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Customer Satisfaction And Its InferenceTowards Select Fast Moving ConsumerGoods: A Study Dr. Achut P. PednekarAbstractCustomer satisfaction is important for the company to build the sales andvalue of the brand. The objectives and the purpose of the study were explainedto the respondents. Both primary and secondary data were collected to realizethe objectives of the study. Due to limitation of time, only 100 respondentswere selected from Mhapsa area on the basis of convenient sampling. In orderto make an in-depth study, secondary data has been collected from journals,publications, news, internet, and magazines. Necessary statistical tools havebeen used and the collected data were then consolidated, tabulated andanalyzed. The results and discussions have been presented under varioushead. The products covered under the study are Toothpaste, Soap, Shampoo,Detergents, Utensil cleaner, Face cream, Milk, Soft drink, Coffee, Edible Oil,Noodle, Spices, Talcum powder, Hair oil, Deo’s, Tea Powder, Biscuits,Pickles, Chips, Chocolates, Ice cream and Ketchup. The study concludes thatmost of the products are purchased on the basis of quality, price, brand status,identity, services, packaging, credibility and self esteem. They get attracted tothe many variables related to the utility and the price value.

Key words – Customer; Satisfaction; FMCG; Brands

Journal of Commerce & Management ThoughtVol. 6-4, 2015, pp 706-723

DOI : 10.5958/0976-478X.2015.00043.9


IntroductionThere is no doubt that consumer is the supreme. They want

number of goods to satisfy their needs and comforts. Such satisfactioncan be ensured by producing the suitable goods and making themavailable for consumption to the consumer. For this purpose, there isneed to identify the consumers attitude towards different goods. Themanufacturers are expected to undertake the consumer researchactivity to understand the approach of consumer. The consumerresearch helps the manufacturers to produce, as far as possible, thesuitable goods according to the requirement of the consumers.

Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) are consumer packagedgoods, the products with a quick turnover and relatively low cost andthe items which get replaced within a year. FMCG includes wide rangeof frequently used and purchased consumer products such as toiletries,soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving products, detergents,glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, shampoos, shoe polish, andplastic goods. FMCG may also include pharmaceuticals, consumerelectronics, packaged food products, soft drinks, tissue paper andchocolate bars. White goods in FMCG refer to household electronicitems such as Refrigerators, TVs, and Music System etc. These itemsare meant for daily or frequent consumption and have a high return.Typical purchasing of these goods occurs at grocery stores,supermarket, hypermarket etc. FMCG product can be sold in a betterway to promote the sales through the samples, coupons, premium,refunds, bonus and price of deals, frequency programmes and eventmarketing.Objective of the study

The present study aims at understanding the customer satisfactionand its implication towards select FMCG goods.Research Methodology

The objectives and the purpose of the study were explained to therespondents. Due to limitation of time, only 100 respondents wereselected from among 150 respondents of Mhapsa area on the basis of

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convenient sampling. The data collected through primary andsecondary sources were combined together to arrive at a conclusion informulating the findings and resultant recommendations orsuggestions. Necessary statistical tools have been used and the datapresented effectively adopting appropriate techniques. Both primaryand secondary data were collected to realize the objectives of the study.The collected data were then consolidated, tabulated and analyzed. Inorder to make an in-depth study, secondary data has been collectedfrom journals, publications, news, internet, and magazines. Theproducts covered under the study are Toothpaste, Soap, Shampoo,Detergents, Utensil cleaner, Face cream, Milk, Soft drink, Coffee,Edible Oil, Noodle, Spices, Talcum powder, Hair oil, Deo’s, TeaPowder, Biscuits, Pickles, Chips, Chocolates, Ice cream and Ketchup. Descriptive survey of cross sections of customers

