cu,zn is a · against a recombinant human cu,zn superoxide dismutase derivative producedandpurified...

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Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 88, pp. 7381-7385, August 1991Cell Biology

Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase is a peroxisomal enzyme in humanfibroblasts and hepatoma cellsGILBERT-ANDRE, KELLER*, THOMAS G. WARNER*, KATHELYN S. STEIMERt, AND ROBERT A. HALLEWELLt*Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA 94080 and tChiron Corp., Emeryville, CA 94608

Communicated by Irwin Fridovich, May 6, 1991 (received for review February 14, 1991)

ABSTRACT The intracellular localization ofCu,Zn super-oxide dismutase (superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase, EC1.15.1.1) has been examined by immunofluorescence using fourmonoclonal anti-Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase antibodies raisedagainst a recombinant human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutasederivative produced and purified from Escherichia coli. Colo-calization with catalase, a peroxisomal matrix enzyme, wasused to demonstrate the peroxisomal localization of Cu,Znsuperoxide dismutase in human fibroblasts and hepatoma cells.In the fibroblasts of Zellweger syndrome patients, the enzymeis not transported to the peroxisomal ghosts but, like catalase,remains in the cytoplasm. In addition, immunocryoelectronmicroscopy of yeast cells expressing human Cu,Zn superoxidedismutase showed that the enzyme is translocated to theperoxisomes.

Superoxide dismutases (SODs; superoxide:superoxide oxi-doreductase, EC are a family ofenzymes unusual inthat their substrate is an unstable and toxic free radicalproduced as a by-product of oxidative metabolism. Theseenzymes protect cells by catalyzing the dismutation of thesuperoxide radical to 02 and H202 (1). In mammalian cells,three forms of SOD-Mn SOD, Cu,Zn SOD, and extracel-lular Cu,Zn SOD-have been identified. They are encoded bythree separate genes and differ in their amino acid sequencesand their localization (2-4). The human Cu,Zn SOD is a dimerof identical subunits, each consisting of 153 amino acids andcontaining one Cu and one Zn ion. Although usually de-scribed as a cytoplasmic enzyme, the subcellular localizationof Cu,Zn SOD has been ascribed to various organelles. Thisview is based in part on cell fractionation experiments, inwhich the enzyme activity was found predominantly in thecytosol but also in the fraction corresponding to the mito-chondrial intermembrane space (5) or with the lysosomalfraction (6). More recent investigations involving immuno-localization of the enzyme with a polyclonal antibody havereported the presence of Cu,Zn SOD in the cytoplasmicmatrix, the nucleus, and the lysosomes of rat liver hepato-cytes (7).We suspected that Cu,Zn SOD might be a peroxisomal

enzyme for the following reasons: (i) xanthine oxidase, whichhas recently been shown to be localized within peroxisomes(8, 9), generates toxic superoxide radicals as a reactionby-product, (ii) H202, a toxic product of superoxide dismu-tation, is removed by catalase, which is uniquely located inperoxisomes in mammals, (iii) catalase may require protec-tion from superoxide radicals, which have been shown toinactivate it (10), and (iv) Cu,Zn SOD contains a tripeptideSer-Arg-Leu close to the C terminus that might act as aperoxisomal targeting signal. We have therefore reexaminedthe cellular localization of the enzyme both in mammaliancells and in yeast expressing the human cDNA.

MATERIAL AND METHODSMonoclonal Antibodies. BALB/c mice were immunized

with a Cu,Zn SOD/p31 fusion protein produced and purifiedfrom Escherichia coli (11). Spleen cells were fused with themouse myeloma cell line P3x63 Ag.653 (12) and cells wereplated in microtiter plates. Wells with cell growth werescreened for SOD-specific antibodies by ELISA. The fourmonoclonal antibodies used in this study react with bothnative and denatured human Cu,Zn SOD and are designatedCZSODF2, CZSODA3, CZSODA6, and CZSODA7. Anti-body was purified from ascites fluid by ammonium sulfateprecipitation followed by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography(13).

