d47 sunshiner - july 2014

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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F ellow Toastmasters

Happy New Year! July 1, 2014 marked the dawn of a new day, marking the beginning

of another Toastmasters fiscal year. I am honored by the privilege afforded me to serve as

your District Governor during this historic Diamond

Jubilee year, 2014-2015, leading to the 60th

anniversary of District 47.

During the past 12 months, we focused on “Finding

the Talents Within” and many diamonds were

discovered in the process. Our mantra this year, “In

Pursuit of Excellence” synchronizes with the core

Values of Toastmasters International: Integrity,

Respect, Service and Excellence. It is my wish that as

leaders at the club or district level we would lead by

example as we urge our members to demonstrate

“Integrity” in all dealings, to show “Respect” for self

and fellow Toastmasters and to enhance the member

experience by delivering the best “Service”

possible. It’s no accident “Excellence” is positioned as

the fourth Core Value. I firmly believe once we have

integrity, show respect and render superior service.

The end result will be “Excellence.” Therefore, it is clear from this why we must always

be…“In Pursuit of Excellence!”

In the months to come we will face new challenges and inevitably even some failures as this is

all a part of the leadership experience. How will we overcome them? If we support each

other and tap into the vast human and material resources available to us, we can overcome

any challenge that confronts us. I wish to thank everyone who served our members this past

year as a club or District leader and all who volunteered to assist in any way. To the incoming

teams of Club and District Officers, on behalf of Lt. Governor Education & Training Damien

Miller, DTM, and Lt. Governor Marketing Jeanine Kinsey, DTM, I welcome you. We are

looking forward to working with you.

Jack Welch wrote: “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you

become a leader, success is all about growing others”. To me, this is the essence of


Have a fantastic year!

Anthony “Tony” Longley, DTM DISTRICT 47 GOVERNOR, 2014-2015

Distr ict 47 : In Pursuit of Excel lence

Organization Name

Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Title


THE SUNSHINER News from Southeast Florida and The Bahamas


District Number 47

July 2014


New District leadership

TLI Training dates

June educational awards

Club anniversaries

District Highlights

Around the World

Super Toastmaster from District 47 gains international attention by accomplishing an amazing feat. Pages 4, 5

Happy New Year!

District 47 TRIO starts 2014-2015 season with messages that emphasize member experience, Pages 9 -18

Building #TM47 Brand

Public Relations Officer Marlene Bryan invites you to help spread the word about Toastmasters International. Page 7

Looking Back Brand

Outgoing District Governor Francis Molina recalls the triumphs of her administration and team in the “Finding the Talent Within.” Pages 23-25


This newsletter is your voice; use it!

W ords have long fascinated me. As a child, conversations

among adults held my attention for hours as I devoured

every syllable and phrase. Even though I didn’t know the meanings, I

knew I would eventually. The dictionary was a constant companion and

true friend. At heart, I am a wordsmith.

So it’s no wonder that I gravitated to Toastmasters after nearly 30

years in print journalism. The well-constructed speeches send me into

orbit; I relish meetings because I know I’m in for a treat.

Words give us a voice. The Sunshiner in a sense is the collective voice

for District 47. It is your voice. In the 2014-2015 Diamond Jubilee

season, we want you to claim this publication as your own. Each

month, Diamond Jubilee Chairman Hieu Huynh, DTM, will feature

anniversaries of district clubs that celebrate their birthday. More

features are in store.

As I begin this journey as editor, I’d like to thank District Governor

Tony Longley, DTM, for this tremendous opportunity, and Public

Relations Officer Marlene Bryan, DTM, for pushing me to go well

beyond my comfort zone. I also want to thank the members of my

home club, Universal Toastmasters, for cheering on the sidelines,

especially my local mentor, Maurice Fuller, DTM.

Andrea Robinson, ACB/CL

Sunshiner Editor



Published by Toastmasters International District 47: Southeast Florida and The Islands of The Bahamas.

Submit articles, questions and comments to



District Governor

Anthony "Tony" Longley, DTM

Lt. Governor Education and Training

Damien KT Miller, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing

Jeanine Kinsey, DTM

District Public Relations Officer

Marlene M. Bryan, DTM

District Secretary

Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL

District Treasurer

Laura Thezine, ACS/ALB

District Sergeant At Arms

Thomas Plant, ACB/ALB

Immediate Past District Governor

Francis Molina, DTM

Division Governors

Div. A: Heather Mahoney, ACS/ALB

Div. B: Karen Lake, ACB/ALB

Div. C: Michael Thorn, DTM

Div. D: Valerie Johnson, ACB/ALB

Div. E: Jason Stewart, ACS/CL

Div. F: Deborah Young, DTM

Div. I: Delmaro Duncombe, DTM


TLI Training Coordinator: Antoinette Fox, DTM

Contest Coordinator:

Fall Conference Chair: Diana Loy, DTM

Spring Conference Chair: Lydia Harris, DTM

Club Coach & Advocate Chair: Beverly Cordner, DTM

Webmaster: Stanley Lloyd, CC


Audit Chair: Glenn Parks, ACS/CL

Social Media Chair: Maria Alexandra Sanchez, DTM

Sunshiner Editor: Andrea Robinson, ACB/CL

Copy Editors/Proofreaders: Hieu Huynh, Ruth Field Beck


Congratulations and Happy Anniversary greetings are extended to the

following clubs. Thank you for your contribution to the growth and success

of District 47. On behalf of District Governor Tony Longley, the District

Executive Committee, and all members across South Florida and Islands of

The Bahamas, we wish you a successful, President’s Distinguished Year!

