were Bolllios. sppiuiiUp. e e.- ,,,.-,, i.,nMies 11 ec ,,risen work ri ..¦¦¦, il c 78li..purlmeat imya Ki. -ut ihe ulBerenee guts to tauun, meian- ..t.itii. in- in a .i -v-uii I.,...ii to hib)i_e u,'. i "ne tue- hoi ii pap, i prepared shielalu"*' ,. I ('"Ilk, timi eve.il i-live per fem oIke employes Ui timi Uenarnu ul mir lu'iud wantlnita theil t.il.-. Macy tu lu. icii, lUrt'.ilei Inking Ifail load onlj i.com ".oj .rici o ioi,.-,,.lu ii ol e load, ni "i - .a .! ",',in a fai'i thaiii. carimeu id not let full par. 'in,-ncc, men oom

lasnil-- -it be .it Bira io ...le a*I 4,a,i i. aa --. ii,.a ce sweeper, un iud1- re Ul ,e ; i SI .ii tv "i kera,O. '-"ill. i-

_ -I" K roi ila tillie V.

i ti, .-¦ tii.i not ali ,. iii.p-i-rm iu ibat t, re, die failed, sud will fail -.. luiif

MC-.pl laboj -,inn,'inn uti poUuca,Mtjlii.#.Mi. a lin. M.mum: C a BT,

At thia point iii tbe ezauunaliou, Judge McAdamof!.i cit ii].; eau .1 m thebad been summoned as s witness, il was decidedpeeper to take bm teatimony at once, He wwII tlM "Xi" li "S Ul ll..rn fCit lulllll Iii,* lil* re i 111. :', I, Illiliban died retlnciioiiptissiblewasmadein1877,audit v..i.- ii.t -iiv imp ible Io gut alon.v .la. Ile nu! I, attendants io contiandi d three junes unt at once, lin-

dun. be jui"!-, it,

lock them up. and wait tl ir orders, When not at*- . tin j.*.- ii,, ii mi t ieee a re n<«--.i. -.I

in c ui i. I in > mildil es b. in cii, th ;... but uri '¦.¦. .- when the. wouldI' He was o! fauoliai with the duties ul

pen ks uiii, e.

UK. ti.ict;:: I ia -I

Mr. I y :

lt. Di -"ut sv,.ula ti,, iii lr work properl t

we-^ nrlr, a . ,,, -

Worked a tonia rel alu * Heir pa -.

Way ol savlriic mvuey would Ik* io sd ra nuloria f ii tli'* nam. if a e on 1- iii ui iftirui be li

apt to ie bi would ii, asi)i marked;¦ M in I.

i.v.I vs ant l" gt | ,,t tn-.lu il uk h. Wi ai do ihei pity tlieir di a i

If tn n ber tb< " ;¦ I ,,f n,,.-,g. .' ,-S.

Ti' .--.-..Hi.tt0" t I

i lam iiitii. Tin- eau.ar.- .e u( a lulu-.

,i tan n qnr il t ¦it:ini> ten

le .ii u.i eu tii, chara, of mu in*Sp. I"! I

1" '. . jt* J tb il. ie ... ,..,, ,, ,.".

on thia committee t,r la ll ¦ ... . ... ,

Willis."If ll'" Ol lt ll

io.',."-.! ai" i,ai.. \t ,,. ,. ,, '.'ati.

ll In¬ce I


.. "...». up i , .1 i, i ,1 on,,..... ,,, i

done i' U.iiineut to a ec a ci rmnene, ii ac >., Hemp!t

lu faet.i Ct .»

a us uo dun .

.*Ai" ' '.alf ii tl"Bu; I1

I- " Itul tlii> I)I

Il biini|, tbe

ovn.it, ol .... li wotb. Ij c.a ¦.

am,,cu. t

Ul I ltts. ..

in., _rl_il* '

Ba. Itea . ,,-,,,a»-*) utca-i .,, i ,|,, ,l)r-a* ... ipi ,,

One ii, .,,.,« ,:.', i.i y Halla* sou b a iiIbat we co ¦. i Bm au,.., ani onetJ- .

k - ii" c iteiial couiuIm fY'm "i.e ur itt,, a, i>. int. Board eu***atle

h v nb n,> ," jin,, ...-,¦ steam uta.,. ,u,_ ..»,Wiuiii-uuid .Ua.u nie i.au.ai. n._.i WaAmg ur i.t.M

sv mi* i<> h prsip-r duni'iina place without Interfoienc.ll, ,11 the Mere Iii-|i tor,

I'oa Ii.N Q*| UK SIIOUK IVSrMTO't-Be .1 ui then aaked If tba ailee <-f Flu r.

*pectar waa created fog tbe puipon cd puotag aa"I. -t... ie iii I': Wf_y "f thc Sieet i'c .mini' l>'i'it'¬ll" ni in p loriui-ii; its tln'.ic-. Mi. BrbBldl rep lcdthat it waa certaintyetmage thal a virge, citv ,.,

New-Tork could not remove Ita garbage without n

from au lnata-nifleant offloer. Seantor stra-hu all iii-4 efforts ta re made in behalt

of C.»nei Island la regard t» the bnreaaanaderilu* I'l'iue I'epiitceni that do iud. la lits opinion.

ug lhere-, Ur, 1 Ibardi aaid :

the B ar Uepaiiawal -imu:.l ie* annie-nioner* aign l masands oi nar.

