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David and GoliathBible Verse

I will live in the LORD’s house as long as I live. (Psalm 23:6)

Bible Story1 Samuel 17:1-51a

Leap of FaithGod’s love is with me all the days of my life.

Before You Begin

The story of David and Goliath is one of the best-known Bible stories. Even people without a religious background know the basic outline of the story.

Painters, sculptors, musicians, poets, and videographers have used this story as subject matter. The tale of David, a young shepherd boy, defeating Goliath, a mighty warrior, has become a metaphor for hope for the underdog. When people are faced with seemingly overwhelming opposition, this story is a reminder that there is a way to overcome.

The first three verses of 1 Samuel chapter 17 set the stage for the rest of the story. The pesky Philistines are back. They have assembled for battle against the Israelites. The Philistine and Israelite armies are camped on opposite sides of a valley. Out of the Philistine camp comes Goliath, who challenges the Israelites to choose one man to fight him in order to decide the battle. The tradition of single, representative combat was not unusual in the ancient world.

Goliath is described as being more than nine feet tall—a height that would be tall even by today’s standards and was understandably intimidating at a time when the average height was much shorter than it is today. Not only was Goliath tall, but also his armor was state of the art. Three verses are devoted to describing Goliath’s armor.

Into this scene comes David, sent by his father to bring food to his three oldest brothers who are in Saul’s army. David arrives at the army camp just as Goliath appears to make his daily challenge. David displays the curiosity we would expect from any young person in this situation. He wants to know what is happening.

David is the first Israelite who appears to be willing to fight Goliath. David is also the first one in the story to describe the situation in a theological context. To David’s way of thinking, Goliath has done more than simply challenge Israel’s army; Goliath has insulted God. It’s this framing of the situation that gives David the courage to face Goliath. David is confident that God is on his side.the

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Session 7October 13

Requires preparation.

70 October 13 GROW Proclaim Serve Large Group/Small Group Ages 3–6 Leader’s Guide

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Explore Interest GroupsThe following activities are planned as interest groups to introduce today’s theme. Be sure that there is at least one adult leader to welcome the children and direct them to the interest groups of their choice. An adult will be needed at each interest group to lead the activity and interact with the children.

Mission Box (Mission Activity)Supplies: CD-ROM, computer, printer & paper, box, glue, scissors

Print the mission pictures (Graphics 6b thru 6e—CD-ROM).

SAY: These are pictures of children in Russia. They are meeting together to worship God, but they don’t have a church building in which to meet. We are collecting money to help them build a church building.

the pictures are too big to fit on the box, cut the pictures into smaller pieces.

envelopes in the box.

they can bring money again next week.

Play in the Box Church (Mission Activity)Supplies: box church from last week (p. 62)

SAY: We’re bringing money to help build church buildings in a country far away from us. Our money will help people in a country called Russia build churches.

the right) as they gallop.

Big and Small (Sorting Activity)Supplies: Reproducible 7b; scissors; construction paper; glue; optional: several items that are big and small, such as a child’s sock and an adult sock, a small block and a big block, a small plastic animal and a big plastic animal, and so forth

(Reproducible 7b) for each child; the footprint will be used later in the activity.

shows things that are small.

Be sure to put the money in a safe place each week. Do not leave it out in the room.

Save the box church for next week.

“Come, Come, Come to Church” (Tune of: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)



Galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping.




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items into big and small piles.

Have the child turn the paper horizontally (longer sides at top and bottom). Show the child how to glue the footprint on one half of the paper.

footprint beside the big footprint on the other half of the paper.

SAY: Today our Bible story is about a BIG man named Goliath and a SMALL young man named David.

How Tall Is Nine Feet? (Science Activity)Supplies: marker, crepe paper or yarn, scissors, masking tape

length by three-foot segments. Hold out one end of the crepe paper or yarn at your nose. Then stretch the crepe paper or yarn out the length of your arm.

in your classroom or in a hallway.

SAY: Today our Bible story is about a very tall man named Goliath and a young man named David. Goliath was nine feet tall. Let’s see how tall you are next to nine feet.

child’s height with a piece of tape. Write the child’s name on the tape.

ASK: What are some things you are afraid of? Are you afraid of the dark? loud noises? big dogs? Would you be afraid of a man as big as Goliath?

SAY: In our Bible story, David is not afraid of Goliath. David knows that God is with him. God is always with us.

Bowl Down Goliath (Game Activity)Supplies: Reproducible 7a, scissors, large clean empty soda bottle or blocks, masking tape, ball

Photocopy and cut out the Goliath face (Reproducible 7a). Tape the face to a clean empty soda bottle. Or tape the Goliath face to a block.

blocks, and place the block with Goliath’s face on top of the stack.

the ball. Let the child roll the ball and try to knock over Goliath.

