curriculum vitae robert macarthur shields henry marshall tory

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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  • Robert MacArthur Shields

    Henry Marshall Tory Endowed Chair and Professor, Sociology / PLACES Platform on Cities Engagement and Spaces: City-Region Studies Centre/Centre for Public Involvement. Faculty of Extension University of Alberta. 20130 Jasper Ave, Edmonton Alberta Canada.Tel. +1 780.243.0489

    1. Education1989-90 Postdoctoral Fellow Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada at University of Lancaster with Scott Lash and John Urry and at Centre dEtudes sur lActuel et le Quotidien, Universit de Paris V, Sorbonne with Prof. Michel Maffesoli. Audited seminars with Jean Baudrillard, and a seminar given jointly by Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein.

    1989 D.Phil. Urban and Regional Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K. Commonwealth Scholar. Thesis with Peter Saunders, Supervisor; Derek Gregory, External Examiner. Audited philosophy courses with Gillian Rose.

    1986 M.A. Sociology, Carleton University, Ottawa. Thesis with Charles Gordon and John Harp.'Notes Toward a Theory of Social Spatializations: Henri Lefebvre, the Problem of Space and the Postmodern Hypothesis' 10 October, 1985. Including: International Summer Institute in Semiotic and Structural Studies, University of Toronto. May-June 1984 Completed credit course with Frederick Jameson. Audited course with Paul Ricoeur.

    1984 B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies (Architecture and Northern Development Planning), Carleton University, Ottawa.

    2. Employmenta) Academic employmentJuly 2004 Henry Marshall Tory Chair and Professor, Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada.

    -April 2016- Academic Director, City-Region Studies Centre and Centre for Public Involvement Faculty of Extension (see Section 4 below).-July 2009-June 2014 Director, City-Region Studies Centre Faculty of Extension (see Section 4below). Joint Appointment to Faculty of Extension and Faculty of Arts, January 2011-July 2009- Jan. 2011 Director, Intermedia Research Centre Dept. of Sociology (see Section 4 below).

    March 2014-Aug. 2014 City of Vienna Visiting Professor, SKuOR Arbeitsbereich fr Stadtkultur und ffentlicher Raum, TU Wien Technische Universitat Wien, Vienna Austria.

    July 2013-2014 Sabbatical Researcher, Centre d'Etudes sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien, Universit de Paris V La Sorbonne, Paris France.

    July 1991-2004 Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa. Early Promotion to Full Professstripor July 2000. July 1994-July 2000 Associate Professor. Tenure: July 1995. July 1991- July 1994,Assistant Professor (Tenure Track).

    -1998-99 Acting Director, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Carleton University (Sabbatical Replacement 1998-1999). Head of Department. Director, Directed Interdisciplinary Studies B.A. Programme, Administrative responsibility for Cognitive Science Ph.D.

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  • July 1995-July 1997 Lecturer , Culture and Communication, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, U.K. (Leave of Absence from Carleton University, Sept. 1995-Sept. 1997); Recommended for promotion to Reader (May 1997).

    Jan. 1990-May 1990 Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre d'Etudes sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien, Universit de Paris V La Sorbonne, Paris, France. Part-time Sessional Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University (1990-1991)

    Oct. 1989-Dec. 1989 Part-time Tutor, Cultural Studies M.A. and Sociology Part I, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, U.K. 1989.

    Jan. 1989-May 1989 Part-time Sessional Lecturer, Sociology, Trent University.

    Oct. 1987-June 1988 Part-time Lecturer, GCSE Geography, Brighton College of Technology, Brighton, U.K.

    b) Other EmploymentSummer 1984 Draughtsman, Energy Building Group, Ottawa.

    Summer 1983 Assistant Policy Analyst, Nepean Development Consultants, Ottawa.

    Summers 1981-82 Architectural Draughtsman, Murray, Murray, Griffiths, Rankin, Architects andTown Planners, Ottawa.

    Summers 1979-1980 Art Instructor Boy Scouts of Canada, Camp Opemikon, Perth Ontario.

    1978-85 Piano teacher (Self employed, part-time).

    c) Community Outreach, Voluntary Service2016- Academic Director, Faculty of Extension PLACES Platform on Cities Engagement and Spaces including

    City Region Studies Centre and Centre for Public Involvement, a legal partnership between City of Edmonton and University of Alberta.

    2009-13 Notable outreach as Director of City-Region Studies Centre: International Design Competition to reimagine the strip mall (October-Jan 2011-12).-Unwrap-the- Community-academic conference in Fort McMurray (Alberta Oil Sands, Oct. 22-24 2010). -Reshaping our Region Symposium for planners and elected officials (Edmonton, June 25 2011). Curb planning Magazine founder (3 issues annually). -Edmonton on the Edge Alley of Light downtown revitalization.-Regional Planning Speakers Series, videocast interviews

    2011-13 Board Member, Youth Centres Canada / Centres Jeneuesse Canada. National organization of street youth centres.

    2008 Organizer, iHuman Youth Centre session by visiting H.M. Tory Chair Visiting Speakers, UK artists 'Proboscis.' Edmonton.

    2006- Founding Board Member, City Region Studies Centre, University of Alberta Faculty of Extension. Edmonton Alberta. Active in outreach to corporate and community partners, research program.

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  • 2007 Organizer with MADE (Media Art and Design in Edmonton), public lecture at Art Gallery of Alberta H.M.Tory Chair Visiting Speaker Dr. Tom Gieryn.

    2004 Informal mini-courses on urban design approaches for individual Edmonton City Councilors.

    1998-2003 Volunteer Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the Surveys of Innovation in the Canadian Construction Industry, Science Technology and Electronic Information Division, Statistics Canada, and National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research on Construction.

    1992-95 Volunteer, TYPS (Town Youth Participation Strategies) Youth Group, Spencerville Ontario.

    1983-86 Co-founder, Vice President Program, INPAX International Youth Year Conference (1984-85), Pax Humana Group, Registered charity. Ottawa Ontario.

    3. Professional Honours and Visiting Positions2016 Honorary Visiting Professor, Institute of Cultural Studies, Capital Normal University, Beijing.

    2014 City of Vienna Visiting Professor. SKuOR A rbeitsbereich fr Stadtkultur und ffentlicher Raum, TUWien Vienna Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Vienna Austria.

    2010 Top 25 Website Award-Sociology category for Space and Culture. ww w .spaceandculture.o r g

    2009 Academic Staff Award (for Graduate Student Supervision). Graduate Students Association, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

    July 2004- Adjunct Research Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Renewed 2007, 2010.

    2004 Henry Marshall Tory Chair, University of Alberta. Indefinite, with annual research fund. Open competition across all fields at the University.

    2004 Leader of the Future Award, Partnership Group in Science and Engineering, Ottawa.

    2002 Visiting Professor, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. Funded by Nokia. Sept.-Dec.

    1999 Visiting Professorship, Dept. of Sociology, International Summer School, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. June.

    1999 Visiting Professorship, Dept. of Geography Summer School, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. July.

    1998 Honorary Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Sociology, University of Lancaster, Lancaster U.K.

    1996 Visiting Professorship, School of Architecture, Aarhus, Denmark.

    1996 Visiting Professorship, Finnish Cultural Studies Network Advanced School, University of Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland.

    1995 Visiting Professorship in Social Organization, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, Nov.

    1994 University Visiting Professorship, Dept. of Human Geography, University of Oslo, Norway. Oct.

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  • 1991 Visiting Faculty Critic, Banff Centre for the Arts Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, Alberta, June.

    1990 Outstanding Publication of the Year Award: Places on the Margin. Awarded by Library Choice.

    Sept. 1988-July 1989 Visiting Scholar, Urban and Regional Planning, School of Policy Studies. Queen's University Kingston Canada..

    1985-88 Commonwealth Scholarship, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

    4. Selected Administrative Responsibilitiesa) UniversityElected Member, Facilities Development Committee of General Faculty Council, University of Alberta (responsible for all new environmental standards, design and construction on University's campuses), 2007-10; 2014

    Member, University of Alberta Workshop on CIRCE Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence Letter of Intent, Jan. 2012.

    Member, Committee on the Learning Environment of General Faculty Council, University of Alberta (responsible for teaching and all aspects of pedagogy), 2009-10.

    Founding Member, Ad hoc committee to create a City Region Studies Centre, University of Alberta Faculty of Extension (see also Outreach to Community, above), 2006.

    Member, Master of Arts in Communication and Technology (MACT) Steering Committee Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, 2005-13.

    Faculty of Arts Representative to Faculty of Extension Faculty Council, 2005-09. University Committee on Culture and the Arts, Carleton University, 1993-95.

    b) FacultyFaculty Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta 2011 and 2012. Academic Director, Centre for Public Involvement. Faculty of Extension, Univeristy of Alberta. Apr 2016-Mar 2017. Responsible for negotiating a partnership between the Univeristy and City of Edmonton to establish an affiliated centre.

    Director, City-Region Studies Centre, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta (Responsible for all aspects of redirection, restructuring and redevelopment of finance, funding applications, personnel, research and publication. Designed positions, recruited and managing 3 professional staff and up to 13 staff with a budget of approximately $700K including project funding approximately $230K) 2009-.

    Member, Graduate Program Committee MA in Engaged Scholarship Proposal 2011-15

    Member, Dean's Advisory Committee on Space in the Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, 2004-05. B.A. (Hons.) in Information Culture and Society, Planning Committee, Carleton University. 2000-02. Acting Director: Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies Carleton University, 1998-99 (Sabbatical Replacement).

    B.A. Council, Carleton University, 1998-99.

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  • Directed Interdisciplinary Studies Committee, Carleton University, 1991-2003.

    c) DepartmentalMember, Graduate Programs and Policy Committee, Dept. of Sociology 2005-6; 2014-16.

    Director, Intermedia Research Studio, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta (Responsible for research and intellectual direction, budget, research assistant supervision, development) 2009-11.

    Member, Management Committee, Intermedia Research Studio, Dept. of Sociology 2005-08.

    Member, Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee, Dept. of Sociology 2004-5. Director: Innovation Research Unit, Carleton University, 1997-2004

    Program Co-Director, Cultural Research Ph.D. with Greg Myers, Culture and Communication, Lancaster University UK, 1996-97. Successfully proposed and developed a Ph.D. in Cultural Research (with Greg Myers), Culture and Communication, Lancaster University 1995-97.

    Director: Design, Space and Society Research Unit, Lancaster University, 1996-97. Successful consultancy and contract research unit.

    Co-Director: Centre for Research on Culture and Society, Carleton University (with Valda Blundell and Geraldine Finn), 1992-95.

    5. Publicationsa) Books: Peer Refereed MonographsSpatial Questions: Social Spatialisations and Cultural Topologies. London: Sage. 2013. 197pp. Mandarin translation, Phoenix Press Nanjing 2017.