-:.-, ii uo e., iiuil lhere Isn't oas et them tba!le «.- i'ii-', ic lieu: a licit r. That ilepertmt tb

to tris Fire l> partmeni. Ws fonad, ra leokmg aaU lc 'lill" I mi ,-. he ,,p|,|,, .el

SV,' ,v "ll,-,I -, itp|.,iiit a ii ie

t tho "-r. eui Meal to gel an expertWhen we found ooe wc bad lu appoint him sa a policenus n; "iii i. In n le fi -iii, I lie was liaiile i>> ,- t BBSlerred

inke (i»- itu. we (nally foundI,bu, bowna avci thirty yearaol sae,

vv,.," not niu sv tl to appoint one over iliat h re,.Wuat liuV" y, ll t.,411V atHiilt Utedt

Iara certain place ta tat cit] st wbieh tbe Board

',- au ni mi a,- '-uut f bes. The Niu-m.il College was Ott* j

un* ii"ii-e "I ilu-ll"ij l.ui.iiv vtat- snot ber. ii..- Boar.i.i rule i Ital e 11 ler men alu ua. be a-

in", n't ese positions iave been fili-.i1 hy m nI fl.ink -cue Ol tl,eae olit nilli "lUIlt

r.-tiied "u rery neatly full pay. After - rasntwent] "ii" jeni- sa a anamiaa of ihe

uot biog against b.icondaet, I don'leei rmi be pensioned.

-I...a.-W. nhl ll iinpreVf ile t tli.-icncy of the

I ly j th re ar, !. riv, i, MO m 600 rnea nrscnea ll] ol na us,. 1 bi ie ls no pr ivlah d

line lt in Itt -IMrl ll I ll.**t business aiy.is toe pay loo imf:.'.

N :.

jin- oot ian teen poUec targe ; i "acre than areti -.Iv i lins bare enough to do, und,ails uravv a salary

*-_._.m.Dom politics cneonrs**e tits same difllcultles ttiiii

.Mihi' found la tim Street Cleaning DepartUl III

.\ ,, .¦ reason li thal thc tenure "fa. Thc Commissioners have no power odinmis*

an Mil, i-i ss ii lmic t-ii.ii>.",-. A man wbo knows bi ,-,,,,'.ie ion un ,t mg n* hi .!<. - bia d ily, becobene Mi- r. 'i en there I- anotber raina I vveii e

apeak of, that which tanda to ru-od aovei -ne,a in thea par) m. ni - lend i" oonomj, ann le io i ;.

---ti,,ein-ij- uii,fe a,"M memben lo rsnurlbuim"f"l l l.'l'llou il'll'i I)*" IS. It irs I" li li IMIllp. ill tl IS I -1. "lue

Ure of an utter til*ruptlou ol discipline. No step arelin a ni Hilt diractiou amil :..-i el ctlon. I am In-

ltirui. ti that t:u ssatma Uu*ge amount.on f raised.It tue Lcaislature and powers tn anihorlij donal pro¬tect thc men Hie force will become uti, riv (UsaCBBB*B* ,.

t-ftettor Strahan.In tlte.-e any reason for dividing thcBoard p lit es 111'If Ihe sppolnt*.ern of Inapt ci i.r.- ofKift iit.'ii ie tiik u out ol Ita band !No. In ali lar-.'.- olUea tns INdic D'a.araieur ls nader

Ute .baree of oae maa. Toa will noi n-M tte Police De-ii.ii: ti,.*ii! in any of the la: ec miles In Knropc appoliit*nainapectora of eliet-m, cleaning tbs atieata ra glvmgpenult a io rna a Poller.Y ai Hunk Hie political division is thc root nf all evil!_


IXAM1NA1ION* fit TIIK COMMISSION 1 K OF JVStOXS.Tn.nuts Dunlap, (.'oratuiisioncr of Jurors, was

then Belled:tm, iiiit.ir Me Cart hy.I seo you .ct **15.000 a year;

that's a pretty large sala***.Tea, tua largs -aimy.Do yen nu; er.nt ad Ute .lrawinj; fur ai: the courts in

tbe citv!All H.. Stats'C- nrts.H w ii,, sou it" i yo-rJr-*orelFrom tin- iliu t-t'.iv ami registry, arni la other ways.Vt aili oilier was a!Cull mi tue lax tuuiiiis-iouer.Me sa COBS .1. r Hie Untie, of the offio,' resoonnitil !Yes, it ta a rsl "> r* r-pnusiUio puadttoa. I bad noihinip

to tio vtitu iii.ti.iiii.- the rainr.!. iimi 1 did not seek ile"tttC-

s.i- I, 1 stan! to a.e f ste cnn'! cut it down.i L Kl ..iture passed an act mst year-\, a. ind w. sea pass snottier oneaext v-.-ar. Iwant

te -t if a u nt boi .(> bc leos.I Uilak il oayiu ro ce lass.- n.iioi- Binny.lue ciitire Coiiiniui.lt v ls unuiiitiu>ii*

on Hi pc'''sc,atilt Mi Carthy.1 want to Bud ont If stork baa bi en

to ". i. done,si Dun ai.I 'i,i'c tl e Judges win besi ms oul wh< "

I say ib.i i n irs aili odi d to tue dutl, - ile i tan tessy in.it yon I Ul". I I

1- ,.'

