,d....in compliance with reference (a), the following report is submitted. a. headquarters and...

Post on 30-Jun-2020






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HEjJ)(J1ARl'ERS 3d Medioal Battalion

3d Marine Division Fro San Francisco 96602

:Proal C~ding Offioer '101 CCIIIWlding General, 3d Marine Division

Subjz C<amand Chronologies, report of

Ref. (a) ,d. MarDiVO 5750.1

1.JrV.aet 5750 8 Dec 1966


bla !lj' Cc:.mancl Ch1'Onology report fJ:O. 11&8 Coapu,y, " Metioal. Battalion ~ 2 ·OCIUIIIDd Ohronology report froll "Aft Ooapany-, ,d Metical Battalion ...... , . CClEUIIld Chronology- report fro. "B" OCllllpany, 3d Me4ioal Battalion ?-

~4l' Cou.and Chronolog report fro. ftC" COIlpaa;f, ,d lled.ioal Battalion ~

h )t~ 5 . Comumd Chronology report rJ:O. "D t' Coapany, 3d Me4ioal Battalion & .

F~ 6· Ccamand. Chronology report fJ."Oll "A!' Company, let Medioal Battalion ~ __ 1'/ (' )/ i .-

1. In aocordlllce with reference (a), the follOwing report is 8Ul:a1tte4. ~

a. ~d Medioal Battalion, }l Marine Division (Rein) PHI'

(1) Location. Ooordinate - 910754

(2) Period covered. by this report. 1-'0 November 1966 /

.('3) OOllIllBllding Officer and Statr Officers.

(a) Coamanding orrioer - CDR J. T. VINom, MJ, USJr

(b) Executive orficer - CDR" R. ELLIlfGSOll, ~, tJSl

(c) 8-1/Adjutant/Admin Officer - Dr C. "Rtl ".lrEBS, !mO, tJSI

(d) Speoial Assistant to Bn 0.0. - CAPT F. JIROO, USMC

b. Significant events during the month of Nov.ber 1966a

(1) Personnel.

(a) Adequate personnel wi tb the Detaohllent fJ:Om " A" Ocapal17, 1st Medical Battalion, 1st Marine Division are on board to acooapliah the battalion Ilission as it nov exists. A Clearing Platoon (Rein), "B" Co.-~ vas detached to An Hoa consisting of ,Medical orficer, 1 !ISO Offioer, 14 Hospital Corp_en and. 4 erl11sted Marine.. Clearing PlatOon, (Rein), liD" Company is still asSigned to Dong Ha and i8 operatiJJg an advanoed baae hospital there.



\ -

(b) The follOi'T.1.ng promotion,s to Commander, U. S. Navy were made during the month of November 1966:



(c) The following awards were presented to personnel attached to this command: None.

(2) Administration:

(a) Out-or-country evacuation:~. Number of patients transferred to the USB REPOSE:!I:Q.. Number of pat ients transferred to NSA HospitaJ.: 165. Number of patients returned to duty:. .42,2.

(;) Miscellaneous:

(a) The following General. Officers visited this oommand on da.tes indioated:

MajGen ROBERrSHAW, CG, 1st Mar Air Wing BrigGen 1(LUNBERG, MJ, USA, Direotor, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology MajGen NICKERSON, CG, 1st MarDiv

1 liJ"ovember

4 November 10 November

(b) The following Television and Sports Personalities visited this command on the dates indicated:

Marthe. Raye Stan Musial Brooks Robinson

10 November 10 November 10 November

(c) No news reporters visited this command during the month.





3D MARIIE DIVIS10. rpo. SA. rRA.CISCO 90001

hom I Commanding Officer

AREsjtg 5750 } Deo 1966

To. Commanding Officer, 3d Medical Battalion, 3d Marine Division JKF

Subj I Command ChronolOgies, report of

Ben (a) BnO 5750.1

1. In compliance with reference (a), the following report is submitted.

a. Headquarters and Service Compan;y, 3d Medical Battalion

(1 ) Loca tiom Coordina tes 970754

(2) Feriod oovered by this report. 1-}ONov66

(3) CO and Staff


(b) mO/Utili ties Off - 2ndLT D. R. McXOWli

(c) 5-2/5-} Off - CAP!' F. FIRING

(d) 5-4 Off - \lIO J. W. SMI'l'H

b. The below personnel weI:e joined during Bovember 1966.