    The Virtual. London: Routledge. 2003. 272pp.

    Lefebvre, Love and Struggle: Spatial Dialectics. London: Routledge, 1999. 218pp. Translated into Greek.

    Places on the Margin: Alternative Geographies of Modernity. International Library of Sociology, London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1991. 334 pp. Library Choice Outstanding Publication of the Year Award.

    b) Edited Books, Peer RefereedCity-Regions in Prospect: Place meets Practice Co-Editor with Kevin Jones and Alex Lord. McGill- Queen's University Press. 2015.

    Re-reading Jean-Franois Lyotard. Essays on his later works. Co-Editor with Heidi Bickis. London: Ashgate. 2013.

    Demystifying Deleuze. An Introductory assemblage of crucial concepts Co-Editor with Michael Vallee. Ottawa: Red Quill Books. 2013.

    Ecologies of Affect: Placing Nostalgia, Desire and Hope. Co-Editor with Tonya Davidson and Ondine Park, Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 2011. Aid to Scholarly Publication Grant.

    What is a City? Rethinking the Urban After Katrina. Co-Editor with Philip Steinberg, Athens: Georgia University Press. 2008. 233pp.

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  • Building Tomorrow: Innovation in Engineering and Construction. Co-Editor with Andr Manseau, London: Ashgate. 2005. 184pp.

    Cultures of Internet London: Sage, 1996. 196pp. Translated into Serbo-Croatian as Kulture Interneta Zagreb: Naklada Jesefnski I Turk, Hrvatscko socioloko drutvo. 2001.

    Social Engineering, The Technics of Change, Co-Editor with Adam Podgorecki and Jon Alexander, Ottawa: CarletonUniversity Press, 1996. 359pp. Aid to Scholarly Publication Grant.

    Life Style Shopping: The Subject of Consumption. International Library of Sociology, London: Routledge, 1993. 239 pp. Excerpts translated into Russian and German.

    c) Chapters in Edited Books, Peer Refereed'Urban Agriculture: Food as Production of Space' with M. Granzow. M.E. Leary-Owhin and J.P. McCarthy (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, the City and Urban Society. London: Routledge. Accepted Forthcoming 2018.

    'Improvising Everyday Spaces of Urban Emancipation.' S. Knierbein, T. Viderman (eds.) Designing Public Spaces of Emancipation. London: Routledge. Accepted Forthcoming 2017.

    'Edmonton, Amiskwacy: Suburbs for Settlers' with D. Gillespie and K. Moran. North American Suburbs. J. Nijman (ed.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Accepted Forthcoming 2018.

    'Knowing Space'. Space: Critical Concepts in Geography. P. Merriman (ed.) New York: Routledge 2016.

    'Governing Emergent Technologies: Nanopower and Nano-Politics. An Ethnographic Approach.' Ethnographies of Neoliberalism. M. Brady (ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2016. pp.105-130.

    'Re-spatializing the City as the City-Region?' City-Regions in Prospect: Place meets Practice Co-Editor with Kevin Jones and Alex Lord. McGill- Queen's University Press. 2015. pp.53-72.

    'Foreword.' Contesting the Arctic, P. Steinberg et al (eds.). London: I.B. Tauris. 2015. pp.ix-xiv.

    'The Aesthetics of the Territory Nation State: the Canadian Problematique.' Negotiations in a Vacant Lot, E. Morton et al (eds.). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2014. pp.188-200.

    'The Virtuality of Urban Culture: Blanks, Dark Moments and Blind Fields.' Cartographies of Place, M. Darroch andJ. Marchessault (eds.), Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. (Revised and updated version). 2013. pp.67-84.

    'Suburban Boundaries.' with Roger Keil, Suburban Constellations, R. Keil (ed.) Berlin: Jovis. 2013. pp.69-76.

    'Oblique Views and Heterodox Spaces: Corbusiers Conventus', Re-Reading Jean-Franois Lyotard H. Bickis and R. Shields (eds.) London: Ashgate. 2013. pp.107-118.

    'Line, Line of Flight.' R. Shields and M. Vallee (eds.) Demystifying Deleuze Ottawa: Red Quill Books. 2013. pp.99-101.

    'Knowing Flows: How Migration Research meets Mobilities through Digital Technology'. Paola Jiron, Ole B. Jensen, Lucy Budd, Christian Fisker, Phillip Vanini (eds.) Technologies of Mobility in the Americas, New York: Peter Lang. 2012. pp.43-58.

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  • 'Preface: The New Place of Flows'. Rodrigo Firmino, Dr. Fabio Duarte and Dr. Clovis Ultramari (eds.) ICTS, A New Urban Infrastructure: Surveillance, locative media and global networks, Pittsburgh: IGI Global. 2011. pp.xiii-xvi.

    'Introduction.' with T. Davidson and O. Park. T. Davidson and O. Park, R. Shields (eds.) Ecologies of Affect. Waterloo ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 2011. pp.1-18.

    'The Tourist Affect.' T. Davidson and O. Park, R. Shields (eds.) Ecologies of Affect. Waterloo ON: Wilfred LaurierUniversity Press. 2011. pp.105-126.

    'Henri Lefebvre'. Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine (eds.) Key Thinkers on Space and Place, 2nd. ed., London: Sage. 2010. pp.208-213.

    'Interview with Rob Shields' with Ignacio Farias and Thomas Bender (eds.) Urban Assemblages. How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London: Routledge 2009. pp. 291-301.

    'True North Strong and Free.' Sourayan Mookerjea, Imre Szeman and Fail Faurschou (eds.)Canadian Cultural Studies: A Reader Durham NC: Duke University Press 2009. pp. 276-288.

    Delta City'. P. Steinberg and R. Shields (eds.) 'What is a City? Rethinking the Urban After Katrina, Athens: Georgia University Press. 2008. pp.78-93.

    'Uhndgribeligheder og Virtualiteter (Intangibles and Virtualities). A. Scott Sorensen and Zerland, M. (eds.) Kulture uden Centre, Aarhus, Denmark: Klim 2006. pp. 226-48.

    'Introduction.' with Andr Manseau. A. Manseau and R. Shields (eds.) Building Tomorrow: Innovation in Engineering and Construction. London: Ashgate. 2005. pp.1-4.

    'A Survey of the Construction Innovation Literature'. A. Manseau and R. Shields (eds.) Building Tomorrow: Innovation in Engineering and Construction. London: Ashgate. 2005. pp.5-22.

    'Skills and Occupational Cultures'. A. Manseau and R. Shields (eds.) Building Tomorrow: Innovation in Engineering and Construction. London: Ashgate. 2005. pp.157-174.

    'Cyberurbe: Virtuality in Salvador'. A. Lemos (ed.) Ciberurbe: A cidade na sociedade da informao. Cibercidade II. Rio de Janeiro: E-Papers 2005. pp.35-42.

    The Virtuality of Urban Culture: Blanks, Dark Moments and Blind Fields. H. Berking and Martina Lw (issue eds. and dirs.) Soziale Welte: Die Wirklichkeit der Stadte Vol. 16. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgessellschaft 2005. pp. 377-386.

    Surfing: Global space or dwelling in the waves? M. Sheller and J. Urry (eds.) Tourism Mobilities: Places at Play, Places in Play London: Routledge. 2004. pp. 44-52.

    Shelter with Charles Gordon in S. Pile and N. Thrift (eds.) Patterned Ground. London: Reaktion. 2004, pp.166-7.

    Globalization: Entangled Places, Interface Buildings, Generic Design. R. Cole and R. Lorch (eds.) Buildings Cultureand Environment: Informing Local and Global Practices, New York: Blackwell. 2003. pp.18-36.

    Political Tourism: Mapping Memory and the Future at Quebec City' in M. Hannah and V. Del Casino (eds.) Mapping Tourism. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press. 2003. pp.1-27.

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  • Information and Knowledge Economies: Work and Management in the Canadian Federal Public Service with Dan OConnor, Suzan Ilcan, Edwina Taborsky in Kecheng Liu., et al (eds.), Organizational Semiotics: An Evolving Science of Information Systems. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer. 2003. pp. 21-40.

    The Impact of a Knowledge-Based Economy on Work in the Public Service: The Virtual Organization of Expertise and Knowledge, with Suzan Ilcan, Daniel OConnor, Edwina Taborsky in Masao Nakamura (ed.), Alliances, Cooperative Ventures and the Role of Government in the Knowledge Based Economy: Policy Issues for Canada and Beyond. Vancouver, BC: The Centre for Japanese Research, University of British Columbia. 2002. pp. 143-180.

    'Vinyl'. S. Pile and N. Thrift (eds.) City A-Z, London: Routledge. 2000. pp.279-80.

    'Hypertext Links: The Index and its Space-Time Effects'. A. Herman and T. Swiss, (eds.) The World Wide Web: Metaphor, Magic and Power, New York: Routledge. 2000. pp. 144-160

    'Cyberspace: A Space of Assemblage or a Space of Public Assembly?'. A. Herman and T. Swiss, (eds.) UnSpun New York: New York University Press. 2000. pp. 66-72.

    'The Bowtie - A Tale of Three Louis.' A. Brydon, S. Niesen, (eds.) Consuming Fashion: Adorning the Transnational Body, New York: Berg, 1998. pp.163-176.

    'Cyberpunk Cinderella: Contextual Illness and Subjectivation.' C. Juul (ed.) The Meeting of the Waters: Individuality, Community and Solidarity, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press, 1997. pp.75-94.

    'Feel Good Here? Rethinking Simple Urban Pleasures in Terms of the Body.' J. Caulfield and L. Peake (eds.) Cities and Citizens, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. pp.82-97.

    'Is Foucault's Micro-technics a Sociotechnics?' Jon Alexander, Adam Podgrecki and Rob Shields (eds.) Social Engineering, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1996. pp.295-315.

    'Rethinking Representation'. Anthony King (ed.) Representing the City, London: Macmillan, 1996. pp.237-252.

    'Virtual Spaces, Real Histories, Living Bodies.' Chapter 1 in R. Shields (ed.) Cultures of Internet, London: Sage, 1996. pp.1-10.

    'Is There a Body in the Net?.' with K. Argyle. R. Shields (ed.) Cultures of Internet, Sage: London

    'Contested Terrains: Social Space and the Canadian Environment'. With I. Wallace, W. Clement (ed.) Understanding Canada, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996. pp.386-408.

    'Images of Space and Place: Reflections on Social Spatialisation.' G.B. Benko and U. Strohmayer (eds.) Space and Social Theory: Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1996. pp.186-202.

