d47 sunshiner - december 2014

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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Dear Fellow Toastmasters:

For many people, the period between December 25 and January 1st is simply a holiday season

commemorated by acts of love and kindness toward persons near and dear to them. In many

instances these acts of kindness are given toward total strangers, particularly those considered

to be less fortunate. From a religious standpoint,

millions more around the world who believe in the

Christian faith, observe December 25 - Christmas Day

as the birthday of Jesus. Christmas celebrations may

vary somewhat in different parts of the world

influenced by cultural norms. Popular events can

include special religious services, concerts, plays, TV

shows and festivals. Radio stations and many public

places like shopping malls will play special Christmas

tunes to the delight of shoppers. Many homes and

business places are decorated with beautiful

ornaments and colorful lights. I love the Christmas


I can vividly recall the times I took part in Christmas

plays put on by my elementary school or my church’s

Sunday school. I was never very good at it though! As

a child, Christmas to me was all about waking up early

on the morning of December 25 to crawl under the beautifully decorated, pine scented

Christmas tree in search of wrapped presents bearing my name. Sound familiar?

As I grew older I came to the understanding that Christmas is not all about receiving gifts. I

realized it is also a season of glad tidings, giving and sharing your blessings with others. It’s a

time of celebration and fellowship with family and friends. Whatever this time of year means

to each of us, we all have gifts we can give – the gifts we have within us. These gifts were not

meant for us to keep to ourselves. They were bestowed upon us, so we can share them with

others. There are four special attributes that Toastmasters International encourages us to

foster within and to share with our fellow Toastmasters every day. These gifts can be shared

freely with our friends and loved ones. They require no online purchasing and no over the

counter cash or credit card payments. Here are four gifts that require nothing more than the

will to give:

RESPECT - It means respecting the opinion of others, even when we disagree. Not

interrupting people when they speak. It means not planning your response to a comment or

question until you have heard it in its entirety. It means listening attentively to the speaker.

Respect means embracing your similarities while respecting your differences. Respect is

important to human co-existence.

INTEGRITY - It means being truthful, sincere and trustworthy. Say what you mean and mean

what you say! Show others that they can depend on you. This is important in business, in Continued on Page 2

Free g i ft s for Chr istmas and beyond

Organization Name

Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Title


THE SUNSHINER News from Southeast Florida and The Bahamas


District 47

December 2014


Club anniversaries

Toastmasters across District 47, Pages 8, 9

District Highlights

Lt. Governor Marketing

Meet Louis “Lou” Brown, DTM, Page 4

Now you know

Meet Hieu Huynh, DTM, Diamond Jubilee Chair. Page 6

Press releases work

Public Relations Officer Marlene Bryan offers a tried, trusted tool you can use to promote your club. Page 7

Holiday fun!

Toastmasters across District 47 get into the spirit of the season with celebrations. Pages 10,11.


relationships and in Toastmasters.

SERVICE – Leadership is all about service. As leaders in Toastmasters,

our role is to serve the needs of our members. When we help them to

grow, our clubs grow. When our clubs grow, so will our Areas,

Divisions and ultimately our District. The Christmas story teaches us

about the importance of service.

EXCELLENCE - It is difficult to achieve excellence in isolation.

Respect, Integrity and Service are precursors to achieving

excellence. Furthermore, for Excellence to be achieved, the

preceding 3 values must not only exist, they must work in tandem.

Toastmasters are goal setters. We set high standards for ourselves

whether as a member, a club officer or a district leader. After all, we

understand that quality and professionalism are important keys to

success in business, in Toastmasters and in life. This is the pathway to

excellence and EXCELLENCE is the road to SUCCESS.

We have a wonderful opportunity as Toastmasters to share these gifts

with our family and friends. We are all in a position of service. We

serve as mentors, coaches, teachers, trainers, and motivators.

Opportunities are endless for us to share the added gifts of listening, of

affection, laughter and friendship. As we observe our various holidays

this month by celebrating our special ethnic, religious and cultural

events, let’s take time to reflect on the spirit of giving. I encourage you

to give unselfishly.


the core values of Toastmasters. If we embrace these values and

share them with everyone we come in contact with by the way we live,

our Christmas will be merry and bright.

On behalf of the District Trio and the extended Leadership Team, I

trust you will have a wonderful holiday season, and best wishes for a

safe, healthy, peaceful, prosperous and productive New Year!

Happy Holidays!

Anthony “Tony” Longley, DTM




Published by Toastmasters International District 47: Southeast Florida and The Islands of The Bahamas.