I als i loo large.un s

l ,-!.. bad lla Ju e. I sv say tba rn onld be

year, aia nv Hie io i "f ia I rear.

li w upis .. ic ia- ti11c. io.-y ii Issaed ami ectui

i,, i ea i" (, '.' "" r 70,00 '.Aie nv i.ac .- >*:t .cen ,,fl I*i ¦. "v tu .et.

I purli e n-i-1' rel cenp-t art

ai heb so lei latloii I")Any consideration for heine becked cfTIb v. -ir.i ou :. uta of any pen bi . ' I at

Ol ti v ¦,. ,¦ -i "t r, uni ii was not In my ofBc I wonldi. .i e ,, mi i.-1, ;i. lu aure l would no' i-i,:i-

j tun ol-:,- iff i. bt,

iave cte, ie .h.\ ,,-. I bari known In-r -a u' Coi ii le rt mot <l two

i il- '"i lah ng ci, * 1 he officer,el: ., Il.

i ii.-, i.f a officer < .,!. -,, t,, aomeana ii,,, it- de ui ... bait nf ti.e ui tn .hui km h.ui .xena, tl

is .i ii li ol mj ottol ic "lie in your i 01 a fi¬

fi pl lit- -alar,, 1 INe sir. .

,i i'i a.- offlee be run for lt--- money 1..'i be run properly foi lesa t-an gil.OOO p


tfATTKRa IN UH: st I* lt'"; t.ti:i.

Tbmnaa Boonu, (Arm ot tbe Buperior C*ourt, wai

tbe last st iines-i.Senator Biraban -The eomml tee a n i to ascertain

it "., e ni'i te mc expenses m j -airS .. -C. 111,'I.\. ai,- ti ,* dntlea Iie ii lesa take china* nf the r**eo-*ds of thr-

Court, tai carool tbe ealendaia, etc. j ) <ai a Jv.iv, i-.,, .- ii.i [bi Ital .ina/ nit a i

W .,! ieep .' ie al c tte bl i'i it osslblt -'.I ict lilec' sv i less help ITue loree ams cul dowu Bia ol wv< uyeaiWhen tue ( mon rjesalon, what tl, tbe Conrt

and r ci ka ... ifla ti;- pant r, lo m) offl

u ut ei,dani .,, ere when I Jpointed li io ia ol " ta

i it lt ia their pr .

, i mi- ii io be

I * < -el' male.ration

;. rmi lt. - k n as

) ii ."¦ .S:-.' ii |oi j

I 5(1N i. .-.r; I,llata I

t I Ue m of. I Will t, ci* v ,,ii ir.- ro >f to me of euell a I t.

llcl Hil --I all v oi, ."..lei! ;ifill:Cn- i al da) . ,*!., \

¦ni 0 .. iu. io i |>. H.. Ir tbat

Do ei .., i, ni a - woi k ssci.J .,,:


-, ii-

ii.i n, wouldi

. a information I

a .I,- neti et a

moe rn v sv. .a ne n, ..,.

C rthj then Intiss lue | Police Drai to furnish a .... .. detail thcsam ie lui s, d liv it lor. or n nee,, u.i of, ur

li li. flee i lg ., I,,,i,i ,.-,, n.

May 1. 1873 > tin atc t uah pas mi nt

waa received, and finn wbomre ,.s, ,; and tlieam".ii.,i of yearly expenditui.B mude in eli

l.<" -tc»__________________-___

Al Ml "iii.

Wa-UIKOTON, Nov. 16..-Lit ti. M... .. c. bm

:.¦ n "ii.-; e i-i poll lo I. ic. a,1 _,

bugn *c engined


ue, Wy.

.-..niu F , N vc: . Ninthn ..


for a.itI"- ii th., w. |. ,,,

i D', a. A. In ll,.-. i r- ii

1" V "

lol' Oil'¦» -


\\'a-iiim.iun, Not. 16..Paymuter Alberli.

.nun Univ li, Obs _¦. Ol Bl ¦!. Bl Bk) .1 D ie

.*.ettie l-l.a Uuued in i Wut i snared og(. na.,,-1,,,,'. lae a i.e (j ion, i ..",. ii i,e rai to Pm ,i.

1 ., i. . tries, Pern, n 'lobei lc

A Ilttl is'lll li (I il Composition Lu ,'iire the:, Tli -n:j Bl st I '.ie,i.s." Bbc vt,,t. in Husi ou,|>,un ti,cry -i i. i, "a row i. the i_i"»t Usafol-U.uiai 1U lue woi l'l i in pl li'Jlgl-il' "


n:r Ml IC I'p-tt -*- OKI IB TUB KEW BUILUI>'l M 'il 4 COI f li). lll-TIMit ISIH I"

pi iii- c -cs aooNtHBoa, tnvi ri uk c

BUBBBAI, VBIBB, AM) la Cl lum i>.i;ky raoFBaeoi - ...>.*!/.. nlublav,omiTON A* I) t>1 ll KUM.