In order to know the aforementioned dimensions, of the customersatisfaction and its implications towards FMCG goods, a quickdescriptive survey of 100 respondents of Mhapsa area using the FMCGgoods was conducted by administering structured questionnaire. Therespondents belonged to cross-sections of the society in terms of age,sex, profession, education and income status. Out of 100 respondents,63 per cent of the female respondents and 37 per cent of the malerespondents use fast moving consumer goods. 14 per cent of therespondents fall in the age group of 30 and below. 28 per cent ofrespondents are in the age group of 31 to 40. 18 per cent of respondentsare in the age group of 41 to 50. 32 per cent of the respondents are inthe age group of 51 to 60 and 8 per cent of the respondents belongs tothe categories of 61 and above. 8 per cent of the respondents are havingeducational qualification below S.S.C. 29 per cent of respondentspossess educational qualification up to S.S.C. 21 per cent ofrespondents are qualified up to H.S.S.C. 8 per cent are under Graduate,33 per cent are Graduate, whereas, 1 per cent belongs to the postgraduate categories. 29 per cent of respondents are having incomebelow 10000. 47 per cent of respondents are having income between10001 to 20000. 16 per cent are having income between 20001 to30000 and 8 per cent of respondents are having income above 30000.

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Data Analysis and DiscussionThe results and discussions have been presented under various head.

Exhibit I Preference for Toothpaste Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

Exhibit I shows that Colgate leads the market with 52.50 per cent.13.33 per cent respondents prefer Pepsodent as their favoritetoothpaste, 9.16 per cent of respondents prefers Close Up. 8.33 percent of respondents prefer Patanjali. 6.66 per cent of respondentsprefer Babool & Sensodyne each. 3.33 per cent of respondents preferto use other types of toothpaste like Anchor, Amar etc. In case oftoothpaste brand, the most of the respondents prefer Colgate as theirmain choice. This thing can be revealed from the fact that 52.50 percent of the respondents prefer Colgate paste simply because of itsfighting spirit with cavities as well as give whiter teeth.

Exhibit II Preference for Soap

Source: Compilation of primary data

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Above Exhibit II shows that Lux leads the market share with 32.06per cent. 17.55 per cent consumer prefer Lifebuoy as their favoritesoap, 12.97 per cent of consumer opt for Pears as their main brand.7.63 per cent of consumer prefers to use Dove. 6.87 per cent ofconsumer prefers Dettol as their best alternative. 5.34 per cent ofconsumer prefer to use Rexona, whereas, 17.55 per cent of consumersprefer to use other soaps available viz; Medimix, Patanjali etc. In caseof soaps, Lux is capturing 32.06 per cent of the market. Most of therespondents prefer Lux because it glows and moisturize the skin andalso it is made from 100 per cent vegetable oil.

Exhibit III Preference for Shampoo

Source: Compilation of primary data

As per the above Exhibit III majority of the respondents use ClinicPlus and Head & Shoulder i.e. 22.54 per cent. 19.60 per centrespondents prefer Sunsilk as their favorite shampoo, 8.82 per cent ofrespondents prefers Pantene. 5.88 per cent of respondents prefer to useL’Oreal Paris and 20.58 per cent of respondents prefer to use othershampoo viz; Himalaya, Clean & Clear etc. In case of shampoo, bothClinic plus and Head & Shoulder are leading the market by 22.54 percent. From the respondent’s point of view, as both are of good qualityshampoo, they strengthen the hair, reduce hair fall and dandruff andgives thick and long hair.

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Exhibit IV Preference for Detergent Brand

Source: Compilation of primary data

As per the above Exhibit IV, 39.47 per cent of the respondents preferto use Tide which is at the top list. 20.17 per cent respondents preferSurf Excel as their favorite detergent, 15.78 per cent of respondentsprefers OK as their detergent. 14.91 per cent of respondents prefer touse Wheel. 4.38 per cent prefer to use Rin as their detergent. 5.26 percent of respondents prefer to use other detergent viz; Patanjali, Arialetc. In case of detergents, tide is preferred by 39.47 per cent of therespondents. The respondents are of the view that they preferred tideas the best among the other detergents especially because of its uniquecapacity of cleaning the clothes and bringing it newness to the clothes.