Club Name Number Division/Area Charter date Years



7619 E/52 7/1/89 25

BDPB Talking 1118683 B/22 7/10/08 6

Central Bank 2597579 F/63 7/1/12 2


From Lt. Gov. Education and Training: We have the tools!

T his fiscal year our District is “In Pursuit of Excellence”, and we do so by ensuring that we are the first-choice

provider of dynamic, high-value communication and leadership skills development in the region. As Lieutenant

Governor Education & Training, I hold a firm commitment to ensure every Club in our District possesses the tools to achieve

excellence and every member has the best opportunity to realize their potential through hard work and perseverance.

This year, I wish to define Education & Training through empowerment, encouragement

and enlightenment. I desire for all our members to strive for and achieve their personal

goals, within Toastmasters and beyond, and will do so through focusing on five areas,


- Improving District & Club Officer Training

- Recognizing and encouraging Educational & Leadership achievement

- Producing stellar Contests and training quality competitors

- Producing memorable Conferences and training forums

- Ensuring district wide understanding of the Toastmasters Educational Program

Our Toastmasters Leadership Institute is currently in full swing. Thus, I challenge all Club Officers to take advantage of these

special sessions as these high quality, dynamic gatherings are geared to equip all officers with much knowledge and resources

to support every member in the year ahead. We next move into our first round of competition with the Humorous Speech &

Evaluation Contests. Contests are of great benefit to all involved and they help us flex our muscles in our training. So make

the most of this contest experience and you will find success.

I encourage every member to set or revisit your personal Toastmasters goals for the year ahead and into the future. What

educational or leadership award can you achieve? How will that translate in your everyday life? Will it mean a promotion at

work or a better relationship with someone close to you? Whatever your motivation, an educational award has impetus to

change your life. I’m looking forward to sending you a congratulatory email soon!!

In our district’s rich history we have achieved highly and seen much change in the Toastmasters world. However our one

constant should be that we should always be “in pursuit of excellence”. This year is no different. I challenge you to learn as I

have from the mistakes of the past, embrace the challenges of the future and aspire for personal achievement in your own

right. Do this not for Toastmasters International nor for District 47, but for YOU. Your achievements are what we shall

celebrate if you continue to meet your personal challenges head on.

Yours in the pursuit of excellence!



Editor’s note: DTM Abby Ross has more than a passion for Toastmasters International. It is her way of life. Recently, she embarked on a

personal journey to attend at least one Toastmasters Club meeting per day for a year. Public Relations Officer Marlene Bryan, DTM,

posed a few questions to Abby to find out how she accomplished that feat.

1) What was the impetus for you to

set the goal of visiting??? (How many

was your target) per day?

I love Toastmasters! I love meeting

people who, just like me, want to learn,

grow and improve themselves and of

course, have fun. After I earned my

DTM, Distinguished Toastmaster

Award in 2001 I thought I was done

with Toastmasters. After a while I even

stopped attending meetings. Many years

elapsed. Then 2 years ago I found

myself telling a law student in my hot

yoga class that I thought he would love

Toastmasters. I even told him I would

meet him at a Toastmaster meeting

although it had been more than ten

years since I had been to a meeting.

When I arrived at the Brickell

Toastmasters meeting I saw his message

that something came up the last minute

and he could not attend. I had already

parked my car and so into the meeting I

walked. I was “Home sweet home”. I

was flooded with the goodness of this

incredible 90 year Toastmaster

organization. The next day I went

online to find another meeting and found one: Gelfand Good morning Toastmasters that meets on Saturday mornings in

Hollywood. What a well-run club that turned out to be! I met you, there, Marlene! I was hooked, once again. I’m a retired

psychologist now and so I have the time to visit clubs and so each day I looked for a club to visit. It’s so easy. Just go to

Toastmasters.org and type in your zip code and how far you want to travel. You have a choice of 10, 25 or 50 miles.

2) What was your greatest challenge in accomplishing this goal?

Getting to the meetings. I am serious. I have no sense of direction. My GPS has a man with a crisp British accent. His word of

the day is usually “recalculating” as he constantly has to redirect me as I always manage to somehow get lost. Combine that

with all the road construction in Dade and Broward County and add some rain and that concerns me more than any Table

Topic about “Abby, How would you solve World Peace” (the answer to that by the way is to have every high school student

become a Toastmaster)

Choosing which meetings to attend. There are often so many clubs to choose from on a certain day.