    'Postscript: Revisiting the Mall after Ten Years'. D. Crowe (ed.) Geography and Identity: Exploring and Living the Geopolitics of Identity, Washington: Institute for Advanced Urban Studies, Maisonneuve Publishers, 1996. pp.356-61.

    'Tribes or Masses.' Foreword to M. Maffesoli, The Time of the Tribes, D. Smith trans., London: Sage, 1995. pp.ix-xiii.

    'Fancy Footwork: Walter Benjamin's Notes on Flnerie'. K. Tester (ed.) The Flneur, London: Routledge, 1995. pp.61-80.

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  • 'The Logic of the Mall.' S. Riggins (ed.) The Socialness of Things, Den Hague: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. pp.202-219.

    'Social Science and Postmodern Spatialisations: Jameson's Aesthetic of Cognitive Mapping.' Chapter 2 in ElspethGraham, Joe Doherty and Mo Malek (eds.) Postmodernism and the Social Sciences, London: Macmillan, 1993. pp.39-57.

    'Spaces for the Subject of Consumption.' Chapter 1 in R. Shields (ed.) Lifestyle Shopping, London: Routledge, 1992. pp.1-20.

    'The Individual, Consumption Cultures and the Fate of Community.' Chapter 5 in R. Shields (ed.)Lifestyle Shopping, London: Routledge, 1992. pp.99-113.

    d) Articles in Refereed JournalsSubmitted 'Life Long Sorrow: Settler Affect and Trauma in Anne of Green Gables.' Journal of Canadian Studies.

    'Bare Nature' Space and Culture. In review.

    'Urban Virtues and the Innovative City An experiment in placing innovation in Edmonton, Canada' with K. Jones and M. Granzow. Urban Studies. Accepted Forthcoming 2017

    'Expanding the Borders of The Sociological Imagination: Spatial difference and social inequality.' Current Sociology 65:4 2017. pp.533-52.

    'Mashup: New Representations of the City.' with A. Lozowy. Theory Culture and Society. Urban Problematic II Online Supplement 31:7-8. 2015.

    'Ville et universits' Espaces et Socits: L'Universit: retour en ville? 159. 2014. pp.167-171.

    'Lefebvre and the Right to the Open City?' Space and Culture 17:3 2014. pp.1-4.

    'Where is Fort McMurray? The Camera as a Tool for Assembling Community.' with A. Lozowy,.S. Dorow Canadian Journal of Sociology 38:2. 2013. pp.191-209.

    Cultural Topology: The Seven Bridges of Knigsburg, 1736, Theory Culture and Society 29:4/5. 2012. Pp. 43-57.

    'Feral suburbs: Cultural topologies of social reproduction, Fort McMurray, Canada.' International Journal of Cultural Studies Volume 15:3 (May) 2012. pp.205-215.

    'Urban Trauma: Comment on Karen Till's Wounded Cities' Political Geography 31. 2012. pp.15-16.

    'The Virtual North: On the Boundaries of Sovereignty.' with Barret Weber. Ethnic and Racial Studies 34:1. Nov. 2010. pp.103-120.

    'Social Spatialisation and Cultural Topology' International Cultural Studies China (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). Zhang Jian (trans.) 2010. Online in Mandarin: and in English:

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  • 'Contested Sovereignty in a Changing Arctic.' with Gerhardt, Hannes et al. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100:4. 2010. pp.992-1002.

    with Marilei Fiorelli and Andre Lemos, 'Sur-viv-all: Locative Art.' Wi: Journal of Mobile Media (Spring) 2009.

    Abject Citizenship Rethinking Exclusion and Inclusion: Participation, Criminality and Community at a Small Town Youth Centre. with Andrea Sharkey. Childrens Geographies 6:3. 2008. pp.239-256.

    The Urban Question as Cargo Cult: Opportunities for a New Urban Pedagogy International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32:3 2008. pp.712-718.

    'Hope and Fear in Biotechnology: The Space-Times of Regulatory Affect' Space and Culture 10:2. Summer. 2008. pp.125-141.

    O que e que a olhadela comunica? Contemporanea 5:1-2. 2008. In Portuguese. pp. 1-12. Les Sciences Sociales et les Virtualits, Socits 91 (Spring 2006/1). 2006. pp. 55-67. In French.

    Flnerie for Cyborgs, Theory Culture and Society 23:7-8. 2006. pp. 209-220.

    Biotech Barbeque: A Regulatory Figuration and Policy Making. Fast Capitalism 2:1. Online journal. Summer 2006.

    Knowing Space. Theory Culture and Society 23:2-3. 2006. pp.146-49.

    Virtualities. Theory Culture and Society 23:2-3. 2006. pp. 284-86.

    Boundary-Thinking in Theories of the Present: The Virtuality of Reflexive Modernization. European Journal of Social Theory 9:2. 2006. pp.223-238.

    Building the Future: Innovation, Design and the Virtual, Nordisk Arkitekturforskning Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 18:4. 2005. pp.13-20.

    Intersections in Cultural Policy: Geographical, Socioeconomic and Other Markers of Identity Canadian Ethnic Studies Special Issue on Intersections of Diversity, 35:3. 2004. pp. 150-164.

    Visualicity, Visual Culture in Britain 5:1. 2004. pp.23-36.

    Innovation in Clean Room Construction: A Case Study of Co-operation between Firms. With Kevin West. Construction Management and Economics. 21:3 (June) 2003. pp. 327-334.

    The Role of the Virtual in Knowledge-based Economies, Organizations and Localities, SEED Journal Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development 2003.

    Geopolitical Spatialisations, Geopolitics 8:1 (Spring) 2003. pp. 203-210.

    Henri Lefebvre - Arkielmn filosofi, Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu 3-4. 2002. pp. 6-22. In Finnish.

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  • Tila on merkityksellinen ja suhteellinen. Rob Shieldsin haastattelu. With Mervi Ilmonen, and Panu Lehtovuori . Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu (3-4), 2002. pp. 23-37. Interview published in Finnish.

    Culture and the Just City, Distinktion. 2:3. 2002. pp. 37-44.

    Space and Culture. A Resum of Everyday Life, Space and Culture, 5:1, 2002. pp. 4-8.

    Information and Knowledge Economies, with D. OConnor, S. Ilcan, E. Taborsky in Liu et al Organizational Semiotics 2002.pdf

    September 11, 2001, Space and Culture, Spatial Hauntings, Issue 11/12, 2001. pp. 171-172.

    The New Knowledge Speak: The Implications of Contested Definitions of Knowledge and Information. with Edwina Taborsky. Australian Journal of Information Systems, 8:2, 2001. pp. 142-149.

    'Virtual Spaces?' Space and Culture 4/5 (March), 2000. pp.1-12.

    'Architecture as a Good.' Architectural Design, 131 (Jan.-Feb.). 1999. pp. 94-5.

    'Culture and the Economy of Cities.' European Urban and Regional Studies, 6:4 (October) 1999. pp. 303-311.

    'Apkujung-no, ou O que fiz nas ferias de verso.' Logos: Comunicano e Espao, 5, 1998. pp.43-8. In Portuguese.

    'Raumkonstruktion und Tourismus.' Voyage: Jahrbuch fr Reise und Tourismusforschung, 2, 1998. pp.53-72. In German.

    'Flow.' Space and Culture 1 (July) 1997. pp.1-5.

    'Ethnography in the Crowd: The Body, Sociality and Globalization in Seoul.' Focaal: Tijdschrift voor Antropologie, 30/31, 1997. pp.23-38.

    'Meeting or Mismeeting: The Dialogical Challenge to Verstehen.' British Journal of Sociology, 47:2 (June) 1996. pp.275-294.

    'Henri Lefebvre, the Production of Space and Everyday Life.' Interview with John Ploeger, Soziologi dag (Sociology Today), (January) 1995. pp.65-80. In Norwegian.

    'Site Work - Niagara Falls.' Waterloo Journal of Architecture, 2, 1993. pp.38-47.

    'Die Masken des Konsumenten. Lebensstil Konsum.' GDI-Impuls: Journal of the Gottfried Duttweiler Institute, 21 (Spring) 1992. pp.3-20. In German.

    'A Truant Proximity: Presence and Absence in the Space of Modernity.' Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 10:2 (Summer) 1992. pp.181-198.

    'The System of Pleasure. Liminality and the Carnivalesque at Brighton.' Theory, Culture and Society, 7:1 (February)1991. pp.32-79.

    'Autour des chutes du Niagara: spatialisation postmoderne.' Socits, 33, 1991. pp.311-320.

    'Introduction to the Ethic of Aesthetics.' Theory, Culture and Society, 8:1, 1991. pp.1-6.

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  • 'Social Spatialisation and the Built Environment: The Case of the West Edmonton Mall.' Society and Space, 7:2 (Summer) 1989. pp.147-164.

    'Sociotechnics: A Paradigm for Efficient Social Action.' with Adam Podgorecki. Journal of Applied Sociology, 6:1 (Spring) 1988. pp.15-31.

    e) Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings'Nanotechnology in Edmonton: An Actantial Diagram,' Ghimn, Yun-Csang. Semiotics 2014. The Semiotics of Paradox. American Association of Semiotics. 2015. pp.259-68.

    'Iqaluit Growth of an Inuit Capital.' Barret Weber. Proceedings from the First International Conference on Urbanisation in the Arctic Conference, Klaus Georg Hansen, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen and Ryan Weber (eds.), Stockholm: Nordregio. 2013. pp. 39-48.

    Mobile Phone Imaging as Gesture and Momento Martha Ladly and Philip Beesley (eds.) MobileNation: Creating Methodologies for Mobile Platforms : Riverside Architectural Press, 2008. pp. 47-52.

    Social science as a design profession: new visions and relationships, Jorge Frascara (ed.). Design and the Social Sciences: Making Connections London: Taylor and Francis, Contemporary Trends Institute, 2002. pp. 201-6.

    'Cutting up Continents: Nunavut and Qubec' The Dividing Line: Borders and National Peripheries, Helsinki: RenvallInstitute, 1997. pp. 79-86.

    '150 Years of the Shopping Arcade'. O. Grn (ed.), Social Space in History and Prehistory. Odense, Denmark: University of Odense Press, 1991. pp. 60-78.

    'Notes sur la spatialisation de la socit'. G. Benko (ed.), Les Nouveaux aspects de la thorie sociale: De la gographie B la sociologie. Caen: Editions du Paradigme. 1988. pp. 259-267.

    f) Public Scholarship and Commissioned Works'Genealogies of Social Space' Lo Squaderno 39. March 2016. Online

    g) Major Encyclopaedia ArticlesLefebvre, Henri.' International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. 2008. pp.400-401.

    'Space.' W. Outhewaite (ed.), Blackwell Dictionary of Modern Social Thought, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. pp.654-659.

    Henri Lefebvre, A. Elliott and B. Turner (eds.) Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory London: Sage, 2001. Pp. 226-237.

