d violet storyboard-wk4

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Storyboard Part 3

Danielle Violet


May 31, 2011

Garth Beerman

Notes: The title drops down in the same motion of a falling pin with accompanying sound of a pin drop. The subtitle fades in from left to right. Navigation will appear after both titles come in. Navigation appears at the bottom in a clear navigation bar only when curser hovers after intro (think Mac OS navigation). The background is a gradient of blue. Title is red with a reflection, Subtitle white.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) (Instruction meant to demonstrate to employees and management how to write SMART goals) Have you ever set a goal and fallen short or given up completely? This presentation will explain the importance of building SMART goals into your plan. By forming a SMART goal map, you can see your goals through to success.

Title: What is your plan? Building an effective SMART goal map

Scene: Opening page of website

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 1

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Building an effective SMART goal map

Notes: The title of this page fades in from left to right. Each letter appears with its explanation one at a time along with the narration. Navigation is at bottom when cursor hovers over it. Clicking the home icon at the bottom left of the screen will navigate to the beginning page. The right arrow signifies the next page. The speaker is closed captioned. Audio automatically starts with the page. Title font: Arial, bold. left justified, 28 pt., color = red.Body font: Arial, normal left justified, 18 pt., color = nickel.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) What is SMART? SMART stands for specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This acronym helps to remind us how to approach our goals the SMART way. Let’s explore each to learn how to write a SMART goal.

Title: What is SMART? Scene: Introduction of terms/ pre-training

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 2

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

What is SMART?

SMART is an acronym to aid in modeling effective goals.

Notes: Segmented case scenario: Audio automatically starts with the page. The background image swoops in full color then fades into the background as the nurse appears.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) Hello, my name is Mary. I am a manager of a nursing unit. My supervisor suggests I write some SMART goals to improve my time management and projections with my teams. I was told SMART can help those goals be more effective.

Title: Meet Mary Scene: photo heavy + blue backdropa

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 3

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Notes: Pre-training: Navigation for next page signified by right arrow and previous page signified by left arrow.

Header text in Arial 28pt. Body font: Arial 16 pt., bullets in 12 pt font. Color: Nickel.

Animation: No

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) Be specific in setting your goal. Asking yourself specific questions will help avoid generalities. Can you identify your goal using these questions as guidelines?

Title: Specific Scene: Body page of website (blue backdrop)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 4

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping


Who is involved? What is it that I should accomplish? Where is the location of this goal?When will this be done?What are the requirements?Why should I accomplish the goal?

Notes: Segmented case scenario: Audio automatically starts with the page.

Text appears next to the nurse to display a check mark by the word “Specific” in Brush Script MT Italic, size = 48, color = red.

Body text in courier size to fit the text box area (16 pt. font). The text will appear as if it is typed in.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) My goal is better time management, but that is a broad goal. To be more specific I need to complete my administrative duties every morning so that I have time for managing my teams. Now I must see how I can measure my goal to ensure its success.

Title: Specific (continued) Scene: “S” Example (photo heavy + blue backdrop)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 5

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

✓SpecificTo complete my

administrative duties in the morning so that I can spend more time

managing my team.

Notes: Pre-training: (See slides 2 and 4 for slide format)

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) Measuring a goal is an integral part of tracking progress being made. Is there a concrete way to identify progress? Measurable results will help you stay on track and progress to an achievement. These questions can help you identify how to measure your goal.

Title: Measurable

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 6

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping


• When much does this goal occur?• How many times?• How will I know when I have

accomplished the goal?• How will the goal be evaluated?

Scene: Body page of website

Notes: Segmented case scenario: Audio automatically starts with the page.

Text appears next to the nurse to display a check mark by the word “Measurable” in Brush Script MT Italic, size = 48, color = red.

Body text in courier size to fit the text box area (16 pt. font). The text will appear as if it is typed in.

Image: New shot of Mary looking at day planner (isolated image of her).