3) How did your family handle this endeavor?

Daily meetings? Not a problem for District 47’s Super Toastmaster!


My husband, David, is an incredible person who supports my passion for Toastmasters. He was a trial lawyer and enjoyed

completing the CC Manual 15 years ago with me. Often he drives me to meetings. He knows when I get into the car or walk

into our apartment I will usually say, “I love Toastmasters!” On June 20th we celebrated our 43rd Anniversary. We were in

Colorado visiting friends and I went to a Boulder Toastmaster meeting in the morning and a Denver Toastmaster meeting at

noon. During the year “streak” I gave 166 speeches. All 3 of my kids are “private kind” of kids and prefer I don’t speal about

them. C’mon, 166 speeches, you know something about them had to leak out. I do respect their privacy and only last week in

one of my clubs a member came up to me afterwards and said “I didn’t know you had kids.” I think my kids would like that.

4) What was the most number of clubs you visited in one day?

Four. That happened a couple of times because I visited a club that met at 3 o’clock so I found myself at a morning, noon and

evening meeting plus that one.

5) What was the farthest club you visited from where you live?

Seoul Korea

6) Overall what did you discover and how did it impact your life today?

I am just beginning to make sense out of the richness of this experience. It’s clear to me that Toastmasters is the best

bargain in town for learning how to communicate, make wonderful friends and to learn about myself.

I learned how to really be flexible (and not just “yoga flexible”) and try new speeches and roles in a very supportive


My life was impacted by meeting hundreds of special people and hearing their stories and observing their ways of


Leadership is not what I joined for and I am so grateful for that important part of Toastmasters because I was pushed to

assume roles before I thought I was “ready”

I learned not to be so hard on myself. I still forget to use the word of the day but I no longer worry about it when I leave

the meeting.

I learned how important it is to organize any speech whether it be a 1 minute Table Topic speech or a keynote.

I learned that Toastmasters is far more than counting my “er’s and “ah’s” (and am forever grateful to my home club South

Dade Toastmasters where the same ol big tin bucket has been used for 40 plus years and is still used and nails are dropped

into it when a filler word is used. It sure does the trick and gets rid of those extra words

I learned that Toastmaster is the best gift I have ever given myself and I want to continue to mentor others to realize their

full potential.

Daily meetings? Not a problem for District 47’s Super Toastmaster!


From Our District Lt. Governor of Marketing


W elcome to the Jubilee Year for District 47! It is my

privilege to serve as your Lieutenant Governor

Marketing for this exciting celebratory year, and I need your help to

make it a record year for our members. We already have several

new club leads in the works and more are coming in every day. We

also have clubs that need some extra help to help in their "pursuit

of excellence" this year.

To support all of these clubs, there are workshops being offered at

every TLI this summer to help our experienced members learn how

to become Club Sponsors, Mentors, Coaches and Advocates. I will

also be working closely with our PRO and her team to spread the

word about Toastmasters through the efforts her team is already

working on so that more people have the opportunity to pursue

excellence for themselves.

Most importantly, I am here to help each of you in your own

personal pursuit of excellence in any way that I can because when

each of us succeeds at our goals, the entire team succeeds. Please

let me know how I can support you as I ask you to support me as

we all "Pursue Excellence" together!

M ission Accomplished!

That was the buzz phrase for the

members of Destino Toastmasters as they

celebrated the first anniversary of the chartering of

their club.

Members and club sponsor DTM Maria Alexandra

Sanchez gathered for fellowship and reflections. They

were joined by Division A members, including Area

Governor Charles M. Taylor and DTM Shakira

Taylor, both of whom played pivotal roles in

mentoring and inspiring the young club.

Club leaders, Ivonne Fernandez, Harold Silva, Erika

Ruiz, Weston Msikita and Franco Llerena deserve

kudos for this great milestone accomplished!

“I am here to

help each of you

in your own

personal pursuit

of excellence …”


I t is exciting to be appointed as your District 47 Public Relations Officer (PRO). As the incoming PRO it is one of my

duties to ensure that the District 47 Brand is made known throughout our communities

and our district. But I cannot do this alone. We need a team of people to spread the

wonderful news about the benefits of being a Toastmaster of D47. Our Public Relations

Team consists of: Stanley Lloyd, Webmaster; Andrea Robinson, Editor of the Sunshiner;

Maria Alexandra Sanchez, Social Media Chair; and John Schneyer, District Lead


With the assistance of these talented folks and your support, we desire to share great news,

tips and marketing training to the members of District 47. It started on July 1, 2014 with the

Welcome Video from our District Governor, Tony Longley. Expect to see more video

messages. We will upload them via a link to our D47 website: www.toastmastersd47.org.