Yeast Strains and Culture Conditions. Saccharomyces cere-visiae strain P017 [Mata Leu2 (cii°)] (14) was transformed withplasmid pC1/1 PGAPHSODC6A,C111S (15) encoding expres-sion of a thermostable human Cu,Zn SOD that has normalstructure and activity (16). The pC1/1 PGAPHSODC6A,CillS shuttle vector contains the 2-,um yeast plasmid,pBR322, the defective yeast Leu2 gene, and the human Cu,ZnSOD cDNA under the transcriptional control of the promoterfor the yeast glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase (15). Colonies were selected on plates lackingleucine, inoculated into 5-ml cultures of minimal dextrosemedium lacking leucine, and grown to stationary phase at 30'Cwith aeration (17). Cultures (2 ml) were pelleted by centrifu-gation, washed once with oleic acid medium, and resuspendedin 25 ml of oleic acid medium and grown 24 hr at 30'C withaeration. Sterile filtered oleic acid medium contained thefollowing: yeast nitrogen base (6.7 g/liter) (Difco), yeastextract (0.5 g/liter) (Difco), oleic acid (1 ml/liter) (Sigma),Tween 80 (0.5 ml/liter) (Sigma), and 1 M CUSO4 (100 ml/liter)(Cu,Zn SOD-producing strains).

Immunofluorescence Microscopy. Indirect immunofluores-cence of Hep-G2 cells and fibroblasts from normal and Zell-weger patients (obtained from D. Applegarth, British ColumbiaChildren's Hospital) was performed as described (18). Primarymonoclonal antibodies to human Cu,Zn SOD and rabbit anti-bodies to human catalase were used at 50 and 10 ,ug/ml,respectively. A monoclonal antibody to human Mn SOD (19),instead of the monoclonal antibodies to Cu,Zn SOD, was usedas a control antibody. The secondary antibodies were rhoda-mine-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG and fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG. Cells were photographed inthe same plane of focus with a Leitz Aristoplan microscopeusing the appropriate filters for rhodamine and fluorescein.Immunocryoelectron Microscopy. Cryoultramicrotomy,

immunolabeling of cryosections, and thin plastic embeddingof yeast cells were performed as described (20). The char-acterization of the rabbit antibody against the peroxisometargeting signal has been described elsewhere (21). Theimmunolabeled sections were observed without poststainingin a Philips CM12 transmission electron microscope equippedwith a 10-,m-diameter objective aperture.

Abbreviation: SOD, superoxide dismutase.


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991)

A1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

HumanCuZn SOD_Yeast <CuZn SOD


Peroxisomal Ization ofCu,Zn SOD in HumanHepatomaCells. The specificity of purified monoclonal antibody CZ-SODF2 was first determined by Western blot (22). Fig. 1

FIG. 1. Reactivity of monoclonal antibodyCZSODF2 with purified Cu,Zn SODs and celllysates. (A) Coomassie blue-stained SDS/polyacrylamide gel. Lanes: 1,5 ,ug ofrecombinant

130 human Cu,Zn SOD; 2, 3 ,ug of Cu,Zn SOD from75 human erythrocytes; 3, 5 ,ug of S. cerevisiae

Cu,Zn SOD; 4, Hep-G2 cell homogenate; 5, 20 ,ug50 of S. cerevisiae Cu,Zn SOD; 6, cell lysate of yeast

strain P017, no plasmid; 7, cell lysate of yeast39 strain P017 expressing plasmid-encoded human

-- 27 Cu,Zn SOD; 8, molecular weight markers (Mr x10-3). (B) Immunoblots, with the monoclonal

* 17 antibody against human Cu,Zn SOD, of the sameprotein samples as in A transferred to nitrocellu-lose paper. Staining was by the alkaline phos-phatase-conjugated second antibody (goat anti-mouse IgG) method (33).

