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Yim et al. BMC Plant Biology 2013, 13:83

DATABASE Open Access

PLANEX: the plant co-expression databaseWon Cheol Yim1, Yongbin Yu2, Kitae Song1, Cheol Seong Jang3 and Byung-Moo Lee1*


Background: The PLAnt co-EXpression database (PLANEX) is a new internet-based database for plant gene analysis.PLANEX ( contains publicly available GeneChip data obtained from the GeneExpression Omnibus (GEO) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). PLANEX is a genome-wideco-expression database, which allows for the functional identification of genes from a wide variety of experimentaldesigns. It can be used for the characterization of genes for functional identification and analysis of a gene’sdependency among other genes. Gene co-expression databases have been developed for other species, but geneco-expression information for plants is currently limited.

Description: We constructed PLANEX as a list of co-expressed genes and functional annotations for Arabidopsisthaliana, Glycine max, Hordeum vulgare, Oryza sativa, Solanum lycopersicum, Triticum aestivum, Vitis vinifera and Zeamays. PLANEX reports Pearson’s correlation coefficients (PCCs; r-values) that distribute from a gene of interest for agiven microarray platform set corresponding to a particular organism. To support PCCs, PLANEX performs anenrichment test of Gene Ontology terms and Cohen’s Kappa value to compare functional similarity for all genes inthe co-expression database. PLANEX draws a cluster network with co-expressed genes, which is estimated usingthe k-mean method. To construct PLANEX, a variety of datasets were interpreted by the IBM supercomputerAdvanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX) in a supercomputing center.

Conclusion: PLANEX provides a correlation database, a cluster network and an interpretation of enrichment testresults for eight plant species. A typical co-expressed gene generates lists of co-expression data that containhundreds of genes of interest for enrichment analysis. Also, co-expressed genes can be identified and cataloged interms of comparative genomics by using the ‘Co-expression gene compare’ feature. This type of analysis will helpinterpret experimental data and determine whether there is a common term among genes of interest.

Keywords: Co-expression, Database, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, Clustering

BackgroundA combination of methodologies from the fields of gen-omics, proteomics and bioinformatics provides a powerfulapproach to investigating biological processes. Biologicalfunctions of genes are usually determined by the inter-action of a protein or gene product, and gene expressionsare frequently related in biological processes. Therefore,co-expressed genes might be related in a biological path-way and may provide information critical for understand-ing complex biological systems [1,2]. Many technicalapproaches have been used in genome-wide experiments,and the ability to measure the regulation of severalthousand genes simultaneously has revolutionized the

* Correspondence: bmlee@dongguk.edu1Department of Plant Biotechnology, Dongguk Univ-Seoul, Seoul 100-715,KoreaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Yim et al.; licensee BioMed Central LtdCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

way biological processes are analyzed. To understandbiological systems, co-expression data have been used in awide variety of experimental designs, including genetargeting, regulatory investigations and identification ofpotential partners in protein-protein interactions [3].Substantial amounts of such expression data are

required to estimate co-expressed gene dependency.Unfortunately, these experiments are costly and timeconsuming. However, a vast number of gene expressiondata sets have recently become available for severalplant species. The most popular public microarray data-bases are ArrayExpress [4], Gene Expression Omnibus(GEO) [5], NASCArrays [6] and Genevestigator [7].Still, it is difficult for biological researchers to managethis large amount of gene expression data without abackground in bioinformatics. To this end, the field ofbioinformatics has accelerated co-expression analysis of

. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.

Yim et al. BMC Plant Biology 2013, 13:83 Page 2 of 9

biological processes. In addition, the completion of thegenome sequences of the model plants Arabidopsisthaliana [8], Glycine max [9], Oryza sativa [10], Solanumlycopersicum [11], Vitis vinifera [12] and Zea mays [13]have advanced genome and gene expression analysis. Forother species with poorly resolved gene expression data,such as Hordeum vulgare and Triticum aestivum, genomeresources are improving with The Gene Index Project bythe Dana Faber Cancer Institute (DFCI) [14]. The anno-tated genome sequences have stimulated the developmentof a number of functional genomic approaches. These ma-terials are valuable for gene expression in genome-scalemicroarrays.During the co-expression data set construction, the gene

expression data were normalized with summarizationmethods, including RMA [15], GCRMA [16] and MAS5[17]. One method of identifying co-expressed gene sets isthrough the estimation of gene expression similarity. Themost convenient way to estimate gene expression similar-ities is to use Pearson's correlation coefficients (PCCs)[1,18]. If similarity is determined by a correlation metric(e.g. PCCs), a comprehensive pairwise matrix of correl-ation values are generated that represents expressionsimilarity.Based on co-expression data set analysis, we focused on