SAY: Today our Bible story is about a young man named David and a very big man named Goliath. Goliath wanted to fight King Saul’s army. Everyone in the army was afraid to fight Goliath. But David was not afraid. He knew that God was with him. David used five round stones to knock down Goliath. We’ll learn more about what David did with the stones when we hear the Bible story.

72 October 13 GROW Proclaim Serve Large Group/Small Group Ages 3–6 Leader’s Guide

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Make David and Goliath Puppets (Dramatic Activity)Supplies: Reproducible 7a, small paper plates (one per child), large paper plates (one per child), scissors, glue, tape, crayons or markers, craft sticks

(Reproducible 7a) for each child.

crayons or markers.

center of the paper plate.

make a David stick puppet. Write the child’s name on the back of the paper plate.

SAY: Today our Bible story is about a young boy named David. David loved God, and God loved David.

with crayons or markers.

center of the paper plate.

make a Goliath stick puppet. Write the child’s name on the back of the paper plate.

SAY: Our Bible story also tells us about a very big man named Goliath. Everyone in King’s Saul’s army was afraid of Goliath. But David is not afraid. He knows God will be with him.

Large GroupBring the children together to experience the Bible story and worship. Use a bell to alert the children that it is Large Group Time.

God-Is-With-Me Parade (Transition Activity to Large Group)Supplies: David and Goliath puppets made previously (see activity above)

in the column on the right) as you lead the children around the room in a parade. Encourage the children to hold up their puppets as they sing and march.

Older preschoolers may cut out the circles themselves.

Plan to use the David and Goliath puppets during Large Group Time.

“God Is With Me” (Tune: “London Bridge”)

God is with me

all my life, all my life,

all my life.

God is with me

all my life.

God is with me.


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Print the Bible verse poster (October— Unit 2—CD-ROM) and display it in your large group area.

Visit Leaper’s PointeSupplies: DVD, DVD player, television or projector and screen

kids on the DVD. Encourage the children to do the motions as suggested by the words of the chorus.

SAY: Mondo acts out the story of David and Goliath. Let’s watch and see what happens.

David, Goliath.

(DVD) for today’s session.

Learn the Bible VerseSupplies: CD-ROM, computer and screen

live, LORD’s, house, and forever (Graphic 6a—CD-ROM)will live in the LORD

Moving With the Bible StorySupplies: Leader’s Guide—p. 76, David and Goliath puppets made earlier (p. 72)

SAY: Today our Bible story is about David and Goliath. Listen carefully as I tell the story. When you hear me say the name, David, hold up your David puppet and say, “Yay!” When you hear me say the name, Goliath, hold up your Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”

(Leader’s Guide—p. 76), to the children and encourage them to participate in the story.

WorshipSupplies: DVD, DVD player, television or projector and screen, David and Goliath puppets made earlier (p. 72)

DVD. Encourage the children to wave their puppets in the air as the music plays.

® slides about this month’s mission project (Graphics 6b thru 6e—CD-ROM).

SAY: These pictures show children in Russia. We’re bringing money to help build churches in Russia. You can bring money again next week.

SAY: David was not afraid of Goliath because he knew God was with him. God’s love was with David his whole life. God’s love is with us all our lives.

PRAY: Thank you, God, for promising to be with us. Amen.


74 October 13 GROW Proclaim Serve Large Group/Small Group Ages 3–6 Leader’s Guide

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Small GroupsDivide the children into small groups based on age levels. Keep the groups small, with a maximum of ten children in each group. You may need to have more than one of each group.

Ages 3–4 Small GroupSupplies: Leader’s Guide—p. 76, paper, washable paint, shallow containers, rocks or crumpled paper, gluesticks, smocks, paper or plastic tablecloth, scissors, table

(Leader’s Guide—p. 76) for each child.

just enough to cover the bottom of the container.

SAY: Today our Bible story is about a small young man named David and a very big man named Goliath.

ASK: Who was afraid to fight Goliath? (everyone in King Saul’s army) Was David afraid? (No.) Why not? (He knew that God was with him.) Did King Saul’s armor fit David? (No, it was too big.) What did David use to fight Goliath? (five stones)

bottom of the rock into the paint and then press the rock to the paper.

make a pretend rock. Show the child how to dip the bottom of the paper rock into the paint and then press the paper rock to the paper.

SAY: Goliath was so big that everyone in King Saul’s army was afraid of him.

ASK: What are some things that make you feel afraid? Are you afraid of the dark? loud noises? big dogs? What do you do when you are afraid? Do you go to your mom or dad or a grandparent? Do you hold a favorite toy or blanket?

SAY: When you feel afraid, it is always good to find your mom or dad or another person in your family. When you feel afraid, you can also remember that God is with you. God is with you your whole life.

verse on his or her stone prints. Say the Bible verse with the children.

in the column on the right, and encourage the children to do the motions.

SAY: Another thing you can do when you’re afraid is pray. You can tell God how you are feeling, and God will hear you. Let’s pray to God right now.

