d ogs and fish

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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D ogs and Fish. By Rick Preston. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



By Rick Preston

The day had come when I had to clean my fish tank. So first I got a big bucket out, then I got something that cleans the water. The bucket kept getting filled, so I had to keep emptying it and refilling it. After that I had to put clean water back in the fish tank, and then I was done cleaning the tank. The whole process took about thirty minutes.I interviewed Caroline, who lives in my building on the Upper East Side. She said that taking care of a dog can be hard, but she thinks that having a dog is definitely worth it. To her and many other people, having a dog is like having another family member.

Dog walkingYou have to walk a dog 2-3 times a day for about 30 minutes each time you take a walk. If the dog is a puppy you should walk it 5-6 times a day. A dog needs to get out and exercise like a human.

Water bowlYou should give your dog water after every walk you take. So you should give a dog water about three times a day. It is important for a dog to get water after a walk.

Dog foodYou feed a dog 2-3 times a day not including treats. You should feed it once in the morning, once at night, and possibly once in the afternoon. The food should be a mix of dry food and meat.

This is a treat for a dog

Fish tank heaterFish are much easier to take care of than dogs, but you still need to do things to keep them alive. A fish tank heater is very important to a fish tank. In order for the fish to live, they have to be in a certain temperature water. It should be that temperature in the tank at all times.

Fish tank filterA fish tank filter cleans the water in the tank. It doesn’t clean the whole fish tank though. You have to change a filter about every two weeks.

Fish food

You need to feed fish 1-2 times a day. You should only feed them a little fish flakes each time. If you feed them a lot they won’t eat it all and then the tank will get dirty.

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