    'Lefebvre, Henri.' Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, London: Routledge, 1998. 3pp.

    h) Exhibition CataloguesI Don't Remember. Transcultural 8. Stirred: Memories and Dreams. 2016. pp. 179.

    Strip-Appeal Co-edited with Merle Patchett. Exhibition Catalogue. CRSC with Space and Culture Publications. 2012. Including: With Merle Patchett The Design Competition as Public Engagement Method, pp. 2-11 and

    R. Shields August 2017 12

  • with Merle Patchett The Future of Strip Malls, pp. 12-16.

    'Ethics of Dust.' T. Dallett (ed.), Screen, Exhibition Catalogue. Ottawa: Gallery 101, 1999. pp. 113-17.

    'Mobility, Space and Power: The Ceremonial Parkway.' T. Dallett (ed.), Driving the Ceremonial Landscape, Exhibition Catalogue. Ottawa: Gallery 101, 1997. pp. 24-33.

    'Imaginary Sites.' Between Views, Exhibition Catalogue. Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre for the Arts,1991. pp. 22-26.

    i) Published technical reports'Introduction to The Production of Space' (pp.7-8); 'New Spaces of Concern: Nanotechnology, design professions and the city' (pp.9-10); 'Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space on its 40th anniversary' (p.14); 'Ethical Aesthetics: The Production of scale, space and the virtual' (p.17); 'Interventions in public spaces of concern' (p.21); 'Beyond Lefebvre. A Transdisciplinary Challenge, Evening Dialogue' (p.22-23). Knierbein, S. and Viderman, T. (eds.) 2015. Urban Culture Public Space and Ways of Life: Everday Life and Insights: Lectures delivered on the 2014 annual themeof SKuOR the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning,Vienna University of Technology.

    Petrolia Mall Design Party Report for Greenfield, Royal Gardens and Aspen Gardens Community Leagues, with Scott Varga, Chakanak Zinyemba, Iwona Faferek, Edmonton, May 2013

    Development Guidelines, City of Leduc Airport Lands with C. Zinyemba, CRSC, and D. Deshpande, Planning Alliance for City of Leduc, Feb. 2013

    Urban-Rural Interactions, Flagstaff County Report with City-Region Studies Centre researchers, Edmonton for Sedgewick AB: County of Flagstaff. 2010.

    Partnerships: Responding to the Changing Dynamics of Urban-Rural Interdependency. With City- Region StudiesCentre researchers, Edmonton, CRSC. 2010.

    A Critical Analysis of Knowledge Management Initiatives in the Canadian Federal Public Service, with Jones and Charles OHara Innovation Research Unit, Carleton University, Ottawa. 2000. 23pp.

    Innovation in Clean Room Construction: Cooperation between firms, with Kevin West. Innovation Research Unit, Carleton University, Ottawa. 2000. 24pp.

    An English Prcis and Commentary on Henri Lefebvre's La Production de l'espace Working Papers in Urban and Regional Studies No. 63. (Andrew Sayer, ed.) Brighton: University of Sussex UK. 1988.

    j) Selected Book reviews in scholarly journals'Compte rendu 'C. Foissart - La Chine et ses migrants: La conqte d'une citoyennet' Espaces et Socits 160. 2015.

    Book Review: Knowing Places: The Inuinnait, Landscapes and the Environment, Beatrice Collignon July 2008. 1775 words.

    Architext: A Book Series on Architecture, Design, History and Discourse. Space and Culture Online Feb. 2008. 2127 words.

    Aviopolis Social Semiotics 16:1. 2006. pp.191-198.

    R. Shields August 2017 13

  • The Spatialization of Cultural Values and Change: Spaces of Global Culture, Anthony D. King Building Research and Information 33:5 2005. pp. 472-5.

    Review: Five Books on Architecture and Culture Space and Culture 5:2 (May) 2002. pp.186-189.

    Review: Digital Sensations by Ken Hillis, Space and Culture 4/5. 2000.

    'Harmony in Thirds: Chora for Lefebvre,' Review Forum, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 89:2 (June) 1999. pp. 340-342.

    'Book Review: Per Otnes: "OtherWise".' Sosiologisk arbok, 1997:2. pp. 265-268.

    '"The Cultures of Cities" by Sharon Zukin.' American Journal of Sociology, 102:5 (Mar.) 1996. pp. 1464-66.

    'Review Essay: Michael Gardiner: "The Dialogics of Critique, M.M. Bakhtin and the Theory of Ideology".' TheoryCulture and Society, 12:2 (May) 1995. pp. 161-7.

    'Russell Keat, Nigel Whiteley and Nicholas Abercrombie (eds.): "The Authority of the Consumer".' Sociological Review, 43:4 (Aug.) 1995. pp. 579-583.

    'Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity" - M. Savage and A. Warde.' Progress in Human Geography, 19:4 (Dec.) 1995. pp. 575-7.

    'Paddy Scannell, Phillip Schlesinger and Colin Sparks: "Culture and Power.' Canadian Journal of Sociology, 19:4 (Fall) 1994. pp. 572-3.

    'Stephen Crook, Jan Pakulski and Malcolm Waters: "Postmodernization: Change in Advanced Societies.' Sociology - The Journal of the British Sociological Association, 27:4 (Nov.) 1993. pp. 711-713.

    'The Aesthetics of Everyday Life: Recent Books on Housing and Homelessness.' a/r/c: architecture, research and criticism, 1:3-4, 1992. pp. 46-47.

    'Michel Maffesoli: Au Creux des Apparences, Theory, Culture and Society, 11, 1991. pp. 179-183.

    k) Papers and Interviews in Professional Journals'The Mobilities Turn in Planning Theory' Curb Magazine 4:2. 2015.

    'Publisher's Note.' Curb Magazine 4:1. 2012. pp. 1.

    'Curb Appeal: Winter' Curb Magazine 3:1. 2012. pp. 1-2.

    'Curb Appeal: Rural Futures Curb Magazine 2:2. 2011. p. 2.

    'Curb Appeal: Community' Curb Magazine 2:1. 2010. pp. 1-2.

    'Curb Appeal: Place-based Policy' Curb Magazine 1:2. 2010. p. 2.

    'Curb Appeal: Concluding Thoughts' Curb Magazine 1:1. 2009. pp. 23-24.

    Linn, urbanisus, virtuaalsus - Vestlus Rob Shieldsiga. with Andres Kurg, Virkerkaar 4-5. 2004. pp.153-159. Interview published in Estonian.

    R. Shields August 2017 14

  • Entrevista com Rob Shields. with Francisco Gracioso, Revista da ESPM 14:2 (March-April). pp.78-83. 2007.

    'Entonces se me ocurri que lo urbano es virtual: Una conversacin con Rob Shields.' with Ignacio Faras. Bifurcaciones. Revista de estudios culturales urbanos. 7. (Conducted 2006) August 2008.

    l) WebsitesA New Twist on the Strip: a new architectural approach to walkable, vibrant neighbourhood malls, with Jennifer Tran forthcoming in

    Webmaster and editor, 'Space and Culture Online 2014

    Henri Lefebvre resources, 2006-7. (replaced by ongoing participation in a Wikipedia entry 2007)

    Contributor, 'Spatialization' and 'Henri Lefebvre' Wikipedia pages 2007

    Contributor, 'Space and Culture Online' Space and Culture. 2003-11

    Contributor, 'Intermedia blog.' University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts and Dept. of Sociology Intermedia Studio. 2009-11.

    6. Editorial Responsibilities

    International Co-editor, Urbanism series, Phoenix Press Nanjing China (National 13th 5-year Plan Key Book Project)

    Espaces et Socits, Comit de lecture. Refereed journal, 2013-

    Territory Politics Governance, International Advisory Board (Taylor and Francis and Regional Studies Association). Refereed journal 2014-

    Founding Publisher and Editor at large, CURB. Planning Magazine. City-Region Studies Centre (2 issues annually. Industry- and Institution-sponsored practitioner publication. Print run 5000, 3750 municipal and private subscribers across Canada), 2009-

    Studies in Emergent Order, Editorial Board. Refereed journal, 2011-12

    Editorial Committee Member, Wilfred Laurier University Press, Environmental Humanities Series. May 2008-

    Journal of Critical Studies on Business and Society Advisory Board. Refereed journal, 2007-

    Global Media Journal Advisory Board. Refereed journal 2006- In Farsi and English

    European Journal of Higher Arts Education , Advisory Board (European League of Institutes of the Arts, Amsterdam). Refereed journal, 2004-

    Fast Capitalism, Editorial Board. Refereed, online journal 2005-

    R. Shields August 2017 15

  • Mobilities Journal, Advisory Board (London: Routledge). Refereed journal, 2005-13

    Founder and Editor Space and Culture (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage). Refereed journal of research on social spaces 1997 2006. Founding publisher 1997-2001. Editor 2001-06. Co-editor 2006- ISI Ranked.

    Social Semiotics, International Advisory Board (Sydney and London: Carfax). Refereed journal, 19962013.

    Theory Culture and Society, Editorial Board (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage). Refereed journal, 1995

    7. Papers Presented to Learned SocietiesSpace and Culture as critical practice and as space of culture. European Sociological Association Culture Section Conference, Exeter University 19 Nov. 2016.

    Experiments in Strip Appeal, Merle Patchett, Stephanie Davidson, Georg Rafailidis, Rob Shields, 6th International Conference on Architecture Competitions, 27 October 2016.

    Place as Topoi, Canadian Sociological Association, Calgary June 2016.

    Time-Space and Topological Affect: Residential School Sites, American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, March 2016

    Power and the Topology of Toxicity: Diagrams, Folds, Geometries, Topologies, Toxic Media Ecologies, Intermedia Research Studio, University of Alberta March 2016

    Bare Nature Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver June 5 2015.

    Nanotechnology in Edmonton: An Actantial Diagram Semiotic Society of America, Seattle Oct 4 2014.

    Cities and Universities, Paper and session Organizer and Chair. Beijing Forum 2014, PKU, Beijing China Nov 9 2014.

    Keynote Talk: Strip-Appeal AESOP Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures/Summer School Becoming Local Vienna, TUWien 30 Aug-5 Sept 2014.

    New Spaces of Concern: Geopolitics at the nano-scale, Political Geography Research Group Invited Paper, Institute of British Geographers Imperial College London 28 Aug 2014.

    Archetypes of Topology, American Association of Geographers, Los Angeles Apr. 9-14 2013

    Nanotechnology and Community, Ne3Ls National Nanotechnology Conference, Montreal Nov. 7-9 2012

    Cultural Topology - Event Spaces Seminar, Sept 5-7 2011, Bristol UK World University Network

    Feral Suburbs, Property and Globalization Symposium, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai Sept 22-24 2011.