PRAY: God, thank you for being with us all the time. We know we can talk to you no matter how we feel, even when we are afraid. Thank you, God, for (name each person in the small group). Amen.

When David was just young and small,

(Crouch down.)

he faced a giant big and tall.

(Stand up tall with arms over head.)

But David was not scared that day,

(Shake head no.)

‘cause God was with him all the way.

(Hug yourself.)

Like David, I am young and small,

(Crouch down.)

and sometimes things seem big and tall.

(Stand up tall with arms over head.)

So when I’m scared, I stop and pray

(Fold hands in prayer.)

‘cause God is with me every day.

(Hug yourself.)

Send home a copy

(Leader’s Guide— p. 68) again this week.


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Ages 5–6 Small GroupSupplies: CD-ROM, computer, printer & paper, construction paper, washable paint, shallow containers, rocks or crumpled paper, smocks, paper or plastic tablecloth, table

Print the Bible verse sign language (Graphic 6a—CD-ROM), and photocopy it for each child.

just enough to cover the bottom of the container.

SAY: Today our Bible story is about a small young man named David and a very big man named Goliath.

ASK: Who was afraid to fight Goliath? (everyone in King Saul’s army) What are some things that make you feel afraid? Are you afraid of the dark? storms? loud noises? big dogs? What do you do when you are afraid? Do you go to your mom or dad or a grandparent? Do you hold a favorite toy or blanket?

SAY: When you feel afraid, it is always good to find your mom or dad or another person in your family. When you feel afraid, you can also remember that God is with you. Our Bible verse can help us remember that God is with us our whole lives.

paper. Have the child glue the sign language page in the center of the paper.

ASK: Was David afraid of Goliath? (No.) Why not? (He knew that God was with him.) Did King Saul’s armor fit David? (No, it was too big.) What did David use to fight Goliath? (five stones)

how to dip the bottom of the rock into the paint and then press the rock to the paper.

make a pretend rock. Show the child how to dip the bottom of the paper rock into the paint and then press the paper rock to the paper.

in the column on the right, and encourage the children to do the motions.

SAY: Another thing you can do when you’re afraid is pray. You can tell God how you are feeling, and God will hear you. Let’s pray to God right now.

PRAY: God, thank you for being with us all the time. We know we can talk to you no matter how we feel, even when we are afraid. Today we pray for (name the children’s prayer requests). Thank you, God, for (name each person in the small group). Amen.

When David was just young and small,

(Crouch down.)

he faced a giant big and tall.

(Stand up tall with arms over head.)

But David was not scared that day,

(Shake head no.)

‘cause God was with him all the way.

(Hug yourself.)

Like David, I am young and small,

(Crouch down.)

and sometimes things seem big and tall.

(Stand up tall with arms over head.)

So when I’m scared, I stop and pray

(Fold hands in prayer.)

‘cause God is with me every day.

(Hug yourself.)

Send home a copy

(Leader’s Guide— p. 68) again this week.


76 October 13 GROW Proclaim Serve Large Group/Small Group Ages 3–6 Leader’s Guide

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named Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

Goliath (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”) was King Saul’s enemy. He was a very BIG man. He

King Saul and everyone in his army were afraid of Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

No one wanted to fight the very BIG man. King Saul and his army did not know what to do.

David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) was the youngest of eight sons. His three oldest brothers were in Saul’s army. David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) stayed home, watching over the family’s sheep.

“David” (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”), said

So David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) took bread and cheese to his brothers in King Saul’s army.

When David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”)arrived at the camp, he saw Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

shouted Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

David. (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) Goliath.” (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

David. (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) from lions and bears. I can fight the BIG man just like I fight the lions and bears. I know God will be

But when he put on King Saul’s armor, he couldn’t David. (Hold up

David puppet and say, “Yay!”)

David. (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”)

So David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) took off the armor and got his slingshot. He found five smooth stones and put them in his shepherd’s bag. Then he went to meet Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

The very BIG man saw the small shepherd boy coming toward him.

Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

David. (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”)

Then David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”) put a stone in his slingshot and slung it at Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

The stone hit Goliath (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”) in the head. He fell down to ground.

David (Hold up David puppet and say, “Yay!”), the small young shepherd boy, won the fight against the very BIG Goliath. (Hold up Goliath puppet and say, “Boo!”)

(Based on 1 Samuel 17:1-51a.)

David and Goliath

I will live in the LORD’s house as

long as I live. Psalm 23:6

96 Fall 2013 GROW Proclaim Serve Large Group/Small Group Ages 3–6 Leader’s Guide

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Reproducible 7a: David and Goliath Puppets



Unit 2 Reproducibles GrowProclaimServe.com 97

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Reproducible 7b: Big and Small

small: mouse big: elephant

big: dolphin small: fish

big: tree small: apple

small: baby big: woman

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