"david & goliath: the power of the underdog" by malcolm gladwell

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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18 takeaways from bestselling author and New Yorker magazine writer Malcolm Gladwell from his keynote presentation at Inbound 2014. Get 288 more takeaways from Rand Fishkin, Chris Brogan, and more in our free eBook at http://research.frac.tl/inbound-2014-takeaways.



#Inbound14 Speaker Quotes brought to you by Fractl

Manage your fear.

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Inbound marketing is at a point of convergence with inbound sales.

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People like to buy from humans, not faceless companies.

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Transformation is much more than using skills, resources, and technology. It’s all about habits of mind.

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Transforming your business takes the right attitude and courage.

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Seemingly small innovation can revolutionize industries when we look for new solutions to old problems.

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It’s simply not enough to have great ideas, focus, and discipline; you also need to be the kind of person who will tune out the naysayers.

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There is one emotion that no relationship can stand: contempt.

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The world doesn’t embrace you if you’re doing something transformative. They look at you as if you’re a weirdo.

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You have to have the courage to stand up and say, “I have a new way of doing things, and I don’t care if you think I’m crazy.”

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Was Steve Jobs smarter than the guys at Xerox? No, Xerox was smarter. They were first to invent the mouse, and Steve Jobs just stole it. Was Steve Jobs wiser? No, Xerox was wiser. They had the insights into the future of PCs. So what was the advantage Steve Jobs had? Why do we use Apple and not Xerox? It was because Steve Jobs was in a hurry; he had a sense of urgency.

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The people who came before Malcolm McLean conceived of containers in the context of their own existing business model. They approached business as tweaking or improving, instead of revolutionizing.

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As human beings we are hardwired to want the approval of our peers.

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Successful transformations reframe the problem that makes the solution possible. They erase existing boundaries and start from scratch.

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Powerful, important, profitable businesses with enormous customer bases are gone. Why? Because they couldn’t accept the simple act of reframing. They lacked the imagination to see how to change the world.

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The most successful entrepreneurs not only have courage and imagination, they also have a sense of urgency. They’re not willing to wait. They have a burning desire to get something done.

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Urgency, courage, and imagination are not dependent on intelligence, skills, and resources. The latter is important, but you need the former to understand the foundation of transformation.

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You are what you publish online. If you’re not publishing, you’re nothing.

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