improving the construction of gene networks. Principalcomponents analysis (PCA) is a popular technique used tofind the major component of a multivariate dataset. InDNA microarray analysis, it is used to find the genegroups that cooperatively change expressions over severalexperiments [19], and PCA is done in gene space. Then,the k-mean cluster algorithm is combined to reveal sam-ples with large contributions.Plant co-expression databases have previously been

constructed for Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa andHordeum vulgare. These databases, the Arabidopsis Co-expression Toolkit (ACT) [20], STARNET 2 [21],RiceArrayNet [22], ATTED-II [23], Co-expressed bio-logical Processes (CoP) database [24] and PlaNet [25],are used for searching co-expression relationships and

Table 1 Co-expression data information contained in PLANEX

Species Affymetrix GeneChip Number of microarray s

Arabidopsis thaliana ATH1 5502

Glycine max Soybean 3080

Hordeum vulgare Barley1 738

Oryza sativa Rice 884

Solanum lycopersicum Tomato 253

Triticum aestivum Wheat 451

Vitis vinifera Vitis vinifera 738

Zea mays Maize 3791Dana Faber Cancer Institute (DFCI), v 9.0,

incorporating functional data. Given the recent rapidgrowth of high performance computers with the ability toperform rapid calculations, co-expression database con-struction is possible using large-scale gene expression data.In this report, we describe the construction and use of

the PLAnt co-EXpression database (PLANEX; Additionalfile 1: Table S1) and discuss the output produced by userquery. PLANEX mines already-computed gene pair corre-lations across eight species of plants. With PLANEX, weprovide Arabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max, Hordeumvulgare, Oryza sativa, Solanum lycopersicum, Triticumaestivum, Vitis vinifera and Zea mays co-expression datasets with a user-friendly web interface for retrieving co-expressed gene lists and functional enrichment data ofinterest. A central motivation for constructing PLANEXwas to leverage massive resources of microarray data forbiological interactions, expression diversity and the dis-covery of putative gene regulatory relationships priorto conducting additional costly wet lab experiments. Thisdatabase provides details that may aid in understand-ing expression similarity and functional enrichment ofinput genes.

Construction and contentExpression dataRaw microarray data were obtained from the GEO ofthe National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI) through April 2011. We selected data fromArabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max, Hordeum vulgare,Oryza sativa, Solanum lycopersicum, Triticum aestivum,Vitis vinifera and Zea mays Affymetrix GeneChip GenomeArray, which is one of the most frequently-used andpublicly-deposited platforms for plants (Table 1).All of the raw data (in CEL file format) were downloaded

through programmatic access to GEO ( We terminatedGEO Series (GSEs) that included truncated GEO Sample(GSM). The cross platform GSMs were also terminated,including GSE13641 (Rorippa amphibia expression profileon Arabidopsis thaliana Affymetrix GeneChip platform;

lides Micorarray platform Source database of coding sequence

GPL198 Phytozome1

GPL4592 Phytozome


GPL2025 Phytozome

GPL4741 Phytozome


GPL1320 Phytozome

GPL4032 Phytozome

Yim et al. BMC Plant Biology 2013, 13:83 Page 3 of 9

GPL198). We also collected raw data, with the exclusionof subspecies expression data, including Glycine soja onthe Glycine max platform (GPL4592; e.g. GSE20323) andArabidopsis lyrata subsp. petraea and Arabidopsis hallerion the Arabidopsis thaliana Affymetrix GeneChip plat-form (GPL198; e.g. GSE5738).The CEL files were used for summarizing probe sets,

which were the results of the intensity calculations on thechip pixel value. All expression levels were analyzed usingbackground subtraction, normalization and summarizingprobe sets. We estimated quantile normalization using anRMA algorithm for detecting the background information.All microarrays were computed probe sets that summa-rized each of the eight species using Affymetrix PowerTools [26].

