daily news 9 6 08 p13

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Daily News 9 6 08 p13


    Fonner dispatcher sawpals die, says he's nextCO .._ KIJITlI[TT _ \!IIl1OflH willi two 'dIowttanslt-- . , IS run U I Il.I1w 1001II SI. dtpot InT ~ 1 I I t 1 J l o _ l I I O w n t _ I I . m n U l l o f t .. .

    tho pcIution, bA . . . . . . boIhtI'ed to COI'I'4IIUIlor !N t u..Iuuo - . tel fd .. . 1INtNt1---,WU ' l i ly ClIbOOO'ClIlIht IImt btaIM 'IObool'rwu$ldtat tho tm.: salIIlht 7hUr-$! . . . . - Village. QuHrts.~ ~ _ w u ~ w l t h l l . l l l i l t u a f l u l y u r . H f W U IIw lu t of tho tlwftlrltnols 10 li t d ', ooitd wI\I'Ilht ~ u e . . ar. of IIItm. formtrll'ltdwolc ........ DInttn. 1Iic'CI1. . .,.on __ lIo _ . . . 1M dIMr SUn C&1f)'. held out _ b:>\Itt. li t dIfd _ ~ k $ __

    ." Iffi bad btuIrw Ihne ouys Vl!,ontlIrudy &lid nn S1lll at'OI.W'OI," WeI ft>rtncIL 'Mel mydoqiut 1.00.-

    ..\..:-" -L

    Suit sez fumes hurtmany TA workersDY.IOTH4M SEDDtS!ROMDOLr_'SW'_VO

    TIlfYTOIUD for)"Ul"IWId". !>au ofdiesel "'_ II ..... d Ouri t ;who sald d.oa-aetlon IUlt could. rtIUltIf rnoreTAmlplo)"ftIoIpIon ID t hec_IIIIC IIIOnths."Enryone - bI;J pC",.t .. . and "'I t t .... ["""...,..,ofbuseJ,,"thlnthe depot1 - .. ho ... me In C\'ef)'_ ID the city of New 'tori< ".... ., In_ way exp ed to tbeoeu.hat 1\1..-" Dearie aid..In 200'2. the fedmol E n v i r o n ~ I'nltmionA&rnCY_oduded tluot '1o

  • 8/14/2019 Daily News 9 6 08 p13


    "n: . ' ... -

    DURIHIimEn.,.an II>I .......rttiml bus 0:Mr r..cl... u.L*ltr-hrkcIr!* In 8&tII8NdI, .. .... . . . .C,..1t t/IDI9'III WUIho ow In tho..WIConI U"II Hal 01 g

    CelIe IIICI Pwty_-"_ U _ ~ l l t h e \ k 1 I O t ~ O ' " ~ t l l C d a y .... _so tII>I t/Ity _ >'bible to.. .doI) .... _ .... wnUg/ot"""'-1InII1 If OlcI."1t you -.. I bill_)'OVwaJI.toI ' -Wd

    IPIe Itont, I/Ie fI.mc:s

    were .. . bad thol__,.,., f f tn H t u..$IcItcIoGt_ In totrt01_-wid 00SId ..... 11. ""'" WaJ:!II G Cl$tdwlth-..-ol U\tII", )'0&1,'1 SIll COUCIII up bIu:Ic._1aIIIgII up" _ 0 I ~ : HId DtStdono....n:. "_,tstIW lie wu to 6,500""'"....nIl of ,,",,"_ _ lls......... _ _ COUCIII &I roht andt h e M r t ~ I t ~ s .._.

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    _ ; ; ; : ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ' ~ ' : A IJe t or ' ~ ! I " " II the dtJ.many oIlhcm tom"U1 td t:lifN,ge ' - " : sand trolley (A I ' CO/\IribuItd tothe IIOlIIouJ --..., 01 fumes mired" ~ I W I _ d r l > . , . Emldlo DeSrd"""InIu!od t.oeb wet: ",wId be len 10 lcIIe''''''''gh .he nJibt '" ti l. rl.!y. ,' .hid! II no! named In ,he II .. deelIDed 'D common,. u

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