Submit articles, questions and comments to sunshiner@toastmastersd47.org. DISTRICT 47 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

District Governor

Anthony "Tony" Longley, DTM

Lt. Governor Education and Training

Jeanine Kinsey, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing

Louis “Lou” Brown, DTM

District Public Relations Officer

Marlene M. Bryan, DTM

District Secretary

Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL

District Treasurer

Laura Thezine, ACS/ALB

District Sergeant At Arms

Thomas Plant, ACB/ALB

Immediate Past District Governor

Francis Molina, DTM

Division Governors

Div. A: Heather Mahoney, ACS/ALB

Div. B: Karen Lake, ACB/ALB

Div. C: Michael Thorn, DTM

Div. D: Valerie Johnson, ACB/ALB

Div. E: Jason Stewart, ACS/CL

Div. F: Deborah Young, DTM

Div. I: Delmaro Duncombe, DTM


TLI Training Coordinator: Antoinette Fox, DTM

Contest Coordinator: Indira Sands

Fall Conference Chair: Diana Loy, DTM

Spring Conference Chair: Lydia Harris, DTM

Club Coach & Advocate Chair: Beverly Cordner, DTM

Webmaster: Stanley Lloyd, CC

Parliamentarian: Matt Kinsey, DTM

Audit Chair: Glenn Parks, ACS/CL

Social Media Chair: Maria Alexandra Sanchez, DTM

Sunshiner Editor: Andrea Robinson, ACB/ALB

Copy Editor/Proofreader: Hieu Huynh, DTM

Free gifts for Christmas and beyond



Jeanine Kinsey

Lieutenant Governor Education & Training

District 47 Toastmasters

954-778-0599 (cell)



District 47 extends prayers and best-wishes to

our Lt. Governor Education & Training as she

recuperates from an accident. We know that she

will be up and running shortly, and doing the

excellent work as always for Toastmasters

International and her home district.


G reetings Fellow Toastmasters,

This is the season of celebrations, a time of joy and happiness, a time to

appreciate all we have and to value the spirit of giving. Are you still

looking for that perfect gift to give a loved one, a family member, a friend,

and/or co-worker? Look no further. Consider giving the gift of self-

confidence and personal growth. Give the gift of a membership in


That’s right. Forget that shirt, fruit basket, electronic gadget, or same old

thing you get for folks on your list each year. Give the gift of self-

improvement – a gift that can foster success in both one’s professional

and personal life. The ability to lead and communicate effectively is

invaluable. After all, the benefits we receive from the Toastmasters program continue to help each of us every day. Let’s share them with


If you have already completed your holiday shopping, or if you do not

partake of gift giving for whatever reason, you can still share the benefits

of Toastmasters with others. How? By inviting guests to attend your next club meeting. We have two great

membership building campaigns taking place now and in the near future to help you spread the joy that is


Open House Incentive – District 47 Event Taking Place NOW until June 30

Open Houses are a great way to showcase your awesome club and to show potential members how Toastmasters

can benefit them. The District is offering up to $25 to offset costs as an incentive for your club to conduct a

membership building Open House event. We ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines:

Provide me (lbrown@toastmastersd47.org) with information about your Open House at least two weeks prior

to the event (the earlier the better), including a copy of your event flyer and your plans for spending the money.

Within two weeks after the event, send me a copy of the sign-in sheet and copy me on any follow-up email

communications to your guests.

Also within two weeks after the event, complete and submit a district expense reimbursement form along with

your receipts totaling up to $25.

Talk Up Toastmasters – International Campaign Taking Place from February 1 to March 31

Simply add five new, dual or reinstated members with a join date between February 1 and March 31, and you’ll

The season of celebration on earth, and within our clubs


receive a special “Talk Up Toastmasters” ribbon to proudly display on your club’s banner. Qualifying clubs can also

earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. The winning clubs will be revealed online within a

few weeks of the contest ending (check out last year’s winners here: https://www.toastmasters.org/Leadership-

Central/Club-Officer-Tools/Membership-Building/~/media/2BC59090AFBA4671BD07DA0E4C9A234F.ashx). As

with the Open House program, there are some guidelines:

Applications and payments for members with a join date between February 1 and March 31 must be received at

World Headquarters or online no later than March 31.

The addition of transfer and charter members does not count for “Talk Up Toastmasters” credit.

The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.

I encourage you to take advantage of these programs that provide your club with a special gift for sharing the value

of Toastmasters with others. A win-win! I wish you all the best in your membership building efforts.

District 47 Keeps Growing!