11arine Officers - 0 Marine Enlisted - 13 Navy Officers.. } Navy thl.isted - 12

c. The below personnel were transferred during November 1966,

Marine Officers - 1 Marine Enlisted .. 15 Navy Offioers- 1 Navy Enlisted- 4






• 5750 } Deo 1966

2. Administration.

(a) 25Nov66 Viated by ftIFPac Inspeotion team.

,. Communications.

(a) lnstaaled eight (8) pair oable for improving communi oat ions between 3d l-IedBn and Division •

(b) Installed long-wire antenna, enabling us to have voice radio communications with Dong Ha, Fhu-Bai, Danang, and Chu-Iai areas.

4. MOtor Transport

(a) Traveled 26,182 miles on 1007 dispatohed rune.

5. PHS

(a) Laboratory Examinationsl

Stool cultures 19} Military personnel 129 Urine Cultures 41 Indigenous food servide 1

6. Training' Nothing significant to report.

1. Utili Ues.

(.) Wired temporary collectiD5 & clearing company area at Dong Ha.

(b) Installed toasters in Mess Hall.

8. Supply and Logistics. Nothing significant to report.

a£~. A. R. ELLIN:/,






3rd lLillIC.l;l, BArrl'."I.LION ,rd MARIN.!!: DIVISION (REIN) FI1F

l<~ro:u: CuJlllllanding Officer

K.LP:dwo 5150 2 December 1966

'ro: COt~nding Offioer, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Harme Division CHein) FHF

.:JclOj: tJowaand Chronology for month ending }O November 1966

~lef: (c.) BnOrder 5750.1

1. 118 fulloin'!, report is submitted in accordance with the provisions of rei'erence (a).

(1) Company ".a", 3rd He1ic ... 1 Batt~lion, 3rd Ma.rine Division (lein), fi'~;, Phu Bai, Republic of Vietnam

(2) 1 Novemoer through 30 November 1966.

(J) CDR Guy :D. 'fO'.·mSElll, 607139/2100, EO, USN, Conunandinc Offioer

(4) LrJG Kenneth L. POSTEL, 676637/2302, NSC, USN Administrative Offioer

(5) .d.ver"c;e monthl .. strenglih during period: Officer 17: Enlisted 12.


(a) JOINED DURING THE MONrlls L'r CUD~U':.aN, Bartholomew S., MO, USNR, 692383/2105 l1l' D.Elv~GD, Harvey J., MC, USN, 677475/2100 LT GOHOHER, John s., MO, USNR, 710109/2105 LT RICmIOND, Gerald E., MO, USNR, 709549/2105 EM3 B.t..R~OCCINI, ·tI. V. USN 904 26 46 Elf CdTVILLE, 1olicru..el J. USN 138 22 03 HI'll JOBES, Billy F. USN 515 67 44 EM3 LU::;SE.1IDEN, D. R., USN 688 12 09 HM~ Me NIFF, J. J., USN 773 43 46 IDf O.l.E.'lfa, s., USN, 699 22 22 BM3 '\{ILLYioRD, J. D., U;;,'N, 545 00 54 PFC C.'>!'.l')BBLL, K. USMC, 2228918 CPL DBGR.i;.CE, L • .1., USHC, 2066931



c. I'R~;.INING


• D.I!:l.'~CHl!J) JjUlUUG 'l'HB l':Ol'l"l.'H

KLP:d .... o 5750 2 December 1966

1:;' ])EE.ui.GD, H. J., MO, USN 617749/2105 L'f H.tJ:.lPHILL, J. L., NO, USliR 700604/2105 :W'.i.' ,5'l'KR.LING, J • .A., MO,SH 658153/2105 HH3 BK'l:}j1i, H. ·w., USN, 694 79 14 BM3 Dl.JllAL, L. D., U~N, 290 38 34 HH3 11.aIDLLI, ',~. N., USN, 668 20 35 Hl-I3 }ll..R JOYICH, J. H., USN, 590 11 52 mu REl!:SE, Z.D. Jr., USN, 47} 66 29 HM3 ZlMKE:,ll1AN, C. '1'., USN, 595 91 20 L/CFL DB;-c..~TH, V. E. UJM.O, 2137113 SGT. FORD,:I. Eo Jr., USHC, 1986951 CPL l-:O:{..iilS, D. L., USMC 206l1}9 5/S;'1' POOR~, 'f. b..., US'MO, 1153841


HMOS iiILLL.HS, R. H., USN 386 00 11 To ID'lCM HM3 JUN~, J. S., USN, 691 48 03 To HM2 PFC HOLLIN&:"UX, T. '.i:'., U~C, 2180691 to L/CPL L/OPL ROHI1IW, D. F., U~NC, 2145291, to CPL

(1) Inservice tro.1.nmg hd.s been ourtailed until 8uch time aa personnel levels are increased suffiCiently to allow classe. to be conducted and still maintain the oompaqy mission.