Exhibit V Preference for Utensil Cleaner Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

The above Exhibit V reveals that Vim (Liquid/Soap) shares the marketwith 73.07 per cent. 23.07 per cent respondents prefer Exo as theirfavorite utensil cleaner, 1.92 per cent of respondents prefers Prill astheir utensil cleaner. 0.96 per cent of respondents prefer to usePatanjali and 0.96 per cent of respondents prefer to use Pitambari. In

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utensil cleaner, Vim (liquid/soap) is preferred by the respondentsbecause according to them Vim has a power of cleaning the utensil inone wash as it contains 100 lemons in it. 73.07 per cent of therespondents of the total 100 respondents preferred Vim for cleaningtheir utensils.

Exhibit VI Preference for face cream brand

Source: Compilation of primary data

Above Exhibit VI shows that Fair & Lovely leads the market with42.26 per cent. 11.34 per cent respondents prefer Fairever as theirfavorite, 10.30 per cent of respondents prefers Ponds and Lakme. 7.21per cent of respondents prefer to use Oley. 5.15 per cent of respondentsprefers Nivea and 13.40 per cent of respondents prefer to use other facecream brands i.e.; Himalaya, Pear’s etc. Fair & Lovely is leading themarket in case of face cream i.e. by 42.76 per cent. It is preferred byrespondents because according to them it contains no harmfulingredients and the quality is also good.

Exhibit VII Preference for Milk Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

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As per the above Exhibit VII, 59 per cent of the respondents prefer touse Goa Dairy which is at the priority list. 18 per cent respondentsprefer Amul as their favorite, 12 per cent of respondents prefersMahananda. 11 per cent of respondents prefer to use other milk brandsviz; Mayur, Nestle etc. In case of milk brand, Goa Dairy is preferredby majority of the people i.e. about 59 per cent as it provides easyavailability, proteins, calcium and fats.

Exhibit VIII Preference for Soft Drink Brand

Sources: Compilation of primary data

From the above Exhibit VIII, we can see that 26.54 per cent of therespondents prefer Sprite as their favorite soft drink. Pepsi is preferredby 16.81 per cent. 15.92 per cent of the respondents represent Coca-Cola. 13.27 per cent of the respondents prefer to Dew as theirfavourite. 10.61 per cent of respondents prefer to drink 7up. 5.30 percent of respondents prefer to drink Mazza and Slice and 6.19 per centof prefers respondents like to have other drink available viz; Fanta,Minute Made etc. In case of soft drinks, Sprite is having the highestdemand that is 26.54 per cent because of its quality and flavor.

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Exhibit IX Preference for Coffee Brands

Sources: Compilation of primary data

As per the Exhibit IX above, 45.63 per cent of the respondents preferto use Nescafe as a coffee brand which is in the priority list. 38.83 percent respondents prefer Bru as their favorite coffee, 11.65 per cent ofrespondents prefers TATA Coffee. 3.88 per cent of respondents preferto use other than the mention above. As far as coffee is concerned,Nescafe is preferred by over and above 45 per cent of the respondentsdue to its best quality.

Exhibit X Preference for Edible oil Brands

Sources: Compilation of primary data

As per the above, 24.80 per cent of the respondents prefers to useGemini. 19.20 per cent respondents prefer Saffola as their favorite, 16per cent of respondents prefers Sunflower. 12.80 per cent ofrespondents prefer to use Fortune Refined. 9.60 per cent ofrespondents prefer to use Gold Winner. 8.80 per cent prefer to usePalmolein and other available brands, viz; Ruchi Gold, Raag etc.Gemini is leading the market by 24.80 per cent inspite of beingcharged high price.

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Exhibit XI Preference for Noodle Brands

Sources: Compilation of primary data

It shows that 30.70 per cent of the respondents prefer to eat Maggie asa noodles brand. 18.89 per cent respondents prefer Foodles as theirfavorite, 14.17 per cent of respondents prefers Knorr. 12.59 per cent ofrespondents prefer to eat Sunfeast and Chingz. 6.29 per cent prefer toeat Top Ramen and 4.72 per cent of respondents eat rest of the brandsavailable in the market, viz; Smith and Jones and others. In case ofnoodles, Maggie noddles are leading the market by over 18.89 percent. It mostly prefers because children likes it most and it is easy tocook and within 2 minutes it get ready. So the demand for Maggienoddles is increasing.