Please welcome our newest member of the District 47 family – PwC Digital Toastmasters which chartered on

11/26/2014 in Division A, Area 14. The club was sponsored by Toastmasters Adriana Alcala and Claudia Plata and is

currently being mentored by Toastmasters Sheila Bernstein and Thomas Fons. Welcome to the family!

Your Marketing team continues to work very hard to enhance your member experience and satisfy the District

mission, which is to “build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.” We have some great new

marketing tools and training programs in the works. Check out future editions of the Sunshiner for all the exciting


Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season!

Yours “In Pursuit of Excellence!”

Louis Brown, DTM

District 47 Lt. Governor Marketing

The season of celebration on earth, and within our clubs


Name: Hieu Huynh

District 47 Office: Diamond Jubilee Chair

Location (i.e. city of residence): West Palm

Beach, Florida

Hobbies: Toastmasters! OK, I’m also a bit of a sports

enthusiast. And for a new and unusual hobby, I have

taken up Robert’s Rules of Order. Through their

official website, I have answered questions on

parliamentary procedure for members of dog clubs,

home owner associations, student government, city

councils, church groups...

Number of years in Toastmasters International: 8


Home Club: Sunset Speakers Club 5222

In a sentence, describe how Toastmasters has

changed your life: It’s just part of my life now.

Who is your mentor in Toastmasters? Why? Diana

Loy because of her excitement! She has seen my

speeches from icebreaker to DTM and beyond...

Describe your most memorable speech/presentation: I held a one-hour Toastmasters meeting where

I was the Toastmaster, speaker, evaluator, Table Topics master, Table Topics speaker, ah counter,

grammarian, timer, Best Speaker, Best Evaluator and Best Table Topics Speaker!

Advice for a beginning Toastmaster: Jump in!



We’re expanding this feature to our members, so we can become better acquainted with the people in District 47. Here’s

your opportunity. Briefly tell us about your background, location, memorable speech, mentor and advice for a beginning

Toastmaster. You could be featured in an upcoming issue! Please send an email with the information to

sunshiner@toastmastersd47.org. Please include the name and number of your home club, and, if possible, a candid snapshop

of you doing a fun activity.

#D47 Toastmasters, Let us hear from you!


H appy Holidays District 47 Toastmasters.

As you wind down your 2014 year, start thinking of ways to

promote your clubs. Using a press release to share members and

club achievements, club open houses, special guest speakers are a

great way to provide information to the community.

You can also write an article that speaks about the benefits of

Toastmasters and learning about Public Speaking. Making an

announcement about your incoming officers is another great piece of

tidbit to share.

Did you know Toastmasters International has many resources to

help you spread the news about your club? You can find more

information and sample press releases on the Toastmasters

International site about Public Relations. Here is the link: https://



Reach out to your local newspapers, on-line magazines, eZines,

television stations, and other media will help to promote your club.

You may want to connect with the person to find out his/her

preference for receiving the information.

Your District 47 Public Relations team highly recommends that you

read the Toastmasters International guidelines of engaging the media.

It can be found here: https://www.toastmasters.org/~/

media/4961F7BE4B244A12A39426D0C9193CD1.ashx. It is a lot of

great information and worth your while to read it.

We wish you a joyous 2015!

District 47 Public Relations Team

Share news about your club through press releases!

Stanley Lloyd Andrea Robinson Maria Alexandra

Sanchez, DTM John Schneyer

Marlene M. Bryan, DTM

DISTRICT PRO, 2014-2015


Toastmasters Across

District 47

Area 55, part of Division E, is a unique and challenging

Area. Finding an Area Governor is never easy since

visiting one club is a day trip, involving driving a total of

8-9 hours to attend a 1 hour meeting in Key

West. The club is very appreciative of any Area

Governor who does it even once but twice…..they’re

ready to be nominated for sainthood! An AG or any

District officer who makes that trip always is treated to

lunch by the club. Shannon Chamberlain actually made

3 trips but she had a slight advantage….her husband

was a pilot. This year’s Area Governor from

Homestead, Michael Williams, recently made the

trek. He’s shown with President, Alana Thurston, after

the meeting and at Turtle Kraals for lunch before the

return trip.



After a 30-year career as a

Naval aviator, Karen Baetzel

flew through the requirements

and recently landed a DTM

award for herself and

Homestead Toastmasters.



visiting his


(President of



Toastmasters Club) Tim Erschik attended

his first Toastmasters meeting. Called

upon last, he won Best Table Topics for

his heartfelt presentation about what he

remembers from past Thanksgiving Day

family gatherings. Joining his local

Toastmasters Club is now on his near

future radar.



president of




Club, delivered more than 350

presentations as a trade show exhibitor

educator and small business coach.

