cure your phobia today with energy therapy

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Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.3

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.3


Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy E-manual version 3.3 October 2008 Published by Morpheus Institute

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.3


Page Disclaimer and Copyright 4 Introduction 5

Chapter 1 How to use this manual 10Chapter 2 Release Activator Essential Warm Up 11

Release Activator Instructions 11

Release Activator words 12Chapter 3 Heart Healing Essential Cool Down 13

Heart Healing Instructions 13Chapter 4 First Amazing Technique -TAT 14

How Would You Prefer Your TAT? 14

Important notes about TAT Pose and TAT Checklist 15 TAT Pose – How to do it 17 ..…..Fast TAT 18 Comprehensive TAT 19

Step 1 Identify your fear – and overcome it! 19

What Are Your Limiting Fear-Related Emotions? 20

Afraid of Being Afraid? 21

First Step on the Road to Freedom! 21

Step 2 Turn a negative into a positive 23

Step 3 Banish the Origins – Banish the Fear 24

Banishing the Root of the Fear 25

Step 4 You Don’t Need Storage – Get Rid of Your Fears! 26

Extra Steps Advanced Technique for Anger & Resentment 27 Advanced Technique for Forgiveness 28 Accepting Forgiveness and Forgive and Forget 29

Chapter 5 TAT Explained 31 What is TAT? 31 TAT Background - Energy Flows 32 How This Can Affect You 32 Get the Balance Right 33 Letting Go 35 Cell Memory – Living History 35

Chapter 6 Second Amazing Technique - H-REB 37 The H-REB Self-Help Process 37 H-REB Position 38 What You Do 39 Focus On The Issue Again 39

Chapter 7 H-REB explained 41 The Triple Warmer 41 Here comes the Science bit… 42

Chapter 8 Nose breathing research 46Chapter 9 About the writer 48

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4


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Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Suffering from a phobia is a terrible burden for any person to carry. Phobia sufferers are all too familiar with the physical and emotional response that overwhelms them whenever they encounter their phobia. Phobias can wreck your relationships, work, social life and take away your confidence and self-esteem. And yet, despite the huge power that a phobia hold’s over a person’s life, a phobia is actually a very simple response and - if you know the right way to go about it - a very simple thing to cure. Have you ever heard of Pavlov’s dogs? A Russian Scientist named Ivan Pavlov did a simple experiment that became world famous. He rang a bell whenever he fed his dogs. Before long, the dogs salivated when he rang the bell. They didn’t even have to see the food, smell it or hear the noise of it being prepared. Just the ring of the bell produced a strong physical reaction (the salivation) and an emotional response (we’re going to eat!). A phobia works in exactly the same way. The ringing bell that produced such a reaction in Pavlov’s dogs can be likened to the ‘trigger’ or ‘stimulus’ for your overwhelming reaction to your own phobia. This trigger doesn’t have to be anything overwhelming. It can be as simple as thinking about the phobia. For example, if someone has a phobia about flying, even thinking about getting onto an aeroplane can produce a strong physical reaction. So what causes the ‘trigger’ or ‘stimulus’ in the first place? Let’s take a very simple example of how your mind works. Imagine that you are flicking through a magazine and happen to be looking at a picture of a black dog when someone comes up behind you and really, really makes you jump (intentionally or unintentionally). Your brain would link the picture of the black dog with the intense feelings of fear so that whenever you saw a black dog after that, you would become fearful. Obviously, this is a very simplistic example but it does demonstrate how phobias don’t even have to make any sense and don’t have to be the result of an upsetting or traumatic event in your life.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Phobias don’t even have to come from an external source – we can create them in our own minds. When you think about your phobia, you are thinking thoughts that make you afraid. You’re not consciously aware of the frightening thoughts themselves – but you are very aware of the feelings, emotions and physical reactions that they give rise to.

Think back to the black dog in the magazine picture. That is a good example of a phobia being automatically created by your brain – but created below your level of conscious awareness. This is one of the reasons why therapies that require conscious insight into the issue (such a counseling or talk therapy) are often unable to eliminate a phobia. If you’re not conscious of the reason why the phobia was created, then you won’t be able to get rid of it by therapies that work on a conscious level.

Many people are aware of a moment when they first started to become afraid of something. In most cases, the fear is manageable. Others can cope with it but it is a struggle. But in some cases, a phobia is created. Even when people can recognize the moment when that phobia came into being, they are often unable or unwilling to undergo any form of therapy which involves them re-living the traumatic event that created their phobia.

In desperation, these people often turn to medications to dull their emotional response. This can lead to them feeling flat and lethargic as a certain amount of anxiety is required for every-day functioning. Also, it may treat the symptom of the phobia but it doesn’t take away the cause of it, so as soon as you stop taking the tablets, the phobia returns. Many of the medications prescribed are habit forming and difficult to stop. So you keep taking them. But they also have side effects…

Surely, there must be a better way to get rid of your phobia?

Remember our simple examples of how a phobia is created? The brain produced a response in reaction to a stimulus. It created a ‘learned response’ and now trots it out whenever it deems it necessary, appropriate or not.

The best way to get rid of a phobia is to stop the brain making that association. Re-train the brain that the usual response to that stimulus is no longer valid, necessary or required. Break the association.

And it can be done. We are delighted to offer a range of different techniques which will achieve this for you. The techniques are safe, easy and best of all, they work!

