daily deal builder training

Post on 19-May-2015






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Heck yeah we help you drive traffic. Our training goes in depth into SEO, Social Media marketing, SEM, guerrilla marketing, paid traffic, and more. On top of our training in which we provide action oriented steps to take, we also provide our traffic software as mentioned above and your own virtual assistant to help you get out of the gate. We have set up everything to make it as easy as possible for you to get off the ground running. What’s cool about DDB Sites is that typically conversion rates are higher as compared to a ‘regular’ type of website.


Welcome to our Client Training Webinar!

Grab a pen and paper and let’s begin.

Presented by Marc HorneCo-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.comtwitter.com/marchornefacebook.com/marcdhorne


• What is SEO and SEM

• Benefits of SEO, Keyword Research & Selection

• Content Creation & Syndication

• On-Page & Off-page Optimization

• Action Steps / Resources

• Tips on Raising Conversion Rates

• Upgrades

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

What is SEO?

• Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results.

• In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users.

• SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

… in layman’s terms

• When someone searches Google or another search engine, SEO helps you show up in the search results…

• Your goal is to be #1 (or at least on the first page) of Google for the keywords that make perfect sense for your business. If you get the 1st page of Google, you are likely to also have the 1st page on Bing and Yahoo.

• The higher up you are ranked in the search engines, the more organic traffic your website will get.

• It starts by choosing your keywords, and then doing activities to help you rank for those keywords.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

… in layman’s terms

• Get more site visitors, more exposure, more leads, and a larger impact.

• Basic knowledge of SEO will continue to be a helpful skill set for you.

• Don’t try to “game the system.”

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Benefits of SEO

• Low Cost Results (In Comparison to Paid Traffic): Organic listings are

free. When you are listed at the top of the search engines for your primary keywords, you don’t need to pay for traffic. One of the primary benefits of SEO is that it can deliver you consistent traffic. You don’t have to pay money for every person who clicks on your ad. Unlike paid ads, your traffic will not drop to zero when it stops. SEO gets rid of the need to have thousands of ads across the web.

• Brand Credibility: People trust Google’s search results.

• Increase in Traffic and Exposure: With Analytics and reporting tools, you’ll

see a clear increase in traffic. This is a definite way to maximize your business efforts. SEO will give you results (not immediately but fairly quickly) and as soon as you start your SEO efforts, traffic will increase at a steady rate.

• The Results are Permanent: Unlike advertisements the affects of SEO are

permanent. They don’t suddenly stop if you stop paying for them.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Keyword Research & Selection

• Choose 5-10 primary keywords. Put yourself in your target market’s shoes. What would they type in Google?

• 10-50 secondary keywords

• Use long-tail and short tail keywords

• The lower the search volume, the easier it will be to rank for the keyword.

• Be sure to include your primary keywords on your webpage and the content that you create.

• Map out the top results for your chosen keywords. Study what they have done to get that top spot.

• Let’s take a look at the Google Keyword Tool…

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Keyword Research & Selection

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Track Your Keyword Progress

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Grow Your Search Traffic through Content

• Search Engines want you to release regular, remarkable content.

• Coming up with content ideas.

• Types of content: Videos, images, articles, press releases, podcasts, social bookmarking, info-graphics, blog posts…

• Mediums to use for submission

• Tools to make it easier

• Share your voice. The internet makes sharing our stories as easy as possible.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Create a Blog

• Wordpress or Blogspot

• Syndication of related industry news

• Be sure to add images to your posts

• Create engaging content and after posting share that content on your social media pages and twitter.

• Find authority figures to do a guest posts on your site. Ideally, have them share their guest post with their own audience.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Grow Your SEO through Contests

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

• Regularly hold engaging contests to grow your audience. Have clear goals in mind. Subscribers? New Users? Sales? Branding? Etc…

• Use Software: ContestBurner, Wildfire Apps, wizehive.com/contest/, www.myreviewroom.com/Contests

• Know your target market’s desirable items and offer incentives accordingly.