ImplementationThe gene co-expression data were entered in thePLANEX system by pre-implementation. The data wereimplemented with expression probe set summarizingdata. We provided PCCs to assess the extent of gene co-expression, and we developed novel C++ codes to gen-erate co-expression data. The pairwise co-expressioncalculations did not require heavy CPU power, but nu-merous CPUs helped reduce calculation time. We usedthe GAIA system at the Supercomputing Center ofthe Korea Institute of Science and Technology Informa-tion, [27] which contained 1536 CPU cores. The GAIA

Figure 1 Frequency distribution of PCCs of randomly selected gene p

system is based on Advanced Interactive eXecutive(AIX) by IBM, which supports Message Passing Inter-face (MPI) [28]. Our unique C++ code supported MPIand co-expression data were estimated by 512 CPUcores. To retrieve co-expression data, we set thresholdsfor co-expression values. To specify positive (top 1% ofPCCs) and negative (bottom 1% PCCs) values for co-expressed gene sets, the distribution of random genepairs was assessed by PCCs (Figure 1). The number ofrandom gene pairs corresponded to the number ofprobes on the array (Table 2).

ClusteringFor clustering, the gene expression values were used foranalysis. We applied the k-mean clustering method to theexpression data, which assigned each point to the clusterwhose center was nearest [29]. We used the PCA to deter-mine the number of cluster k. The PCA was conductedusing CLUSTER, so that the clusters were ordered andchosen to maximally explain the remaining variance in datavectors [1]. Consequently, the k-mean clusters were ana-lyzed with the number of clusters in each species. The largeamount of expression data required long-term clusteringtime. Therefore, we compiled the Parallel K-mean DataClustering code [30], which was executed on the AIXsupercomputer system with MPI. The k-mean algorithmprovided nodes of the co-expression network in PLANEX.


Table 2 The thresholds for co-expression values

Species No. of probes Positive1 Negative2

Arabidopsis thaliana 22,810 0.585 −0.465

Hordeum vulgare 22,840 0.68 −0.625

Oryza sativa 57,381 0.646 −0.535

Triticum aestivum 61,290 0.686 −0.635

Zea mays 17,734 0.835 −0.775

Glycine max 61,170 0.645 −0.505

Vitis vinifera 16,602 0.715 −0.715

Solanum lycopersicum 10,209 0.775 −0.7051 Positive indicated PCCs ≤ 0.01.2 Negative indicated PCCs ≥ 0.99.

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Mapping gene identifiers onto probe set IDsThe genome sequence and annotation project Phytozomewas recently completed and released [31]. We clarifiedannotations and sequences of the species by downloadingall Affymetrix GeneChip probe sequences [26], and wemapped them against the probe to the nucleotide of thegenome of six sequenced plants: Arabidopsis thaliana,Glycine max, Oryza sativa, Vitis vinifera,Solanumlycopersicum and Zea mays (Phytozome V9.0). In contrast,other species whose genome sequences are still unfin-ished, such as Hordeum vulgare and Triticum aestivum,were mapped with Tentative Consensus sequences fromDFCI. The probe matches were made using our uniquePerl script. The script processed string-matched nucleo-tide sequences (including reverse complement) against anindividual GeneChip probe of any given species andreturned a list of probe set affinities that corresponded tothe sequence of each species. Specifically, Zea mays had15 sequence pairs per probe, and all other plant specieshad 11 pairs per probe.

Gene ontology term assignmentDue to the hierarchical tree of the gene ontology (GO)terms and redundancy of the terms, we mapped GO termsagainst representative gene function. The DFCI providedGO mapping annotation. Phytozome sequence annotationdid not support GO mapping annotation, but it did pro-vide Pfam IDs; we mapped the representative Pfam IDsagainst GO terms. We mapped the external classificationsystem to GO [32]. GO-TermFinder was used to estimatethe enrichment of GO terms [33]. GO-TermFinder wasintegrated into PLANEX using a web interface, whichevaluated the enrichment of the principle GO categories,including cellular components, biological processes, andmolecular functions with hypergeometric distribution anda False Discovery Rate (FDR) described by Benjamini andHochberg.

Comparative analysis of co-expressed gene setsCohen’s Kappa statistics were used to compare co-expression data between species [34]. An in-house mod-ule similar to the online DAVID tool [35,36] was used toevaluate co-expression similarity using Kappa statistics,which were integrated using a web interface. A proteinsequence was used to select two genes from among thespecies Arabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max, Oryza sativa,Vitis vinifera and Zea mays. After two query genes weresubmitted, the module compared the co-expression dataset of each query gene, which were converted to thePfam ID [37]. The Kappa measured the percentage ofdata values in the main diagonal of the table and thenadjusted those values for the amount of agreements thatcould be expected due to chance alone.