There are many incoming Vice President of Public Relations Officers in clubs for the new

year. The D47 PR team will be conducting webinars throughout the year to share great tips

for getting the word out about your clubs. These events will be announced via the website and directly to the VPPRs.

Our Webmaster, Stanley Lloyd, has been updating our website with upcoming events such as the Districtwide Toastmasters

Leadership Institutes that are scheduled through Aug. 16, 2014. Please visit the website to register for these events. Andrea

Robinson, Editor of the Sunshiner, will be reaching out to the clubs, areas, divisions and district for submission of articles.

Don’t be shy. Share your knowledge, congratulate someone within your club or celebrate a special win by sending her

information to post in the Sunshiner.

Maria Alexandra Sanchez will be sharing tips, event happenings and much more via Twitter (#TMD47), Facebook Group

(Toastmasters D47), Linked In and other social media sites to communicate with you all. If you are on Facebook, please

request access to the group if you have not done so yet.

John Schneyer will be working with each appointed Public Relations Officer in the divisions to ensure we capture images of all

the great events and share them with you.

Finally, we will be conducting contests on a club, area, and division level to recognize groups that are doing a great job in

promoting District 47 and Toastmasters in general. We will share the details about these contests soon.

On behalf of our Public Relations Team, we wish you a Happy New Toastmasters Year!


Public Relations Corner: HELP US STRENGTHEN OUR BRAND!

Stanley Lloyd Andrea Robinson Maria Alexandra

Sanchez, DTM

John Schneyer



Longely sets the tone for a brand new year in District 47!

E xcellence is the expectation in this Jubilee year.

That idea from District 47 Governor Anthony J.

“Tony” Longley was at the forefront on June 14 as incoming

and outgoing leaders gathered for training and strategizing in

the new Toastmasters year. This is a special time as the

district observes its Diamond Jubilee in 2015.

Longley — along with TRIO members Damien KT Miller,

Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training, and Jeanine

Kinsey, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing — mapped out

their district success plan with messages that strongly

emphasized the needs of members.

Awards and accolades are important, Longley said, but “it’s

all about service for our members. The rest will take care of

itself and fall into place.

In the training session for the 2014-2015 Division and Area

Governors, Longley announced his theme: In Pursuit of

Excellence. He urged leaders to stress that idea with

members at every level. About 40 people attended the

daylong training at Broward College, Davie Campus.

The training also featured presentations by Miller, Kinsey and

outgoing District Governor Francis Molina, who gave leaders

tips on how to use tools on the Toastmasters International

website to make their jobs easier.

Other presenters included past District Governor Matt

Kinsey, past Treasurer Greg Henry and Lydia Harris, a

former division governor. She conducted an interactive and

humorous presentation with the incoming division governors

on the Dos and Don’t’s of being an area governor. TRIO

members Miller and Kinsey assisted.

PLAN FOR SUCCESS: District 47 Governor Tony Longley lays out points for the incoming leadership.













Congratulations to these Toastmasters...

…on earning Competent Communicator (CC) Award.




… Club




. Area Aguilar, Stefannie A 6/29/2014 West Kendall Toastmasters Club 8370 8370 E 54

Albury, Andrew Clement Alphonso

6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Arbe, Audrye 6/4/2014 Toast of Las Olas 9400 B 22

Arbel, Eran 6/10/2014 Achievers Club 2903 C 33

Bast, Dorothy H. 6/25/2014 City of Delray Beach 3299156

C 30

Bastian, Deborah 6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Becker, Cindy M. 6/27/2014 Delray Newsmakers Club 2225 C 30

Beckles, Cynthia E. 6/20/2014 RiverWalk Toastmasters Club 8664 D 44

Braica, Neil 6/29/2014 Pembroke Isles Toastmasters 2566217

A 11

Brown, Colin 6/29/2014 West Kendall Toastmasters Club 8370 8370 E 54

Bryan, Marlene M. 6/4/2014 The Fountain of New Life Toastmasters Club


A 13

Burrows, Leonardo 6/29/2014 Destined For Success Toastmasters Club 3956 I 90

Cartwright, Manassa D. 6/28/2014 Soaring Eagles Club 2888579

I 94

Davis, Dwayne Allen 6/29/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Davis, Philip E. 6/29/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Dean, Randy E. 6/25/2014 P.T.A.B. Toastmasters Club 1360579

