d20 4e fiery dragon counter collection paragon 1.pdf

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 d20 4e Fiery Dragon Counter Collection Paragon 1.pdf


  • 8/14/2019 d20 4e Fiery Dragon Counter Collection Paragon 1.pdf


  • 8/14/2019 d20 4e Fiery Dragon Counter Collection Paragon 1.pdf


    L EVEL 11

    Angel of Valor, Cohort; Banshrae, Dartswarmer; Devil, Chained; Devil, Legion Hellsoldier; Drow, Warrior, Bear, Dire; Demon, Mercdemon; Foulspawn,Seer; Galeb Duhr, Rockcaller; Gheenzai, Cenobite; Grell, Philosopher; Grimlock, Ambusher; Stirge, Swarm; Vampire, Lord; Illujan, SerpentongueCelebrant.

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    L EVEL 11, CONT .

    Devourer, Spirit; Dragon, Black Adult; Elementa l, Firelasher; Gorgon, Iron; Ogre, Thug; Ogre, Warhulk; Shambling Mound, Stormrage Shambler.

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    L EVEL 12

    Archon, FireEmberguard; Banshrae, Warrior; Choker, Feygrove; Devourer, Viscera; Ghost, Wailing (Banshee); Gheenki, Warrior; Kthonoa, Marauder;

    Lamia; Troglodyte, Warrior; Basilisk, Stone-eye; Wight, Battle Commander; Illujan, Serpentongue Zealot; Dragon, Green Adult; Dragonspawn, Redspawn


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    L EVEL 12, CONT .

    Ettin, Spirit-Talker; Foulspawn, Hulk; Golem, Flesh; Hydra, Fen; Naga, Guardian; Underground Brute; Unicorn, Dusk.

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    L EVEL 13

    Devil, Bearded; Dragonborn, Raider; Drow, Arachnomancer; Drow, Blademaster; Dryad, Briar Witch; Ghoul, Horde; Gheennki, Mindcutter; Gheenzai,

    Zerk; Grimlock, Berserker; Helmed Horror; Medusa, Male Warrior; Minotaur, Cabalist; Balhannoth; Gaze Tyrant, Eye of Fire; Mummy Lord; Demon,

    Vulture; Ogdoad, Gray; Illujan, Malicious Keeneye; Displacer Panther, Packlord.

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    L EVEL 13, CONT .

    Dragon, Blue Adult; Eidolon; Giant, Hill; Hook Horror; Magma Beast, Brute; Nightmare; Scorpion, Hellstinger.

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    L EVEL 14

    Angel of Protection; Azer, Foot Soldier; Gheenzai, Mentalmagus; Grimlock, Minion; Hag, Night; Kthonoa, Harpooner; Lich, Human Mage; Mind Flayer,

    Infiltrator; Quickling, Zephyr; Battlebriar, Warthorn; Boneclaw; Cyclops, Guard; Cyclops, Impaler; Cyclops, Rambler; Drider, Fanglord; Drider,


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    L EVEL 14, CONT .

    Roper; Salamander, Firetail; Salamander, Lancer; Shield Guardian; Troll, War; Illujan, Abominated; Ursidowl, Snowclaw; Roc; Spider, Demonic Terror.

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    L EVEL 15

    Azer, Rager; Drow, Priest; Gheenki, Mageknight; Angel of Battle; Boar, Thundertusk; Chimera; Demon, Immolation; Destrachan, Far Voice; Rakshasa,

    Archer; Dragon, Red Adult; Ogdoad, Red; Rakshasa, Warrior; Salamander, Archer, Salamander, Noble; Illujan, Malicious Invoker.

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    L EVEL 16

    Aboleth, Servitor; Angel of Valor, Veteran; Archon, Ice Hailscourge; Bodak, Skulk; Devil, Horde Veteran; Ghoul, Abyssal; Kthonoa, Guard; Kthonoa,

    Monitor; Cyclops, Hewer; Cyclops, Warrior; Kthonoa, Whip; Dragonspawn, Blackspawn Gloomweb; Giant, Earth Titan.

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    L EVEL 16, CONT .

    Minotaur, Savage; Naga, Bone; Ogre, Bludgeoneer; Snake, Shadow; Sphinx; Purple Worm; Treant; Worg, Guulvorg.

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  • 8/14/2019 d20 4e Fiery Dragon Counter Collection Paragon 1.pdf


    L EVEL 17, CONT .

    Carrion Crawler, Enormous; Dragon, White Elder; Fomorian, Warrior, Underground Brute, Shadow.

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    L EVEL 18

    Bodak, Reaver; Cambion, Hellfire Magus; Gargoyle, Nabassu; Ghoul, Abyssal Hungerer; Gibbering Beast, Abomination; Hag, Death; Helmed Horror,

    Greater; Medusa, Female Shroud of Set; Aboleth, Overseer; Elemental, Rockfire Dreadnought; Brain Eater, Mastermind; Giant, Fire Forgecaller; Wight,

    Slaughter; Giant, Fire Warrior.

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    L EVEL 18, CONT .

    Ogdoad, Green; Bulette, Dire; Dracolich; Dragon, Black Elder; Hydra, Mordant.

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    L EVEL 19

    Angel of Vengeance; Gaze Tyrant; Archon, Fire Blazesteel; Demon, Gore; Dragon, Green Elder; Archon, Ice Rimehammer; Fomorian, Painbringer;

    Eladrin, Baron of Autumn Winds; Rakshasa, Noble.

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    L EVEL 20

    Devil, Winter; Griffon, Rimefire; Archon, Fire Ash Disciple; Ogdoad, Black; Archon, Ice Frostshaper; Nightwalker; Devourer, Soulspike; Rot Harbinger,


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    L EVELS 19 & 20, CONT .

    Level 19: Roc, Phoenix; Treant, Blackroot.

    Level 20: Dragon, Blue Elder; Troll, Fell.

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