(2) Unannounced defense drills l:II'e conducted at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.

d. COI{I\Al'lD AND C'v'Nl:J.OL (1) The Oommanding Officer and professional staff meet dai~

for pertinent discussion. The Commanding Officer and .a.dministrutive Officer meet dai1;1 to discusa pertinent problems as they arise.

(2) The Administrative Officer meets weekly .... ith Staff NOO'S and heads of the de'Ja.rtlllents to discuss pertinent probleu as they arise.

e. 1OGI;j'lIC~:

( 1 ).!.'he 10 CU1d 30 day blocks are combat ready.





• Y..LP:dwo 5750 2 Deoember 1966

f. r.i!ll.~{,;.1 h.:<.l)lC~'\.L SEIW" CE3 VIET VIET


TO£AL NnVY MnRIlfE USAF Affi'..Y OTHER COllq NATS. uutpatients 96i'"" 26 471 0319 -W 02 ~ Complete Physicals 21 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 Limitied Se:cvices 33 Immunizations 212 Vietndffiese outoatients seen at other than A-Med Siok Call 1191

.illJUHC:": ;;;E.qVIC~.3

Pres or ipt ions Laboratory X-Ray


~ 1117 1546 1015


1146 760

1 RVlt Nationals treated for Accidental Injuries 2 Viet Gong Captives treated for Battle Injuries

(3) Indignous Employees Physicals Oonduoted (4) Immunizations rendered RVN employees (5) R'h,{ (Eilitary Personnel 'I'reated) (6) Vjetnamese lutpatients seen at A-:t-led Siok Call

DiPATIENTS 241 400 255

15 02 00 60 69

(7) Vietn&.mese Outpatients seen at other than Sick Call 365


(a) \leekly outpatient visits to Nwn Hoa, Gia Le, Loo Bon, Junk Fleet, Kin Long nnd Cam Lo districts continua.

h. ll():LLE: (1) Overall morale is good. (2) Atheletic and Recreational gear continues to be drawn from

3rd Hed ieal 130. ttalion Speoial Servioes.

i.. G •• N..: ONli~N'11 : (1) '.L'hirteen (13) 8 crongbaoks have been oompleted", Two (2) or

four (4) ~uonset Huts have been completed. Construction in pro~~ess on remaining two (2) ~uonset Huts with connecting passagewaysw

(2) .'iell is still in progress of being dug by HOB #7, for providing this oo~~r supply .yst ...

~;: By direotion



... '. CQotPAN Y :B

nd Medioal, Battalion ,rd Marine D1 Tidon (DIN) :nil no San hanoiBoo, 96602

Fro.. Commaz'lcU ng Offioer

J8R.oeq 5750 1 DBa 66

'1'0' Commanding Officer, 3rd Med10al Battalion. 3rd Marine Division (REm) ftIP, PPO San FraD01soo, 96602

8Qbj. CODlll8lld Chronol087J report of

la1 MARCORMAN Para 5750.2 b MOO 5750.2 o Divo 5750.1 d BnO 5750.1

1. In aocordanoe with referenoes (a) through (ct), the wbjeot report ia sulDittedl

A. OrganiuUonal datal

(1) Dea1snation/lecatian

(a) Comparl¥ », 3rd Medical Battalion, ,:Ed Marin. Diviaion (Jlein) neet PoAt Offioe, San Francisoo, 96602. (Dalang, Republio or Vi.tnaa.)

(2) Period oovered b7 reports (a) Month of November 1966





(5) Average monthly strength

Officer. 9 Enlistedl 28


..~ --

o .Q

. I


B. Sequential ennte relating to ~I

( 1 ) Tranatera and. receipt. ot per8GllD811

BeoaiTe41 lav Oftio .. - - - - 02 lav lDliaW - - - • 10

(m) 1&Y7 1DliaW.. - - - - 05 JfariD.e .u1eW .. - - 05

hastent lav Ott1oea - - - - 02 le:q .l1atK - - - - 06

• 1 •. . ,

(2) .l speoial CleariDc Platoca vu JI08DW at _ .... ri .... ! .

tollov1lJB parscmnel att.he4t .,'

l84ioal Ottio.. - - - - - 03 Xeclioal &ern" Corp.- - - 01 BolIPi +.alMa - - - - - - - 14 ~ - -- - - - - - - 04

-.-':' .