F 62

Dou, Remy 6/16/2014 Coral Gables Club 1695 E 53

Dubin, Lyle M 6/27/2014 Seminole Casino Hollywood Toastmasters 1348034

A 12

Edwards, Carol 6/2/2014 West Broward Toastmasters 1575030

B 24

Evans, Margaret Angela 6/16/2014 Hollywood Toastmasters 1261950

A 12

Feil, Kristina D. 6/19/2014 Stuart Martin Chamber 2231493

D 40

Ferguson, Rachel A. 6/23/2014 B.U.T. Nation Builders 1358961

I 92

Fondiler, Laurie Ann 6/16/2014 Freddy's Forum Toastmasters Club 5173 D 44

Fox, Sarsha A. 6/17/2014 Club Destiny 839960 I 93

Gassko, Irene 6/27/2014 Palm Beach Advanced Toastmasters 1510120

D 43

Gersene, Claude 6/16/2014 Gold Coast Toastmasters Club 2727 D 43

Gerstenkorn, Rhea-Lyn 6/27/2014 City of Delray Beach 3299156

C 30

Gushehina, Marina 6/26/2014 Givers Gain Toastmasters 896304 B 20

Hollingsworth, Syrena 6/27/2014 Abaco Lighthouse Beamers 1314025

I 93

Horkott, Sharon 6/8/2014 The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club 1588575

D 43

Ingraham, Regina E 6/28/2014 Soaring Eagles Club 2888579

I 94

Kelly, Andre 6/29/2014 Destined For Success Toastmasters Club 3956 I 90











Kinsler, Todd A. 6/19/2014 LexisNexis Risk Boca Raton 2709556

C 32

Kourbetis, Dimitrios 6/27/2014 Team Titan Toastmasters Club 1747076

C 31

Lake, Karen A. 6/23/2014 BPB Talking Heads 1118683

B 22

Lightbourn, Tre 6/14/2014 The Luminaries 1510789 1510789

I 91

Linde, Orin 6/10/2014 Treasure Coast Toastmasters Club 3466 D 40

Lorthe, Harry 6/7/2014 Power Speakers Club 589263 B 22

McGuire, Dan 6/24/2014 LexisNexis Risk Boca Raton 2709556

C 32

McIntosh, Jevon H. 6/27/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Merritt, Rachel 6/13/2014 BPB Talking Heads 1118683

B 22

Morell, Tim 6/24/2014 Talk Of The Town Club 5390 D 43

Moreno, Euclides 6/3/2014 Miami Toastmasters en Español 971 E 50

Morris, Jessica S. 6/12/2014 High Voltage Voices 1376226

D 41

Munyariwa, Ruvarashe A. 6/11/2014 Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club 5222 D 43

Naranjo, Nayibi 6/3/2014 Weston Area Toastmasters Club 5758 A 10

Neely Morrison, Royanne D. 6/17/2014 B.P.S.U. Majestic Marlins Toastmasters Club


F 63

Nelson, Lisa 6/20/2014 B.U.T. Nation Builders 1358961

I 92

Newman, Laura 6/26/2014 Givers Gain Toastmasters 896304 B 20

Nixon, Suzette 6/16/2014 Healing Communicators Club 7178 F 60

Noronha, Ravi J. 6/27/2014 Central Bank Controllers 2597579

F 63

Pettway, Kenitha 6/20/2014 Bill Gove Golden Gavel Club 6818 C 30

Pigatt, Matthew Anthony 6/9/2014 The Fountain of New Life Toastmasters Club


A 13

Pinder, John 6/29/2014 B.P.S.U. Majestic Marlins Toastmasters Club


F 63

Pomares, Jose A. 6/20/2014 Miami Toastmasters en Español 971 E 50

Recalde, Fernando E 6/20/2014 Motorola Communicators Club 9745 B 23

Regueira, Rick 6/10/2014 Doral Toastmasters 861 E 51

Rieck, Kristin 6/27/2014 Secure Speakers Toastmaster Club 1770067

D 42

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/27/2014 Miami Advanced Toastmasters Club (CTM's)

2798 E 54

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/19/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/13/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Russell, Samovia D. 6/18/2014 The Soaring Orators of Johnson Park 1227605

F 62

Santiago, Heber 6/18/2014 Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club 5222 D 43

Schwartz, Carole E. 6/17/2014 Achievers Club 2903 C 33

Segal, Frederick D 6/9/2014 Club Awesome Toastmasters 2445 B 24

Simms-Symonette, Nakera S. 6/27/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Teame Chierici, Simon 6/16/2014 Miami Beach Toastmasters 1293723

E 52

Vargas, Michelle 6/10/2014 Doral Toastmasters 861 E 51



Toastmaster Date


Club Club





Walker, Shawn L 6/13/2014 Club Awesome Toastmasters 2445 B 24

Williams, Michelle Moneik 6/25/2014 Achievers of Excellence 1811702

F 62

Wilmott-Burrows, Theresa P. 6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Wilson, Joanne Arnette 6/25/2014 Achievers of Excellence 1811702

F 62

Young, Deborah D. 6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Zondervan, Daniel E. 6/18/2014 Juno How To Talk 2439314

D 41

Zuckerman, Rob 6/21/2014 WCR Palm Beaches Noon Toastmasters 1216688

C 31

…on earning Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) Award.