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Energy Therapies Can Help You Energy Therapies are a safe and quick way to get rid of your phobia and bring the light and zest back into your life. By obtaining our Energy Therapy Manual (comprising ‘Release Activator’, several exercises, based on TAT and H-REB and ‘Heart Healing’) you have taken the first step in your fight against your phobia – congratulations! You may have heard of Chakras – the main energy points of the body. You may also have heard of Auras. In fact the word aura is commonly used to describe how someone appears i.e. she had an aura of discontent. Well, chakras and auras are only the tip of the iceberg. Much work and study has gone into both and we now know much, much more about these important areas – and more. The body’s energy is mapped out in points, grids and meridians and there are numerous techniques that can help in all areas of energy therapy. The techniques used in our manual are called TAT and H-REB. We will go into more detailed explanations later – but here’s a brief overview to get you started. TAT Tapas Acupressure Technique. The ‘Tapas’ part is taken from the name of the American lady who developed the technique in 1993, Tapas Fleming. The Chinese have used energy therapy for thousands of years in the form of acupuncture on energy points – but not everyone likes needles! Acupressure is the perfect alternative – pressure on those points instead of the insertion of needles - in combination with instructions to your subconscious mind, makes it less intimidating and it is actually much more powerful than acupuncture. H-REB Hybrid – Radiant Energies Balance is derived from REB. REB Radiant Energy Balance. REB works to correct physiological, psychological and spiritual imbalances. It was developed by Philip W. Warren, an Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Music, after he was inspired by Donna Eden.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Years of study and experience – for you to use now! Donna Eden is a remarkable lady who can see auras and has an amazing knowledge and experience of the immense complexity of energy points and fields. Among many other things, she works with ‘Radiant Energy Circuits’ which so inspired Philip Warren with their efficiency. Philip Warren, Donna Eden and Tapas Fleming have enriched all forms of Energy Therapy with their marvellous insights into the energy source that exists in all of us and how it can be tapped into for getting rid of phobias as well as negative and self-limiting blocks caused by emotional issues. It can take years to study and learn all of these therapies and we know that not everyone has the time to do so. So, to offer you the help that you so desperately need, we at Morpheus Institute, have compiled and hugely adapted the immensely successful TAT and H-REB into one, single Energy Therapy Manual – ready for you to start using right now....safely and effectively. So now you have many years worth of knowledge, research and experience from dedicated practitioners at your fingertips. Warming Up and Cooling Down Our experience at Morpheus Institute has helped us to lay out the Energy Building Technique in the most beneficial sequence for you. We have learned that the success of any course of exercises depends on the build up and the cooling off. So, for maximum results, we have placed the build up ‘Release Activator’ at the beginning of our energy therapies and the cooling off ‘Heart Healing’ at the end. The ‘Release Activator’ is a wonderful way to warm-up the energy system of your body. Using this unique exercise, before beginning any major technique is immensely beneficial as it will release any blocks (that you may not even be aware of) that may slow down or even prevent your healing process. Similarly, the ‘Heart Healing’ exercise is an ideal way to end your exercise regimen. Doing this is not only tremendously relaxing - it is recognised as speeding up the rate of progress! We have already said that the H-REB is derived from REB. We intentionally made H-REB friendlier and easier to follow. Coincidentally, (and we know that coincidences have a strange and sublime way of happening for the best) our version has proved to be twice as effective as the earlier official one!

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

The TAT and H-REB combination (with ‘Release Activator’ in the lead and ‘Heart Healing’ in the end) is a wonderful, easy, hassle-free method to get rid of phobia. You can also use it to help with behaviour swings and mood troubles. You’re Only Human! If you feel so drained by your fight against your phobia, that you feel like David facing Goliath, please don’t worry any more. The unique advantage of these twin energy therapies is that when you have completed them, you will feel just like David did – after he defeated Goliath! It is not uncommon to have an extreme fear or phobia that is so strong that it stifles your identity and smothers the real ‘you’. It is not unusual for a phobia to make a person feel scarred by humiliation, loss or failure and to feel as if you will have to carry that cross of awkwardness forever. It is only human to try to carry on despite these emotions and constantly strive with these issues. Often, the thought of facing them brings yet more stress and so we just bury them and try to go on as normal. Finding a therapy and then forcing yourself to go through it seems like an insurmountable and potentially painful process. It need not be. What have you got to lose except the pain and self-limitation that you have carried around for far too long. The fact that you have taken the time to search for help and find this manual shows that you are ready to smash the chrysalis that your phobia has kept you in and emerge like a brand new butterfly – with your spirit whole, beautiful and free. So welcome – everybody – to this fascinating journey that becomes your life – a new one – and the one you always wanted. You deserve it!

Jan Heering Master Coach Founder and CEO of Morpheus Institute / and

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Chapter 1

How to Use This Manual Welcome! The “Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy Manual” e-manual is user friendly and easy to follow, as you will find. However, to get the most benefit, right from the word go – it is very helpful to know how to use this manual. Chapter 2 - ‘The Release Activator’, Chapter 3 - ‘Heart Healing’, Chapter 4 -‘TAT’, and Chapter 6 - ‘H-REB’ deal with the actual therapies and techniques that are going to release you from your emotional issues. The ‘Release Activator’ (Chapter 2) is a great ‘warm up’ and the ‘Heart Healing’ (Chapter 3) is the perfect way to ‘cool off’. You must always perform the Release Activator prior to any exercise and the Heart Healing after your exercises. Whatever you choose to pack in between these two is up to you but you cannot take any liberties with the opening and the ending sequence. Chapter 4 (‘TAT’) and Chapter 6 (‘H-REB’) tell you about the core techniques. You can use them both or choose between them, whichever you prefer. They are all safe and effective, whether performed alone or jointly. Chapters 5 and 7, ‘TAT explained’ and ‘H-REB explained’ are the histories and origins of these two popular techniques. It is interesting to learn about how these techniques developed and their history shows how effective they have been through the tests of time. Please read and enjoy them – but if you don’t read them, please don’t worry. The exercises will be just as effective! We wish you all the best and are confident that you will feel happier, more contented and more in control of your life after trying these techniques. Good luck!

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Chapter 2

Release Activator – Essential Warm Up

The release activator is a unique ‘start-up’ that shakes-up and stirs the energy system of your body. It is a ‘warm-up’ that prepares your body for any Energy Therapy Technique to follow. Use it and you will see that the results you get are faster and better. Release Activator Instructions: While you are saying ‘your’ lines (shown on the next page) and during the inhaling and exhaling, you have to practise the alternating karate slap: Hit the palm of your hand with the side of the fist of your other hand - as fast as possible - approximately 7 times onto your left palm, then 7 times onto your right palm, then 7 left, then 7 right and so on.

Practise this alternating karate slap a few times to get the hang of it before moving on to the next page, to add in ‘your’ words.

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Release Activator words:

• Say:

“I have / am suffering from ……………………………………………… (Name your extreme fear or phobia) ………………………………………………………and that can change.” (While saying this, do the alternating karate slap)

Take a DEEP breath and exhale S-L-O-W-L-Y. (While doing this, do the alternating karate slap)

• Say:

“I will now release all underlying energetic disturbances, wounds, causes and blockages that cause my …………………………………………...” (Name your extreme fear or phobia). (While saying this, do the alternating karate slap)

Take a DEEP breath and exhale S-L-O-W-L-Y. (While doing this, do the alternating karate slap)

• Say:

“This is what I want................................................. (Name what you want) …………………………………………………….this is what I shall get.” (While saying this, do the alternating karate slap)

Take a DEEP breath and exhale S-L-O-W-L-Y. (While doing this, do the alternating karate slap)

Do these three, three times in a row.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Chapter 3

Heart Healing - Essential Cool down

Just as you should always begin any exercise with the ‘Release Activator’, you should always conclude with this ‘Heart Healing’ exercise. It is an essential conclusion to your Energy Therapy session. Finishing your session with this exercise, rounds up your body’s energy system. Not only that – performing this quick cool-down will double the benefits from the exercise you have performed, giving your much faster progress. Heart Healing:

• Put both of your hands on your heart.