Thc fal! meeting of thc National \of Bc "I-IICC4 began vi -i.-nhs in th< bow badi]tQg of Columbi- < nile-'". I'rot. a m. t

Marah, ol Yal Gollt -.'... ti .¦ *. ic¦¦-. ri

occupied thr* chair. Among tbe membendit were J..!ni-ll. C. Collin, Cf. B. N.j 1'bot George F. Barker, Philad Ipbiitj JameBall, Albany ; Samuel II. Scudder, < amiHaag.] Proteaaor Cbarlea F. Chandler, Colurabia College; Pi ifeaaor Walcott Gibba, Cambridge, Ma--.: J. Hammond Trumbull, Sariford; J. Stony Hunt, Montreal; Pnll. ,-illiinuii, Yale ('"liture ; I'mfc--or I.. I

Pickering, Cambridge, Me.; Profca or <'. AYoung, Princeton ; Louie M. Kutherford, NewYak; E. II. P. Peters, Hamilton CEdward s. Mono, Salem, Mt- ; ProfeaaoEdward D. Cope, Philad J] li a ; Profi a oi liA. Nissie . Ne-.s-i; ,vt a ; I'n.l. - t,i Alfred MMi-mi-, Hoboken; Profeaaoi .!. 8. NewlColumbia !*school of Mini ; Proi aoi 1,' ;

Morton, Hoboken ; ProfeM . Ji bo W. Drep, r

Hasting-, N. T.; Profi len N. IU)Oiand Pro ri n, Kew-York. P-"'. N'.'i-1.. 'he Ac ulemy i<."

stated ihiii ihe i it -t ii, aeagion \',.is i.

reading ol acicntific papon onlj.KKSEAKCHEd <>F ;ili. LAST ii A!:.

.ul- r Agaa ia -rat o< upn I tLa attc. t,mi "I thc -¦.- ¦"' W i a I'-i-ie' I, t ¦. ¦!

erniaeoftht U Ited 8 il - ateamef Blake, Cora-mander Bartlett, in the -um.r ol 1880. riernier, be said, was undertaken with Un "'j-.-' "

,;,' erniiiiip** th" ti- ition of tbe fauna of tlrsa ls ifl I N eat fo that n,>-t st nh in til,

Qnlfol Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea. In tin

Atlantic and Pacific 0 a aoandlaa*ave peiifliii]. 'nerti linnie to B depth Ol 1.' ."

fathoms} In tba Gulf ol Mexico to a depth of l..ifathom,-. Work was beean in .lum* last, aunt lt 0

Cape Hatteras, on a line paru!iel t" the coast, nmat iin average distance at about 120 milea tram ir.

In- re.il nf Bnding :. gently doping sea bed, as bmheretofore been supposed to ex -vt in tbeae latitudestbe dr ai,;, is ii.Mima-,,; what proved to beaoontinnation of tbe plateau of wbieb tue northern portieis kicvt ii t" extend aa fur as Cave Bf. -eorse, ami olwhich Hie southeasterly limit la nppoeedin real en Um ******¦-.¦.» Banks. The vveatern

k-tlge on tins plateau st a-, examiaed tiunn/j

laataanunet.cruise Bad prove- very intereetieafr"in a pete .p.eil p.iint of vititv. Tlc east, -ru si,nubaanet bean -need aa yet. Ita exact limit* miiniit'er ,,f conj ctiire, lui' atc tO !.. (li fermi 10next year_ ctn-,-, i ho sides of this plateau an

steep, I lire -h,ir's lengtha from a poiol ss

.:. pthof 100 fathoms had beeni ached, ihe soundingapparatus did Dot strike bottom aatd «W0 fatbomaof tbe Urm had been paid our. Tba moat animallife ia foand on the edge ol the piateaa. Iheebar.acter ot tbe animals is, on the whole, the same as

that of the specios fonad in I teOnlt ol Mexico ami. : , tel ar col ip '-cl <>f rich

iie!n»ii« ..I alluvia and mud, washed ir.>m iii-top",' the plate oby the acttion <a i. ¦. Gull Hlresin,

f sv' irh exteutls over the C

"I ila- Atlee e plateau. Hie deuos t- ni numerous

Vuliil, "tl Ila*bib

.10 ai.an.ii i .¦. '¦¦ be i-i t svitli ,pted .A Ito*

togethoi the am this i sp* ditionI he .ia-

'im ,.fsv.irk wu h. in !!kp curse of Hie li -1 yeal*-

tlireo n, .. Vm' lin.e. 'lunn.til" i CCU 'll III

wi eke. Work inned dav anda i n ss imi) ih Boondin irs

'ct tua of them tnthe d< i' lc- *.onty-fiuii bonn. 1 innerly, nu« oatding was

.-i".i da*'-. sv,,rk.In ci,n,-lu*, un, Prole m ii a - ,1 that n

I* Ile-,i ii' i ,t uezl year*! raia

cy fi tbewaa tiki I* ," be Imps e by og in-

Dieu for .. i ience h Iibuled in the am ,m summer' -

n nine., ! I RB "!' I'llii.MS' Ml mimi VBIBB.

Pro e Sill ina in folios _ ., -..