Toastmaster Date

Awarded… Club Club # Div. Area

Ahlijah, Koffi W 6/28/2014 RiverWalk Toastmasters Club 8664 D 44

Albury, Andrew Clement Alphonso 6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Antolik, Patricia A. 6/27/2014 Gold Coast Toastmasters Club 2727 D 43

Bayere, Michael Omolayo 6/19/2014 Miami Dade Toastmasters Club 8251 E 52

Beckles, Cynthia E. 6/20/2014 RiverWalk Toastmasters Club 8664 D 44

Bonaby, Charmaine 6/18/2014 Abaco Lighthouse Beamers 1314025

I 93

Butler, Jeffery 6/24/2014 Pinnacle Seekers 1513325

F 60

Chingmei, Yeh 6/5/2014 Coral Springs Chinese Bilingual Toastmasters


C 33

Cingel, David B. 6/9/2014 Proud Speakers Club 2266 B 21

Crystal, Lydia 6/20/2014 WCR Palm Beaches Noon Toastmasters 1216688

C 31

Davidson, Julianna V. 6/20/2014 Sawgrass Toastmasters Club 590751 B 23

Farrington, Datus J. 6/24/2014 Chickcharney Toastmasters Club 971904 F 60

Fletcher, Celia A. 6/27/2014 Secure Speakers Toastmaster Club 1770067

D 42

Foote, Sharon F. 6/20/2014 BPB Talking Heads 1118683

B 22

Foster, Clement 6/27/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Hanna, Donna D. 6/11/2014 The Soaring Orators of Johnson Park 1227605

F 62

Harris, Lydia 6/24/2014 Beacon Point Advanced 808677 A 10

Hartman, Richard S. 6/20/2014 The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club 1588575

D 43

Lapp, Mary Ellen 6/10/2014 Key West Toastmasters 6298 E 55

Martin, Oris B. 6/26/2014 ACTS Florida Region 1452159

C 32

Meiri, Natalie 6/27/2014 Gold Coast Toastmasters Club 2727 D 43

Moxey, Martiniqua 6/6/2014 Central Bank Controllers 2597579

F 63

Munroe, Nicole 6/20/2014 B.U.T. Nation Builders 1358961

I 92

Neilly, Spurgeon E. 6/28/2014 The Trailblazers 1577647

F 62

Ness, Sue 6/2/2014 Juno How To Talk 2439314

D 41

Palacious, LeVerne 6/24/2014 Pinnacle Seekers 1513325

F 60



Riano, Alejandro 6/10/2014 Doral Toastmasters 861 E 51

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/10/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Serra-Rivera, Kim M. 6/3/2014 Bill Gove Golden Gavel Club 6818 C 30

Stockdale, Martin 6/25/2014 Achievers Club 2903 C 33

Talbot, Soria 6/19/2014 High Voltage Voices 1376226

D 41

…on earning Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS) Award.

Toastmaster Date

Awarded… Club Club # Div. Area

Albury, Andrew Clement Alphonso

6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Foster, Angelique 6/16/2014 Club Destiny 839960 I 93

Newman, Eloise Anita 6/28/2014 Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club 5222 D 43

Plant, Thomas Gray 6/18/2014 Palm City Orators 8181 D 41

Silver, Christel 6/9/2014 Bill Gove Golden Gavel Club 6818 C 30

Thezine, Laura 6/25/2014 Beacon Point Advanced 808677 A 10

…on earning Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) Award.

Toastmaster Date

Awarded… Club Club # Div. Area

Drescher, Martha C. 6/3/2014 Delray Newsmakers Club 2225 C 30

Moss, Roston T. 6/26/2014 Club Destiny 839960 I 93

Paltanavich, David J. 6/5/2014 Club Paradise 1567808

C 31

…on earning Competent Leader (CL) Award.

Toastmaster Date

Awarded… Club Club # Div. Area

Aguiar, Teresa E. 6/2/2014 Key West Toastmasters 6298 E 55

Beckles, Cynthia E. 6/20/2014 Wellington Toastmasters Club 6775 D 44

Beckles, Cynthia E. 6/20/2014 RiverWalk Toastmasters Club 8664 D 44

Blake, Andrea 6/11/2014 Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club 5222 D 43

Davis, Frankie M. 6/5/2014 The Fountain of New Life Toastmasters Club


A 13

Doyle, Scott 6/3/2014 Gold Coast Toastmasters Club 2727 D 43

Exizian, Diana 6/27/2014 Secure Speakers Toastmaster Club 1770067

D 42

Gibson, Cyprian A. 6/29/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Gongora, Ernesto 6/29/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Hedgepeth, Sue M. 6/20/2014 Stuart Martin Chamber 2231493

D 40

House, Jacqueline D 6/7/2014 Miami Lakes Club 6568 A 14

Kinsler, Todd A. 6/28/2014 LexisNexis Risk Boca Raton 2709556

C 32

Knowles, Glender 6/27/2014 Abaco Lighthouse Beamers 1314025

I 93

Neely Morrison, Royanne D. 6/17/2014 B.P.S.U. Majestic Marlins Toastmasters Club


F 63

Picado, Francisco 6/24/2014 Port St. Lucie Speakers 8437 D 40

Pinder, John 6/29/2014 B.P.S.U. Majestic Marlins Toastmasters Club


F 63



Toastmaster Date


Club Club


Div. Area

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/25/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/24/2014 Miami Advanced Toastmasters Club (CTM's)