Exhibit XII Preference for Spices

Sources: Compilation of primary data

35.20 per cent of the respondents prefer to use Everest. 22.40 per centof respondents prefer Suhana as their favorite, 19.20 per cent of

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respondents prefer M.D.H. 5.60 per cent prefer to use Ram Bandhu4.80 per cent prefer to use Catch and 12.80 per cent of respondentsprefer to use other brands available, viz; Cookme etc. In case of spices,Everest brands are preferred mostly by over 35.20 per cent of therespondents because of the taste and quality. The survey reveals thatEverest product is the leading brand. It is very creative and highlyattractive to match with the choices of the respondents.

Exhibit XIII Preference for Talcum Powder Brands

Sources: Compilation of primary data

Exhibit XIII reveals that Ponds leads the market with 63.20 per cent.12.26 per cent respondents prefer Spinz as their favorite, 4.71 per centof respondents prefers Lakme. 3.77 per cent of respondents prefer touse Santoor and Wild Stone. 12.26 per cent of respondents prefer touse other talcum powder brands available, viz; Patanjali, Yardley andLondon. In case of talcum powder, Ponds prefer mostly by 63.20 percent of the respondents. It is because of its fragrance and flavors.

Exhibit XIV Preference for Hair Oil

Source: Compilation of primary data

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Above Exhibit XIVshows that parachute leads the market with 63.80per cent. 11.40 per cent respondents prefer almond oil as their favorite,10.40 per cent of respondents prefers livon. 8.57 per cent ofrespondents prefer to use coconut oil and 5.71 per cent of respondentsprefer to use other brands available, viz; Vatika, Ashwini etc In case ofhair oil; Parachute is one of the leading hair oil. It is mostly preferredby the respondents by over 63.80 per cent because of its quality ofmaintaining hair good looking, shiny, long and healthy.

Exhibit XV Preference for Tea Powder Brand

Source: Compilation of primary data

The above Exhibit XV shows that 28.57 per cent of the respondentsprefer to use Red Label. 18.09 per cent respondents prefer TATA astheir favorite, 17.14 per cent of respondents prefers Kanandevan.12.38 per cent of respondents prefer to use Society. 8.57 per cent ofrespondents prefer to use Taj Mahal. 4.76 per cent prefer to use WaghBakri and Patanjali each and 5.71 per cent respondents prefer other teapowder. In case of tea powder, Red label is preferred mostly by over28.57 per cent because from the respondents view point it has theability of maintaining health good and keeps them fresh over a longerperiod of time.

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Exhibit XVI Preference for Deodorants Brands

Source: Compilation of Primary Data

As per the above Exhibit XVI , 14.86 per cent of the respondents useRexona. 13.51 per cent respondents prefer Axe as their favorite, 12.16per cent of respondents prefers Fogg. 10.81 per cent of respondentsprefer to use Cynthol. 9.45 per cent of respondents prefer to use Spinzand 39.18 per cent respondents prefer to use other deodorant; viz;Enevy, Wild Stone etc. In case of Deo’s, Rexona is preferred mostly byover 14.86 per cent. According to the respondents Rexona hasfragrance and flavors. Apart from that they also believe that therespective brand keeps day a best with fresh atmosphere.

Exhibit XVII Preference for Biscuit Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

As per the above Exhibit XVII, 25 per cent of the respondents preferto have Good Day. 16.66 per cent respondents prefer Marie as theirfavorite, 12.12 per cent of respondents prefers Hide & Sick. 9.09 of percent respondents prefer to have Oreo. 6.81 per cent of respondents

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prefer Britannia. 6.06 per cent prefer Tiger and Cream Cracker. 3.78per cent of respondents prefer Toast and 6.81 per cent respondentsprefer to have other biscuit brands available like Parle-G, DreamCream etc. In case of biscuits, Good day brands are preferred mostlyby over 25 per cent because of the taste and quality.