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) Keeping track of my goal is going to be the hardest part. I know time management is the larger goal. By keeping a detailed daily planner, I will be able to block out time in the mornings for my administrative duties. My supervisor has agreed to meet with me in a weekly one-on-one to review my planner to ensure I am able to manage this task.

Title: Measurable (continued) Scene: “M” Example (photo heavy + blue backdrop)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 7

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

✓MeasurableI will keep a daily planner and meet with my supervisor weekly for accountability.

Notes: Pre-training: (See slides 2 and 4 for slide format)

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) The success or failure of your plan rests on your ability to create attainable and achievable goals. Are the goals within reach? This question is an important consideration as you set your own goals. Understand your timeline and what truly needs to be accomplished within the limits. Before you know it, you will move closer to the end goal!

Title: Attainable

Graphics: No Audio: Yes

Slide number: 8

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping


To make sure your plan is not out of reach ask these helpful questions:

• Is my plan achievable in a realistic time frame?• Will I feel as though I am progressing?• Am I setting myself up for failure?

Scene: Body page of website

Notes: Segmented case scenario: Audio automatically starts with the page.

Text appears next to the nurse to display a check mark by the word “Attainable” in Brush Script MT Italic, size = 48, color = red.

Body text in courier size to fit the text box area (16 pt. font). The text will appear as if it is typed in.

Image: New shot of Mary with another nurse (isolated image of both).

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) I will be sure to work on my goal 4 days out of my week in time for our weekly team meeting. This will ensure that each day I am getting closer to the goal. I know these time management strategies will help the goal be attainable.

Title: Attainable (continued) Scene: “A” Example (photo heavy + blue backdrop)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 9

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

✓AttainableI will work on my goal four out of six days

in the week in preparation for the weekly team meeting.

Notes: Pre-training: (See slides 2 and 4 for slide format)

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) Relevance keeps our goals in check. Remember, setting relevant goals will help you to avoid putting the goal on the back burner or leaving it to the last minute.

Title: Relevant

Graphics: No Audio: Yes

Slide number: 10

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Relevant• Relevant goals matter in the bigger picture. • Here is how you can tell:

Scene: Body page of website

o Are you being honest with yourself?o What kind of adjustments need to be made during

progression?o Do you have the ability and commitment to make the

goal last?o What will the goal mean in the bigger picture?

Notes: Segmented case scenario: Audio automatically starts with the page.

Text appears next to the nurse to display a check mark by the word “Relevant” in Brush Script MT Italic, size = 48, color = red.

Body text in courier size to fit the text box area (16 pt. font). The text will appear as if it is typed in.

Image: New shot of Mary carrying flowers for a patient (isolated image of her).

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) My goal is relevant because it will assure that I will have all the necessary updates for my team in our weekly meetings. Having these updates will ensure that my team is up to date on the latest policies to better serve our patients.

Title: Relevant (continued) Scene: “R” Example (photo heavy + blue backdrop)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 11

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

✓RelevantMy goal will ensure that the department has all the necessary

updates to better service our patients and the hospital.

Notes: Pre-training: (See slides 2 and 4 for slide format)

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) To be a SMART goal, the goal must have a time frame. To attain a SMART goal within a realistic time frame, all of the other steps must be complete. A goal is time-bound when we set limits. The limits have external and internal factors that ensure successful completion.

Title: Time-Bound

Graphics: No Audio: Yes

Slide number: 12

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Time-BoundIdentify how your goal is time-bound:

• How long will it take to reach my goal?• Are there external factors dictating the

completion of the goal?• Is this enough/too much time to form a

regular habit?• Will this time limit signify the end of the


Scene: Body page of website

Notes: Segmented case scenario: Audio automatically starts with the page.

Text appears next to the nurse to display a check mark by the word “Time-Bound” in Brush Script MT Italic, size = 48, color = red.

Body text in courier size to fit the text box area (16 pt. font). The text will appear as if it is typed in.

Image: New shot of Mary on a computer (isolated image of her).

