dakota fitts exam review

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Recognize this?

In the movie, “Independence Day,” alien ships hovered over major cities around the world, waiting to strike.

The woman hovered over her daughter’s shoulder whenever she chatted on the internet with anyone.

Syn: linger, float, loom (over)

Ant: soar

Definition: (v) to float or hang suspended over; to move back and forth over or around


Compares two unlike things using “like” or “as”

Compares the unknown to the known so the reader can imagine the image or concept in their mind

“His teeth were crooked like a pile of wrecked cars.”



Tents swayed in the wind like jelly fish in the water.


Mouth dry like it was a cave filled with cotton.


Fear wrapped around me like a sodden cloak.


Because he was so skilled, the soccer ball can hover over his head

“The laggard worker caused the entire project to fall behind schedule.” (adj.)

“Tour guides often have to urge laggards to keep up with the rest of the group.” (noun)

Syn: (n) slowpoke, straggler, (a) sluggish, lazy

Ant: (n) early bird (a) swift, speedy

Definition: (n) a person who moves slowly or falls behind

(a) Falling behind; slow to move or act

(describing a person or thing)


Because he went to sleep late, he lost the race like a laggard.


Because he missed his afternoon nap, he was very laggared

“Several students plan to collaborate on a History Fair project about the American Revolution.”

Syn: (team up, join forces)

Ant: work alone

Definition: to work together


Because their leader wasn’t collaborating for the greater good, he totally failed


Definition: “The flaming village was spectacular, the flames lit the sky past midnight the snow lit orange and white”


The rain, cold, pelted me like frozen daggers



I tried to stare at the coconuts to catch the succulent taste on my dry tongue


“She could here the distant crashing as the house fell down in flames”

Internal Conflict

• “He couldn’t get over the fact that his brother was now dead”

External Conflict

• “It killed her to watch as the poor men beat the man to his grave”

Proper adjecives

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