¦t rn li ¦¦ "Tba Intimate -,i ,< 'are !'mineral reina.'* I be tic,. tl _,

io soirtti-iai- then arc cai iti in a ch there ure obviously

tWO lin- iii ,l ld ill.' -j,,, i,|i",lune ," ition in the

found iu Ari/iiiiii. I bil isa* a

black, horn .Iring rock, showing cristal-liz il g<ld. ,"i'a el a cappii

¦i a ci \ - ill ti" amorphousIn ne- rock,

.I" di

an i . mid a nch displayt u simoniiii .I ion.

luman-le || ||,. i,..

I,lie,owing th.it

I-, ..-..

i ol

l'l -l iii the n.Ul

il lintalllee 1 SOM Pc hail i,,i-i,


.'¦' tis IIIMIIOll

ii -. ( l.,ii red i liiii mi

.'! ln'l linngiven.

lo thia stratumre olunit, s, n ,! and gi y. i

lt roven al ii Hamiltonv. na above tue

At tbi ¦ ,"

,,'tli- ll lie tl.oil lu sn:, ti iiy luuis- if .ni brought io a ci 11 tin ,.,.-

expel '., mi r

,i ,,i ,|, r uinlllg metai-, ',,¦miin,, bad ". .¦¦' loon i ".

lin Uni,; ss..- limply I .¦ natal m

ill .1 lr ..*,- ,, 'It! I'I

ihe merool r with a ..,.:¦..iu- a ic ibe in : il sec ibroun doa n up >_ the

:.a M

il,, r ie' .i"

.gain wi ghiuij i ..,.

Ibia ¦i aiI'

a liv he plun til i" M.

Prnl r Hu ,,,.-,, !iue ,., ,,1, *¦..., i. t

lia, il, l»|t. I, cm .-,,11 I lie pt."* Cl "I till ".UH I.V ts .1-11,1 li ii. I, ,,||._,-,-,,i iii pt lime. Il inger he p

sss.a 11.ic iii.it -.

la, ,. Uortou'a p ""i to .....! «.i i ne

moauti lui ta di t( r. intui tbai-h-i ti-.i c ,'.t, f'treeol the Bruah dynamo-eleetricinai-l.i.ie. \.tr..tan rn li ice , .¦¦ gCOaratS

ic -**__-rile lilst il***44;i iljcti. a-nl iliei I,, ni, .e ,eniiin:-, 0|

a machine, rbeee:, pail ol <¦"".- "u tba ar leture ",

.ped .1 ll iee.lum el"loree, H"- c sv lu li 1r.1V" a Kin I "f "' Bl

""inn! the centre of the cu igram.\\ hen tbi

blued ir Pl

>.s i'Ii intel coting linea In certainat ct ions, n t on pured wi a tba

found i"Ihe points ntjwbicb rupture nf eir-

i"w it si each pair ofbs icm t,.i ra ns force i

hui st thal .it S'.liU h ita elclI'.-U'"!'v. bit li it hIj icertain a t-erifii a ol tl" 0*

i- ., ney.Profest r Morlon iii-''.reel a i Bperon ¦','' measnri -

ineitf... .'!¦..'¦ tm lamps opera!'iib hy... Alter explaining bia r etbpd of

if, ho b ¦'..' ,!"' "ui:,1"'r °"ad re-centl. *n ide ss uh tbe

new Maxim lump, lathi, lump a filament of anypapei or i

in i lt,ic riis glube is exhausted of air to.1 filled with Ihe sar oro! g_-0"

ic ('"iteiif is then passed through4,...-"-

coiuea deposil .1 upon the -lament at the

with the test ol'"'ii ihe next weakest point

erection,. Hi I >rtonsaid,wi . i, .. ',-

ir devi inning light e rou iiiiipl.lying .' i-"tv,-ri,;

2.0 rof ¦"_-, in refen lice i.a r, wa run

'.¦" "i 12inn t" I :>t> ei'.i i tatt-1

run t"

per hoi .erv,.

till i.U WOUld - ami. ii'JMI ,eele-,. '! ac

ss 11 li

bt --a round ii,,.; Ihe les

1,,, ',

ii,.- reeuli ¦<¦ im d nv i'l-'i,thal nob ni had rfn inn ie tu ol


tbe ;"'¦>- er ii.¦ ¦.,,- ea ut: le usual tain the ,11like in ci iiipare i lani i> wilmil-si tampa i- . Idi il with Iiud* ¦"

eane. Bi an se lideut to biaIimi ii-,i le-en nbli to red senu Pru-fessor Morton om ol lila lamps, bul Mr. Kdison badvs-rntefi bim to tlc . "feel bnl ins latosl iainr** wil liIB candis power had been rm, <o BS candleborra, powei l_,iJ can Ile poweriu his In.: ->'- ".' '-'".:¦ lam I Iliap ired v. li a h. in ,l sv tb the Maximlamp sa l"." to "._(*.Pi,ue soi pi I.', ci id raaf he wea much inter*

reated tn tbe Ediaoo and thc incai lescenl lampe,nun ihn.-mi tu* nts ' M< "t"!!

certain ij marked a year of gn in eleetrulighting. U ie,: beenin m.lin:," a tiia nol di integrate .

an,it,on tint" candlepower lasted anon I nn

boar. J be lamp "i Mr. '-i> inadvance, il pracl oallj caused the fibre to last iudef-mi ;,. ii.- uudi i ¦'¦- m ba Mr. id re-centli beei anrking iu the sauie direction.