shows that this monoclonal antibody specifically recognizes aMr 19,000 protein band that comigrates with purified humanCu,Zn SOD (lanes 1 and 2) and with a protein from a Hep-G2cell homogenate (lane 4). Double immunolabeling experimentswith monoclonal antibody CZSODF2 against human Cu,Zn

FIG. 2. (A-D) Peroxisomal localization of human Cu,Zn SOD by double immunofluorescence. Hep-G2 cells were simultaneously labeledfor Cu,Zn SOD and catalase (A-D) and for Mn SOD (E) and catalase (F). The secondary antibodies were rhodamine-conjugated goat anti-rabbitIgG (for catalase) and fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (for Cu,Zn and Mn SODs). (A and B) Field of Hep-G2 cells at lowmagnification. The punctate pattern obtained with the antibody against catalase, which marks the location ofthe peroxisomes, is superimposableto that of Cu,Zn SOD. The codistribution of Cu,Zn SOD (C) with catalase (D) can be better appreciated at a higher magnification. Cu,Zn SODis detected only in the peroxisomes. The nucleus and the other cytoplasmic organelles are not labeled. A control experiment was performedwith a monoclonal antibody against Mn SOD (E) and the rabbit anti-human catalase antibody (F). The anti-Mn SOD antibody labels themitochondria intensely. Note that the distribution of Mn SOD is quite different from that obtained with the anti-Cu,Zn SOD antibody and isnot superimposable on the distribution of catalase. (A, B, E, and F, x490; C and D, x1450.)

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FIG. 3. Immunocryoelectron microscopy of yeast showing the peroxisomal localization of human Cu,Zn SOD in transformed cells. (A) S.cerevisiae cells transformed with a plasmid encoding expression of human Cu,Zn SOD were grown on a medium containing oleic acid to induceperoxisome proliferation. Human Cu,Zn SOD is localized mainly within membrane-bound organelles although the enzyme can also be seen inthe cytoplasm (arrows). Cytoplasmic labeling may represent the site of enzyme synthesis and protein transport to the peroxisomes. (B) Controlcells without the plasmid expressing human Cu,Zn SOD grown on oleic acid medium. The membrane-bound organelles are not labeled for humanCu,Zn SOD. (C) Same cells as in A but immunolabeled with a rabbit antibody raised against the peroxisome targeting signal (Ser-Lys-Leu atthe C terminus) (21, 26). L, lipid droplet; P, peroxisomes. (Bars = 0.1 /im.)

SOD and a rabbit anti-human catalase antibody were carriedout on Hep-G2 cells. At low magnification, the immunolabel-ing pattern for Cu,Zn SOD (Fig. 2A) is indistinguishable fromthat for catalase (Fig. 2B). Careful examination of the immu-nofluorescence patterns at higher magnification reveals thatthe vesicular structures labeled by the anti-Cu,Zn SOD andanti-catalase antibodies are superimposable (Fig. 2 C and D).Since catalase is a classical peroxisomal marker, these resultsindicate that Cu,Zn SOD is predominantly concentratedwithin the peroxisomes in human hepatoma cells. In addition,a monoclonal antibody against human Mn SOD (19) wassubstituted in the same immunolabeling protocol. The anti-MnSOD monoclonal antibody gave the typical vermiculate im-munolabeling pattern of the mitochondrial compartment (Fig.2E), which is totally different from the punctate patterncharacteristic of peroxisome labeling (Fig. 2F). This showsthat the peroxisomal localization of Cu,Zn SOD was not dueto cross-reactivity of the secondary antibody (the fluorescein-labeled goat anti-mouse IgG) with a peroxisomal protein. Allfour anti-human Cu,Zn SOD monoclonal antibodies labeledthe peroxisomes in single immunolabeling experiments (datanot shown).Human Cu,Zn SOD Is Targeted to the Peroxisomes of the

Yeast S. cerevisiae. To ensure that the results obtained withHep-G2 cells were not due to cross-reactivity of the anti-