• Organic & Paid Traffic to jumpstart campaign (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.). Issue press releases and gain as much exposure as possible.

Grow Your SEO through Backlinks

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

• When high page ranked websites link back to you, it can raise your search results. “.edu” and authority websites are your best bet from which to receive backlinks.

• Authority blogs – Guest posting.

• Press Releases

• Q & A Websites – Quora, Yahoo Answers

• Social Commenting: Blogs, Articles, Videos, Forums, etc.

• Understand ‘share-ability’: opinionated, humor, insider info..

Guest Posting

• Email the editor & include examples of what you’d like to post, your credentials, and any links to your writing.

• Add “Create Blog Posts” on your calendar a month in advance.

• Post your first article and video on your blog and a ‘welcome to my blog’ post.

• Be sure to add images to your posts and tag / label them properly.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Actionable Steps – YouTube video

• Video – Post “Who we are, what we do, who we cater to video to sharing sites such as YouTube.com. Include primary keywords.

• Add a title on YouTube. This is easily the most important step in optimizing your YouTube listing for SEO. Years ago, marketers used an old SEO strategy called “title stacking.” Basically, it’s the practice of listing your keywords twice in a title, with slight variations. This works in YouTube.

• For example, you might choose a title like “Political Copywriting Marc Horne Writes Political Copy.” This tactic still works in YouTube. Title stacking gets you double relevancy in YouTube. When you combine this keyword double play with the filename trick, you get better results.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Actionable Steps – YouTube video

• Description Tricks: First things first. You’ll want to include a link to your main website somewhere in the first line of your description. The closer to the front, the easier your link will be to find. You must include the entire URL, including the “http://” to make your link clickable. In the body of the description, you can use the same voice-over script that was used to produce the video. If it is well written, the script should be loaded with relevant keywords.

• Last, after your video has actually posted, you’ll want to go back and edit your description again. At the tail end of you description, paste the YouTube video’s actual URL. The reason we do this is that YouTube is constantly being scraped by aggregators and automated content sites. These aggregators automatically post the content to their sites, including the URLs.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Other Actionable Steps

• Video – Post “Who we are, what we do, who we cater to video to the video sharing sites such as YouTube.com. Include your primary keywords.

• Article – “Who we are, what we do, who we cater to, and when you’re launching.”

• Press Release – Use above content to begin drafting up your press release.

• Images – Ranking for image search plan.

• Publish your blog

• Guest post on authority sites

• Optimize your website to include your primary keywords.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Search Engine Optimization & Traffic

• Use Virtual Assistants for additional lead gen and off page SEO.

• Release press releases every couple of weeks (when applicable).

• Contact local news sources. Be newsworthy.

• Record videos, podcasts, articles, etc as often as possible.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Set Up Your Content Syndication Calendar

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

Raising Conversion Rates

• Focus on your Optin Conversion Rate – add additional incentives, update copy, and specifically tell the user what to do and why to do it.

• Sales Conversion Rate – Amazon color, countdown timer update, Carefully craft your headlines and offer copy. Use high quality and engaging images, & or video…

• Repeat successful campaigns: Set yourself up to run multiple deals with a merchant you lock in. Study previous deal and maximize effectiveness.

• Check all copy on site, including offer emails. Stay congruent.

• Use Humor and model what works, but stand apart.

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

New Popup Subscribe Form

Increase optin conversion rates

The New Offer Layout

…will increase your sales conversion rates

Slick Side Bar Deals

New All Offers Page

Input social media URL’s in settings

Have them linked on your footer…

Shipped /Downloadable Upgrade

These upgrades will increase your optinand sales conversion rates!

• No action required on your end.

• We’ll need to manually activate them on your site.

• If you want all 4 of these upgrades, we have made it as easy and cost-effective as possible by slashing prices.

• Activate all 4, or any of them separately, by visiting http://dailydealbuilder.com/plugins/

Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com


Presented by Marc Horne

Co-Founder of DailyDealBuilder.com

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