• '''.of'


;' :



••• rN.. .1 I'8&ICIBCO. 9.6M

"', ERe, ... w 5750

• I

1 December 1,"

j'rom; Comrnandin" Officer, "ell Company, }rd Medical Battalion To: COl.umdln~ Officer, 3rd Hedical Battalic:m

3ubj; COlJLlll.nd Chronolo£}," fOr'ithe month ending 30 NoveJiber 1966; subl1ilsion of

Ref: (a) Battalion Order 5750.1

1. The followin~ report is submitted in accordance with the provisions of :cef(~j.'ences (a):

<l •• Cre;,anizational Datal

(1) "CII Gor,lpany, 3rd Hedieal Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, (.~). Fi;F, D5.liRnl; , RV:N' ,

(2) 1 November through 30 November 1966

(3) LCDR James G. CEJJm1ER, 632589/2105, ~,lJSN, CoDJlllalldin, Gtfi.er, VI' :nc:o'L ;{. CiiRISTIAH, 653356/2300, ISC mIt, Adm:inistrative Officer. "

(4) Average monthly stren&"th durin, report1nc ,eriodl orfi08ft.? 7 , En lis ted 38 ...

1). :Je9uential events related WI

(1) Personnel joined durin€ reportinc period.

LT ~lf;ir. L. c:mISTIAN ;r1',2 l{obert lIt A!1fINSON c.J.!3 kr;oy G. ARliOLD iIl.1 ~Tolm 8. CrRULLO Iltr ~i c;wrd D. D01I.Sl{TY d;2 J<::U-lS l'l' E!;ZHAN ::1:; ,'ack L FISF.ER HI~ .; ohn .i.. GIillTIffiLL

ID12 Donald :P. R.AIUELL (From) TAD m~2 Frederick A. JENSm EH3 Richaro N. LAHAM lIU Robert V. SMITH 1~I3 Ronald J. STA.GGS m13 Ronnld A. ',vADDELL HI;; Howard (mu) "liltsON'

(2) Personnel dropped during the reporting period,

LGDR Hocer G. I~AUSE..-q

IT Robert S. SIGi:LLY 1i1--2 ~lobert II. ATKI1T;.)ON ,~i.G ';,-,l:es C. 13ZmW (TAD) HL3 Lcrthur E. COONS JR. (TAD) l':j" I r\;L: 11. GOnDOU

ffitI3 Richard M. LANAM Hl-11 Robert K. L.ANE (TAD) HH3 JOM L. HA!fTllE"WS (TAD) 11l-l1 Leonidas L. KE:B.ANE m:3 Talbert A. POh'1> ill-i3 Le e J. Sl1ITH JR. ( TAD)


l ~.


• •• .OIl

e • , •• IEDleAL BlYfALIGI

COIINIJI -r ... , sa. ra&llaaea .....

EOOlpW , 5750 .'~ 1 December 1~

Hi·2 Gordon J. GRO".,;'DJillI FIN Robert V. SHIm 1117 '.Ph:othy J. IIACKIlTEN 1:::;,3 D"le .1. ~I.AnSON (Tlill) lIi ,3'}ecrge C. HOTI3ING

mI3 Ronald L. STASKO EM3 Robert L. TERRY ill13 Ronald A. ·.lADDELL HM3 Robert R. ZmGARO ill ~ Licb,ol D. KEt·;-1-"rr


-' "~ . ~. er~(JJ.

Training: On-job-trainin, '{as conducted a.t departmental level.

(1) Uew con'espondence courses - Four (4)

(2) Troop IndoctrinAtion Lectures- One (1)

A."Vietnamese Custor.JS and Traditions" (3) Personnel an TAD for a period of thirty d~s attendin~

Vietnamese Lanr~ee School

i.. Janes C. BEIL1.Y, IrK: llSlT 297 8~i 12 attending at Okinawa.

B. Bedford L. ChANDLER, Hl'I; USlf 589 26 69, attending at UI LAF, Da:T 1111;[;, :m.r 'lik ... \ . . '.

, .. n ':.".;" . ....

,-,binL3trationl adr:li.nistration was routine during the re:portiJ1C,

e. ...; ol:U".:and and Con trol ~ LCDR JAH1''s G. Cl:i.AlJDLER, }C USN assumed OOlTmIIIlld of the corl~;any. LT E. R. ClilUSTln.U assUIlled duties of C0Jll.Pany Adminis.trative Officer Cllll'lllg' the reporting }leriod. The Administrative Officer conducts weekly ·,rer.'_l'0ns inspection of the Company personnel.

f. lods tiC8: }:edical and Ori'Rnic SU~'l)Ort continued to be iOod durin, this :;'l~l-c-rting period.