    Topology in the scholarship of the Shan Hai Jing, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing. Sept 29 2011

    Plenary talk: Creative Suburbia Conference, Queensland University of Technology, September 2010 (

    R. Shields August 2017 16

  • 'Topology and Urban Theory'. Also session organizer and Chair, 'Topology in Geographical Theory and Method Session'. Respondent, 'Political Geography Plenary Lecture on Wounded Cities'. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers Seattle, Washington. April 12-16, 2011.

    'City Regions & The Question of Identity.' Urban Affairs Association Conference, New Orleans. 13-16 March 2011.

    'Ecologies of Affect.' Keynote. Canadian Association of Geographers Western Division, Edmonton AB. March 2010.

    Changing Geopolitics of Nunavut and Greenland: Iqaluit American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, April 19 2010.

    Building Sustainable Community in Boom and Bust: Fort McMurray. Urban Affairs Association Conference, Honolulu Hawaii 10 2010.

    The Affect of Suburbanisms in the Global North and South. Association of Cultural Studies, Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Lingnan, Hong Kong June 29 2010.

    Cultures in Motion: Mobilities and migration. Keynote paper. Cultures of Movements, Royal Roads, Victoria BC. March 2010.

    Canadian Association of Geographers, Ottawa. June 2009.

    American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, California. 19 April 2009.

    Affective Urbanism American Association of Geographers, Boston MA. 19 April 2008.

    Delta Cities, American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, California. 19 April 2007.

    Mobile Phone Imaging , Videoconference. Mobile Nation, Canadian Design Research Network Conference, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto 23 March 2007.

    Biotechnological hope and the time-spaces of 'potentia'. American Association of Geographers, Chicago Illinois, 11 March 2006.

    Spatializations of the Virtual, American Association of Geographers, Denver Colorado, 8 April 2005.

    Opening Plenary Building The Future: Impacts of New Technology on Urban Form and Urban Design,

    Building the Future Conference, Nordic Association for Architectural Research, Kungl Tekniska Hgskolan, Stockholm Sweden, 23 April 2005.

    Opening Plenary Space and Culture: Everyday Life in Cultural Studies Culture Without Centres Danish Cultural Research Network Conference, Middelfart Denmark, 20 Jan. 2005.

    The Intelligence of Intelligent Transport, With Velli and Mervia Himanen, STELLA Seminar, Budapest, Hungary. 22-24 Apr. 2004.

    R. Shields August 2017 17

  • The Limits of Reflexive Modernization: The Social Spatialization of Risk Society American Sociological Association Annual Meeting Section on Sociology of Culture, Atlanta Aug. 19 2003.

    Keynote Paper The City is in the Eye of the Beholder, Visual Culture in Britain Conference, Clore Gallery, Tate Britain, London. Oct. 2002.

    Keynote Paper. The Role of Cities in New Knowledge Based Economies, Nordic Conference on Urbanism and Housing, Hanaholmen, Helsinki, Finland, November 17 2002. The Virtual and Everyday Spaces in Geographical Discourse. American Association of Geographers, March 19-23, 2002, Los Angeles, California.

    Knowledge, Communication and the Virtual. 2nd SEE Conference, October 6-8, 2001, University of Toronto.

    Knowledge and Spaces of Flow. Annual Meeting 50th

    Anniversary of the Canadian Association of Geographers, May 29-June 3, 2001, Montreal.

    Spatializing the Dialectic, American Association of Geographers, New York. February 2001.

    Chronotopography, Bakhtin and Geography, Invited Guest Paper. Institute of British Geographers/Royal British Geographical Society, Plymouth. January 2001.

    The Silence of Places - Absence and the Spaces of Flows, Invited Guest Paper. American Anthropological Association, San Francisco. Nov. 2000.

    Place and Absence, American Sociological Association, Washington. Aug. 2000.

    Everyday Life and the Culture of Modernity, Communication Department, University of Pittsburgh. Apr. 2000.

    Social Science as a Design Profession, Design and the Social Sciences International Conference. University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta. Oct. 1999.

    Bakhtin's Landscape: Alterity and Spatial Distance in Cultural and Subaltern Studies, Ninth International Bakhtin Conference, Free University of Berlin, Germany. July 1999.

    Plenary Address, Memory and Place: The Importance of attending to absence in place-based research ACCUTE: Association of College and University Teachers of English and Canadian Comparative Literature Association Annual Conferences, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke Qubec. June 1999.

    Medium or Space? The Web, the Net and Everyday Life; The Ethic of the Index and its Space-time Effect, World Wide Web: Metaphor Magic and Power Conference, Drake University, Des Moines Iowa, Nov . 1998.

    Plenary Address Culture, Economy and Cities, Second European Urban and Regional Studies Association Conference, Durham UK, Sept. 1998.

    The Architecture of Flow, 'Ideas in Progress' series, Visual Culture and Media, Middlesex University, Cat Hill, Barnet U.K, Feb. 1998.

    Flow as Social Topology, paper presented to the School of Architecture, Aarhus Denmark, November 1997.

    Plenary Address The Flexible Sociality Thesis: Consumption, Global Flows and Identity, Conference on Urbanity and Identity, NordPlan, Stockholm, November 1996

    R. Shields August 2017 18

  • Cultural Economy, Economy and Culture Colloquium, Centre for the Study of Cultural Values, Lancaster University, Lancaster UK, May 1996.

    Istanbul flows, 'Time and Value' Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster UK, July 1996.

    When Reels Spin Empty: Time After Media, Time After Media Symposium, Austrian Communication Society, Linz Austria, March 1996.

    Plenary Address Everyday Life, Contextual Illness, Subjectivation, Everyday Life in Advanced Societies Conference, Aalborg University, Denmark, November 1995.

    Community: Gemeinschaft and Postmodern Crowd, Institute for Historie og Samfundsforhold, Roskilde University, Roskilde Denmark, Oct. 1995.

    The Dialogical Challenge to Verstehen, Sociologisk Institut, K benhavns Universitet, Copenhagen Denmark, Oct. 1995.

    Plenary Address Consumption, Culture and Sociality, Shouts from the Street Conference, Institute for Popular Culture, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, September 1995.

    Sites and Bodies, Sociale Faculteit, University of Tilburg, Netherlands, June 1995.

    Plenary Address Culture Spoken Here, Cultural Studies in Canada Conference, University of Toronto, June 1994.

    Postmodern sociability? An Agenda for Research on the Global Metropolis, Post-Fordism and Postmodernism: Reflections on Research and Theory Symposium, Carleton University, Feb. 1994.

    Lifestyle Shopping: Mall Culture in Canada, Frost Centre Seminar, Trent University, Peterborough, Jan. 1994.

    North as Nation, Centre for Northern Studies, Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Apr. 1993.

    Plenary Address Spaces of Consumption, Changes in Consumption and Advertising since the 1950s Conference, University of East London, London UK, September 1994.

    Plenary Address Culture Spoken Here, Exploring Contemporary Discourse Analysis Symposium, Carleton University, March 1993.

    Consumer Culture, Radical Scholars and Philosophers Conference, Loyola University, Chicago Illinois, Nov. 1991.

    Land and Nation: The Spatialisation of the State, Reconfiguring the Map Symposium, Carleton University, June 1991.

    The Individual, Consumption Cultures and the Fate of Community, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Manchester, March 1991.

    Tribes in Malls: Theoretical Implications of Place, Persona and Sociability, Centre for Research on Culture and SocietySymposium, Carleton University, Ottawa, March 1991; Also presented at Dept. of Sociology seminar, Memorial University, St. John's Newfoundland, Feb. 1991.

    8. Papers Presented to Other Academic BodiesTopology of Toxicity, Toxic Media Ecologies, University of Alberta March 2017

    R. Shields August 2017 19

  • Suburbs for Settlers: Reconciling layers of Indigenous land rights, affect and trauma in the postcolonial landscapeof Canadian suburbia University of Washington Tacoma Urban Studies Annual Lecture May 18 2017

    Rapid Urbanization and Contemporary Space-Time ofChina Shandong Forum, Shandong University, Jinan China. Oct 2016.

    Figures of the Virtual: Zombies, Ghosts, Angels...Migrants. Coimbra Conference on the Virtual. University of Coimbra, Portugal. Oct. 27 2016.

    Cultural Topologies of Experience or, Jet lag and the revelation of time. Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture. Concordia University, Montreal. Nov. 1 2017.Time Space and the Social, Public Lecture, Nanjing University June 6 2016

    The Shan Hai Jing as a clue to cultural topology, Lecture, Nanjing Normal University June 7 2016

    Seminar, Urban Design, Nanjing Normal University, June 8 2016

    Lecture with David Harvey, Shandong University, Jinan China , June 13 2016

    Seminar with David Harvey, Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Shandong University, Jinan China , June 13 2016

    Panel with David Harvey, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing China. June 16 2016

    'Cultural topologies and cultural studies', Pubic Lecture, Capital Normal University Beijing, China June 20 2016

    'Nanotechnologies' Sociologie, Univ. de Strasbourg. Oct 22 2014.

    Strip-Appeal, Arts Based Research Lab, University of Alberta, Oct 9 2014.

    Seminar, Aesthetics of Nation, Beijing Normal University, Beijing China Nov 13 2014.

    Seminar, Popular Canadian Culture, Cultural Studies, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Nov 12 2014.

    Seminar, Sociology, Peking University, Beijing China Nov 10 2014.

    Seminar, Institute of Comparative Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Nov 11 2014.

    Topology and Property, Theory Culture and Society Workshop on Property, Naples Italy Sept 20-22 2012.

    'Notes on the Historical Sublime from a Cross Cultural Perspective.' Art Technology and Perception in a Globalised Age, Zhongzhou University, Zhengzou Henan, and Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an Shaanxi China, April 19-20 2013.

    'Philosophy and Place.' Conference of the Graduate Collegium of Eichstaett, "Philosophy of the Place 13-15 June 2013.

    Topology in the scholarship of the Shan Hai Jing. Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, September 29.

    R. Shields August 2017 20

  • 'Cultural Topologies of Property: Social Reproduction and Global Oil Circuits in Fort McMurray, Alberta'. Shanghai International Studies University, Property and Globalization Symposium. 24-26 Sept. 2011.

    'Cultural Topology' World University Network Workshop on 'Event-Spaces' University of Bristol, UK. 5-7 Sept.2011.

    'Feral Suburbs.' Plenary talk, Peripheral Visions: Suburbs, Representation and Innovation, Kingston University UK. 17-18 June 2011.

    'Cultural Topologies of Suburbia.' Plenary talk, Creative Suburbia Conference, Queensland University of Technology. September 2010 (http://ww w m )

    'Social Spatialisation and Cultural Topology.' Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Literary Theory, Beijing. June 2010.

