cwi bni slideshare 05 20 2010

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An overview of the practice of Louis B. Cady, MD and the Cady Wellness Institute for Business Networking International - Network Exchange Chapter - May 20, 2010 - Evansville, IN


Louis B. Cady, MD – CEO & Founder – Cady Louis B. Cady, MD – CEO & Founder – Cady Wellness Institute Wellness Institute Adjunct Professor – University of

Southern IndianaAdjunct Clinical Lecturer – Indiana University School of

Medicine Department of PsychiatryChild, Adolescent, Adult & Forensic Psychiatry –

Evansville, Indiana

Cady Wellness Institute and the NeuroVitalitySM Breakthrough

For: BNI Network Exchange Chapter - May 20, 2010

“There are two objects of medical education: to heal the sick and to advance the science.”

- Dr. Charles H. Mayo, MD

“The glory of medicine is that it is always moving forward, that there is always more to learn.”

- Dr. William J. Mayo


Optimal Health


Hormone Modulation




= H


Diet, ExerciseNutritional Supplementation

Age Management


Diagnose andTreat Disease

New DrugsNew Drugs New Surgical New Surgical TechniquesTechniques

Forestall and PREVENT Disease – Optimize Function

Looking for ENERGY!

American Journal of Health Promotion; November/December, 2002

19% of those surveyed

were completely healthy with high levels of both physical

and mental health and a low level of


18.8% completely unhealthy, defined as having low

levels of health with high levels of illness.

Two-thirds of the adults reported some

degree of mental or physical illness that kept them from being completely healthy.

“Incompletely healthy.”

HEALTH continuum






66%“Incompletely healthy”

““Chronic Chronic diseases diseases affect at least affect at least 125 million 125 million Americans & Americans & cost more cost more than $500 than $500 billion last billion last year.”year.”

Centers for DiseaseControl – Dec Centers for DiseaseControl – Dec 20032003

How would you take care of a classic?

There are fuel additives we can use to keep our cars burning cleaner and preserve engines.

No fuel additives should be used. They are unnatural. Gas is all that is required.

We should use optimal quality of gas. Cheap gas causes “pinging” which is hard on the engine.

The quality of the gas is irrelevant. Anything that the motor will burn is adequate.

We should take our car in for preventive maintenance before anything breaks.

Preventive maintenance? This is silly! Wait until something breaks, then have the car towed in so the mechanic can really tell what is wrong.

“Age management” “Conventional practice”

CURRENT PRACTICE OF MEDICINE: What a patient had to say about her “specialists”:

•“They just monitor my degeneration.”

2 surgeries, 2 recurrences; checked my DISABILITY


Contemplating THIRD surgery.

Decided to ask my D.C….


May 2002: 9th Annual IFM Conference





The NeuroVitalitySM Breakthrough – May 2010

“Low thyroid”


T4 T3

Reverse T3 = NOT USEFUL thyroid hormone

In the presence of cortisol…

So what do most doctors check?!

Consequences of untreated hypothyroidism

• Central nervous system:– Fatigue!– Drowsiness– Poor memory and concentration

• Decreased metabolism:– Body weight increases– Heat production goes down– Basal metabolic rate goes down

• Gut: decreased activity; constipation• Cardiovascular – decreased cardiac

output; blood pressure falls

Adrenal Burnout

Signs & Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue• Difficulty getting up in a.m.• Ongoing lethargy during the day.• Continued fatigue not relieved by sleep.• Craving for salt or salty foods.• Increased effort to do daily tasks• LESS PRODUCTIVE• Decreased sex drive• Decreased ability to handle stress.• Light-headed when standing up quickly• Increased recovery time for illness• Generally less happy about life.

November 2009 “Alpha Male” issue

Observational study of randomly selected men – Boston3 cohorts of men: 1987-1989; 1995-1997; 2002 -2004.1374, 906, and 489 men, respectively. “Age independent decline in T that does not appear to be attributable to observed changes in explanatory factors, including lifestyle characteristics such as smoking and obesity.”“Recent years have seen a SUBSTANTIAL, and as yet UNRECOGNIZED age-independent population-level decrease in T in American men.” Travison, Araujo, et al. Jrnl of Clin. Endocrinol & Metabol 92:1; 196-202.

Fast food (low Zn) is bad for you.

• Fast food = high energy density = low essential micronutrient density, ESPECIALLY ZINC

• Antioxidant processes are dependent on Zinc• Fast food = severe decrease in antioxidant

vitamins and zinc, correlating with inflammation in testicular tissue – with underdevelopment of testicular tissue and decreased testosterone levels

Special needs - Zinc

• Low Zinc- associated with low testosterone– Per USDA, 60% of US men between 20 – 49

years of age do not get enough.– N.B.: Do not supplement with > 50 mg daily (can

interfere with Cu+ metabolism)• Tsai, E.C., Boyko, E.J., Leonetti, D.L., & Fujimoto,

W.Y. (2000). Low serum testosterone level as a predictor of increased visceral fat in Japanese-American men. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 24, 485-491

SURVIVAL CURVE: Where SURVIVAL CURVE: Where are You?are You?

Where would you like to be?Where would you like to be?

Personal collection Louis B. Cady,


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