Exhibit XVIII Preference for Pickle

Source: Compilation of Primary Data

As per the above Exhibit XVIII, majority of the respondents preferSiddhivinayak, i.e. 21.69 per cent. 17.92 per cent respondents preferShraddha. 8.49 per cent prefer Ram Bandhu, 2.83 per cent preferNilon’s and 49.05 per cent of respondents prefer to use other picklebrand. In case of pickle, Siddhivinayak is preferred mostly by over21.69 per cent because of the taste and quality.

Exhibit XIX Respondents Preferring Chips

Source: Compilation of Primary Data

As per the above, most of the respondents prefers to eat Lay’s as theirfavorite chips brand i.e. 30.87 per cent. 19.46 per cent of the

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respondents prefer Kurkure, 11.40 per cent of the respondents prefer toeat Balaji, 8.72 per cent of the respondents prefer Uncle Chips andBingo as favorite chips brand. Hippo is preferred by 6.71 per cent ofthe respondents; Cheetos by 5.36 per cent and 8.72 per cent of therespondents prefer other chips brand available in the market. In case ofchips, Lay’s brand is leading the market by over 30.87 per cent. It ismostly preferred by the children because of its flavour.

Exhibit XX Preference for Chocolate Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

The Above Exhibit XX shows that the Cadbury Silk leads the marketby 23.12 per cent. 20.40 per cent of the respondents prefer Galaxy astheir favorite. 10.88 per cent of the respondents prefer Cadbury DairyMilk. Snickers, Kitkat, Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruits and Nuts arepreferred by 8.16 per cent of the respondents, whereas, 6.80 per centof the respondents preferring Milky bar as their chocolate brand. 3.40per cent prefer Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond and 10.88 per centprefer other chocolate brands available in the market. In case ofchocolates, Silk brand is leading the market by over 23.12 per cent. Itis preferred firstly, of its advertisement in the television. Secondly, itreminds about the childhoodness and finally, the taste.

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Exhibit XXI Preference for Ice Cream Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

From the above, we can see that 31.57 per cent of the respondentsprefer Amul as their favorite ice cream. 19.29 per cent of therespondents prefer Cream Bell. 14.03 per cent of the respondentsprefer Vadillal. Kwality walls are preferred by 11.40 per cent of therespondents. 9.64 per cent of the respondents prefers Mother Dairy asfavorite. 4.38 per cent of the respondents prefer London Dairy and9.64 per cent of the respondents prefer other ice cream brands. In caseof ice cream, Amul brand is holds the maximum share i.e. 31.57 percent. It is mostly preferred due to its taste, quality, loyalty, image etc.

Exhibit XXII Exhibit Preference for Ketchup Brands

Source: Compilation of primary data

As per the above, 33.33 per cent of respondents prefer Kissan as theirfavorite. 29.72 per cent of the respondents prefer Maggie. Heinz ispreferred by 13.51 per cent of the respondents. Chingz is preferred by

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10.81 per cent of the respondents. 8.10 per cent of respondents preferTops as their favorite and 4.50 per cent of respondents prefer ketchupbrand available in the market. In case of ketch up, Kissan brand isleading the market by over 33.33 per cent.

ConclusionThe brand preference in fast moving consumer goods sector is

showing significant growth. In the survey we found that the most ofthe people prefered branded products. The reason behind this is thequality, price, packaging, offers and advertisements. Since accordingto them quality is assured as the manufacturers are reputed. The mostknown fast moving consumer goods are Colgate, Lux Clinic plus,Head & Shoulder, Tide, Vim (liquid / soap), Fair & Lovely Goa dairy,Sprite Nescafe, Gemini, Maggie, Everest Ponds, Parachute, RedLabel, Rexona Good Day, Siddhivinayak, Lay’s, Silk and Amul, andKissan. In the present day, the consumers are ready to pay more forbranded quality items. It is the quality, promotion and innovation ofproducts that attracts the consumers.

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The AuthorDr Achut Pednekar is Assistant Professor in Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s Collegeand Research Centre, Assagao, Goa.

Email: • Received On: 08, Sep.2015

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