I'i"!,-.--"!'I-.. I), i " ¦¦. followe"! Hei. nor M( tonwith two papers ou Mmravidse and Mi -'ic* L'ani-dae. lie des ow ex*

cl a .a ted tl !. desi met "ii lo : ict ol foodsupply, Their functions wera the samethose of the present felidae. I.tie*", only iv a greater degree rJ_ey destroyedii itri" r portion ni in. il,.!.', the* were able to

l Connell of the A, idi aili tn t a* 10*30o'clts k tins ii ,i beheui int : i d t i- m.

GEN! HAL sh .. il, Uh. WAR.

A Ittii- v. Ii CH or ") 'gt TO nc

( a v 11 .: llTuthi rib


.- vv If a

ij, lion,

t ti,-,i u tal to aid ,n in-i r for war.benoTer anyDouse, l'ai-

,. ,:fl r tv, k. A keenlavm r frouijOhlo wj

" r-a c i- -i kies. Ut accordlon .;

Ban. Ht mi

i*ih: Wmie I the An nue to-day htbin i i , one saul,

..-. do for Hief_.es*" 1 ,** Iel

l,,iu -.,, "ii du

bim "ii "i i.e .1 the ea " Ad uti m...- I do, .1 ii,

ooniempl sud u,j isbee. Yoi.ra Italy,J. H., ol Mew-Tork.

Tbs next morning'* J. IL" was early In thc gallen t"ft oe iii rbis letter, ile paget, placed the malltc a,-:-,, Klin mber on m (leak. Bickies rame in,lan '¦-- ly di I m. gloribegan to opea and i tera. Ths Brat oas h.ip-pened io i» lbs letter in rs ¦. J. ll.;" tbs envelope, beingof a peculiar form and color, waa ...-.it' reooguised bjthe writer at bis dil oe. - -i .an wita Ulcreaalag ii.ii rest,sud na ,i ,., ,,..-.,;,, .. ilu.anJcarer*n ly loldiai lt, i- aced lt in ,. ,,i,,i

1 tit(ni--tbe i n ..-111,1 put l.i tBrose, '.ale snd digi Od, bu until bis ot rcoat to Um

be Dui u In bia

¦. vol .. a lib I. - .-"inn, in ..

;- ie i, ibe

ns "iii , ; iii when beped over lb

.i a ...us Hali, ntl Luilei. Hie ,ii !' mu ...ec:.-i-i'ii llii,,,,- ni


M.. i.n.,' ASD IH ,. l".

v cv I \

SI.I vlei M WtlU e

s. UK I (1 I.

t n i li ' \0 i ni

: Mr. lies,.,, i.i LU rei your uote

thc Moi v

pub ic j', i- .il : dr. ll vt in in

,Hewitt,I write li >.ce¬

il .' rr ,,. ,,, f

Ur. Hi

innhotthe un -.I lt. Bit ,i, i>

ur elie a uiu ut.}. .niI. >uUo report .,


li ibu |i lilllie ne-: "i i- a ui .a soUl pi. I, um ip UUI .ni till* I

i ll e ,. ii ,|i|, ml IOU,, I I liete, ms IS In tn, UUIBI \\ i'll ,1 liave

, 'll IO riSt ll, eil fv .'. i,

aadv.i .oi aiiiiioi ii v i: Ii.Mii.i'iisc

i ,//.; .1,, Mi. \ 1 ni A EAU M.

The .-!¦¦ c. ig a bil b ibe pl lintiff lcintheai.sr C. (-ti-,.-

i,1 lei V.,rk lo ia "t. .... :.,i ,i,

iiiiu.ini nt ni a patent i lUaarfelna uri Baaeelltngina i,--i i" ths li -ian ,,. Butts

t :. I ,,f 'lie foltin,-: ii ul .h. ,

Hsrtlord,P sib, Lowell., Boston, J

'the J if New Yuri: fircaii Couti

ilam-g I the i ,,, n en ,,..: ie,-,

I" itii i ne

-I,,, ...ii, tn ibu Unlit tl tiHie p teen in ri go I. m tijaimn i

li. sv iu a, o vv :. ni kin, ana Mai cNurUu el liny, ure lin- ai... fol in- pl un ut m Ulomull.

/// DOES FOUND ol U.I).

Tin.mon, N. J., N..v. U.-The Jury u thcBass of .James A ll i, I lui i u,,.i¦.(¦ Batlea tl Ba di ol Beeark, lue rei iii i ui


i* ,i"ytl,i*r.fieri.o.)n. Tim charita wis M....ij malfeasani e lu ...*¦*'¦)..

TIIK 1 tU.'.S )' Hi sTU. UHR.

