cucumber: automating the requirements language you already speak

Post on 01-Nov-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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Automating the Requirements Language You Already Speak

Ben Mabey@bmabey


Product Manager




56% of all bugs are introduced in requirements. (CHAOS Report)

45% of functionality is never used

Only 20% makes up corefunctionality that is “Always” or “Often” used.

Feature Devotion

TextPlacing emphasis on features instead of

overall outcome

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

As an impatient buyerI want to refine my searchSo that I can find what I want quickly

As an impatient buyerI want to refine my searchSo that I can find what I want quickly

Feature: Advanced Search

token for conversation


Scenario: titleGiven [Context]When [Action]Then [Expected Outcome]

Scenario: titleGiven [Context]And [More Context]When [Action]And [Other Action]Then [Expected Outcome]But [Unexpected Outcome]

Scenario: search by directorGiven the store has movies directed by “Steven Spielberg”When I search for “Steven Spielberg”Then I should see all of the movies directed by “Steven Spielberg”

Scenario: no resultsGiven the store has no movies directed by “Steven Spielberg”When I search for “Steven Spielberg”Then I should see “Sorry, but no movies were found”

Advanced Gherkin

Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"

Step Tables Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"

Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I should see the following table: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |

Step Tables

Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"

Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"

I only want to change the search query and

results part...

Scenario Outlines Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Lucas | Star Wars |

"<Director Query>" "<Search Results>"

Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Lucas | Star Wars |

Scenario OutlinesScenario Outline: search by director

Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Lucas | Star Wars |

BackgroundFeature: Account Profile

Scenario: change password success Given I'm logged in ...

Scenario: update contact info Given I'm logged in ...

BackgroundFeature: Account Profile

Scenario: change password success ...

Scenario: update contact info ...

Background: Given I'm logged in

Multi-Line String Steps

Scenario: register successfully Given I am on on the registration page When I sign up as "Jojo Binks" Then I should receive the following email: """ Thanks for signing up Jojo!

Important information about here. """

# language: jaフィーチャ: 加算 バカな間違いを避けるために 数学オンチとして 2つの数の合計を知りたい

  シナリオテンプレート: 2つの数の加算について 前提 <値1> を入力    かつ <値2> を入力    もし <ボタン> を押した    ならば <結果> を表示

  例:    | 値1 | 値2 | ボタン | 結果 |    | 20 | 30 | add | 50 |    | 2 | 5 | add | 7 |    | 0 | 40 | add | 40 |

So now what?

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...


project_root/| `-- features

project_root/| `-- features |-- awesomeness.feature |-- greatest_ever.feature

project_root/| `-- features |-- awesomeness.feature |-- greatest_ever.feature `-- support |-- env.rb `-- other_helpers.rb

project_root/| `-- features |-- awesomeness.feature |-- greatest_ever.feature `-- support |-- env.rb `-- other_helpers.rb |-- step_definitions | |-- domain_concept_A.rb | `-- domain_concept_B.rb


Given a widget


Given a widgetGiven /^a widget$/ do #codes go hereend


When /^I search by director for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |director|end

When /^I search by director for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |director|end

Regexp Capture -> Yielded Variable

When /^I search by director for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |director|  visit advanced_search_path  fill_in "By Director", :with => director  click_button "Search"end

Webrat, Webdriver, Watir, etc..

Not Just for Ruby

When /^I search by director for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |director|end

[Given(@"^I search by director for \"([^\"]*)\"$")]public void searchDirector(String director) {}


Gherkin Ragel

Gherkin Ragel

C, C++, Ruby, Java, .net, etc,

Gherkin Ragel

C, C++, Ruby, Java, .net, etc,

When("^I search by director for \"([^\"]*)\"$"{ String d ->}

When /^I search by director for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |director|end

When("^I search by director for \"([^\"]*)\"$"{ d: String =>}

@When("^I search by director for \"([^\"]*)\"$")public void searchDirector(String director) {}

(When #"^I search by director for \"([^\"]*)\"$"  (fn [director] ))

Uhh... this just seems like more work for me.

Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Zombie guy | Dawn of the Dead | | Lucas | Star Wars |

Scenario: search by director on a full moon Given that it is a full moon ...

Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Zombie guy | Dawn of the Dead | | Lucas | Star Wars |

Scenario: search by director on a full moon Given that it is a full moon ...

You know when you are done.

You know where to begin and end.

You know when you broke something.
















Write Scenarios

Steps are pending

Write Step Definition

Go Down A Gear

RSpec, xUnit, etc

Write Unit Test

Make Unit Test Pass


Where Are we?

Continue until...



Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine

Scenario: all correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g y c" Then the mark should be "bbbb"








$ gem install cucumber$ cucumber features

<repositories> <repository> <id>cukes</id> <url></url> </repository> </repositories>

<pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>cukes</id> <url></url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories>

<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>cuke4duke</groupId> <artifactId>cuke4duke</artifactId> <version>0.3.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.picocontainer</groupId> <artifactId>picocontainer</artifactId> <version>2.8.3</version> </dependency> </dependencies>

<plugin> <groupId>cuke4duke</groupId> <artifactId>cuke4duke-maven-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <jvmArgs> <jvmArg> -Dcuke4duke.objectFactory= </jvmArg> </jvmArgs> <cucumberArgs> <cucumberArg>${basedir}/src/test/java</cucumberArg> </cucumberArgs> <gems> <gem>install cuke4duke --version x.y.x</gem> </gems> </configuration> </plugin>