    'Theory Culture and Society Project on Global Knowledge' Megacities International Invited Workshop, Critical Theory institute, University of California Irvine. June 2010.

    The Virtual and Anticipatory Politics: Implications for Critique. Talk to the Dept of Political Science, University of Victoria, March 2010.

    Politics of Public Space. Keynote paper. Politics of Public Space Conference. School of Architecture and Planning. Technical Univeristy of Delft. 18-19 March 2009.

    Lifestyle and Consumption ESPM University, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 March 2007.

    Coisas Intangivels, School Lecture, Faculdade de Communicao, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador Brazil,27 Feb. 2007.

    60 degrees of separation Videoconference. Cybercidade Research Group and Space and Culture Reading Group, 30 November 2006.

    Spaces of Fear Geography and Liminality: Theories and Case-Studies International Workshop, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, July 2006.

    Affect / Space Dept. of Sociology University of Alberta, Edmonton 5 May 2006.

    Virtuality of the City Dept. of Geography, San Diego State University of, 24 Feb. 2006

    Opening Plenary, Katrina Conference University of California Santa Cruz, 21 Jan. 2006.

    Place Myths Place Images, Opening Talk, Symbolic Constructions of the City. Centre for Metropolitan Studies Symposium, Transtlantisches Graduiertenkolleg Berlin-New York, 1-2 Dec. 2005.

    The Glance: Or How to Virtualize the City Offentlichkeit, Wissenschaftszentrum fur Sozialforschung, Berlin, 30Nov. 2005.

    Presented by and co-authored with Andrea Sharkey: Technology, Communication and Citizen Participation in a Rural Town Youth Centre, Citizenship and Communication Panel, Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, 4 June 2005

    R. Shields August 2017 21

  • Opening Talk. Capital Region Studies Symposium, University of Alberta, 7 Mar. 2005.

    Virtual Cities/Virtuality of Cities Sociology Seminar, University of Lethbridge, 9 March 2005.

    Organizer and Chair, The Space of the Arts, Faculty of Arts symposium, University of Alberta, 18 April 2005.

    Building The Future: Innovation, Design and the Virtual, Seminar, Dept. of Social and Economic Geography, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 25 April 2005.

    Panel Presentation ICT: Computing in the Arts, University of Alberta, 24 Jan. 2005.

    Le Virtuel et lActuel, Gretech Symposium, Centre dEtudes sur lActual et le Quotidien, Univ. de Paris V Sorbonne, France, 11 Nov. 2004 (in French)

    Panel Presenter, Autour de Michel Maffesoli Symposium, Centre dEtudes sur lActual et le Quotidien, Univ. de Pars V Sorbonne, France, 12 Nov. 2004 (in French)

    The Virtual Theory Culture and Society Centre, Nottingham Trent University UK, 17 Sept. 2004.

    A Glance at Contemporary Virtualities Brunel University UK, 16 Sept. 2004.

    Space and Place of Cultural Studies: Comparison, scale and disciplinarity Lecture, Canadan Association of Cultural Studies University of Alberta, October 14 2004.

    Governing in the Knowledge Society, Cardiff School of Social Sciences Seminar, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales. 29 Apr. 2004.

    Social Science and the Virtual, Seminar, London School of Economics. 27 Apr. 2004.

    Virtuality and the City, Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University, Montreal. 20 Apr. 2004

    CyberUrbe Everyday Life of and in the Virtual City, CyberUrbe, FACOM, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil. 12-14 Apr. 2004

    Sociology and the Virtual, Departmental Seminar, Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 29 Mar. 2004.

    The Significance of Place to Culture, Public Forum, Telus Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 30 Mar. 2004.

    The Virtual and the City, Communication and Cultural Studies, Sir Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo. 5 Mar. 2004.

    Blanks, Dark Moments and Blind Fields: Henri Lefebvre's Critiques of Modernity, Communication Studies and


    Cultural Studies Anniversity Lecture, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 25 Feb. 2004.

    Perspective, Remembrance and Techniques of the Virtual, Visual Knowledges Conference, Edinburgh University, Scotland. 17-20 Sept. 2004.

    Rob Shields on Lefebvre: Four Lectures in CURS, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, YTK Helsinki University of Technology, October 22-31, 2002.

    R. Shields August 2017 22

  • Innovative Places: Networks, Images and Virtualities, Innovatiivinen Kaupunki Yhteistyssa Helsingin Kaupunki ja Teknillinen Korkeakoulu (Helsinki HighTech Centre), Helsinki, Finland, October 9, 2002.

    Lefebvre and the City, School of Art, Tallinn, Estonia, October 2002.

    Boundary-thinking in theories of the present Canadian Association of Geographers/ACCUTE Joint Session on Boundaries, May 2002.

    The Role of the Virtual in Knowledge-based Economies, Localities, Globalities and Method invited seminar sponsored by Nokia, Mustio, Finland. April 9-13, 2002.

    Globalization: Harmonisation or flowering local identity?. The Cross Cultural Transfer of Building Environmental Information International Research Workshop, University of British Columbia. March 14-16, 2002.

    Bourdieu and Taste, The Politics of Performance, Nov. 23 2001, Carleton University, Ottawa.

    The Welfare City. International Workshop on Welfare and Urban Development, Danish Building ResearchInstitute, Copenhagen. May 16-17, 2001.

    Lefebvre and Everyday Life. Art and Everyday Life Symposium, Art History Department, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA May 5-6 2001.

    Contextual Knowledge: Embeddedness, Flow and Social Geographies of Change Social Geography of Educational Change- Contexts Networks and Generalizability, Invited Expert Symposium, Spencer Foundation and Universitat Barcelona. March 2001.

    Walking City Visits New York!, School Lecture Series, the Glasgow School of Art. Glasgow. March 2001.

    Canada in the Space of Flows, Annual Lecture, Anthropology, Trent University. February 2001.

    Place - Knowledge - Context, Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, London. February 2001.

    Henri Lefebvre: Philosopher of Everyday Life, Geography, University College, London. January 2001. With Edwina Taborsky, Dan OConnor and Suzan Ilcan, The Impact of a Knowledge Based Economy on Work in the Public Service, Knowledge Based Economy Strategic Grants Thematic Conference, Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. December 2000.

    Military landscapes and Cultural Ecology, Citizens Network for Cultural Reform (Munwhaa Kehyuk Ulwihan Shiminyundae), Peoples Forum 2000, Asia-Europe Economic Summit, Seoul Oct 18-20 2000.

    Conditions for the production of new knowledge society - cultural aspects Dankook University, Seoul. 17 Oct. 2000

    Invited Lecture, Students Union, Dankook University, Seoul. October 2000.

    Invited Lecture, Urban Planning, Seoul National University, Seoul. October 2000.

    Virtual Organizations, Virtual Society? Get Real! Conference. Ashridge, U.K. June 2000.

    Virtual Space. Performing Virtualities Conference, Windsor Great Park, Brunel University, U.K. June 2000.

    R. Shields August 2017 23

  • Place Memory and Absence, Dept. of Geography, Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K June 2000.

    Tourist Flows and Internet Cafs, NCGIA Expert Seminar on Place and Identity in an Age of Technologically Mediated Movement, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Cal., Oct. 1998.

    Motivating Innovation in Construction, Canadian Construction Research Board, Construct Canada 98, Congress Centre, Toronto, Dec. 1998.

    The Architectonics of Pedagogy, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council International Seminar, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, April 1996.

    9. Other Important Forms of Scholarly Productivitya) Recent Conference Organization and Public Policy Events (see also Section 2c Outreach)Co-organizer and presenter, Theorizing Place session, Canadian Sociological Association, Calgary Juen 2016.

    Rapid Urbanization and Contemporary Space-Time ofChina, Shandong Forum 2016: Social Development and Changes in East Asia

    Cultural topology, Lake Lecture. Phoenix Press Group, Nanjing. Oct. 2016

    MC and Panelist, 'Sprawl'. Regional Planning Speakers Series, Mar 12 2015.

    Opening Keynote Speech, SMART Cities Alliance Summit, St. Albert AB, 18 Sept 2014.

    'Regional Planning Speakers Series.' City-Region Studies Centre. University of Alberta. Master of Ceremonies, Facilitator and Panellist, 6 talks annually, industry and municipality sponsors. APPI accredited. 2009-2013 Sponsored by City of Edmonton, Government of Alberta, Alberta Real Estate Foundation, Brownlee LLP, AECOM, Alberta Professional Planners Institute, Leduc County, Strathcona County. ww w

    Marginal Youth and Youth Centres Workshop. City-Region Studies Centre. Feb. 2013.

    Strip Appeal Charette II Petrolia Design Party. Feb. 2013.Visual design workshop for residents in south-central Edmonton for Greenfield, Royal Gardens and Aspen Gardens Community Leagues. Report to leagues and online documentation. Culminated in a third event in July with lemon-aid stands to celebrate the re-opening of this mall with 40+ community members serving 500+ members of the public, co-sponsored by No Frills Grocery store.

    Presentation to City Councillors on Nanotechnology in Edmonton and the Capital Region. Jan. 2013

    Citizens' Summit on Nanotechnology, City-Region Studies Centre. Mar. 2013.

    Regional Development in Alberta, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 'Smart Cities' Conference, Calgary. Oct. 2012

    'Regional Research' City-Region Studies Centre Symposium. University of Alberta, Sept 15 2011.

    'Rethinking Lyotard' International Symposium. University of Alberta, Feb. 10-11 2011.

    Organizer and Sponsor, Annual H.M. Tory Lecture:-Prof. Gregory Seigworth, Millersville University USA, September 2010.-Prof. Ann Game, University of Sydney, Australia, September 2008.-Giles Lane and Orlaugh Woods, Proboscis Artists Studio, London UK, April 2008.

    R. Shields August 2017 24

  • -Prof. Tom Gieryn, Indiana University, Space of the Arts II Faculty of Arts Forum March 2006.-Prof. Ken Hillis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Space of the Arts I Faculty of ArtsForum 9 April 2005.

    'Annual Theory Retreat Weekend' Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation 2009-13. Dept. of Sociology, Universityof Alberta and Space and Culture Research Group (Sponsor, funder)

    'Shaping our Region Symposium: The Alberta Capital Region' University of Alberta, Capital Regional Board. June2010.

    Master of Ceremonies and Host, Community and University Sustainability Symposium, University of Alberta March 2010.

    Member, Organizing Committee, Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Annual Conference, University of Alberta October 2005.

    Chair, Ad Hoc Committee for an Interdisciplinary Degree in Information Culture, Carleton University 2003.