• Clear your mind.

• Take a deep breath. (Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.).

• Do this three times.

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Chapter 4 First Amazing Technique -TAT

TAT or ‘Tapas Acupressure Technique’ was devised by the renowned American Acupuncturist, Tapas Fleming. She first used it as a treatment for allergies but later worked on the technique and developed a TAT pose that can be used to overcome phobias, mental blocks and emotional issues. If you are a victim of an extreme fear or phobia, then you will really benefit from the TAT technique. You will be amazed by your new awakening and the freedom it brings you. Those close to you, who have been used to your fear and how much it limited you life will be astonished by your new, positive frame of mind. Performing TAT We will describe the TAT pose in detail. This is followed by the four TAT steps and then a further four supplementary TAT steps. Working your way through these will be an effective cure for your issues. ‘Has it worked for you?’ questions It is very important to monitor your progress to make sure that you are ready to move onto the next step. To help you do this, you will find a ‘Has It worked for you?’ question at the end of each step. Please don’t be tempted to skip these monitoring points as they will ensure the best results for you. But First…How Would You Prefer Your TAT? TAT is so versatile. You can fit it into your life so easily that it makes it an indispensable tool. We all know the jokes about people who buy exercise bikes and then leave them in the cupboard because they can’t be bothered to rearrange the furniture to get them out and use them. Too many exercise tools and self-help books are gathering dust because they are impractical. TAT is not like that. You simply choose which style suits you best, use it and see the benefits! Which is your TAT?

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

…Fast TAT - You want fast results and don’t want to spend any more time than is strictly necessary in doing an exercise. You don’t want to know how it works or why – you just want it to work – now! Fast TAT is the one for you! Comprehensive TAT – You don’t like to feel rushed. You like to read around a subject and get to grips with it. You like to understand more about what you are doing and enjoy the process of researching and learning. You may enjoy meditation and taking long, luxurious baths. If you wish to delve a little deeper, then Comprehensive TAT will suit you perfectly. Both versions work equally as well and which you do is down to personal choice. You can do either or both. You may like to start with the Fast TAT but if you're not 100% happy with the results, then use the Comprehensive TAT. It’s entirely up to you but whichever you choose, TAT is easy to fit into your daily routine. Unlike the exercise bike…TAT won’t get forgotten and will be used! Important Notes About The TAT Pose For …Fast or Comprehensive TAT You only need to hold the TAT pose for between one and four minutes in order to release an energy blockage. The pose should not be held for extended periods of time, and TAT should not be done for more than 10 to 20 minutes in a single day. This is because your body and mind need time to reintegrate the internal energy shifts that will take place. We are aware that you will be impatient for a result, which is only human nature! But please be aware that practicing TAT for more than 20 minutes in a 24 - hour period can overload your nervous system and emotions and is expressly disadvised. TAT Checklist

• In each exercise, the wording is a guideline only. Use whichever words feel right for you.

• Don’t hold the TAT pose for more than 20 minutes in any 24 hours.

Doing so for longer is counter-productive and could cause issues with your nervous system and emotions.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

• If your arms get tired at any point – even in the middle of a pose – just rest them.

• On the days that you do TAT, drink 6 – 8 glasses of water.

• Do each step for the length of time suggested – or until you feel as if you

have finished with that step.

• You can choose which hand you have in front – whichever feels more comfortable for you.

• You may have your eyes open or closed – either works so do whichever

feels best for you.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

The TAT Pose – How to do it For …Fast and Comprehensive TAT The TAT pose is extremely easy to do and only requires you to gently touch some vital acupressure points.

• Using the thumb of one hand, touch the area about an inch above the corner of one of your eyes.

• Using the ring finger of the same hand, touch the similar region above the other eye.

• Now that both the fingertips are gently touching either sides of the bridge of your nose, place the tip of the middle finger in the central area, about

½ inch above the level of your eyebrow.

• Position your other hand on the back of the head – with the palm touching the skull and the thumb lying at the base of the skull, supporting it.

Both hands should be resting gently. No pressure is necessary. Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

..........Fast TAT A Quick Exercise for Quick Results! You won’t believe how quick and easy this is! • Strike the TAT pose

Step 1 Say “My fear of (name your fear or phobia)…………….is healing now” Step 2 Say “All causes of (Name your fear or phobia)……..are healing now” Step 3 Say “All the places in my mind, body and life where this has been a problem / resonated / been held / been stuck, are healing now. At each step, hold the TAT pose for 1 minute or until you think that you are done with that step. Has it worked for you? Now, think about your original issue. Are there any memories of it remaining in your mind? Don’t forget that memories can consist of sounds, colours, feeling, and smells – in fact anything that reminds you of your phobia. If anything remains, go back to Step 1 and repeat the 3 Steps of…Fast TAT. Repeat this until there are no remaining memories. Note: If stubborn memories refuse to shift, don’t worry. Just try the Comprehensive TAT. Remember not to overdo it (no longer than 20 minutes of TAT pose in 24 hours) and drink 6-8 glasses of water on the day that you do TAT. That’s it!

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Comprehensive TAT For Those Who Wish to Take Their Time

And Explore a Little Deeper Comprehensive TAT - Step One Identify your fear – and overcome it! Phobias cause immense fear and high emotions. Both of those can make you ill. We can’t always express our fears or emotions or deal with them so we stuff them down into our bodies and keep the lid tightly on – like a pressure cooker. They’re all in there, boiling away – are yours anything like these?

• anger that this fear is stopping you from doing so much in your life • anger at yourself for not being able to ‘get on top of it’ • anger at others for not understanding what you’re going through • anger at doctors who just give you medications • anger at counsellors who want you to face the very thing that you’re

terrified of • fear that you think you’ll never conquer • feelings of unworthiness that erode your self-esteem • hurt from a wounding comment that you pretended not to have heard

These are just a few examples. All of these and many, many more can surface weeks, months and years later to spoil our relationships, affect our professional lives and limit us as people. If not dealt with, they can weaken us to the point where we become physically ill and emotionally drained. Trying to ignore the fear and the strong emotions that come with it does not lead to long-term good health – and here we mean both emotional health and physical health. Emotions – both positive and negative - are the building blocks that we build our lives upon. They can both inspire and hurt us – as there is a balance in everything. Anger may be the emotion that finally motivates someone to seek help for an issue whereas fear can make it extremely difficult to do that. Sadly, people most often talk about their ‘negative’ emotions and seem less able to either identify or admit to the positive emotions of happiness, love and joy.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

If we have too many fears and consequent emotions that are limiting us – we may continue to have false perceptions about ourselves and this keeps us stuck and prevents us moving forward. Fear can ruin relationships, careers, success and finances. Holding on to negative emotions such as fear can also affect our spiritual growth. Think about it. To have faith in anything spiritual, one has to let go of fear, denial and disbelief. If you are unable to relax and trust then exploring any notion of spirituality would become an almost impossible leap. Just as positive emotions like happiness can be contagious, so are negative emotions. Our society is slowly becoming overwhelmed by these negative emotions but.... it only takes a few people to instigate a change of the tide!