$ mvn integration-test \ -Dcucumber.installGems=true


Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine

Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # features/c..s.feature:7 When I guess "r g y c" # features/c..s.feature:8 Then the mark should be "bbbb" # features/c..s.feature:9

1 scenario (1 undefined)3 steps (3 undefined)0m0.076s

Undefined Steps

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

@Given("^the secret code is \"([^\"]*)\"$")@Pendingpublic void theSecretCodeIsRGYC_(String arg1) {}

@When("^I guess \"([^\"]*)\"$")@Pendingpublic void iGuessRGYC_(String arg1) {}

@Then("^the mark should be \"([^\"]*)\"$")@Pendingpublic void theMarkShouldBeBbbb_(String arg1) {}


GameSteps.javapackage codebreaker;import cuke4duke.*;

public class CodeBreakerSteps { @Given("^the secret code is \"([^\"]*)\"$") @Pending public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) { }

@When("^I guess \"([^\"]*)\"$") @Pending public void iGuess(String guess) { }

@Then("^the mark should be \"([^\"]*)\"$") @Pending public void theMarkShouldBe(String mark) { }}

Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine

Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) TODO (Cucumber::Pending) f../c..s.feature:7:in `Given the secret code is "r g y c"' When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..)

1 scenario (1 pending)3 steps (2 skipped, 1 pending)0m0.079s

$ mvn integration-test

Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void codebreaker.GameSteps .theSecretCodeIs(java.lang.String)


Steps & Step Definitions

Given the secret code is "r g y c"Step == Method invocation

Steps & Step Definitions

Given the secret code is "r g y c"

@Given("^the secret code is \"([^\"]*)\"$")public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) { }

public class GameSteps { private Game game;

@Given("^the secret code is \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) { game = new Game(code); }}

Implement Intention

Compilation failure

src/test/java/codebreaker/[6,12] cannot find symbolsymbol : class Gamelocation: class codebreaker.CodeBreakerSteps





package codebreaker; public class Game { public Game(String code) { }}

Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine

Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) TODO (Cucumber::Pending) f../c..s.feature:8:in `When I guess "r g y c"' Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..)

1 scenario (1 pending)3 steps (1 skipped, 1 pending, 1 passed)0m0.112s

$ mvn integration-test

Repeat process until...

Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine

Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..)

1 scenario (1 passed)3 steps (3 passed)0m0.121s

$ mvn integration-test

Scenario: all correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g y c" Then the mark should be "bbbb"

Scenario: 2 wrong pos, 2 correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g c y" Then the mark should be "bbww"

More Scenarios

Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..)

Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..) org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<bb[bb]> but was:<bb[ww]> (NativeException) codebreaker/ `theMarkShouldBe' features/codebreaker_submits_guess.feature:14:in `Then the mark should be "bbww"'

1 scenario (1 failed, 1 passed)3 steps (1 failed, 3 passed)0m0.121s

Time to write the


Scenario: all correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g y c" Then the mark should be "bbbb"

Scenario: 2 wrong pos, 2 correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g c y" Then the mark should be "bbww"


Scenario Outline: submit guess Given the secret code is "<code>" When I guess "<guess>" Then the mark should be "<mark>"

Examples: | code | guess | mark | | r g y c | r g y c | bbbb | | r g y c | r g c y | bbww | | r g y c | y r g c | bwww | | r g y c | c r g y | wwww |

Scenario Outline

More Tricks


@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

cucumber --tags ~@proposed

Tag Exclusion

@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

cucumber --tags @wip:2 --wip

@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

cucumber --tags @wip:2 --wip

Limit scenarios in flow

@store @luceneFeature: Advanced Search ...

@wip Scenario: search by director ...

@proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ...

@nightly Scenario: long running ...

@third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...

cucumber --tags @wip:2 --wip

Limit scenarios in flow

Expect failure - Success == Failure

HooksBefore doend

After do |scenario|end

World doend


Tagged HooksBefore('@im_special', '@me_too') do @icecream = trueend

@me_tooFeature: Lorem Scenario: Ipsum Scenario: Dolor

Feature: Sit @im_special Scenario: Amet Scenario: Consec

Acceptance Tests ==






















What about me?

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly

Given... When...Then...

As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly




As an impatient buyer

I want to refine my search

So that I can find what

I want quickly



Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Lucas | Star Wars |

Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly

Gherkin Subtleties

Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly

Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly

Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock When I search by director for "Spielberg" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"

Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly

Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock When I search by director for "Spielberg" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"


Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock And I am on the "Advanced Search" page When I fill in "Spielberg" for "Director" And press "Submit" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"

Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly


Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock And I am on the "Advanced Search" page When I fill in "Spielberg" for "Director" And press "Submit" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"

Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly


I like it! I actually know how a user can use it!

Balance Abstraction

Scenario: successful login Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"

Scenario: change password success

Scenario: change password success Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"

Scenario: change password success Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!" When I click "Change Password" And fill in the following | Old Password | password | | New Password | brand-new | | Confirmation | brand-new | And click "Change Password" Then I should see "Your password has been changed."

Scenario: change password success When I click "Change Password" And fill in the following | Old Password | password | | New Password | brand-new | | Confirmation | brand-new | And click "Change Password" Then I should see "Your password has been changed."

Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"

Incidental Details

Scenario: change password success Given I'm logged in When I click "Change Password" And fill in the following | Old Password | password | | New Password | brand-new | | Confirmation | brand-new | And click "Change Password" Then I should see "Your password has been changed."

Hide the noise!


Twitter: bmabey

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