System developmentThe web application of PLANEX was developed withDancer (Perl web application framework) [38] for theserver side and JQuery (Javascript framework) [39] for theclient side. The co-expression database was combinedwith MongoDB (document-oriented database) [40] andTokyoCabinet (management of database) [41]. MongoDBstored co-expression data as a document file, making theintegration of data in pairwise co-expression applicationseasier and faster. TokyoCabinet stored gene ID data by asingle key and used hashing techniques to enable fast re-trieval of co-expression data of the query gene. This com-bination markedly improved the processing and accessingspeeds of searches. We used the Cytoscape Web [42] todisplay the network on internet browsers. The CytoscapeWeb does not require the installation of a plugin andworks fast for all kinds of browsers. PLANEX operates ona Ubuntu 10.04 [43] sever equipped with a 2.66GHz dualCPU and 8GB RAM.

Utility and discussionWeb interfacePLANEX can be accessed through a user-friendlyweb interface (,see Avaliability an requirements section) that providesthree search menus: ‘Co-expression search’, ‘Cluster net-work’, and ‘Co-expression gene compare’ (Figure 2). The‘Co-expression search’ can be used for co-expressed genesets and PCC values. To search the database, an AffymetrixGeneChip ID or a representative gene ID is used to ‘Searchby IDs’ or a paste sequence is used to ‘Search with BLAST’[44]; two or more representative gene IDs are used to‘Retrieve PCC with gene list’ (Figure 3A). As shown inFigure 3A, PLANEX depends on the selection of optionssuch as species, target, cut-off, BLAST program and e-value. The distributions of random genes were determinedto be cut-off values in each species.

Figure 2 The homepage of PLANEX.

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After a query is submitted to ‘Search by IDs’ or ‘Searchwith BLAST’, the probe match results page is shown.The probe match page indicates the number of probesmatching the query over the total number of probes, aswell as their affinity, shown as ‘match’ (Figure 3B). Thisprobe match page will help discard redundant probes togenes. PLANEX finds many co-expressed genes withinthe cut-off values (Figure 3C). The duplicatedAffymetrix IDs are indicated in the ‘Duplicated’ sectionof the results page (Figure 3D). The co-expressed geneset can be downloaded in CSV format for analysis byGO-TermFinder. GO-TermFinder provides three GOterm enrichment analyses with a hypergeometric p-value< 0.05 at FDR ≤ 10–6 (Figure 3E). After submitting aquery to ‘Retrieve PCCs with gene list’, the gene list will

show the correlation in pairwise format (Figure 3F).PLANEX does not provide a probe match page, but, in-stead, it provides all potentially matching probe sets for agene list, which indicate PCCs and affinity. The data aresupported by GO-TermFinder, which is similar to theother searches.PLANEX allows co-expression network data to be

displayed in a browser. The ‘Cluster network’ is based on k-mean cluster analysis and PCCs, which support ‘Search byIDs’ and ‘Search with BLAST’ functions (Figure 4A). Thenetwork consists of the results of the k-mean cluster ana-lysis, indicated as node, size of node, represented numberof the edge, and the edge indicated by PCCs (Figure 4B).The Kappa statistics analysis tools in PLANEX can be

used to compare co-expressed genes with other species,

Figure 3 An example of a ‘Co-expression Search’. (A) The layout of ‘Co-expression Search’. (B) The results of probe mapping. (C) Co-expression search result. (D) Co-expressed genes with duplicated probe or gene redundancy. (E) Results of a statistical test for gene functionalenrichment. (F) Search result of ‘Retrieve PCCs with gene list’.

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using the ‘Co-expression gene compare’ feature (Figure 5).It accepts only Arabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max, Oryzasativa, Vitis vinifera and Zea mays as protein annotatedplant gene IDs. Any two species can be compared withtheir representative gene ID from Phytozome. The simpleKappa statistics coefficients show the agreement betweentwo co-expressed gene sets, which is measured on a binaryscale. This analysis is useful in comparative genomics todetermine the similarity of co-expressed gene sets or thefunctional similarity of family genes. This approach pro-vides a comparative analysis with commonly reportedmeasurements in the medical literature.

DiscussionPLANEX is a novel database that helps researchers studycomplex biological processes by co-expressed gene setsoverlayed onto a k-mean cluster. ATTED-II, STARNET 2,RiceArrayNet and CoP provide co-expression relation-ships, but they contain only one to three sets of co-expression data. Therefore, an advantage of PLANEX isthat it combines sets of co-expression data from eight

Figure 4 An example of ‘Cluster Network’. (A) The layout of ‘Cluster Ne

different species. Additionally, it clusters and comparesmembers of co-expressed genes. As far as we know,PLANEX is the only system that combines cluster andPCCs data.Another advantage of PLANEX is that probes were

mapped against representative genes by string matchinstead of BLAST. Our probe match script producedpositive results if each base in a probe sequence matchedperfectly with the representative gene sequence withoutany gap.One potential application in PLANEX is GO-TermFinder.