Cu,Zn SOD monoclonal antibodies with an epitope(s) presenton a peroxisomal protein unrelated to Cu,Zn SOD, we usedtransformed yeast cells expressing the human enzyme (15).Expression of the human enzyme in transformed, but not incontrol, cells was confirmed by Western blot analysis (Fig. 1,lanes 6 and 7). The antibodies to the human protein did notrecognize yeast Cu,Zn SOD (lanes 3 and 5). S. cerevisiaecontains few visible peroxisomes when grown under normalconditions (24), but peroxisomes multiply upon growth onoleic acid (25). Immunocryoelectron microscopy of yeast cellsgrown in oleic acid medium showed that the human enzymewas concentrated in the matrix of small subcellular organellessurrounded by a single membrane (Fig. 3A). Morphologicallysimilar organelles were detected in the cytoplasm of wild-typecells but, as expected, they were not labeled with the anti-human Cu,Zn SOD antibody (Fig. 3B). Immunolabeling withantibodies to the peroxisomal targeting signal confirmed thatthe organelles containing the human enzyme were indeedperoxisomes (Fig. 3C). These antibodies recognize multipleperoxisomal proteins in mammalian cells and eukaryotic mi-croorganisms including S. cerevisiae (21, 26).Cu,Zn SOD Is Cytoplasmic in the Fibroblasts of Zellweger

Syndrome Patients. Zellweger syndrome is due to an auto-somal recessive mutation that causes incomplete assembly ofperoxisomes (27). Although the peroxisomal membranes are

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FIG. 4. Fibroblasts of normal (A and B) and Zellweger (C and D) patients immunolabeled with the anti-Cu,Zn SOD monoclonal antibody(A and C) and anti-catalase antibodies (B and D). As expected on the basis of the deficient peroxisome assembly in Zellweger patients, Cu,ZnSOD (C), like catalase (D), is localized to the cytosol, whereas it is peroxisomal in normal fibroblasts (A and B). (x490.)

present in the cytoplasm (28), most of the peroxisomalenzymes that are normally transported within the organellesremain in the cytosol. It was therefore of interest to deter-mine whether Cu,Zn SOD was mislocated along with otherperoxisomal matrix proteins. Fibroblasts of normal (Fig. 4Aand B) and Zellweger patients (Fig. 4 C and D) labeled forCu,Zn SOD (Fig. 4A and C) and catalase (Fig. 4B and D) areshown in Fig. 4. The immunolabeling shows that Cu,Zn SODis also a peroxisomal enzyme in normal human fibroblasts. Incontrast, both enzymes were localized throughout the cyto-plasm in Zellweger fibroblasts.

DISCUSSIONWe have demonstrated the peroxisomal localization ofCu,ZnSOD by showing that the enzyme (i) colocalized with catalasein the peroxisomes of Hep-G2 cells and normal fibroblasts,(it) is targeted to peroxisomes in S. cerevisiae transformantsexpressing human Cu,Zn SOD but is not present in controlcells, and (ifi) is localized with catalase in the cytoplasm offibroblasts from Zellweger patients.Cu,Zn SOD is widely described as a cytoplasmic enzyme,

although the published literature regarding the subcellularlocalization of the enzyme in mammalian cells is somewhatcontradictory. Geller and Winge (6) presented data indicatingthat the enzyme cosegregated with lysosomal enzymes in cellfractionation experiments. Indeed, our own experimentsusing conventional cell fractionation showed that the major-ity of the enzyme activity was associated with the fractioncontaining the lysosomes (data not shown). It is well docu-mented that portions of several peroxisomal matrix proteinsare routinely found in other cell fractions, even when usingthe most moderate methods of cell disruption (29). Wesuspect that Cu,Zn SOD is released from peroxisomes underthe conditions used for isolation and purification of theorganelles. More recently, using an immunoelectron micros-copy approach, Chang et al. (7) found Cu,Zn SOD in virtuallyall subcellular compartments of rat hepatocytes, with theexception of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi appa-ratus. Although the Iysosomes contained the highest concen-