What Are Your Limiting Fear-Related Emotions? The first step of TAT for the release of fear and its’ related emotional issues requires you to first identify what your fear and limiting emotional issue is. You may know without having to dig too deeply but for many people, this may be a quite difficult task. You may have buried some emotions so deeply that you don’t recognise it yourself. You could try asking questions of each of the fear-related emotions such as

• Which part of my phobia is it that really frightens me? • Why am I so afraid? • Why can’t I be ‘normal’? • I feel so sad at missing out on so much – why do I let this happen? • How does my fear limit other people?

These questions may sound very simple but each one may have many answers. It is helpful to make a list of as many emotions as you can think of. This will involve honesty and some self-criticism. It is always difficult to criticise yourself. This is a form of protection and is one of the reasons that you have ignored many negative emotions and buried them so deeply. Try and break down your fear or phobia as much as you can. The more you can identify the true cause behind a fear and a fear-related emotion – the more effective the treatment will be, so it is well worth taking a little time over this.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Afraid of Being Afraid? Any emotions, whether fear-related or not, can be very painful, which is exactly why we block them. Please be reassured that you will only be facing a re-creation of your emotion, in your imagination. You should not re-live any painful experience. Remember, you are in control. If your feelings become so intense that you are beginning to feel overwhelmed, simply stop, take a deep breath and then start again.

When you are ready, take the first step in ridding yourself of your phobia, your fear and your self-limiting emotional issues and perform the following TAT exercise. Step One First Step on the Road to Freedom!

• Strike-up the TAT pose.

• Imagine a direct involvement with the very cause of your fear and fear-related emotions and at the same time, conjure up all of your negative feelings associated with it.

• Keep on repeating the TAT pose (continuously visualizing the negative or dreaded aspects) unless and until there is no residue of fear or fear-related emotion left in the mind.

Do TAT for about four minutes or until you feel a shift. Has it worked for you? Now, think about the cause of your fear again. Are there any memories of it remaining in your mind? Don’t forget that memories can consist of sounds, colours, feeling, and smells – in fact anything that reminds you of your phobia.

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

If anything remains, go back and repeat this step. Repeat this until there are no remaining memories. The more you repeat this exercise, the less your fear will be – but please do note that practicing TAT for more than 20 minutes in a 24 - hour period can overload your nervous system and emotions and is expressly disadvised. We can completely understand that you are excited and anxious to be free of the fear and painful emotions that you have suffered for so long. But please trust us when we say that slowly and surely is best…they will go and you will have a wonderful new-found freedom!

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Comprehensive TAT - Step Two Turn a negative into a positive Once the negative aspects associated with the fear or phobia have been washed away, ask your unconscious mind whether it would like to link up any positive thoughts with the object or subject of that fear or phobia. Let the answer come to you or simply guess (which is one way of allowing your unconscious mind to tell you what the reply actually is). Take your first thought as the response and don’t try to ‘force’ the answer in what you think it should be.

If your unconscious mind says no then skip the pose. You will need to return to Step One and repeat that, until your unconscious mind is ready to accept that the fear or phobia is truly gone. Having to repeat Step One is completely normal and usual, so please don’t view having to repeat it as a ‘failure’. Your mind has held on to this fear or phobia for a long time and it may take a few attempts to shift it. When your unconscious mind is ready to answer in the affirmative take up the TAT pose and conjure up a positive thought like: “…………………………………………………….. happened and I am ok” “I love to / like ……………………………………… (Object of your fear)” Do TAT for about one minute or until you feel a shift. Repeating this step will firmly embed this positive thought into your memory. Has it worked for you? Now, think about your fear again. Are you now thinking positively about it? If not, either go back to Step One and start again from there, or just repeat Step Two. Repeat until you are thinking positive thoughts about your phobia. Now you are getting free from the fear and emotional burden that you carried. Doesn’t it feel wonderful? Well done!

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Comprehensive TAT - Step Three

Banish the Origins – Banish the Fear Although Step Three is optional, it is a vital part of the TAT programme for fully conquering fear-related emotional issues. It relates to healing the very origin(s) of your fear and therefore your fear-related emotional issue(s) by properly analyzing and uprooting it/them. Origins are the root causes or circumstances that resulted in the fear which you are working to free yourself from. The origins can be anything – a terrifying experiences that happened to you, witnessing something frightening happening to others e.g. your parents or friends, unconscious impressions (remember the black dog in the magazine or for example, snippets of film you may have seen as a tiny child), dreadful dreams, … just about any fear that you have gone through or have seen someone else go through. It is not necessary to trace the exact origins. That is one of the many beauties of the TAT process. Many therapies require you to re-live whatever past trauma is causing you to suffer now. But who would want to do that? Much of your energy goes into avoiding remembering what caused the issue. Fear can last a lifetime but the most intense pain is in the memory or how that fear first began. It is only human nature to not want to put yourself back into that situation again. What is needed is the drive or willingness to clear the origin(s) of that fear – to give you permission to leave behind the very beginnings of your issue and do away with the inner suffocation that the mere mention of it causes. Since it is an optional part of the TAT technique, you must ask your unconscious mind whether it wishes to go for an uprooting of the cause of the fear – and have a thorough cleansing. If your mind disagrees - skip the step. Once your mind agrees to undergo a cleansing then you can proceed.

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Banishing the Root of the Fear

• Strike the TAT pose

• Say to yourself “The root causes of my fear (or phobia) are smothered”

• Visualise the cause of your issue as it clears – maybe a blue sky

overtaking dark clouds, or a calm sea overcoming a stormy one, whatever you wish.

Do TAT for about one minute or until you feel a shift. Has it worked for you? Now, think about your fear again. Can you now think about the root cause of your fear without feeling panicky? If not, repeat this Step. Repeat it until you can think about the root cause of your fear calmly and comfortably. You may also find that praying or pleading to a Supreme Power to cure the origins and waive off all trapped and limiting emotions also helps. Once the origins are cleared, you will have strengthened inner confidence in your ability to control your emotions when dealing with the subject or object of your original fear – or any current issue which may have previously been affected by it – such as a current relationship.