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) To set a time limit to my goal, administrative duties will be done at the start of each morning and will last approximately 1 hour. To create a new habit, it will take 21 days to ensure that my efforts lead to better time management. Therefore to successfully complete my administrative duties, I must complete them in 1 hour, 4 days a week, for 21 days.

Title: Time-Bound (continued) Scene: “T” Example (photo heavy + blue backdrop)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 13

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

✓Time-BoundI will complete my

administrative duties in 1 hour a day, 4 days a week, for 21 days to ensure that I

form a new time-management habit.

Notes: Worked example is animated at each step. Each step is revealed as the box is clicked with the computer’s cursor. A PDF icon is located at the top right to print out a blank SMART goal map.

The viewer may still hover over the bottom of the screen to reveal navigation buttons.

Body font: 12 pt. and 10.5 pt., color = black.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) Here is an example of my completed SMART goal map. I have been careful to consider the SMART questions as I wrote each example. (Speak text on screen)

Title: Worked Example

Graphics: No Audio: Yes

Slide number: 14

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Worked Example

Scene: Worked Example Page 1

Step 1:Specific

Step 3:Attainable

Step 5:Time-Bound

To complete my administrative duties in the morning so that I can spend more time managing my teams.

Step 2:Measurable

I will track my progress in a daily planner where I can block time. My supervisor will hold me accountable by weekly one-on-ones to review my progress.

By working on administrative tasks for 1 hour per day over 4 days of the week, I am able to complete work in the necessary time before the weekly team meeting.

Step 4:Realistic

By working on my administrative duties, I will better manage my time and serve my team more effectively by communicating timely updates.

I will give myself 21 days to form this new habit of completing my tasks in the morning. I will know I am complete when I log in 4 hours of administration time a week in my planner.

Notes: The resulting SMART goal enters in by a typed action in the text box.

The viewer may still hover over the bottom of the screen to reveal navigation buttons.

Header font: 26 pt., Arial, color = whiteBody font: 12 pt. and 10.5 pt., Arial, color = black.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Mary: Friendly, female voice) Taking the key elements from each example, I now have a solid SMART goal. For instance, (insert text on screen).

Title: Worked Example

Graphics: No Audio: Yes

Slide number: 15

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Mary’s Completed SMART Goal

Scene: Worked Example Page 2

To better my time management, I will complete my administrative duties for one hour in the

morning, 4 days a week, so that I can spend more time managing my teams. I will keep a daily

planner and meet with my supervisor for weekly one-on-ones. This goal will be achieved in 21


Notes: This time the learner can directly click in the boxes to enter in the steps of their own SMART goal. A PDF icon is located at the top right to print a copy of his or her completed SMART goal map. Each box will prompt the learner with an example and correct him or her if it does not meet the SMART criteria. Navigation still appears when the learner hovers over the bottom of the screen.

Body font: 12 pt. and 10.5 pt., color = black.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: (Voiceover: friendly female voice) Practice now with completing your own SMART goal map. Click on each box to input your text. The Adobe PDF link is to download your own completed SMART goal map. With these tools, you may now effectively plan your goal.

Title: Worked Example

Graphics: No Audio: Yes

Slide number: 16

Concept: SMART Goal Mapping

Now you try…

Scene: Worked Example Page 3

Step 1:Specific

Step 3:Attainable

Step 5:Time-Bound

Step 2:Measurable

Step 4:Realistic

ReferencesDrake, L. (April 11, 2011). SMART goals for project management. Blog at

WordPress.com. Retrieved from http://lisamdrake.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/smart-goals-for-project-management/

Richmond, A. (2000-2011). Setting SMART goals. career-intelligence.com, LLC. Retrieved from http://www.career-intelligence.com/management/SmartGoals.asp

Top Achievement. (1998-2007). Creating S.M.A.R.T. goals. Retrieved from http://topachievement.com/smart.html

Zwilling, M. (May 18, 2010). Startup Professionals Musings. Business success requries specific goals. Retrieved from http://blog.startupprofessionals.com/2010/05/business-success-requires-specific.html

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