d o m i n i q u e t h o ma s s t r i n g s -v io la

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Dominique Thomas Strings-Viola 


Ensembles: String Ensemble, Chamber 

Orchestra, Full Orchestra 

What are you listening to now? I listen to a 

mix of R&B, Indie, Lofi, and Classical music. I 

also like to revisit 2000's classics. 




What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

Though it was short-lived, I really enjoyed 

being a part of the MHS Full Orchestra my 

freshman year. It was an amazing opportunity 

to bridge different ensembles and play 

repertoire that we wouldn't be able to perform 

without the combination of band and string 

instruments. My highlight would have to be 

our unforgettable rendition of "Phantom of the 



What are your future plans? 

I'm not sure where I'm going to college yet, but I plan on studying Neuroscience and possibly Linguistics.  


What has music meant to you? 

Music has always been an essential part of my life. It was always playing in my house growing up, and to this day I can't go very long without listening to or playing music. Being a part of the MHS Music Department has made me a better musician and I will be forever grateful for everything I have learned here. 

Claire Walko Strings- Cello


Ensembles: Orchestra and Chamber 

What are you listening to now? One 






What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

My favorite memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department was doing morning yoga 

before rehearsals Junior year.  


What are your future plans? 

I plan to major in Biochemistry in college.  


What has music meant to you? 

Music is the best part of my day. I have made many great friendships in the MHS music department and have had lots of fun memories in orchestra. Playing the cello has opened up many doors for me and has given me a creative outlet that has helped me grow as a musician and a person.  

Julia Wright Strings-Violin 


Ensembles: String Orchestra  

What are you listening to now? Taylor Swift 




What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

The Toronto Trip 


What are your future plans? 

College (undecided as of right now) 


What has music meant to you? 

Music has allowed me to form new friendships and bonds with others! 

Lindsey Dunn Chorus- Soprano 


Ensembles: Chorus 

What are you listening to now? Taylor Swift 




What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

Singing the National Anthem at the Red Sox 



What are your future plans? 

Go to college and major in Nursing  


What has music meant to you? 

Music has allowed me to make so many friends. 

Sophie Daghlian Chorus- Soprano 


Ensembles: I have been a part of countless 

after school chorus ensembles as well as 



What are you listening to now? Elton John's 

"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" album  




What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

The week before this most recent winter break 

when we did the virtual secret snowflake. All 

of the "gifts" were really thoughtful and it just 

showed how much everyone in chorus cared 

about each other. 


John McCampbell Band- Trumpet/Euphonium 


Ensembles: Band, Jazz 2, Brass Ensemble 


What are you listening to now? Spotify 




What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

Playing Christmas songs at the Eustis Estate 

for brass ensemble. 


What are your future plans? 

Engineering at either University of San Diego or University of Denver. 


What has music meant to you? 

Music means so much to me, I listen to it whenever I can. Band also meant a lot to me, I say that in the past tense because it's not the same that it used to be but we're making due with what we can. Band is a place of community where everyone works together to make one piece of music sound great. I loved the progression we make from first getting a piece of music to playing it in concert. I will always remember band as a place to relax and focus on music, amidst the stress of school. 

Mahina Panerio-Langer Band- Flute 


Ensembles: Concert Band 

What are you listening to now? Kpop 





What is your favorite 

memory as a member of the MHS 

Music Department? 

My first day of band freshman year, when I 

could feel the energy that everyone had and 

how excited everyone was to be there. 



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