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Comprehensive TAT - Step Four You Don’t Need Storage – Get Rid of Your Fears! The last step of TAT for curing your fear or phobia recommends the healing or letting go of the Storage Spaces (known as Resonances). The fears that you experience (and their negative associations) are embedded in your mind but they have associations with external prompts, locations and triggers. The mere mention or proximity to such storage spaces can trigger the original fear in your mind which will then supply the subsequent fear-related emotional reactions of terror and suffering and all your alarm bells go off! These storage spaces of a fear or phobia will vary from person to person. For one it might be a certain place like a cliff top, the sea, a river, or somewhere ordinary like a kitchen, whereas for another it might be a dark alley (which reminds him/her of once being terrified) and yet for another it can be a frightening memory of the 9/11 tragedy and the very strong emotions associated with huge fear and loss. In many cases, a fear can be associated with more than one storage space. For that reason, TAT does not ask you to identify your storage spaces. It rather relies on your genuine desire to be rid of the fear and associated suffering and override the Resonances. Again, ask your unconscious mind whether it finds the step useful or not. If the mind finds it useless then there is no point in going ahead with it. But if the mind accepts that this will be a useful step for you, then

• Strike the TAT pose • Say to yourself “All fears, whatever/wherever they are - are released and

my inner self is healed”. Do TAT for about one minute or until you feel a shift. Has it worked for you? Now, think about your fear again. Can you now think about it with ease? If not, repeat this Step. Repeat it until you can think about your fear with no trace of worry or alarm.

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If you are having difficulties, you can ask for a higher power to give you extra strength and self-assertion. This will be immensely helpful. Drink a glass of water and take a few moments to savour the success of your TAT fear and phobia recovery program. Your fears are no longer able to hold you prisoner. Follow up with at least six glasses of water the next day and try to rest if possible. This will help to reinforce the sense of freedom and comfort that you should be enjoying. Rejoice in the melting away of all your previous upsetting, painful and limiting fear and the annihilation of all its’ causes. Optional Supplementary TAT Steps Completing the four TAT steps usually eliminates the difficulties associated with fears and phobias. However, some fear-related emotional traumas leave a far deeper impact on the human psyche. If this is the case, it then becomes necessary to use some additional techniques or ways to deal with them. Therefore, if you have worked through all four steps of TAT but can still detect residues of the emotional issue, you may need to practice some of these additional techniques to be finally rid of the condition. The following methods (based on the emotional states of human sufferers) might prove beneficial for you: Advanced Technique for Anger & Resentment After working through the basic TAT steps, if you still find that you feel infuriated or distressed when you think about an incident, a person or a situation, then that issue has not been fully resolved and has to be attended to. You can heal unresolved anger and resentment can again by making further suggestions to the unconscious mind. Start with asking if the technique will be beneficial for you. As before, stop if your mind answers in the negative.

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When your mind agrees, proceed with the following –

• Strike the TAT pose • Say to yourself “All my resentments related to this fear are healed and

freed”. • Once your mind accepts this, say to yourself “All my anger related to this

fear are healed and freed”. Do TAT for about one minute or until you feel a shift. Has it worked for you? Now, think about your fear again. Can you now think about it without any resentment or anger? If not, repeat this Step. Repeat it until you can think about your fear with no trace of resentment or anger. Advanced Technique for Forgiveness Terrifying experiences in ones life sometimes revolve around incidents and situations that require your forgiveness to enable the final letting-go of the fear and fear-related emotions associated with the experience. Forgiveness is not always easy but once accomplished, it is a very empowering and liberating emotion. This ‘someone’ can be anyone – including the Almighty, friends and family. Often, the person who requires forgiveness is you. How long have you been beating yourself up for something that happened years ago? Isn’t it time to let that go now? Like all other TAT programs, this step can only be undertaken if the unconscious mind agrees. The Forgiveness TAT program is based on concentration and Acupressure and has two steps.

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The first step of the technique requires you to concentrate while proposing to forgive everyone/everything you have so long held responsible for your fear and the related suffering.

• Strike the TAT pose • Say to yourself “I forgive ……….. I let it go and will carry it no more”.

Do TAT for about one minute or until you feel a shift. Has it worked for you? Now, think about your fear again. Can you now think about it and feel that you have truly forgiven anyone (including yourself) who you previously blamed for that fear? If not, repeat this Step. Repeat it until you can think about your fear with true forgiveness. Accepting Forgiveness Once this works, the unconscious mind will need to be taught that you are accepted by all. Thus, you will have to concentrate on being pardoned and forgiven by everyone/thing you had previously been blaming for your crisis.

• Strike the TAT pose • Say to yourself “Just as I have forgiven……….. • I also accept the forgiveness of ………………..

Has it worked for you? Now, think about your fear again. Can you now think about it and feel that you are forgiven? If not, repeat this Step. Repeat it until you can think about your fear and believe that you really are forgiven. Forgive and Forget If your ‘gut feeling’ is that you still cannot truly let go of the negative feelings towards whomever or whatever caused your fear or phobia, TAT recommends this last technique. The nearly Cathartic effect of this TAT enables you to see a problem from the point of view of the perpetrator(s) of the problem. Once you perceive the hollowness and helplessness of the perpetrator, your inner self is purged.

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This technique does not ask that you condone what the perpetrator did – only that you see the issue from their point of view. Don’t forget that their point of view may be that they are a naturally cruel person. Seeing them as a whole will enable you to release any previous connection to their negativity. This will enable you to release it. You do not need to carry this around with you any more. As before, ask your conscious mind if it is ready to make this step and only proceed if the answer is yes.

• Strike the TAT pose

• Say to yourself

“I can understand why ………………………... did ………………...……… …..and I now release myself from any fear and fear-related emotions that they have caused me”.

Has it worked for you? Important Note: When checking this, remember that you don’t have to condone what the person did or agree with their behaviour – only understand it. Now, think about your fear again. Can you now think about it and understand why the person involved behaved as they did? If not, repeat this Step. Repeat it until you can think about whoever may have been involved in creating your fear and you can comprehend their behaviour.

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Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

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Chapter 5

TAT Explained

TAT or Tapas Acupressure Technique is a treatment method that was invented in the 1990s by the renowned American acupuncturist, Tapas Fleming.

Fleming is a qualified specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She originally concentrated mainly on the healing of allergies, using a combination of acupressure and acupuncture, based on the work done by Dr. Devi Nambudripad.

Once Fleming invented TAT, she initially used it with great success, to continue her work with allergies. As she gradually added other energy points into the TAT pose, it was then found to be extremely beneficial for emotional upsets such as fears and phobias.

Further on in her career she was influenced by other stalwarts like Larry Nimms in the area of energy therapy. This in turn was the main influence behind her resolution to further develop her techniques.

What is TAT?

TAT is simple, gentle and easy - so much so that it can be used successfully on children as well as adults.