We generated a Saccharomyces Genome Database(SGD) file format for each species. Model species likeArabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa have a large setof functionally annotated genes with GO terms sup-ported by various experimentally-derived evidencecodes. In contrast, other organisms only have annota-tions inferred through electronic annotation (e.g., Vitisvinifera and Zea mays) or completely lack functionalannotation. Since we initially lacked functional GO data,we converted Pfam to GO IDs and built an SGD file for

twork’. (B) The query genes in the co-expressed gene network.

Figure 5 An example of ‘Co-expression gene compare’. (A) The layout of ‘Co-expression gene compare’. (B) The results of probe mapping.(C) Results of a Cohen’s Kappa statistical test for the query genes.

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functional enrichment analysis. However, this mappingshould be used only as a guide.Our previous report of Oryza sativa genome duplica-

tion [45] evidenced the positive (top 1% of PCCs) valueas 0.545, but we used 0.646 as the positive PCCs thresh-old in Oryza sativa for this report. We established thisdifferent criterion because we included more than thegiven number of microarrays, since we believed thatmore microarrays generated more significance for theexpression study. Also, Aoki et al. [46] specified a minimumPCCs value (0.55-0.66) for co-expressed gene retrieval tominimize false gene function relationships. We provided aparticular threshold to retrieve co-expressed genes for eachspecies that showed normal distribution (Figure 1).The ‘Co-expression gene compare’ tab on the PLANEX

menu provides data for comparative genomics. TheArabidopsis genome is believed to contain similar genenumbers to the rice genome, and both have undergone awhole genome duplication event [47,48]. The use of Kappastatistics coefficients is expected to be in accordance withthe degree of expression divergence of the data. Previ-ously, we reported that the rice gene families evidenced a

similar high degree of expression diversity between mem-bers using rice public microarrays [45]. The comparisonof co-expressed genes may support the understanding ofspecialization in the direction of complex biological pro-cesses between members of a gene family over evolution-ary time [49].

ConclusionsThe small, but important, function of comparing co-expressed genes may provide clues to the molecularfunctional conservation or diversity between orthologusgenes, particularly Poaceae family genes. PLANEX canbe used to interpret results of co-expressed genes and,also, to perform delicate analyses in comparative genom-ics. PLANEX complements existing databases and toolssuch as ATTED-II, CoP and STARNET 2.

Availability and requirementsProject name: PLANEXOperating system(s): Platform Independent (tested

on Windows, i386 Linux and Mac)

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Programming Languages: PerlOther requirements: Web browser (tested on Chrome,

Safari and Explorer)License: Creative Commons Attribution LicenseThe serve is freely available at http://planex.plant

Additional file

Additional file 1: Table S1. Public microarray data information inPLANEX.

AbbreviationsACT: Arabidopsis co-expression toolkit; AIX: Advanced interactive eXecutive;DFCI: Dana faber cancer institute; GEO: Gene expression omnibus; GO: Geneontology; KEGG: Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes; PCA: Principalcomponents analysis; PCC: Pearson’s correlation coefficients; PLANEX: ThePLAnt co-EXpression database; PPIs: Protein-protein interactions;SGD: Saccharomyces genome database; TAIR: The arabidopsis informationresource.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsWCY, YY and CSJ designed and implemented the database. WCY and YYconstructed website pages and on-line tools. WCY, CSJ, KS and BML wereresponsible for data collection. WCY and KS participated in the design of thedatabase schema. WCY and BML conceived the study. WCY, CSJ, KS and BMLdrafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript.

AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Kunho Kim for contributing to the PLANEXproject and, thereby, making bioinformatics investigations possible. We thankSilex and Jongjin Lee for building the web interface. We also would like tothanks Hojung Yun for his contribution to various anonymous referees forimprovements in perl and this manuscript.This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program throughthe National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by the Ministry ofEducation, Science and Technology (NRF-2011-0011643).

Author details1Department of Plant Biotechnology, Dongguk Univ-Seoul, Seoul 100-715,Korea. 2Department of Healthcare informatics, The Catholic University ofKorea, Seoul 137-701, Korea. 3Department of Applied Plant Sciences,Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea.

Received: 21 January 2013 Accepted: 16 May 2013Published: 20 May 2013

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doi:10.1186/1471-2229-13-83Cite this article as: Yim et al.: PLANEX: the plant co-expression database.BMC Plant Biology 2013 13:83.

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