ITU'! < :. -GAIK81 f. J,iii ugo.

o,./.run: -tCOuCBI oV BBB I oi.tiii-

OBBBBO WAT.Ph ii of insanity ns n defence I"

lanni,-r B ive let rr" Btly hmm o' '".'ll f***rO** nt '"'-''ii

an tba** wera a fewHie e.uirtt r-far.leil such ptCBg BBata favor

nt.iy. Tills dateeea la I .. ttotortet J

M laabergi aew bb talaJ fur bia lia lan rea

tn a mal thal pieaaata a Bamber of Iraaaatta iae**n*aiart-room of Ova. mci '!< rtnlr'-r, WttttU .I'lstici

Deris ls preeldlag la ibla eaaiis ilu .'-lu-: lim rh.lp trini. It. I

until l'_ o'clock Hull h. last Jurymaawas btspenenr*.i ii. prisoner tlueagboet the da] !''4 eoaBasiwith I, red dov b, starfag raeaaily ai

lng r,o attention spp reedy te what wm

og aroaii'i hun. He * baa aa ag**fine, i.rut. ii ami low-browed, aad ai Itbootitraeeof lateUlgeoee, Uta alfi -¦. -eic hun witkaba-aiii ber arma, looking wrretohed ead hep less rai r twi

-. ara illowi d an uiaUwyera' I ible, ur to pick their val

md llet li ga Bl tunes seem to

, titorney Bellaaa openinglei nml wi. using atre atliit'j

ti np wita -darlo*a /m.. fi,nu the tab i i dali ¦'- ¦¦¦ ¦.

'-ir. Bell,a aad

ia ti- rn is ft rat

Met- dcrape veil, i

sr face eba

of lint min iii . i ... .'"I Womal.slim,inMr dramatic Mt.. -

.,, ,i ijj aa int pn ter,sad ber buaband, sue sa!., beean to lire ni

N'i. 19 1 ¦. .n the .. ly part ot laatlammer, at ti.« maa time that Mr, M

Ma family took adtolBlng rooms In tho¦ametenea-enl ion * i eye ' them bonesp.,mic '. ."'t l.iejeiii,- let ur, r.i eave ti.-.-n ",* lii,.ri,

--mi iii secaruig employmeut, '", lair i-i teehnsband ol the elloess waa mixing paint In ti,

y« tiv. sberg came.la and begaato plek a gnaw-rel Vfih linn, ia] lag : " V"U arc- a second band painter ;

you tot :." a t. bera ma thc ir**i_ I aaa rn art,." ___4.t him, but only aocei ed('. In ai

Ch ll :-' r mole, U'i'l Jluil/tiutl,' tried IO giA J.eilh lilli'

io fight Mia. L.iiiuiut.i- mlereeded, aad snatchingMaaafaerg by the arm lold him to stop,in s ,i issloa tie turned npon her and straeli lora iii.rv

iu tbe lase, anal.ag thc rina se that ia, blood J-owedfi-ta ty. i. Ll seer, tee, uoeame saggy at tb li, aud, wita

owsl willeri he lind beside him, streak Mnaahergaa tbe bead Kia aeaip waa eat, and be aaa Meediagfrom thc wound wbea Ltadhaoec au i un ails went iuto

ie, Mansberg followed them, ami ai aooa na hefound Ll-diuuwr la his rooms hs btuted at him a flasava. nell bC look from u »h'!f. The iii -ila 'lal Bot

Llndhaoer, and tfanab-rg weald bara thrown bb*

If Mrs, Llndhaoer and Mrs. Kvertx, a aelghber,wii,i tv -.. .. a.i u it prevent i him ead ict himout .f the io"iu. loeklog tbe door, Prom their fear of

rg both I.tntliiau, i and Ida nfs slspttsro.it. c ;¦- .wo days afterward Uadbauer and bia

le corni I hadn Po oe Ju-.:.' a 0


icr'a own wor .:

," was elttlug

cii - .i no .:-.,_. b



I and :

, ,. -tre't. 1an i,i,len .' it n ..-,..


me, li, kt-11 tbe pistol pointe,of thc owed chi iuto the street, to fin

t.'"K place, imvc sub i qi -.

t.ii-tn v li, rgbnm, who keepI tb-r street, i

,,l li,i,ul a

uJumpplilue i."itKin, a a ti.11re- ",,

ai ¦ inrt! a ,| i, ;. .,il :..- ,l wat ...

waat abe i

lit all 1'ele.i Kal. e ur Worth] o, ll"-.e said, to bc

lie ncr er. vv

ii, i .a at, a:',, oil- r ma with aiiiia. ii.c.ti. 1'ite shorter man tried to i

ute i li s.-, in ina i.e tried attain. 1fell 'cw a, aa,i wi,a, be wi rmilm ci H.- be id. " ran acr aa m laid tbe

--. "ana Int'tt fie ti.hu with ti, pt-roiud ht Idlng tl w iib one -and a

:r"in nat. i Ith tbeotbei and pur ii belni v a in and ton i

from linn and ran across He st.c r. wat .. tn ..

pistol tn li tn ,n be ur isted tlI kno>s nf i ia* mai.ei,"

"i ii. sv. im- itu, ol ibe Btes nb ia!he mauner In wbieh bi prison, r co

ll -un .via, ia nm a | .I > inn,;, tt

r jina KoratUna 'i '. CU :"l .S|:i(i/

pl 11- iel '. Hied fol of beer, "ri;ac ,,:i Hie e UU'.OI "I a p - Ol:i mid exe wily t " r u go n .- ,> iave myafrom a whit, li ben go to ,

ta." " J

ll- via-, ni .e,i i \, a a. ll, would >v

el 1 ami ta biai-i

Tue r tbeJustice 1

Al Ll.Oin Elli.Af H Ol PRC

Fl c. ri,!-, of I'., *a ot .