All it involves is touching some specific energy points on your head and face whilst focusing your mind on the issue that you wish to resolve. It sounds very easy – and it is!

A major benefit of TAT is that you do not need to deeply examine an issue or re-live a painful experience in order for it to work.

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TAT Background - Energy Flows

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. ~Chinese Proverb

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine an obstruction in energy can result in physical disease. Many cultures believe that energy should flow. If there is an obstacle to this natural flow, then it is natural to assume that it will act as a diverting force to ones energy. Imagine the energy flow as a stream. The obstruction is a rock in that stream. Above the rock there will be more water (which cannot move and will begin to stagnate) – and below it, there will be less. It is believed that such an imbalance in an individual’s energy flow can cause mental, physical and emotional conflict. This is also known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as Yin-Yang disparity.

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The Yin and the Yang represent any two opposites, where the Yang stands for light/action and Yin stands for darkness/stasis.

Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to restore this balance and therefore, restore the uninterrupted flow of energy and thus, improve health – physical, mental and spiritual.

This concept of Yin and Yang balance can help in the understanding of TAT. How This Can Affect You To understand TAT better, let us take an example, of an adult female who we shall call Susan. Susan, like all of us, has thoughts. These thoughts are actual things with real energy. However, if Susan’s thoughts try to reject reality it can result in negative energy that can affect her life and health.

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If a frightening incident occurs in Susan’s life, her reaction may be “This is too much for me”, “No”, “If this happens, I won’t survive” or “Hold it right there”. These responses are natural and are a form of ‘self-protection’ at the time of the incident. They are created by Susan’s unconscious mind to get her out of that frightening situation. This unconscious response establishes a physical, mental and emotional reaction to the stimulus of that fear. Therefore, if the frightening incident arises again (or any reminder of it), Susan’s mind already has a reaction ready for it. Susan can now recurrently avoid facing a repeat of the original frightening incident by avoiding any situation which may make her vulnerable again. This is why fears and phobias can make it difficult for people to have subsequently ‘normal’ lives. However, although this preset reaction was originally created to ‘protect’ Susan, this evasion of the situation can cause Susan massive unhappiness and a catalogue of missed opportunities. Happily, this can be brought to an end by eliminating the original fear. Get the Balance Right To understand this next part, the concept of the Yin and the Yang discussed earlier will be helpful. The Yin and the Yang are supposed to vary in a stream of spontaneous change and movement. Both the Yin and the Yang are interspersed with each other. Together, the Yin and the Yang represent what we know as the whole. The whole changes and is vibrant. Every person is constituted of this whole, of both the Yin and the Yang – the balance of the two. So, if something frightening happens to Susan, then there are two sides to the situation. One side is Susan herself and the other side is the fear. Susan’s fear can cause an emotional block, which interrupts her flow of life and, just like the water backing up from the rock in the stream, it is standing still. If left standing, it will begin to stagnate and can cause emotional or even physical illness. Much depends on the person’s perception of the situation. If Susan absolutely considers herself as the “victim” and another as the “perpetrator” of the frightening incident, then no change can take place and no movement can occur.

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This is, in a sense, a refusal on the part of Susan to accept being of a part of her own “self”. Such a refusal can bring life to a grinding halt. Susan loses contact with herself, loses touch with her inner being and will tend to wallow in her own fear and fear-related misery. The great news is that TAT can change this. It can change how a person perceives their own association with their fear. If Susan decides to try TAT, she is telling herself “I’m going to have another look at this.” She is giving herself a chance to see her whole body-mind in a different light. She is accepting that there is an opening, a chance for change. She is beginning to see that she no longer needs to be a prisoner of fear or limited by a past event that has left her with terror and fear-related emotional issues. In any frightening incident, the energetic charge of an individual’s body is blocked. Through TAT this hurdle can be removed. This allows the event to be included in to Susan’s system thereby normalising the situation. TAT has a positive effect on anyone who uses it. The feelings it can give rise to are of calmness, relatedness, concord, unity, wholeness, oneness, amalgamation and feeling connected. TAT helps to bring together an individual and his/her own self with which all contacts have been misplaced. By re-establishing a hitherto misplaced connection of the individual with the great flow of life, TAT gives the feeling of wholeness. Therefore the individual and the fear, the “victim” and the “perpetrator” are perceived as one. A feeling of unity pervades which puts an end to the individual being in a state of separation and isolation caused by that fear. This change brings about an end to fear-induced negativity and a limitation posed by the fear and brings a sensation of harmony and peace. This state is recognized as the coordination of the Yin and the Yang that is represented by the T’ai Chi symbol in Taoism.

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Letting Go To return to Susan – when she suffered the initial frightening incident, her reaction may well have been “That’s too much for me”. What she actually meant was “I’ll get to it later, file it away, and face it when I can, when it isn’t so devastating.” However, if Susan then tends to deliberately avoid something, she is also in a sense keeping it with her. This is because the occurrence has been kept on hold. There is a false impression in Susan’s mind about the incident being in the “past” - leaving her in charge of her own life. However, she does not realise that by holding the experience in the past, she is firmly continuing to establish a connection between herself and the incident – thus limiting her own life. Cell Memory – Living History A TAT practitioner often has a silent exchange with the cells of the bodies of the patients and its’ stored memory. Since a body’s lineage runs back to centuries and millenniums there is an established chain between the body and its predecessors. This is often referred to as ‘cell memory’. If a TAT practitioner can ‘tap into’ the cell memory it can help them to unblock fears that the individual is unaware of – as they may have happened to an ancestor. An acupuncturist views the body as an energy field that can either get into an untidy mess with stagnant energy or allow the free flow and intermingling of its own and other energies. Furthermore, there are cells in our bodies that hoard old fears. These cells function in a continued existence based on non-existent fearful reactions that were only true for the individuals believing in it i.e. one’s ancestors. Unsolved fears can inhibit the body’s energy flow, which gets trapped in a particular part of the body. This is usually the organ that has been directly connected with the original fear. These can affect every part of the body, but are most common in the stomach, head or heart. Therefore, you may have unexplained upset stomachs, headaches or chest problems.

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TAT erases the demarcation that is so evident between “that” and the individual. The energy that causes the separation is dispersed, removing the block in the energy field. If TAT is used on cellular memory, the fear is isolated and removed, enabling the person to face living in the present. The cellular memory is not obliterated but the individual stops living in the past. For example, if a person suffers from an unexplained claustrophobia, then it is possible that they are remembering a time when their ancestor was involved in some incident which would have involved extreme fear and an enclosed space – such as being trapped in a cave, buried in a landslip or mining accident, or shut up in a room for long periods of time. The procedure mentioned here for de-stressing may seem strange initially but many individuals have been helped by it. It is powered by the individuals own imagination – so it is necessary to be able to visualise. Let’s use Susan as our example again. First of all, Susan needs to imagine that she has given her body cells their respective phone numbers and permission to call up. On being called up, Susan should answer the call with as much directness as she would in the reception of an actual phone call. Here, there is an obvious uncertainty as to the identity of the individual who is calling just like in the real world. However the result of such eagerness and willingness to listen is that Susan may find she is able to receive information from her own cells.