G" l:orale: Lorale is hi~ and is reflected in the constant hichquality of \iol:'k ond the minimal number of disciplinary problems.

f~.:., ~~~STIAN ' By direction




Fro., Te:



Commanding Officer


3. Mecl1cal ~attalioD -D" Co.:p~ •

Fro San Jlranciace 96602 RWI ••• 5750 1 Dee 19"

COlllllanding Offj,cer, 3d Mecl1cal :Battalion, 3d Marine D1T1eicm (11 .. ), FMF, FPO San F"'ancisoo, California 96602

(a) :DnO 5150.1B

1. The following report is wbllitted in acoordanoe with the p:rw1ei.a ., reference (a):

a. Organization Data:

(1) Coap&n1' "D", 34 Medical :Battalion, "Marble ])iy1eien (lle1a) , . PJD', located at Da Nang, Republic of Vietua.

(2) 1 lIonaber 1966 through 30 BOY_ber 1966.

(3) LClIl Robert W. DAPP, MC USB, 611001/2100, C ••• o.ine ott". LTJG Kenneth L. LASHLEt, MSC USlI, 6869,,/2308, 'b1,,:latraUft OfCioe. ,(

(4) A.Terage aonthly strength during the repertiJIC peri .... Offioer: Ten (10) and Enlistedl P1fty Seven (51)/

b. Sequential list1llg of signifioant event, .. the,. re1a"- WI

(1) Penonne1:

(a) The followillg pencmne1 reported. to th1e oOllpaDJ tor .... during the month of Sept_ber. ..

BK, W. W. COMP'l'ON USB on 01 BOY 66 1M3 T .A. COnAD USI{ on 01 NOV 66 BK2 o. C. WILLIS USlf on 08 HOV 66 II«: D. L. SHO.PlO.R USN on 14 JKJJ 66 BK3 J. W. MIlfilR USlf on 15 HOf 66 13M3 D. c. GUIlURD USB on 14 IiOV 66 HM3 W. E. HUDSOH USB on 21 1101' 66 lIN R. A. J.AMISOI{ USII OIl 21 lfOV 66 13M3 A. A. EPIlfOZA lJSI{ on 21 lIOV 66 BM, R. J. STAGGS USI{ on 21 lIOV 66 HM3 :B. O. J. WATSOI{ USJr on 21 lOr 6' HlJ T. J. HACKIND us. OD 22 IOf 66


" '~

i . ,.",'<,



• (b) Th. tolloviDg p.r80Dll.l wer. di.oharg"', 1"8elilted ..

retained em board duriJlg the 1IOl'l~ of B ...... b.r.

lIM10. (N) SIMS JR USIi for S1% (Ofi) :Jean aD 28 In_ ••

(.) Th. following personn.l v.re pr ... ~ed "ur~ the IIOIlth,

BKC to HKCS H. L. HOlfACO _ 16 :IOf 1966 Blf to BH} C. 1. BDBDR aD 16 lOY 19'6 1m to lIM, R. W. WOOD on 16 1IOV 1966

(d) Th. folloviDg personnel vera trall.tarred. 'uriD« the .....

11K, ,. J. r;JJINLAJl US! on 02 If(JII 66 11(, C. M. CURTIS USN on 02 JrOV " BM, M. J. AJilIl1iX)'l'TI USB em 04 lIO'f 66 BKl :I; V; APElfIR USB OlD OS BOY 66 HI" R ~ Y ~ SMITH US!( on 08 JfOV' 66 *' J ~ F. 'IJlmAllO USB em. 10 1IOV 66 11(, D~ A. CAMPBELL USlf en 11 NOY 66 BM} J. L. AYRES USI 11 !KJI 6' BMl. L~ R ~ STRICILABD USIi on 14 NOY 66 B!l G. W. GRD.'R US! on 14 BOV 66 BM2 J. W. BlZMAlf USIi _ 16 BOY 66 BM, W; Y ~ WILSOIi USB on 18 lIOY 66 BMl C. A. HALP ASS USIi 011 18 li09' 66 HMC C~ W. HAGGER'l'f USB en 19 lfOV 66 BM, A~ P ~ BART USN on 24 lim 66 IlK, J. W~ MIBBR USIi on 25 BOY 66 LT G. H. NUMSD usn OIl 26 BOf 66 11(, R~ J ~ STAGGS USN on 28 1IOV 66 BMCJ. J. FRAWLEY USIPR OIl 28 BOY 66 III R~ G. SCHEIBE USB on 28 BOf 66


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