tration, most of the enzyme was located in the cytoplasmicand nuclear matrices. One important difference betweenthese studies and our own is that we have used monoclonalantibodies raised against a recombinant protein rather than apolyclonal antibody raised against the protein purified fromtissue. Unlike polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal antibodiescannot contain antibodies against proteins contaminating theimmunizing antigen preparation. The multiple intracellularlocalizations of the enzyme observed by Chang et al. (7) inliver cells may be related to the nature of their polyclonalantibody preparation.Because our results conflict with the published literature

regarding the localization of Cu,Zn SOD (5-7), we werecareful not to rely on a single experimental cell type and toinclude extensive controls in our experiments. The mostimportant of the control experiments was the use of yeastcells expressing or not expressing human Cu,Zn SOD. Sincethe difference between these two yeast strains is limited tohuman Cu,Zn SOD and just a few other plasmid-encodedproteins, the localization of human Cu,Zn SOD to peroxi-somes and the absence of any signal in wild-type cells isalmost conclusive evidence for a peroxisomal localization ofthe enzyme. The localization of Cu,Zn SOD in peroxisomesalso makes considerable biological sense, for the reasonslisted at the end ofthe Introduction. Conversely, the multipleintracellular localizations of Cu,Zn SOD reported in theliterature require the presence of multiple targeting signals inthe sequence of the protein to sort it to such diverse cellularcompartments. This is inconsistent with what is currentlyknown about targeting and translocation of proteins into thevarious cellular organelles.One major class of targeting signal identified in peroxiso-

mal proteins consists of a conserved tripeptide (Ser, Ala, orCys at the first position; Lys, His, or Arg at the secondposition; Leu at the third position) (30). Usually situated atthe extreme C terminus of several peroxisomal proteins, thetripeptide can be identified at internal locations in others. TheC-terminal portion of human catalase that can act as aperoxisomal targeting signal contains the tripeptide Ser-His-Leu 10 amino acids from the C terminus (31). Therefore, we

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plan to determine whether the enzyme is sorted to theperoxisomes by the tripeptide Ser-Arg-Leu at amino acidpositions 142-144, 9 residues before the C terminus, or byanother as yet unidentified signal. The targeting and transportof the human enzyme into the peroxisomes of S. cerevisiaetransformants is consistent with recent findings showing thatthe sorting of peroxisomal proteins has been conservedthroughout eukaryotic evolution (21, 26).What are the biological implications of a peroxisomal

localization for Cu,Zn SOD? First, an important function ofperoxisomes appears to be antioxidant defense by removal ofH202 and superoxide. By analogy, the mitochondrion, whichalso generates superoxide radicals, contains Mn SOD. Thus,it seems evident that compartmentalization of these pro-cesses results in containment of potentially damaging formsof oxygen. Second, Mn SOD and Cu,Zn SOD are the onlytwo intracellular SODs, which suggests that the majority ofthe SOD activity resides in the mitochondria and the perox-isomes. We therefore suspect that in addition to electrontransfer proteins in mitochondria (31) and xanthine oxidase inperoxisomes (8, 9), other enzymes that produce superoxidewill be identified in these organelles. Conversely, it should beadvantageous to confine proteins that are rapidly inactivatedby superoxide (23, 32) to the cytoplasm. Both immunofluo-rescence and immunocryoelectron microscopy indicate thata fraction of Cu,Zn SOD is present in the cytoplasm (Fig. 2Eand Fig. 4 A and C). Therefore, it seems probable that thereis also some SOD activity in the cytoplasm due to SODs intransit to the mitochondria or peroxisomes (see Fig. 3A).

We are grateful to Ms. Diana J. Lee for her excellent technicalassistance and to Dr. D. Applegarth (British Columbia Children'sHospital) for the gift ofthe Zellweger cells. This work was supportedby Genentech, Inc., and by Chiron Corp.

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