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Chapter 6

Amazing Technique 2

H-REB Hybrid - Radiant Energies Balance

This technique is an easy to follow, do-it-yourself one and can be extremely effective. The H-REB position produces instant relief. Repeated over time, it has a huge overall benefit and is especially helpful in individuals who suffer from extreme fear and phobias. This posture is based on connecting and employing the four meridians of the body

1. Spleen 2. Triple Warmer 3. Governing and 4. Central Vessels.

These four meridians are known as Radiant Circuits (or Strange Flows). The H-REB Self-Help Process Doing H-REB will take around 20 minutes and it is important that you are not interrupted during this time. So, schedule 20 minutes uninterrupted time for when you plan to do the H-REB technique. This means no family, no friends, no phone, no TV, NO NOTHING! If you really cannot manage that - then settle for as much quiet as you can.

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H-REB Position Sit down or lie down, whichever you are more comfortable with. Now, gently slide into the H- REB Position. Your arms are folded across your chest and your right arm is placed below your left breast.

Place your right arm across your chest with the fingers of your right hand under your left breast and the thumb on the centre of your chest. Now place your left arm on top of your right arm with your left hand on your right arm, just above the elbow.

Close your eyes. If you need help to relax, try squeezing your arms and gently rocking from side to side.

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What You Do Focus on the fear or phobia that affects you. Only if you feel able to, try to visualise the original incident that triggered the issue and try to miss out as little as possible. If at any point you begin to feel uncomfortable, just stop. Take a few deep breaths and try again. Only go as far as you can. Silently, give a phrase to the experience. For example, if you were attached by a dog when you were a child, then you can express what you felt or thought during that moment with this phrase - “This is the end!” On the other hand, if you had an emotionally abusive parent or spouse, you might use a statement like, “I'm terrified of…..…” Please be aware that there is no right or wrong word or phrase. Whatever comes to your mind at the moment you think about that event or the person is the right word or phrase for you. While thinking about your fear, you must continue to hold the REB position. You can hold this position for up to four minutes. If you wish to change your position before that, then please do so. Different people have had different experiences with this process. However, common changes include a sigh, a sense of relaxation, not being able to easily focus on the situation any more, the hands automatically coming out of the REB position, subtle energy movements in the body, or simply a sense of peace. A few participants have reported no change at all but this does not mean that the process has not worked. Focus On the Issue Again Scan the original issue, again. See whether any disturbing memories of the issue are in your mind or not. The memory can be of anything - a particular sound, colour, a phrase, a feeling - in short, anything that is part of that frightening, upsetting and distressing encounter. If you find anything, then repeat the action described in the “WHAT YOU DO” section.

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You need to repeat the H-REB process until all of the fears, memories or thoughts of the issue are flushed out of your mind. Directions You are in the H-REB posture. R-E-L-A-X. Notice how your body responds. Your shoulders become tension free, so do your muscles. Thoughts and feelings wash gently over your mind and through your body like the waves of the sea washing up on a beach. Let them go over you, without clinging to them, as you would do with a gentle wave while you are lying on a beach. You are now involved in a flow and release pattern. You can also squeeze your hands and rock from side to side, if you wish. Breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. While inhaling, imagine that you are taking in GOOD INTENT. Exhale everything that you feel you DO NOT WANT.

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Chapter 7

H-REB Explained Donna Eden’s Radiant Circuits have earned the name of being the most effective method of dealing with the body’s energy structure in energy psychology. Further research and development have revealed many startling facts about the Hybrid Radiant Energies Balances procedure. For instance the procedure is a dual purpose one. It is an easy self-help technique but can also be used as a refined professional therapeutic system, integrating conventional as well as progressive remedial methods. In fact in the area of energy psychotherapy this method is particularly easy to use. H-REB assists in the shift between physical and spiritual spheres. Ken Wilber, an American author who writes extensively on psychology, philosophy, mysticism, ecology, and spiritual evolution, says that all evolutionary growth involves not only a drive to rise above what has happened before, but has to include the earlier stages of growth as the new (higher) level emerges. That sounds complicated but this ‘transcend’ suggested by Wilber is essentially what the H-REB process achieves – and the best part about it, is that it is practical and simple! The Triple Warmer The Triple Warmer/Spleen balance posture is extremely effective for the Autonomic Nervous System. It is used precisely because the Radiant Circuit knows just how to provide the energy system exactly what it needs (the energy system is aware of its own particular requirements). As shown in the second H-REB picture on page 32, one hand rests on the upper part of the outside of your elbow and your other hand rest on the opposite side of the chest (spleen points) on the sides of the ribs where you feel it should comfortably rest when you are folding your arms.

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Nobody will even know what you are doing as just looks like your arms are crossed so you can take up that posture whenever you need to. Folding your arms is a sign of protection to our bodies. Some take it to be a defensive posture but in reality, it is a natural way to keep your energies in the correct pattern. It is a natural instinct of protection and is instantly calming. The triple warmer (end point) that you are holding calms the body down from any attack whether it is physical or emotional. The Spleen also helps in the protection of the body. When you are holding two points on your body, the ideal situation is to feel for a pulse. At first you may feel that each pulse is not matching up. It can take some time to get used to doing this but you will know when your meridians are "hooked up" and in synch when you feel just one beat instead of two off beats. The posture engages the whole energy system in one simple pose by means of the Radiant Circuits and this reciprocal relationship creates a desirable balance. Radiant Circuits combine traditional therapies and psycho physiological research in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV). This is done in an elegant procedure influenced by energy/information therapies. It is simple and yet full of strength. The technique is a substitute for invasive processes like drugs and other unwieldy methods used in traditional psychotherapy. It can also balance and enhance other traditional techniques. Here comes the Science bit… Like every energy and information therapy, H-REB works on the basic level of energy and information involving chemistry and matter. Thus it is based on the foundation of all psychobiological structure and especially of the nervous system (particularly on the ANS). Furthermore, it also depends on the gap junction hemi channels (channels from cell to cell which allow the passage of molecules between the two) (Rakovic and Jovanovic-Ignjatic et al papers), microtubules (tiny tubules within the neurons of the brain) (Hameroff and Penrose papers), hormones (Swack), neurotransmitters, quantum holography (Mitchell, Marcer, Benford papers), endorphins etc.