2798 E 54

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/22/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/13/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Ross, Abby Lynn 6/10/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Russell, Nathalie N 6/15/2014 Soaring Eagles Club 2888579

I 94

Schneider, Charles 6/27/2014 Secure Speakers Toastmaster Club 1770067

D 42

Thompson, Elbert C. 6/29/2014 Action For Achievement Club 1095 I 94

Valdes, Mariposa 6/28/2014 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club 2096 A 12

Wiggan, Patrice 6/10/2014 Achievers Club 2903 C 33

Woodbury, Lisa 6/24/2014 American Express Communication Club 1415772

B 23

Young, Deborah D. 6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

…on earning Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) Award.

Toastmaster Date

Awarded… Club Club # Div. Area

Albury, Andrew Clement Alphonso

6/30/2014 Dynamic Persuaders 1200778

F 62

Beckles, Cynthia E. 6/24/2014 Wellington Toastmasters Club 6775 D 44

Beckles, Cynthia E. 6/20/2014 RiverWalk Toastmasters Club 8664 D 44

Bryan, Marlene M. 6/26/2014 Seminole Casino Hollywood Toastmasters 1348034

A 12

Burgess, Carolyn C 6/18/2014 Talk Of The Town Club 5390 D 43

Gutierrez, Jose 6/20/2014 BPB Talking Heads 1118683

B 22

Jordan, Denni 6/24/2014 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Longley, Anthony J. 6/27/2014 Ernest T. Strachan Club Advanced TM Club 7108 I 92

Shrader, Jessica Marie 6/11/2014 High Voltage Voices 1376226

D 41

…on earning Leadership Excellence (LDREXC) for completion

of HPL project.

Toastmaster Date

Awarded… Club Club # Div. Area

Thorn, Michael E. 6/27/2014 Boca Raton Advanced Toastmasters 1888268

C 32


Dear Members of District 47,

It’s unbelievable that it already has been a year! I can’t help but feel somewhat nostalgic as I reflect on all accomplishments this

year and what’s left to be done.

We started this year with one mission: “Finding the Talent Within.” This

mission has been so important because through finding the talent

within ourselves, our clubs, and our leaders we have been able to

accomplish many tasks for our District. It hasn’t been easy by any

means but it has been significantly rewarding. There was no question in

my mind that when I took this office, I would find an equal balance of

successes and challenges not only to keep me humble but also to help

me grow.

“We don’t grow when things are easy; we grow when we face


- Joyce Meyer, Author

It is true that being involved in Toastmasters fully tests all of your skills

and abilities. It forces you to step out of your comfort zone without fear

of making mistakes and learning from failure. Once you open up to the

vulnerabilities of your character, you find talents within yourself which

extend your horizons far and wider than you could have ever imagined!

“The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we

will make one”

- John Maxwell, Author and Golden Gavel Recipient (2012)

This year also opened up the path for an overall better District. There was no doubt that this fiscal year was about cleaning up

and paving the way for a new foundation of service. Challenges included but were not limited to financial distress, stale and

ineffective leadership, obsolete technology use, and lack of club compliance to the Toastmasters program. Taking charge of

each of those challenges proved to be an immense task that required making a lot of tough but necessary decisions. It also

meant to take an active role to challenge the “Status Quo” together with change management for the overall benefit of the


Working through our goals required “all hands on deck” and I’m forever grateful to all the members of the 2013 – 2014 DEC

team because without them, we would not have been able to accomplish many of these goals:

Financial soundness of the District: starting the year with a net loss was painful, but through the contributions from

each member that attended all of our various events and the financial support from many organizations via in-kind and

monetary sponsorships, we are now profitable to Toastmasters International.

Clubs maintaining charter strength: Over 85% of clubs which started at charter strength maintained charter

strength. This is a direct effect from engaged District leaders in the quality of each club.

New members enrollment increase: As of 6/30, District 47 already has had an increase of 120+ new members over

last year! A total of 2,009 (and counting) new members have been added to our rosters. The word about Toastmasters

Outgoing District Governor recaps the year of “Finding the Talent Within”


continues to expand in our territories.

Clubs achieving Distinguished: As of 6/30, over 65% of our active paid clubs have already achieved Distinguished

status or better. I’m sure that by the end of all the processing that WHQ is currently doing, there will be many more clubs

attaining Distinguished awards.

Well attended Conferences and Trainings: Each conference brought over 300 unique members! And about 1/3 of

attendees were first timers!!! All TLIs brought not only required Club Officers but at least 25% of attendees were regular

members who wanted to know and do more for their clubs and District.