Today, he shares how Toastmasters

would have eliminated some of the

communication and leadership challenges

he actually lived. He recently received

his Competent Leader award.




Congratulations and Happy Anniversary greetings are extended to the

following clubs. Thank you for your contribution to the growth and

success of District 47. On behalf of District Governor Tony Longley,

the District Executive Committee, and all members across South

Florida and Islands of The Bahamas, we wish you a successful,

President’s Distinguished Year!

Club Name City Club # Area Division Charter Date Years

Treasure Coast Stuart 3466 40 D 12/1/1982 32

Toast Of The Gold Coast Oakland Park 4267 21 B 12/1/1984 30

Soaring Eagles Rock Sound 2888579 94 I 12/6/2012 2

Power-Full Voices Jupiter 2897690 42 D 12/7/2012 2

TM Paul Finkelstein, of West Boca Toastmasters Club,

TM Laura Thezine, District Treasurer and DTM Tony

Longley, District 47 Governor were among nearly 4000

runners who participated in the 10th annual West Palm

Beach Run Fest. They all competed in the half marathon

event and successfully completed the grueling 13.1 mile

course. Running "In Pursuit of Excellence" -





T he Marketing Department of Toastmasters District 47 is responsible for all aspects of marketing, club-

building, and member- and club-retention efforts within the district. This includes defining an overall

marketing strategy for the district, developing outreach and retention efforts with existing community and corporate

clubs, and penetrating new markets. Additionally, the marketing area supports challenged clubs and helps them to

become Distinguished.

The marketing strategy guides the district in meeting membership and club-growth objectives. The team is led by

the Lt. Governor Marketing who, with the approval of the District

Governor, appoints members to chair marketing committees. The Committee Chairs help the Lt. Governor Marketing design,

develop, and implement district marketing projects. Together, the

marketing team creates a strong club-building program by

appointing club sponsors and mentors for new clubs and club

coaches and advocates for existing clubs that are struggling. Our

mission is to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving

excellence in the Distinguished Club Program.

Introducing Your Marketing Team:

Louis Brown, DTM – Lt. Governor Marketing

Beverly Cordner, DTM – Club Rescue Chair (Coaches and


Alejandro Crespo – Division A Coaching Chair

Matt Eggersston – Division B Coaching Chair

Rhonda Garcia – Division C Coaching Chair

Barbara Strasdas, DTM – Division D Coaching Chair

LaKeesha Morris – Division E Coaching Chair

Elvis Collie – Division F Coaching Chair

Leonardo Burrows, DTM – Division I Coaching Chair

Michael Schoen – Club Extension Co-Chair (Sponsors and Mentors – South Florida)

Vanessa Scott, DTM – Club Extension Co-Chair (Sponsors and Mentors – Bahamas)

Rich Otten, DTM – Gavel Club Chair

Helping Others Helps Ourselves

The marketing team needs you! Several clubs in District 47 are struggling with low membership and need the help of

experienced, knowledgeable Toastmasters to survive. Several prospective clubs are in the midst of being formed and

need the help of enthusiastic, well-informed Toastmasters to succeed. If you are not yet a DTM, you will need to

serve as a club sponsor, mentor or coach in order to satisfy the DTM requirements. If you are a DTM, you will

receive enormous satisfaction helping fledgling or struggling clubs succeed in their quest to become Distinguished.

Training is required to serve in these roles and will be offered at all upcoming Toastmasters Leadership Institute

(TLI) events. Please see the district website – d47.toastmastersdistricts.org – for more information on TLIs, including

dates and schedules. Please contact the Lt. Governor Marketing at lbrown@toastmastersd47.org if you have any

other questions or need more information.

Consider being a club sponsor, mentor, coach or advocate – you won’t regret it. Your help today will positively

impact generations of Toastmasters to come!

Marketing team needs you!













Got News? Please share with The Sunshiner!

We want to hear from you!

Consider The Sunshiner your source for news and information about the happenings in your club,

area, division and across the district. For this to be a successful endeavor, we need your input.

We’re interested in the events, successes, triumphs and fun in the clubs and in personal feats. This is

the place to celebrate club achievements, milestones, and individual accomplishments.

Please email your information or ideas to sunshiner@toastmastersd47.org.

Universal Toastmasters recently hosted its club

meeting with an eerily spooky flair to celebrate

the Halloween season. Toastmaster of the day

was Maurice Fuller, DTM, who got into his role

and the theme. He did consult with club

President Jerrod Clairsaint.

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