    Conference organizer: National Capital Freenet Symposium on Community and the Internet, in conjunction with research on community networking and local identity. June 22 1999.

    b) Recent Media Interviews (Selected)with Merle Patchett. Agence France Presse, 'Canada Rethinks Strip Malls'. Coverage in all North American dailies and globally over 36,000 news papers and websites (Google Trends) for example: China Post 'Canada Rethinks Suburban Strip Mall Strategy' Dec. 30 2012.

    'How about gardening or golfing at the mall? With Merle Patchett. New York Times, Business Section p.B1 Feb. 5 2012. economic-times.html?pagewanted=all

    Display Magazine, ''Strip Appeal Jury Winner is a Timely Lesson from Debt Ridden America' with Merle Patchett. Mar. 13 2012.

    Unlimited, 'What do you do with a problem like a strip mall?' with Merle Patchett. Mar. 1 2102., 'North America Rethinks its Strip Malls' with Merle Patchett. Sept 9 2013.

    The Atlantic, 'Strip Malls Like You've Never Seen Before' with Merle Patchett. Feb. 2 2012.

    Edmonton Journal, 'German Architects Win Edmonton Strip-Mall Design Contest' with Merle Patchett. Jan. 19 2012. id=7d26ea98-6239-454b-b9ec-2f1dc3613951

    National Post, 'Canada's Strip Malls Crumble Towards Extinction' with Merle Patchett. Nov. 11 2013.

    R. Shields August 2017 25

  • Halifax Chronicle Herald, 'Design Contest Rethinks Strip Mall' with Merle Patchett. Nov. 11 2013.

    National Post, 'Mall Stripped Bare' with Merle Patchett. p. A8. Nov. 12 2011.

    Edmonton Journal 'U of A asks designers to rethink '50-era strip malls' with Merle Patchett. Nov 12 2011

    Globe and Mail, 'Roof Soccer and Outdoor Movies: Reinventing strip malls.' with Merle Patchett. Toronto. Report on Business p.B7. Dec. 27 2011.

    CBC, 'Strip Appeal Competition.' Radio 1 Edmonton. Sept. 13 2011.

    Edmonton Journal 'Clareview station falls short of 1970s vision' Aug 18, 2011. ml

    O Correio Brazilienses Perguntas para Rob Shields, Interview with Sergio da Sa,, Brasilia, 31 March 2007.

    National Film Board and Radio Canada, 'Le Mall' Documentary Montreal. 13 Apr. 2006 (in French). CBC Downtown Planning, Radio 1 Edmonton, 13 March 2006.

    Thinking Space: Exploring the Social Dimension Work of Arts, Faculty of Arts in Review, University of Alberta Spring 2005. pp.4-5.

    CBC and Primitive Productions, Digital Humans Documentary. , Toronto. 2005.

    CTV Edmonton Television News Skateboarders and Churchill Square, Edmonton, 28 Sept 2004.

    'Matkalla kohti totaalista turvaa.' with Jani Pivnen, Helsingin Sanomat, 25 May 1997. p.B5.

    c. Juried and Non-juried Exhibitions and InstallationsSurvivall Locational media installation, with Mari Fiorelli and Andre Lemos. Vivo Arte Mov, MAM Museo d'Arte Moderne, Salvador Bahia, Brazil. Juried. Oct. 2010.

    Salvador Sounds sound and video installation, with Mickey Vallee. University of Alberta, Dept. of Music April 2008.Non-juried.

    10. Academic Research Grantsa) Government or Extra-UniversityIn submission: 2017-2022 Co-applicant: 'Prairie Partnership for Arts Research' with M. Blackstone (Regina) and others, SSHRC Partnership Grant Final Round.

    In submission: 2017-19 Applicant: Place as Topoi. SSHRC Insight Grant. $316,000.

    2016-17 City of Edmonton Partnership Agreement for Centre for Public Involvement ($150,000 per annum, 2 years, renewable) $300,000.

    2016-18 Co-applicant. 'Tracking Youth Digital Declarations: Facilitating Evidence-based Innovation across Youth Centres' with S. Todd (Carleton Univ.), Youth Centres Canada, Distill Mobil, CRSC, Cristal Kids Youth Centre Edmonton, Old Strathcona Youth Society, Smiths Falls and District Centre for

    R. Shields August 2017 26

  • Youth, Kemptville Youth Centre, Kanata Haven Youth Centre. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant. $190,000Research Assistants: Dianne Gillespie, Burcu Osdemir, Ziru Deng 2016

    2016 Co-applicant: 'Prairie Partnership for Arts Research' SSHRC Partnership Grant Letter of Intent with M. Blackstone (Regina) and others, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Calgary Arts Development, Rozsa Foundation, Edmonton Arts Council, Alberta Partners for Arts and Culture, Manitoba Arts Council, Arts and Cultural Industries Association of Manitoba, Manitoba Department of Tourism, Culture, Heritage, Sport and Consumer Protection, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Arts Council, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Saskatchewan Arts Alliance, Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, University of Regina, First Nations University of Canada, City of Regina, City of Saskatoon, Creative Saskatchewan, Heritage Saskatchewan. Ministryof Parks, Culture and Sport Saskatchewan, Canadian Heritage, Canada Council, Statistics Canada Cultural Statistics Satellite Group, University of the Arts, London, World Cities Culture Forum. SSHRC Partnership Grant Letter of Intent. $20,000

    2015 Aid to Scholarly Publications Grant, City-Region in Prospect. Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada.$ 5,000.

    2012-14 Principal Investigator with Dr. K. Jones and Prof. N. Petersen Co-Principal Investigators and Co-applicants. 'Nanotechnology and the Community' Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Partnership Development Grant. $199,000.Postdoctoral Scholar: Dr. Y-C Ghimn 2012-14.Research Assistants: Michael Granzow 2012-14; Katie Herzog 2012-13; Robyn Taylor-Neu 2012-13.

    2011 Aid to Scholarly Publications Grant, Ecologies of Affect. Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada. $5,000.

    2011-14 Principal Investigator. 'Re-imagining the Minimall' Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Standard Research Grant. $37,000.Major Activities: design contest to re-imagine the suburban strip mall. Charettes with practitioners, owners and communities. Petrolia Mall particpatory redevelopment, Edmonton.Postdoctoral Scholar: Dr. Merle Patchett, 2011.Research Assistant: Ondine Park, Sociology, 2011 (City-Region Studies Centre, ResearchAssistantship); Scott Varga (Human Ecology 2012-13).

    2011 Aid to Scholarly Meetings Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (RethinkingLyotard Conference, Feb 10-11 2011). $25,000.Research Assistant: Heidi Bickis, Sociology 2011; extended with Tory Chair research assistantship Summer 2010 and 2011.

    2009 and 2010-17 Co-applicant with Prof. Roger Keil, City Institute, York University, Toronto. 'Global Suburbanism' Letter of Intent 2009 ($20,000), Awarded 2010-17. Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada MCRI. $2,500,000.Research Assistant: Ondine Park, Sociology 2010 (City-Region Studies Centre, ResearchAssistantship)

    2009-12 Collaborator with Prof. Philip Steinberg, Principal Investigator (Florida State University) 'Materiality and the Imaginary in Arctic Sovereignty International Comparative Study of Circumpolar Nations'. 2010-12 National Science Foundation, USA. US$ 376,779.Research Assistant: Barret Weber (Sociology Ph.D. Program).

    R. Shields August 2017 27

  • 2008-11 Collaborator with Prof. Sara Dorow, Social Landscapes of Neoliberal Growth: the Caseof Fort McMurray, Alberta Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.Research Assistant: Andriko Lozowy (Sociology Ph.D. Program).

    2005-08 Collaborator with Prof. Tim Antoniuk, Objective Regeneration - Exploring how developedsocieties perceive, use and live with high-tech sustainable materials, objects and environments Research/Creation Grant. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $241,915.Research Assistant: Ondine Park (Sociology Ph.D. Program)

    2003-07 Principal Investigator. 'Workplaces and Work Days in a Small Town: Changes in the Times Spaces and Pace of Information-Related Work, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $86,454.Research Assistants: Andrea Sharkey (Sociology Ph.D. program, 2003-04); Cathryn Kallwitz (Sociology M.A. Qualifying Year, 2003-04); Maureen Flynn-Burhoe (Sociology Ph.D. program 2004-05); Tamy Superle (Sociology Ph.D. program 2004-05); Anne Galloway (Sociology Ph.D. program 2006-08)

    2005 Co-Applicant. Media and Urban Life in North America: Montreal, New York, Mexico City Letter of Intent Phase, Major Collaborative Research Initiative. Social Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council of Canada. $20,000.

    2004 Facilitator. Canadian Construction Innovation Conference. Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada. Calgary June 25-27. $750

    2003 Researcher. Research Monograph: Cultural Policy and Intersections of Diversity Department of Canadian Heritage, Multiculturalism and Human Rights Branch. $2000 and in-kind.

    2000-03 Principal Investigator. 'The Impact of a Knowledge Based Economy on Work in the Public Service: The 'Virtual Organization' of Expertise and Knowledge,' Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Challenges and Opportunities of a Knowledge-based Economy Strategic Theme Grant (Awarded Jan 1, 2000) 3 Years. $390,000.Major Activities: Case Study Research on the information space and expert knowledge base involved in regulation of genetically modified crops (corn) in Canada. Comparative research in Finland.Research Assistants: Jane Hampson (Research Coordinator, full time 2000-03); Maureen Flynn-Burhoe (Sociology Ph.D. program 2003); Carrie Sanders (MA Sociology program, Summer 2002; 2003), Co-author; Kate Fletcher (MA Sociology program, Summer 2002), Co-author; Adam Fiser (MA Sociology program, Summer 2002),Coauthor; Kevin Jones (MA Sociology program, Summer 2000);Charles OHara (MA Geography program, Summer 2000); Zoe Sujon (MA Sociology program, 2000-02).

    2000-03 Principal Investigator. 'The Culture of the Building Site: Innovation in the Canadian Construction Industry.' Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, plus research timerelease. 3 Years . $58,000.Major Activities: Book on innovation in construction with Andr Manseau, National Research Council of Canada (contracted, Ashgate Publishers).Research Assistant: Kevin West (Interdisciplinary Studies BA and Masters in Industrial Relations 1998-99; Summer 2000). Co-author.

    1999 Principal Investigator. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 'Impact of a Knowledge-Based Economy on the Permanent Workforce of the Federal Public Service: Managing Knowledge and Expertise.' Challenges of a Knowledge Based Economy Strategic Theme Seed Fund. $5000Research Assistant: Kevin Jones (MA Sociology Program, Summer 1999).