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These biological structures provide a physical base for the psychological procedures of cognition (thinking, memory, creativity, problem solving, etc.), sentiments and feelings. (Collinge, 1998; Eden and Feinstein, 2002a and b; Furman and Gallo, 2000; Gallo, 1998; Gerber, 2000; Tiller, 1997). Thus, they share a mutual interest with each other. The balance takes place on the basis of the supposition that the Triple Warmer meridian runs the Sympathetic branch of the Autonomic Nervous System and the Spleen meridian runs the Parasympathetic branch. However, Ken Wilber’s (2000) Four Quadrant Integral Model emphasizes its involvement with other fine characteristics of the Upper Right Quadrant instead of the conventional methods. These methods are dependent on Newtonian/19th century metaphysics of gross sensory empiricism. Radiant circuits provide an all-inclusive, absolute, consistent and a broad continuum of in-depth balance. Greatly dependent on the inner wisdom of the body’s energy and information system, this method is the most enduring balancing tactic. Some of its undeniable advantages are:

• Its non-requirement of diagnostics. This is because the energy and information system’s inherent insight is to seek out where balance is necessary and to correct it instinctively.

The assumption lying behind this system is that the system is stronger than any “healer”, which in turn benefits both clients and practitioners.

• Its posture is a simple one and can be used effortlessly and subtly, as it is

a natural response to fear or stress.

• The simple nature of the posture does not make a person conspicuous while practicing it in public thus making the process an easy and practical option for daily use.

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Thus it can be derived that:

• Solving a problem becomes easier if the energy balances are corrected. Moreover, Hybrid Energy Balance can be successful where conventional methods like conditioning, drug/chemical or cognitive behavioural procedures have failed.

• The key to reducing fear and stress and balancing the Autonomic Nervous

System lies in deep breathing and breathing through the nose.

• Information processing and integration procedures are helped by the alternate cross lateral squeezing, which performs as an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) method.

• Information processing capabilities of the cerebellum are used in the

procedure and are further facilitated by movement, rocking, and squeezing during the protocol. This further assists the integration process.

Approaching a problem with an aim to solve it gives the balance posture two opportunities. Firstly, it provides an overall balance and secondly it rectifies any hindrance to the proper workings of the body’s energy system. Any psycho-energetic setbacks on the issue are automatically handled by engaging the balance posture. Furthermore, as previously stated, using the balance posture makes other psychotherapy processes more effective and potent. Acting as “hyper links” to the body’s energy system, the radiant circuits make the need for sophisticated diagnosis and reversal corrections redundant. It also feeds “spiritual” type chi (yaun chi) that aids any course for building up higher levels of consciousness. Any energy or information therapy - if appropriately performed - negates the need for the person who is already suffering, to sort, inspect and smell their “psycho garbage” to free themselves from the distressing symptoms. Symptoms on the other hand, can help to detect causes, track progress (via SUDs or Subjective Units of Distress) and characteristics. Once the Subjective Units of Distress are zero, this would indicate that the cause of the issue has been unearthed and that the issue itself has been completely wiped out.

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However, such symptom elimination also calls for a procedure to “fill the gap” with a preferred effect. Finally, regarding H-REB, it is important to know that (although a relatively unknown fact) disturbed radiant circuits trigger many psychophysical troubles.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Chapter 8 Nose breathing research Ongoing research on nose breathing has many interesting insights to offer. For example, Zjonic (University of Michigan) has discovered that there is a complex but nevertheless important relation between breathing through the nose and a person’s mood. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose tends to cool the hypothalamus that affects brain chemicals, which in turn influences a person’s disposition. Variation in the temperature of the hypothalamus may cause the release and amalgamation of a range of neurotransmitters. Brain temperature change is dependent on the hypothalamus, which also controls emotionally rich activities like eating, sexual activity and violent behaviour. Thus, if levels of the neurotransmitters (nor epinephrine and serotonin) can be altered it can make a person feel calm or excited or have a depressant or antidepressant result. In fact, it is a known fact that temperature change influences all biochemical processes. Therefore, we can deduce that anything that can alter hypothalamic temperature may cause particular effects on an individual. Moreover, even though it is a restricted opportunity, a person can change their own hypothalamic temperature and therefore affect changes in their mood. In fact, anything that affects an individual’s breathing will also affect their mood. This makes nose breathing so important, because it cools the brain. When trying to calm someone down, it was previously thought preferable to make them breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth. However, we can now see that doing that would not cool the brain in the way that nose breathing does and so would be less likely to have the desired effect. Another interesting fact shared by Beth Alder is that cold air has a positive effect on a person’s mood in comparison to warm air. The opposite of what we may have assumed!

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Regarding Energy medicine, Collin has the view that it is a technique that includes contradictions. This is because it combines opposites like rationality and intuitiveness, high-tech/low-tech, advanced and primordial, verifiable and not verifiable, popularity and scepticism. 19th century Western scientific thought (the pathological aspect could be called ‘fundamentalist materialism’) has found a new standard due to the application of contemporary energy techniques’ on biomedicine and psychology. On the other hand “scientific revolutions”, a method devised by Thomas Kuhn believes that sciences are not moving ahead in a scientific technique. The technique can in fact be perceived as a socio-psycho-cultural occurrence that takes place within a scientific community, where the scientists’ work is subject to a series of established ideas. However, these beliefs are again subject to change where they may be abandoned for fresh theories and new scientific techniques.

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

Chapter 9

About the writer Unbelievably, these revolutionary methods for treating fears and phobias are absolutely painless, harmless and easy and they work surprisingly fast! My name is Jan Heering and I have undertaken to share my knowledge of reliable cures for fears and phobias with those who need it most. Besides being the Founder and President of the Morpheus Institute, I am a Master Coach, psychological trainer and author. As a mental coach in Amsterdam, Holland, I have personally treated huge numbers of sufferers from fears and phobias. I have seen how these drug-free, safe methods can free people from their fear – without putting them through more fear to get a successful result. Therefore, I have devoted my understanding of psychology and years of experience to find reliable cures for fear, phobias and many other emotional disorders. You may have been suffering from harrowing experiences of crippling fears for a lifetime. You will not believe how easy and quick it can be to do away with those torturous fears forever. As a psychology expert, I felt it was my duty to share this boon with you all, who are suffering unnecessarily. Armed with my knowledge, you can move forward at last. Choose your weapon to destroy your fears and phobias, safely and quickly! All the best, Jan Heering Master Coach Founder and CEO of Morpheus Institute / and

Cure Your Phobia Today with Energy Therapy

Cure Your Phobia Today With Energy Therapy © J. Heering 2008 V 3.4

MORPHEUS Institute

Meerpaal 11 1186 ZM Amstelveen


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