uf J. M. lifo.,I! No', tbla

it I'ii aaJ Hy. V twc I: titf aii.i, ,-

'. ¦

i'i Qutierreiv.- e re el

it,a u.ai ibu e lemony ea- to- ul la .-Iun


w hom lo' ie - ,.r<

|nr ri i.pc: ira ci nu. riiiur ,|W isniKGTOK, Not. 16..Tbe P .1

a .rn ,,;

dbi yeaienlay sa i took ap ii a '.t

"iit.-il .-"lea;; -a .. .f the PI- upon ibe .neat ",t '

ooma about I e Uot mmeul bulldiugs aud grouuds. ite.ci -ni I, .. mouin .' "I wail

fill!.HUHS AH lin SI.USA POISONED.Pilli. Mil. PHI S, N.)V. IS..A nj ,i I",-,,,,,

Vi,nm g "ii, li,a., ...i> .-,;¦, I chll .ci, ,,

itllttl , ' v, f lt tv ia |]it,! bj f niel ii ti r, bnl

s HOW ls-ia rt .! tv i

childi, ii a f uno -" t a.v.,c.i i .m.- green bad b ti apriukl

ll TEMPI U> n iii CR A ll. ti ,.

The M-cii.ui men, Mm.,.


d iomme Ind

Just before Ibe t lection an liish s,.i i- lp,.i i- icu ld "i- m

Don" rou Kn >w " aatd il let*palm

IS.' - lies.,I ...," r, pl) I'i -",, I i- n', voiu fur him

aid write" P's not thai lin- Hie, boiboi ice Iii H I

alt t.. .¦

ii .. mi losi. amt "Very maa ii¦."'¦ ll diuu'i u.>, i tt bi


th,; paJmM',1.

Tba repi oll¦¦

pertol f "JBg'1

'"' -H' W:***4

""'""".: ¦¦!¦¦!!?**

¦" .*

report )t'te will lavit of I



1. 71. limier tv,ie.- 'allll4-.ll ai.l li'"


*4lfor stn

J, c. Sbaw.*

'.' 16S t Court



I'" ***' ¦..


, .*"**

flic*- rr





iproreineiil,,'lj'l Vesey,'.i

matt of I'ii!.-; K."-Tl.-I

, «¦ ./,

'¦¦ *¦ ' " ¦"¦¦"'¦ '

., Kirk Ol -r ... -a,,-.,. ij*2 '*

l'liekr.i y sst. ' .ir'.jj__tua 4< n_,n

r. e frlayor, etc* Tieri ail. vt


liUC _<t. '

',.M-e, nt Hie i lie Ll, i, ll "ll ..' il.t.((raiM-i-nitt | Hie l-tn* Ueputiii i.t tatt .,m(w7;Br Judge Lewi*.ii -,_,'

am.' ^m*mt

T'nn.V.\ Jowl ,*- \ ,r y, -^l***ct-i*a .i-rifi-1.

* *".--

. -»*_t__i**far..,If./-"irt '.' fir Ju¦:¦-.* Vaa v'¦ r -Uil-oo ___ FIS

ital. i- ,..i'.-'it iitm li ¦-,'.' d,¦./-rf in.By jae... \ i, asama sn**'V .I"'***B*r-lt- f"**Ifff-rllgTH "lilli-..

Term I .

ta i*4ti gilPiieuil i titi'pliitit r.ti papi..*- I ol cw'-.4 jn.r (treen, c i*.. ii,,^nignsiL no to i.,

nv ladgeFrs*Hnan, . rr*- ni it w-tnetI tgi. im

Ct e.- , Va >' ' .Utl.M.Fiankolsta- 'ie n erst* *gt la.-,

l Kamiart. ougTegn'.iOii .. ru- <- ti I .rt-I, eic.- .. r-imi

. I lu.-i"i. !'¦ ar .*.;,.



Bi Judge i .ai-remsRi¦:


r . .- -S|*r.»



.I -I


..1 -Tt



-' ;¦ Jim.


rutIfliiSpJi*A ii SI,

"i'i -jr.i., nv. a en ,i ut.m..

Ant .gt. Wei* t ''".Wa

ll"" V 4".ll ii .- 3- ,.;}il

m-i.. ij.viM ia nut n ..,! j.,.' I- il. ll at..



lfJ-.-OB. .,. C -..*..' ti" " "¦"! 'I il .'. Ill 7. Ti -i

17-. 1 I.. ........

until N v

i-i. i-i -ra>¦¦.ii..


--. -.' 1 fi ?>H 7.1"".v h. ., j.-ona

i..4.'»urt - . >anMil



-t.t'Ks tum-rt I-

- - .,

i mos rev- .(: " .-ta-J.ii, rna

,i ii il a ¦.-No* ii. iai.un. ri .


i -I.1. I







ll ,tlX*W-


il!Alramt, Not. 16..In ttl -ppm

i i., tu,


.. -

t a' -W*J

a B



a '"a VUt"""

1 ,.i APi

.fi.i _.-

r a

,1-* *****-

I. .

.. A m

. !.* .*oit aa*.-

- rn ¦


I'.MI >

W.S-: i.Nov. 1 "

, ll _-t_4 isei-e*

,. ei al. mi . n .' " '

-t-ar-l:.,:-'' u


top related