    R. Shields August 2017 28

  • 1998 Principal Investigator. National Centre for Geographic Information Applications, Santa Barbara, Cal., National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. Seed Grant, 'Community Networking and Local Identity'. US$3400Major Activities: Online survey and Symposium for National Capital Freenet.Research Assistants: Heather Bromberg (Sociology Ph.D. Program, Summer 1998); Derek Foster (CommunicationPh.D. Program, Summer 1998)

    1995 Principal Investigator. 'Images and Acts of Urban Sociability' Pilot Study. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada $10,000

    b) University Grants2016 University of Alberta Grant Assist Program Bridging Grant for high ranked SSHRC Insight Grant Applicant: 'Place as Topoi: case histories of spatial temporal logics'. $5000

    2014 University of Alberta Grant Assist Program 'Innovation Partnership Grant' $8,000. Complete.

    2011 Killam Foundation, Cornerstone Grant 'Community and Nanotechnology in the Edmonton Region' University of Alberta $30,000. Complete.Research Associate: Dr. Kevin Jones (Senior Research Associate, City-Region Studies Centre). 2011.Research Assistants: Bryan Sluggett, Sociology; Catherine Scheelar, Anthropology 2011.

    2008 Travel as Canadian Sponsor and Collaborator with Philip Steinberg (Associate Professor of Geography, Florida State University) for fieldwork in Ottawa and Washington on Contested Sovereignty Claims and the Northwest Passage International Council for Canadian Studies, Canadian Embassy, Washington DC. University of Alberta EFF SAS Grant $1,609.11

    2004 Videoconferencing Equipment. Endowment Fund for the Future. University of Alberta. $15,950.

    1997 Vice President Academic and Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Carleton University. Organized Research Unit on Innovation Research. $4000

    1993 Dean of Social Sciences, GR-6 fund. Research on Urban Social Interaction, Carleton University. $2500

    1992 Dean of Social Sciences, GR-6 fund. Research on Henri Lefebvre, Carleton University. $2500

    c) Industry and Other Operating Funds2016-17 MITACS Internship (with prospect of renewal) Applicant with Edmonton Heritage Foundation, Dr. K. Jones, City Region Studies Centre, $15,000.

    11. Service to the Professiona) Offices in Learned SocietiesMember, National Steering Committee, Canadian Association of Cultural Studies 2004-05. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Annual Conference Media Coordinator 1994.

    b) Scholarly assessments-External Referee for Scholarly JournalsEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space (1990-); Theory, Culture and Society (1990-); Annals of the American Association of Geographers (1992-); Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (1993-); Socit et Socits (1994).

    R. Shields August 2017 29

  • -External Referee for Scholarly Book SeriesWilfred Laurier University Press (2007); Sage Publications (1994-); Routledge (1992-); Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme (1994, 2003), University of Minnesota Press (2001-), Blackwell Publications (2001), Macmillan (2003, 2005).

    -External Referee for Major Research Proposals and National InitiativesConsultants Report on the Graduate Program in Digital Futures at OCAD University, Toronto, for Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, March 11 2011. Finnish Academy of Science (2006) European Science Foundation (2005)

    External Evaluator, Welfare City Project (Unpublished Report), Social Science Research Council of Denmark, Danish Building Research Institute, Ministry of Social Research, Denmark. Copenhagen (May 2001).

    Economic and Social Science Research Council, U.K., JET Capital Grants Programme (projects in excess ofGBP 2 million (2000)), Postdoctoral Scholarships (2000-02), Regular Research Grants (2000)

    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada External Referee, Standard Research Grants (1997, 2000).

    -Recent External Referee for Academic PromotionsBulent Batuman, Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor Bilkent University, 2014

    Jonathan Roberge, Canada Research Chair, Laval University, External Referee, 2012

    Michael Glass, Tenure, Univ. of Pittsburgh, External Reviewer, 2012

    Bulent Diken, Promotion to Professor, Lancaster Univ. External Reviewer 2012

    Anon. Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor, Communication, North Carolina State University. June 2010.

    Anon. Promotion to Senior Lecturer, Sociology, Brunel University, UK. Nov. 2009

    Anon. Promotion to Professor, Communications, University of North Carolina, October 2008

    -External Examiner for Ph.D.sOle Jensen, Habilitation. Higher Doctorate, Aalborg University, Denmark, Oct. 2014

    Naotaka Hiyashi, Anthropology Ph.D. University of Alberta, External Examiner, March 2013.

    Samita Nandy, PhD Griffiths University, External Examiner, 2013

    Patrick Gamsby PhD Univ. of Alberta External Reviewer, 2012

    Steven Lepine Ph.D. Psychology, University of Alberta. Internal Examiner 2011.

    Michael MacDonald Ph.D. Music, University of Alberta. Internal Examiner 2010.

    Jason Wallin Ph.D. Education, University of Alberta. Internal Examiner 2009.

    James Cresswell Ph.D. Psychology, University of Alberta. Internal Examiner 2009.

    R. Shields August 2017 30

  • Lilia Verchinina Ph.D. Sociology, University of Alberta. Examination Committee Member 2004. Completed Sept. 2008

    Peter Larson Ph.D. MLCS, University of Alberta. Examination Committee Member External to Dept. Jan. 2009

    Amie Matthews, 'Becoming a Citizen of the World: Understanding the Experiential Significance of Young People's Journeys Through "Liminoidity"' Geography Ph.D., Newcastle University, Callaghan NSW Australia. Jan. 2008

    Jane Daniels, 'Schizoid Consuming-Body-Subjectivity: An Exploration of Consumer Culture, Marketing Discourse, Bodies and Power' English Ph.D., La Trobe University, Victoria Australia. Dec. 2007

    Kate Moles Narratives of Postcolonialism in Liminal Space: The place called Phoenix Park, Dublin School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Wales. May 2007

    Don Bosco Antony A Critical Examination of the New Economy and Its Impact on Youth Culture Studies National University of Singapore. April 2007.

    Matthew Kearnes The Materiality of Public Art University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales Australia.October 2003.

    Barbara Henderson-Smith Ph.D., The Consequences of Potentiality: Consumer Spaces from 1600 to 2000.' Film, Media and Cultural Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane Australia, April 2003.

    Katerina Keskitalo, Ph.D., University of Lapland, Rovaniemi Finland, November 2002.

    Justine Lloyd, Ph.D. Film, Media and Cultural Studies, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia 1999.

    Colleen Skidmore, Ph.D. Sociology, Cultural Studies and Art History, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta 1999

    Paula Whitman, Ph.D. The Shopping Centre as Town Centre: Seeking Social Centrality in the Iconographic Details of Use of Contemporary Retail Spaces, Architecture, Griffith University, Brisbane 1999.

    Roberto Fereira-Freitas, Ph.D. Social Anthropology, La Sorbonne Universit de Paris V, Paris, France 1993.

    -External Examiner for M.A.Michael Granzow, M.A. Sociology, University of Lethbridge. Examiner 2009. Jean Chia M.A. Anthropology, University of Alberta. Examiner 2007.

    Andrea Pinheiro, M.F.A. Printmaking, University of Alberta. 30 Oct. 2007.

    Jodie Asselin, Anthropology M.A., University of Alberta. 19 Sept 2007.

    Kerry Harmer, External Critic, Final M.Des. Project and Thesis, Industrial Design, Art and Design, University of Alberta. 26 May 2006.

    Eric Watercote, External Critic, Final M.F.A. Project Review, Printmaking, Art and Design, University of Alberta. 25 May 2005.

    R. Shields August 2017 31

  • Christine OConnor, Activity Theory M.A. Thesis, Psychology, Carleton University. April 28 2003.

    Mary Johnson, Online, Onscreen: Motion Picture Marketing via the Internet, M.A. Thesis, School for Studies in Art and Culture: Film Studies, Carleton University. April 25, 2001.

    Ruth Bankey, 'Agoraphobia.' M.A. Thesis, Geography, Carleton University. 1999.

    Eric Sauv, 'The Calico Trade and the Crisis of the Object.' M.A. Thesis, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University. 1999.

    Mathew Coleman, 'Nomadic Bodies and Environmental Degradation.' M.A. Thesis, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University. 1999.

    Jill Delaney, 'The Culture of Public Housing in Twentieth Century Canada: Architectural Design and Cultural Meaning in Three Public Housing Projects 1918-1990.' Canadian Studies M.A. Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, 1991.

    c) Other-Advisory BoardsSKuOR Advisory Board, Technical University of Vienna (TUWien) 2015

    Infoscape Research Lab, Ryerson University. 2004-

    Institute for Popular Culture, Manchester Metropolitan University, Board 1995-2000.

    Centre for Research on Consumption, University of East London, Advisory Board 1995-97.

    -Consultancies and Contract Research to GovernmentsDevelopment Guidelines, City of Leduc Airport Lands, with Chakanaka Zinyemba, Scott Varga and D. Deshpande, Planning Alliance. for City of Leduc, Oct 2012-Feb. 2013 $35,000

    'Urban-Rural Interdependencies' (7 technical reports) with Kevin Jones et al. City-Region Studies Centre, Government of Alberta 2009-10. $200,000

    Facilitation of the 1999 Construction Innovation Roundtable (Unpublished Report), National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction. 1999. $1250

    Innovation in the Canadian Construction Industry.' with R. Clayton, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Ottawa, for National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction. 1999. $20,000

    Motivation Business Plan' (Unpublished Report), with Dr. Elizabeth Shove, Design Society and Space Research Unit, Lancaster University for Construction Sponsorship Directorate, Department of Environment UK, Feb-June. Publication: 'The Motivation Report'. 1996. $28,000

    'Factors Enabling and Inhibiting Innovation in Construction' (Unpublished Report), with E. Shove and N. Packwood, Design Society and Space Research Unit, University of Lancaster for Construction Sponsorship Directorate, Department of Environment UK. Publication: 'Factors Enabling and Inhibiting Innovation.' 1996. $65,000

    Economic and Social Sciences Research Council U.K. Consultancy to develop a programme proposal for 'The Virtual Society' Research Programme (Unpublished Report). 1995-6. $7000

    R. Shields August 2017 32

  • Secretary of State for Youth. Cross-Canada interviews with respondents to the Senate Special Committee on Youth'. 1995. $5000.

    Canada Council Explorations Grant, Ontario Summer Works Program, 'Forms of Industrial Architecture' with Nadia Subotincic. 1984. $63,000

    Museums Canada and Public Works Canada. Photographic Documentation Project. 1984. $5000

    12. Academic Responsibilitiesa) Graduate courses taught-University of AlbertaCities and Suburbs, Sociology 585. 2016.

    Space and Time in Sociological Theory and Practice. 2013.

    Virtual and Material Culture Interdisciplinary Course, Department of Sociology (Soc634B). 2009-08; 2010-11, 2011-12.

    Cultural Theory: Interdisciplinary Course, Department of Sociology (Soc604B). 2004-06

    Visual and Mate

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