The list of thank you’s can go on and on but I’d like to highlight a handful of

individuals who made a significant impact during my term as District


Chief Executive Officer, Juan Godina (my husband) – for simply putting

up with everything and anything. For understanding my passion to serve my

members and for holding the fort while I was out serving others. You have

been the most important piece in my District Governor puzzle. Thank you for

helping keep it together! Love you!

Lt. Governor Education and Training, Tony Longley and Lt. Governor

Marketing, Damien Miller – who in essence were my “right and left hand;”

and, even in the times when the “left-didn’t-know-what the-right-was-doing”,

you both stepped into roles out your comfort zone to support the goals of

making a difference and impacting the District.

Division Governors, Marlene Bryan (A), Johnny Segarra (B), Chim

Francisco (C), Patricia Vallejo (D), John Lazar (E), Jason Springer (F),

Curtis Bryan (I) – Because you took ownership and pushed through our short comings while maintaing the program

standards and managing your teams of Area Governors. You have been the backbone of our District and because of you,

even our hardest challenges were conquerable.

The Sunshiner Editor, Kate McClare – For elevating our communication resources to nothing less than marvelous! Your

expertise allowed us to have a much improved channel of communication for our members via our District Newsletter.

Conference Chair, Phyllis May – Because she decided that once wasn’t enough, so she took the role two times just to

make sure it was “Magical!” This muckety muck really appreciated it.

Social Media Chair, Ruth Field Beck – For taking the initiative on a non-existent process and maximizing our

communication channels across all audiences. #TMD47 #ToastingtoYou

Treasurer, Greg Henry – I just could not have done it without you! Without your expertise, expense discipline and financial

accuracy would have been hard to accomplish.

Sergeant-at-Arms, Thomas Plant – The hardest working SAA ever! Your humble attitude and helpful disposition exceeded

my expectations.

Public Relations Officer, Douglas Shachnow – for adding new layers to our Public Relations and your financial support of

our District Conferences.

Webmaster, David Clarke – For taking ownership of an obsolete and complex website system outdated subscription data

Outgoing District Governor recaps the year of “Finding the Talent Within”


and making the transition to a new website, a new registration system, and increasing email subscription rates for our

publications. For always being available to help and provide useful feedback to both the DEC

and Club Members.

Parliamentarian, Michael Schoen – For making parliamentary procedures less scary and

intimidating. Thank you for always having a lesson to teach our DEC team whenever we met

and helping our business meetings in order.

Region 8 International Director, Kristina Kihlberg – For so many reasons that would probably

take several emails to list. Above else, thank you for being there to provide your experience

and mentorship during my growth as a District Governor.

Region 8 Advisor, Eileen Wolfe – Because you never hesitated to “say it like it is!” and your continuous support in a very

challenging year. Thank you for always being available to provide guidance and encouragement.

District Advisor, Lynda Hammond – Because everyone needs a voice of reasoning. Thank you for being there to be mine…

Chief Ambassador, Lydia Harris – Not only you have taken ownership of our upcoming Revitalized program but you have

also taken charge of maximizing the impact of our leaders by providing mentorship and guidance. You’ve earned the title of

Master DivA.

Without excluding anyone, I’d like to also thank Secretary, Gary Sharp; Nominating Committee Chair, Pamela Rolle; Credential

Chair, Samantha O’Neil; Audit Committee Members, Laura Thezine, Kip Barkley, Cleve Palacious because you fulfilled your

duties with quality and excellence. Your independent support helped provide excellent service to the District. Your ownership and

initiative made what would seem very complex procedures very effective.

Thanks to each and every member who participated in the program to the fullest. For those who attended trainings, conferences,

and special events throughout the year. It is ultimately YOU, the member, who we as leaders are accountable to. We hope that

you continue to participate and support your District.

As we are coming to an end of Fiscal Year 2013 – 2014, I’m looking forward to moving into a support role for my successor,

Tony Longley, and his team. It is fitting that the upcoming theme this next year is “In pursuit of Excellence” because as we

continue to find talent in our District, we must always engage in pursuing excellence to achieve it.

It has been so rewarding to have serviced you as your District Governor. Thank you for elevating my experience to unimaginable

heights and my leadership skills to incredible strength.


Francis Molina

2013 – 2014 District


2014 – 2015 Immediate Past

District Governor

Outgoing District Governor recaps the year of “Finding the Talent Within”


Got News? Please share with The Sunshiner!

We want to hear from you!

Consider The Sunshiner your source for news and information about the happenings in your club,

area, division and across the district. For this to be a successful endeavor, we need your input.

We’re interested in the events, successes, triumphs and fun in the clubs and in personal feats. This is

the place to celebrate club achievements, milestones, and individual accomplishments.

Please email your information or ideas to sunshiner@toastmastersd47.org. A schedule of upcoming

issues and cutoff dates will appear in the August issue of The Sunshiner.

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